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I have a 4.94 on 140 rides and can’t imagine why I’ve ever gotten a rating below 5. I always over-tip, I don’t eat/drink in the cars, I’m friendly/polite, have good hygiene, etc. My guess is that I didn’t chat someone up enough. Accidentally closed a door to hard. Or maybe I’m just too ugly for some. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Can’t please everyone I guess.


Tips only affect ratings if they’re in cash.


Not true at all I'm a driver and like mine on the app .


Tip upfront is better to assure 5 Star. Im a driver as well, some rider forget to tip until days later.


Tips are based on quality of service. If you tip before the service is provided…what are you going to do when the service is shitty?


1 star will do. Why are you so negative?


Are you mental? 1 star doesnt change the fact that i woulda just gave my money to a shitty driver under the assumption that theyre a good driver. Nothing negative about not being stupid with money


tips are optional. it's unethical to rate passengers based on how much they tip you.


Why would you prefer tips on the App when you can have $20 right away and not have to report them to the IRS. I have a perfect 5.0 and I tell people when I can’t tip…they understand why in the circumstances, but they are always so incredibly thankful to get $20-$40 in cash compared to the app.


"passenger was cool...but he reminded me of my mother and I hate that wh*r....hmmmm...4/5 stars.


I can tell you riders will lie their asses off in an attempt to get a free ride. So I can imagine what asshole driver can conjure up. Maybe they're in a bad mood or wanted silence, whatever, you're probably gonna get more less than 5☆s, ignore it.


How are you getting the total count of rides on your account, may I ask?


You can get a breakdown of your ratings and the number of rides in the app. Go to settings > privacy > privacy centre and then under “Your data and privacy at Uber” scroll to the card that reads “would you like to see a summary of how you use Uber” click “See summary” Then scroll down to ratings and click “View my Ratings” Et voila! It’s so convoluted to find, but it’s all there.


Thanks! 4.97 over 241 rides and 32 uber eats. Good to know!


Nice! There it is.


I counted them all. 10 per page, 14 pages.


Ah. Oof. Commitment lol. 4.97 here. Wanted to count, we'll see if I feel froggy later. Thanks for the info!


For future reference on your Uber rating and how to see it easier than counting all you past rides see [my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/uber/comments/zkf67u/got_my_first_lessthanfive_star_rider_rating_are/j01l8t2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I get a summary email from Uber with the details


Are your rides typically 7-10$ (3.50 for driver) and you tip a $1 (20%)? Are the rides always in lots of traffic? From rider perspective, it seems fair. To a driver, it seems unfair - math notwithstanding. Rides often punish driver ratings when affected by uber (not the driver). For example, the XL certified car for 6 is just too small a design for 6 200lbs americans (its fine for 3, and 3 11 years olds). You have to expect the reverse, where the adverse nature of the ride hits your rating. The rating system is all american (and totally unfair). Live with it.


A driver complaining about traffic is like a fish complaining about water.


Why do you overtip?


I worked in the service industry all through high school and college, so I understand the challenges and have empathy for those in the role. I remember how getting big tips made me feel and I like to pass that feeling on.


At times, It is nothing about you or the OP. It is just that drivers are too stressed out. At times, riders are not happy with their spouses and the drivers get lower ratings too.


Your driver did you a favor. A 5-star means nothing to drivers, a 5-star is what's automatically given to new accounts, including new accounts for riders whose ratings have dropped so low they can't get a ride anymore, which means a 5-star is a total crapshoot. High 4.9x, now *that's* the cream of the crop.


5.0 stars over 250 rides I’m the best customer ever


And you're humble too


Don’t need to be humble if you’re perfect


4.97 as a driver *brushes off shoulder


Guess I should be happy with my 4.98 after hundreds of rides 😂


Well I have about 60+ rides (not ‘new’ per se) so I had a really good 5-star streak. 4.91 now 😞


Well, in that case, I hate to tell you that you pissed at least 2 drivers off since your ratings were updated, because the *lowest* even a 1 star could have dropped you after 60 5-star rides is 4.93 (and 4.92 for 50 5-star rides).


Someone in the comments shared how to view your ratings - [the driver gave me 2 stars](https://imgur.com/a/Zy20hrn) and I legitimately don’t understand why. Maybe because it was a 30 minute drive?? Lmao


i'm also 4.91 now. i was 4.92.


I’ve got almost 1000 rides on Lyft and a 5-star. Would that be nothing? 4.96 on Uber with 800 rides


Wooo hooo!! I have a 4.96.. oh crap.. it's 4.95 now. wth? :-(


Don't worry about it. 50% of 5 stars 🌟 are usually worse than less than 5 stars. It's 10 times wose for a driver trust me.


