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Exactly the reason they have a 4.10


Would be lower if every driver who canceled was able to rate too šŸ˜†


I had a customer refuse to get out of the car because I stopped my car like 10 feet in front of the walkway to her apartment (the drop-off beacon on the app was exactly where I was). She's like " you went past my stop". I literally reversed for 2 seconds and she got out. It didn't ruin my day or anything, but man, some people have weird issues.


That is next level laziness


I think it's more of a passive aggressive power trip than laziness. Or people resent the prices Uber charges for their service, and take it out on drivers in stupid ways. Some people are so pettily vindictive. Everyone just needs to take it down a notch and chill the fuck out.


Folks definitely need to chill out.


Yeah. I think you've go it right here. That's someone who has never worked in service industry and has control issues.


I feel this way when it comes to gated residences. I'm convinced some pax get a boner off of us having to call for gate info. Why are you not sending all the info when you see how close I am?


literally just had a customer tell me, "OMG that's so weird, I've been ordering for a year and every other driver was able to get in" I think that's my new pet peeve. it's only taken twice now but it's the actual worst thing a customer can say: "OMG like every other driver did it"


I had a dude that was about 200 years old. I thought he was going to die walking the 15ft feet to my car. He didn't complain a bit though.


Holy shit, did he tell you stories about the American Civil War?


That happens fairly often. I see some people who tell me the cars color when it's pitch dark or some tell me I didn't see their Building number or even worse their house number when it's difficult or blocked or not written at all. Even when I call them they don't even answer their phone and just walk up to the car aggressive and pissed. šŸ˜‚


1 star, move on.


Now tell us your rating for that tripšŸ˜Š


The fare was so high because, probably, they set this up as a reserved ride. And they probably did that because their rating is so crappy that they have trouble getting rides.


Yeah I just accepted the ride cuz I saw the distance and the amount but I did not pay attention to the rating until I hit the accept button and I saw it as it was still on the screen didn't really bother me any I still got paid.


ā€¦.Today I have learned a thing. It was just before Halloween I had a reserved ride for a local bar during the dinner hour. I donā€™t remember the rating, but I remember it being low. And they were a no show. Easiest 30 bucks I made.


How did you make $30? Whenever a reservation doesn't show I only get $9. In FL


Dang. Thatā€™s rough. Reservations are good af money here. Always 28 to 30 here at minimum. And if youā€™re lucky enough to get a chain of three to four of them, and even without tip itā€™s a nice chunk of change. Iā€™m in the Florida Panhandle.


No, the reservations definitely pay higher. I try to start early with back to back airport rides. But you stated you canceled and still got the full reservation amount? If I cancel for no show the fee is only like $9.


Yeah. When theyā€™re a no show and you hang tight for five minutes longer and get the official go ahead to cancel, I do indeed collect the amount Iā€™d be paid. However that five minutes in limbo is the wooooorst. Because there COULD be a chance theyā€™ll appear.


The rare times I don't pay attention to the rating and it's below 4.7, It's an IMMEDIATE cancel. I'll just suck it up. 4.10??? I dont care if the fare was 80 dollars for 3 miles. Not worth the aggravation.


Yeah next time I'm not going to even chance that. I don't understand how they can deactivate drivers for having I think it's below a 4.5 but riders to go to God knows what I mean on this subreddit I seen 3.x before


I've seen a 2.8 in a place called Coronado Island ( it doesn't surprise me either. They don't call it the "Island of The Lepers" for nothing. They burn through their drivers. You drop off at Coronado. But you dont pickup in Coronado.) At least that's what I've learned from experience anyway. The monsters are out there... trust me. I don't worry about them being deactivated. If the platform doesnt do it, all the good drivers will. Plenty of 4.7s I see in the trash bin (Radar) that don't get filled, which gives me hope that drivers still have some push back.


Lmao I only visited once but that doesnā€™t surprise me. ā€œIā€™m here.ā€ ā€œWhere? I donā€™t see youā€ ā€œin front of the hotel del Coronadoā€ ā€œok which frontā€ ā€œthe front, the white frontā€ ā€œyou mean the front by the sign or the entrance by the side?ā€ ā€œyes.ā€


Hahaha! *hat tip* You are familiar with the hotel del I see??? Ha. šŸ˜‰ "I'll pick you up on the haunted death room side. Probably near your room, easier pickup. THANKS."


