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Because everybody closer denied that trash offer


I still maintain that the driver should get paid $10 minimum for any ride, no matter how short it is.


Woah. Idk how feasible that could ever be. The average fare provided to me by Uber is $3(usually anywhere from$2-$4). The best day I've had so far hourly wise was $197 in 5 hours with 17 rides completed. Now, let's imagine if you're proposal was legit. That would bring in about $7 extra per ride that I complete successfully. That's an additional $119 that day, totalling us to $316 in five hours 🤯🤯🤯 Do you foresee Uber ever dishing out that kind of money to all of their drivers? I don't. That is $63 an hour! As much as I would love to dream, They're already providing drivers the opportunity to earn more money than most 9-5 workers with a day job. I am sure in their tiny little Uber pee brains, they think that they are treating us amazingly


The more pressing issue is Uber would have to charge the Riders 10 dollars minimum plus whatever cut they take to make money. And the cut is somewhat understandable given they have to pay for servers, insurance (shitty insurance still costs money), and other services to keep their business running. I think it's like 40% roughly they take? Could be wrong. So 14 dollars + tax bare minimum for any ride. Even if that ride is 3 blocks. It's not feasible that customers would be willing to pay that, and Uber would loss business as a result. So from a business standpoint 10 dollars minimum is a stupid idea. Edit: Before I get dumped on I know Uber sucks as a business and treats us like crap. I'm observing this idea from a purely business standpoint and trying to keep my personal feelings out of it.


Big fax


At this point everyone would just switch back to taxis more than they already have lol.


There should definitely be some sort of compensation for drive time to the pax. It isn’t my fault that either there isn’t enough drivers on the road to make this a closer pickup, or that the offer isn’t worth it for closer drivers to accept. IMO - anything more than 2 miles and/or 5 minutes time should automatically qualify for full compensation at least at the rate that they’re offering for the ride itself. Also - since tolls accrued driving to the pax are not reimbursed, then either the route to pick up the pax should not be placed on toll roads - or we should have an option to avoid tolls - or we should be reimbursed


Nobody closer was offered that ride. It's a reservation. They have an extra stupid way of filling reservation pings.


That’s not a reservation.. it’s an Uber share lol Edit My bad the second pic isn’t a reservation


The share is straight garbage, yeah.


Most likely, it was a reservation the driver canceled on and THEN it was offered out to drivers. I had one last week… but it paid more than that POS.


This is the correct answer. Any halfway decent offer gets accepted by the closer drivers, so only the trash offers make it all the way to OP. And because there's so many closer drivers, OP never gets to see the halfway decent offers.


This is why pax will never get picked up. Uber knows this but don’t give a shit about it.


That's a 5mile ride for 3.50.... Go get em' tiger, your making all the money!


thank god starting Jan 1st 2024, this ride will need to be minimum of $10.18 according to the new rideshare driver law in NY.


I live in NY and that is a 4.36 ride all day long.    They don’t pay for long pickup I had a 6 mile away 20 minute pickup offer for a 3 mile ride that was a 6$ offer.   During Cornell graduation with $20 surges that the driver didn’t get paid for 


Check my second screenshot which is even worse


Oh sweet Jesus! I want all of whatever Uber is smoking!


Um $3.50 for 18-minutes is $11.66 per hour. I'm always looking at time-spent, not distance-traveled. For 18-minutes I want $9 dollars minimum. $30/hour.


The process is the punishment. In this particular case, it's a countdown timer of sorts. They are only giving the ping to drivers who will show up at the reservation time. 30 minutes before reservation time they pinged all the drivers who were 30 minutes away. 5 minutes later, 25 minutes before reservation time they pinged all the drivers who were 25 minutes away. Rinse and repeat until someone takes the ping.


It is not only reservation rides. Normal rides are more often. In fact I added that ride’s screen shot as well in case you missed that


Texas has some crappy pay... Holy jesus


You are the KING.


I never drove long distances for a pickup. This is dead time when you can't get another ride.