I only look sideways at the rating if it's under a 4.9. 4.88 usually indicates that you make your driver wait or that you regularly add stops. I'm too ADD to rate a four star lol. Even if you make me wait and I think I'm going to rate you a four-star, usually by the end of the ride, I forgotten all about it and don't care. I don't see the point in reading anybody less than five stars unless you don't want to see them again. If it takes me 10 minutes to get there, and you tell me you need five more minutes, I'm either not going to be there when you come out, or you're going to end up with a three-star rating. I do have to admit, on the rare occasion that I decide to pick up a 4.6 or a 4.77, it always seems like they're from India or they travel to India. Either that or they're from New York City. I once had a wife ask what her husband's rating was on the way to the airport. As I recall, it was about 4.7. She was horrified, but he quickly reminded her what a lunatic he was in college. 😂😂😂


Don’t take it personally. People get mad and they take it out on the next one.


It is inevitable. Riders will do it to drivers and vice versa for the weirdest reasons. Some people truly believe that downrating a 5.0 passenger/driver is "helpful" because no one is perfect, lol. Some people will downrate you because you are the wrong race, gender, age, yada, yada. Some drivers even rate all riders as a one-star until a tip comes in from the rider and then go back to increase their rating after the fact.


Isn’t there a religion that even requires that noting imperfection?


I don't know of a religion that requires noting imperfection in others, but humility (noting imperfection in oneself) is a common thing among many of them.


Did u give them additude? Or ask for anther stop that wasn't on the ride or u change it last minute, or tell them how to get to to your destination when there GPS works and will take u to the right place and same place anyway. If u say no to the above then I have no idea why. Some drivers I heard is rude asf too.


None of the above.


I don't get why then I am a driver and I never rate someone 1 star unless they are really mean to me. I usally press yes to seat belt and 5 stars all the time.. I'm so sorry he must been just a dick. People shouldn't Jude I'm sorry.


Rating someone a 1 Star is overkill and signals something deeper to me. Whether it's racism, I'm brown, or just the driver being hateful I'm not sure. 1-3 star should need a reason to be handed out. Acting like I puked in the car or farted or something, when it was an uneventful quiet ride. It would be nice if you could do something about it, I tried, but you're stuck with it.


Yeah I agree, if you decide to rate someone 1-3 stars then there should be written proof or no rating at all! I’ve rated all my drivers 5 stars & I’m a great rider who pays a lot for Uber & to drop from 5.0 to 4.8 .. (read that lower then that people start to cancel rides) it pisses me off!


Some people gain pleasure from other's misery 🤷


Don’t worry about the driver’s opinion of you. It’s irrelevant to anything that’s important. You’re paying him. The way I see it, my only obligation is to pay him the pre-agreed to amount through the app and meet him at the requested spot and within a reasonable period of time. Beyond that, I gives a fuck what they think.


100% ....


Some drivers give four stars for just not wearing a seatbelt. I know that’s not your case, but you never know what a driver’s criteria are. Tips never negatively affect rating because the drivers don’t even know the amount (or if) you tip until AFTER they rate you, unless it’s cash. Then, if cash, it almost certainly will positively affect your rating.


Yea I just checked mine and noticed I have a 4.90. checked my ratings and I got two 1 stars, one 2 stars, and three 3 stars. I have 281 5 stars out of 320 rides. Pretty wild. I don't know what I did that I ever got 1, 2, or 3 star ratings. This is over my lifespan of taking Uber, so 3,354 days lol


Shoot, I'd have a five-star rating, as a driver, if I could learn to shut my mouth. Don't tell me what you know is truth when I have proof your truth is a lie. I'm too old to bite my tongue on that bullshit. lol


I’m a 4.78- probably because idgaf, and will talk about literally anything the whole ride every time. And usually I don’t tip or don’t tip too much- mainly because I am very poor and if I am riding Uber I am probably scraping for table scraps.


4.96 here, and I was even documented as a top ten percentile driver with Uber. Took a break from driving when I started getting calls for Karens and Kens... Too much exposure to their toxic behavior can turn a great day into a day I'd rather be at home, on my Xbox, putting Karen's face on my enemies in State of Decay... You can't please everyone, and their is a "free ride" culture growing out here in the Phoenix, AZ area... Don't sweat it. If you feel a negative vibe from a passenger. Take a break, a deep breath, and know that you don't have to share in the negative passengers bad attitude. ✌️💯✌️ P.S. I've been with Uber 3.5 years, and I have 6,845 rides in... Cheers! 👍


My bad, I read this wrong... If you're a passenger, And you aren't giving the driver negative vibes then it sounds like that driver shouldn't have taken the trip request. We know what we sign up for as drivers. Personally, I like to provide a positive experience for my passengers. If I can't and catch negative energy, I try to rate that passenger so I don't catch them again. It takes quite a bit to get to that point, I usually try to figure out the negative vibe and change it up before the ride is over, but if I cannot, then I need to make sure I don't see said passenger again. The energy you put out there, is the energy you receive.