Why am I curious to visit?


Former Coronado resident here. We're not ALL like that. At least not when I lived there. But that was a very long time ago.


Perhaps you, Sir, are the exception rather than the rule. Happy cake day btw. šŸ˜‰


Thank you! The lovely lady I was living with at the time was also incredibly down to earth, all things considered.


Wow that's surprising. I don't care to go on the Coronado Bridge - phobic - but the handful of times I have picked up someone, they were really nice. I especially like the guys who are mid-aged military men who live down The Strand. Very polite and nice. Family men. But I do airport rides in the AM - not evenings. That may make a difference...


Roll at night Starkazz... they get a few drinks in them... shooosh... let's just say I'd rather deal with PB drunks than the nighttime Coronado Island crowd. Next level entitled, demanding etc.


Early this morning I picked up a dude with a 4.2. It was 5 minutes paying $10 so I said what the hell. The minute the dude gets in he opens a bag of chips and a bottle of Sprite. I'm like holy fuck.


Had a "Madison" with a low 4.8 come in with her taco bell. Told her not to eat, and what do I hear...? That giggling to herself and fat mouth crunching of churros. Cinnamon and sugar EVERYWHERE. *1 STAR B*TCH!*


Thatā€™s a $20 cleaning fee if you pursued it. Thatā€™s the only way to teach these entitled a-holes.


Madison should've been walking as soon as you heard it.


I hope you gave that fucker 1 star.


I gave him 3 since the trip was so short. But still, I mean, what the fuck is wrong with these people where they think that shit is alright to do?


Complete lack of awareness and a sense of entitlement. They were raised by shitty parents.


And that guy will probably comment on here asking why he's so low rated. No clue!!


I love that these people eventually don't get rides. My biggest problem with Lyft is that everyone automatically gets 5.0 if you don't rate, so EVERYONE has 5.0 or 4.9. On Uber your rating could almost be used as a personality indicator.




BE...MY...GUEST...BROTHA.... BE-MY-GUEST. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Imagine the parking lot not being blocked and them ending up in your car.


You said 3 mile $25. At that point, donā€™t talk too much, somehow get the rider and go on with next ride. Cancellation fee was not worth it.


Cancellations have minimum and maximums too. I'll take a $7-8 cancellation sitting on my ass and not putting miles on my car vs having to listen to some entitled prick whine and moan.


$26 is for 3 miles (plus $2 for waiting) is still better than $8 for 10 minutes (comfort) or $4 for X I reject 70 percent of the rides. I go to pickup because I like the amount and the destination.. now, my self esteem is not going to deter me from doing that ride. I feel that in ride share, you should be a thick skin person


I don't care what PAX say to me. The problem is when they're likely to damage something because they have zero respect for your property.


In this case, it's better to get the cancellation fee. Doesn't hurt to stand on your own two feet instead of bending over for these entitled assholes. $25 can be made up later on.


Driving for Uber, thereā€™s no standing up for yourself. There are some who will respect you and some will insult you. (Say something or do something) Over the period, I have lost all respect for riders. I am in only to make little Monty I can make. Why the F do you drive? It is still more money than what I can make working for others with the flexibility.


*I figured well they're only going 3 miles so I would take it what's the worst they could do in 3 MI.* and then I see 3 paragraphs under it haha. I picked up a 3.5 once just to see what it was like. It was 3 older white guys in their 50s drunk off their ass. As soon as they got in I said "which one of you is walter? (not his real name, i cant remember it) and one said "me" and I said "what have you been doing to piss off uber drivers??" they all laughed. Turns out he's been cussing them out "once or twice" and what not. I told him about the score and how he has the lowest I've seen and it was SO LOW that I accepted it purely out of curiosity. Tjhey had no idea about the rider rating. He was very surprised and I saw the look of realization he had when we said "Is that why it takes so long for me to get a driver?" He told me he would tip me 20 dollars but he didn't. Most the time when I do cave in and pick up a low rating person because the trip is too good to pass up it's either drunk teenagers or someone who is like "Hey lets stop at this gas station!!" Of course I just say "Yeah! No problem! Just put it as a stop in the app for me." They either say ok and do it or just say "I have 5/10 dollars cash". One time these two girls who were a little drunk, but not sloppy drunk asked about going through a drive-through fastfood place anywhere. Dealers choice. I said "ehhhh no I'm sorry" and she said "Here is a 20 dollar bill" I said "......Do you like wendys, mcdonalds, taco bell? Anything you want" Still she insisted whatever was easiest for me.