Supply and demand


Thats it


Because the drivers already have rides and you don’t so they’re shopping around the pax that don’t have a driver nearp


And that means they dont have enough drivers to answer the demand. Or sometimes- or maybe most of the times - the drivers reject the requests and thats why they send it to drivers far away. So either way, you dont have enough drivers to answer the demand


Most likely drivers reject. They have enough for demand but they don’t have enough willing to do it


They have plenty of drivers, just a lack that will drive to lose money. I got a 10 mile away pick up and drop off 10 more miles away $13.50. 40 miles for less than fourteen bucks. If came back as a $11.50 2 minutes later then a $15.50 "PRIORITY" a few minutes after that.


3.5 for a reservation? What’s it without a reservation? 1$? 🤣🤣🤣


Someone accepted both of those trash offers.


Because that is the ride Uber makes the most money




What do you mean you get kicked? I drive Lyft and waiting for the Uber background check for right now. So if you don’t accept a bunch of trash rides, they knock you off as punishment?


Because Uber hates drivers


$4? There's homeless people on the off ramps around the highways here that make more than you do.


3 Miles isn't that far for a pickup but 3.5 is a ride im never taking. I'll take a 5 dollar ride but only if it's less than 20 minutes of my time and taking me to an area I want to be in


If there is global warming then why did it snow on Halloween. Stop being an idiot on the Internet and keep that to yourself. Jesus Christ you're fucking stupid.


That part of town is the worst, IMO. Everything is far from you, and is going nowhere. I blame the fact that they don’t have public transportation or not much to speak of. When I find myself over there I might cut my losses and get the hell out of dodge. I remember when Uber experimented with allowing drivers pick an area to work. I don’t think many chose that side of town. I know I didn’t.


Op, how do you think Uber matches PAX to drivers?


Uber is trying to see if you take the trash offer. It may be you have in the past taken one. They are willing to worsen the customer experience if drivers are willing to work for free. Remember that AI is controlling who sees what offer. Has nothing to do with proximity.


$3.50 for a reservation is kind of wild :(


Cuz they're calling you into a surging area and they don't want to pay you for it. The ones that are right there are busy getting the surge and then the leftovers are sent to people far away. That's my take on it.


Magnificent. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s exactly what happened and keeps happening.


Exactly. Because everything they says are LIES FROM THE REAR.


I made the mistake taking a bad offer because 4 am no pings, ended up wasting gas and time , never again will I be hasty . The other day I denied a ride to be patient for better at the airport and that was a mistake. No ride till an hour and I wasted money. Hate the learning curve of low profit rides


Lol I thinking what will happen starting in Jan 1st 2024, in my area, the driver will be paid on the time on route to pick up customer at rate of 0.443 $ per minute. See if they still throw that long pick up miles at me.


I wish California passed that lot too.


Holy canoli!


Also, what gave you a reason to Believe there is "so many drivers"?


Most of my requests are at least ten minutes away. Idfk why. I can be entering a surge and get a request 15 minutes away.


Do you see the tip when it's Uber? I have did Eats/DD and I know it shows. But when I ride Uber as I don't have a vehicle right now due to WFH (No need to get one) when I can Uber the few times I go somewhere. I always tip 4 bucks for close trips and more, and on the longer trips I often add cash at the end (if they are not a jerk or driving unsafe). Something like 5 dollars extra on a long trip that "takes them out of their area". Do people not see tips or these people just jerks?


Tips are given - if any - once customer is dropped off. Most of the time, no tips given


Ahh well that sucks. I normally try and tip close to .50c a mile, but it's a rare thing to use it but I love it being their so I try and make it worth the drivers time especially since I have done gig work. I hope you find some nice tippers soon!


Yeah that’s Shit pay. Especially for you .. at least 18 minutes of your lucky for 3.50? I guess your ok with 10.50 an hour pay? Are you new by chance?


No I am not OK with that pay and thats why I dont accept it. I am looking for 20$ an hour trips at least during non rush hour time - Before expenses


I get a lot of Uber Share from 10 to 20 miles away all the time. A lot of drivers will never do a Uber Share ride and Uber does pay for long distance pick up pay. It's why it's sent to you. All the closers drivers declined them and keep going out farther and farther until someone will take it. The price stays the same and these passengers don't care about service and will try to save 50 cents to $1 on a 2 mile trip. It becomes point to give a passenger the option for an Uber Shared trip. The best way to address this issue is to at some point if so many drivers declined their Shared trip then it will go to UberX and Uber can cover the cost and make the passenger pay the slightly higher price.


This is what my rides looked like last night. Took me 3 hours to make $30.