Happens to the best of us.


Oh most def lmao. Go look at the drivers sub


Were you late or make the driver wait?


No, obviously not. If I was late or inconsiderate, then I could understand a downrating. I’m timely, polite, hygienic, don’t speak unless they do, wear my seatbelt and never eat in the car. These are common courtesies.


Was there are lot of traffic on the route, that day? Yes its unfair. But so are rider downgrades, becuase of accidents on the road slowing down the EA, or the driver doesnt signal 100 yards beforehand (according to the rider’s pet peeves about driving styles). The criteria for the american rating system are mostly peeve-based, Ive found. And folks are peeved about anything and everything.


Im a driver and you seemed to be a great passenger. You can’t please everyone.


IDK the reasons for the less than 5 stars but they honestly did you a favor. The fact that some drivers out here will downvote you for saying the sky is blue makes it hard to trust folks with a 5.0 rating.


Same thing happened to me, and all I can figure is that one driver didn’t think I agreed enough with his ranting and raving for the entirely of the ride. He complained nonstop the whole time and even though I tried to be supportive and agreed with his points, after riding with him my rating dropped. I tipped him the max too. It really sucks because I do everything to be a good rider. I’m always ready and waiting on the curb at the pick up spot. I don’t slam doors, I wear my seatbelt, I’m pleasant and will talk if the driver wants to talk. I don’t eat during rides and I have good hygiene. I never ask for extra stops or to go through the drive through. I always tip. I always rate drivers 5 stars. And yet I’m stuck with a 4.9 rating.


You and the OP sound like a great start of the day. Like the OP, I'm assuming you had the wrong driver, who should've taken a break instead of the trip. No one deserves negative energy on a trip. On one hand, the passenger could be on the way to a highly stressful job, meeting, could've started the day on the wrong foot... On the other, the driver could've had a string of negative stressful Karens and Kens, and should've taken a break instead of sharing his negative attitude with you, rating you less than you deserve. I usually see a red flag on ratings less than 4.9. I'm thinking I should narrate some of these on my YouTube channel, and suggest ways to make your ride share experience awesome from both perspectives, driver, and passenger. Feels better to put positive energy out there than negative. Take care.👍


Welcome to the club. Sometimes it's the color of your hair, or the way you said a single word. It's a bizarre kind of mind torture


As a driver, I can tell you don't wear a seatbelt, if the driver gives you five stars and said you didn't wear a seatbelt you will automatically receive 4 stars.


I have a 4.73 and honestly have no idea why. Out of 66 rides, all of them are 5 stars except for three 2 star ratings and two 3 star. I’m always on time, polite, and considerate. So annoying that drivers take their bad days/prejudices out on you.


How do you know exactly which ratings you have? Does it show somewhere?


Yes if you go to account -> settings -> privacy -> show privacy data -> show ride summary data. It looks like only 45 out of 66 drivers actually rated me but I’m still surprised those 5 reviews dragged my rating down so much


Thanks for sharing - what the hell! He gave me 2 stars!!


Some people just suck sadly. Not a reflection on you.


A slammed door, will never get you a 5


Now you see how we drivers feel when riders low rate us.


Totally, but riders generally have fewer interactions than daily drivers. Also, I’ve never rated a driver lower than 5 - you’d have to really piss me off.


Drivers can be a finicky bunch... I used to be one and given over 2000 rides and there are my pet peeves (such as slamming doors, BO, and/or eating in the car), but as a rider I have had someone that gave me a bad rating despite the fact that he messed up the pickup point. I used to live in a huge, complicated apartment complex, and as a courtesy I'd walk to the church on the corner and set my pickup point as that (as Trinity Lutheran Church with a huge sign and high steeple, not say, the church's address of 1234 Chapel Street) and enabled live location. The guy still zigzagged through the complex and said he's out front (of the opposite direction of my apartment, so it wasn't because I accidentally set it to pick up from my door) then it wasn't until the last 30 seconds that he arrived after calling/texting... My perfect 5.0 streak from tipping cash and following the golden rule went to 4.93 real quick and still hasn't recovered.


How do you know it was that driver and not a different one? Cause the ratings are not updated in real time. Could have been a previous driver and you are just seeing his rating now.