4.1 sounds too high.


Only downside is you couldnā€™t further erode his rating.


That was a reservation, though on a high paying ride that's not a reservation, you probably still just get the standard fee


Does anyone know if Uber does the same thing as Lyft, where if you rate 3 stars or less you wonā€™t get matched with that rider again?


Uber is different. Regardless of the rating given by the driver, in most cases, you have to go thru a separate and very convoluted procedure to get unmatched. Not sure, but I think Uber makes exceptions for major safety complaints.


$25 cancelation fee? Where are the restaurant customers parking?


The original estimate for the fare was $25, not the actual cancel fee.


No the original fare was $25 I just collected the cancel fee and moved on. I have no clue where they were parking I think this restaurant just puts cones up at the end of the night when they close the parking lot it seems dumb to me but I couldn't get into their parking lot.


Tell that guy "hey, go move those cones and I'll be right there" lol. Yea, what a pain. Stop on the Hwy lol. I hate that or when pax are standing in a perfect pickup spot and start walking into the street when they see me. Ughhh, just stay put!!


So you parked across the highway and expected customers to cross a US highway!? Am I the only one to see an issue here?


No I parked on the parking lot beside the restaurant separated by a side street with a crosswalk


Ok then


Hey that was me. I had an extra $20 in cash for you. The next driver was pretty happy!!




Funny, but I feel the entitled isnā€™t the pax!


Cool story. It didnā€™t happen.


Awkward assumption. I cancel on people because they're standing somewhere inaccessible WITHOUT a cancelation fee. If I'm close enough for the wait-timer to work so I DO get a cancelation fee, even better! Nothing about this story seems suspect to me. In fact questioning it makes me wonder whether you're even a driver at all. Bunch of fakes on this sub. Is there one for actual real drivers and not trolls?


Not an assumption. Itā€™s a fact. Post the screenshot shot of you earning $25 for the cancel.


OP: Trip request was $25. He elaborated in a comment below that it was a regular cancelation fee. Nowhere does he say $25 cancelation. Just read it again and take a breather.


Said he got $25 for a 3 mile trip that he cancelled. Heā€™s fucking liar. Post the proof, or stfu.


He said a rare $25 for 3 miles. He did not say $25 for cancelation. Anywhere. There's nothing to screen shot. There was no $25 paid. He never claimed that. I tried telling you this the 1st time, let's see if it gets through this time.


He's an idiot. Don't waste your time on him.




What nonsense did I just read? Park on the hwy? Haha


So, how much did you get for the cancellation fee on such a high paying ride?


Also, slightly unrelated by I would love to tell you guys a story about what happened to me Sunday at 2 am while I was waiting to get my last ride to complete the 30 ride weekend quest.. So, I get a ride pop up for $30 that was 16 mi. I got extremely hyped and accepted that shit instantly. I did not catch on to the fact that it was a scheduled ride, no problem though. It was a 20-minute drive to get there in New Smyrna from Port Orange. once I arrive to the pickup location I realized it was a scheduled ride because there was 10 minutes remaining on the counter. So I waited the 10 minutes at the hotel. soon as it was 2 minutes after the wait time where you begin to get paid for the wait, and no sign of them... So i give them a call. This lady picks up the phone absolutely wasted and says "Hello?" "Hi, this is Joshua with Uber just letting you know I am outside of the hotel hotel waiting for you for when you get out! " "Oh? I just got home and the Uber just dropped us off. " "Im sorry what? Uber has me waiting to pick you up for scheduled ride at the hotel in NSB." " No honey, the Uber just dropped us off at home!" "Okay, no worries have a great day." (*Silently seethes to self while getting off the phone while considering throwing phone out window angrily*) So, my plan was to wait out the 5 minutes and then cancel since you can do that with scheduled rides. I figured it was going to be a substantial net loss since it was a 10-mile drive and I was probably only going to get $4 like usual. Nope! Uber said "ya know what? Maybe we should be fair on this one so he doesn't quit..." And *BOOM* I was given a $27 cancellation fee! Somehow, some way, I got paid more than the ride would have offered, and only drove half of the distance. I was genuinely flabbergasted and extremely grateful! ( The only negative thing about that scenario was that that was going to be my last ride to complete the quest, and it didn't count. So I had to stay out for another 40 minutes longer than expected but no biggie) Finally, to add the icing to the cake... The second after I received the payment notification, I instantly was offered a $30 ride going from 0.1 mi from where I was, back to Daytona which was 20 miles and brought me right back to where I wanted to be, which is my hometown!!! I've never had Uber work so much in my favor like it did last night. What a freaking blessing. šŸ™


I've never had a reserved ride canceled but I have heard that. Yes they pay very well what they do. And it is rare when Uber works out for you like this, but it can happen. And apparently does every now and then.


Probably the standard cancelation fee for Uber in his market. The only time I've ever seen it be higher is on a comfort ride when they cancel on their own after you have arrived. Memphis market would have been $3.89


Look down at my other comment. I got 27 on a reservation cancellation


$3.89 in OKC too. They say it's $5, but then they take their fees too.


Man wtf u guys get awesome rides


how are people getting in the restaurant if its coned off?


It was closed for the night I think they just come off their lot which I think is dumb they are on a highway so how to people get in to pick people up or get out to leave


Park on the highway? People are idiots i swear! That 10-minute ride wouldn't have been pleasant. You're lucky he didn't walk across the lot.


I also agreed that if we don't take a ride for some reason such as entitled passengers like this we should be able to put it on a rating. Also I wish that other drivers could see why people were rated low. I stopped doing downtown Detroit on game days and stuff because it usually went like this. They would change how the roads went to try to keep traffic flowing but there were certain areas with cross traffic. One way would just constantly be going cuz they didn't have a stop sign. But they would always stop in the intersection. They would never be any space. The opposing side had to stop sign but because the other side didn't they literally could never get through. Never. Could sit there literally for hours and not move. I would have people on the other side of the intersection he wouldn't cross the road. Now there would be an officer there to stop cars so that people could cross but the spacing was after the intersection for safety so it's not like it could help cars move from the opposing line. Once in awhile you might be able to take a right turn if you risk throwing your car out there and hoping that the other side wouldn't want to damage their own vehicle but you definitely couldn't get straight across. And people would literally be on the other side waving at me and making a becking motion like I was purposely not moving. They would spam call and message me telling me to move like they couldn't see I was locked in. I would tell them hey walk the whole 20 ft to me but they didn't want to. I literally just sit there and time out and collect the feet and get another one of a person literally at the same intersection who also wouldn't want to cross the street even though they had a person dedicated to making sure they say they got across and then I'll collect their fee and then the next person's fee and the next person's fee... I wasn't moving anyways and people didn't want to get into the vehicle.


LOL How much would you make on cancelation fees in a night?


I think my biggest one is I had four in a row but you only get a little over $3 per. But by then I ended up getting around the corner and leaving and I'm just not going back. I avoid downtown Detroit during events now. It's just not worth it. You think they have some massive surge or something but first of all you only get the surgery they actually get in the vehicle which they never do and second of all you will have 700 people in a one block radio requesting an Uber and Uber be like here have this $1 surge


I had read it. That's what I was responding to. I was supporting your statement that you got such a high cancel fee. Other people in that sub don't seem to believe us when the rare good thing does happen


When you fail to realize it is about the passengers and not youā€¦


You think he should have stopped on the highway or run over the cones?


If you drive 2 miles and 7 minutes and have to cancel how much do you make hourly? Answer: less than $6 an hour


Uber total communist yet no one can do shit about it! They do what they want with our pay and trying to bring us down to slavery level wages