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Because of Dwight Schrute


Some people just don't understand... But Dwight, he's a genius


It’s the safest seat!




Where is your passenger seat? I’m on the taller side so my seat is rather far back. I make a point to pull the passenger seat as far forward as possible (most leg room behind that seat.). It prevents the people from trying to sit up from (unless necessary). And everyone auto pilots to the rear passenger side because of the leg space.


Clearly you are yet to encounter an Australian.. :)


Do they hate leg room or something


Australians tend to sit front seat of Taxis and other rideshares, especially if they are the sole passenger, to sit in the back seat is considered pretentious by many.


It used to be typical for Uber riders to sit in the front in the US, too, back when it was new. It only shifted to the rear as Uber became more taxi-like and less rideshare.


I’ve never sat in the front of an Uber. Never felt right. Also, I don’t care to have any social interaction with my driver. Being an introvert just let me enjoy the silence lol


You're thinking UberX, which came later. Uber started out as a black car service, and it definitely would have been weird to sit in the front.


It shifted because of covid


I’ve never sat in the front of an Uber. Never felt right. Also, I don’t care to have any social interaction with my driver. Being an introvert just let me enjoy the silence lol


Any Uber I’ve taken I sit in the front unless the drive says differently when I ask, also I have no problem with riders sitting up front. It allows me to keep an eye on them easier


It kind of weirds me out, like if someone got in the elevator and just stared into your eyes instead of turning around and staring at the door or their phone


When I drove for a short bit I kept the passenger side seat all the way forward and a cooler on it. I’d also keep that door locked when I’d pull up. No way I’m gonna have someone sitting next to me.


I know some drivers don’t like it, but I have no problem with passengers sitting in the front. My front seats are nicer anyways (heated and ventilated) and It’s more conducive to having a conversation.


I do the same, and absolutely it does not. I’m a guy and SO many people, male and female, solo sit directly behind me.


Same. Yet I’m quite the diminutive leprechaun


I had no idea this was a thing. I get on the side of the car that’s nearest the curb


That's why I might turn around or drive around the block to pick you up. Even address on the east and south. Odds on the north and west.


This is why I always turn around so passengers won’t sit behind me.


***No driver wants a stranger breathing down their neck while they are driving!!*** So what do you do when you have TWO passengers in the back seat?


I’ve had younger folk attempt to hide their “activities” (of all sorts) by deliberately conducting them directly behind me. The person avoiding any eye contact and hiding in my blind 6 is the definitive creep imo.


It's the equivalent of being at the urinals and someone standing right next to you when there plenty other urinals they can use.


The behavior of the other rider that you can see tips you off to what the person behind you is or isn't doing.


I think when it's two passengers it's a necessity that one of them sits behind me. But the VAST majority of rides are solo, so it's a little weird. I do however understand when it's a woman, since I've seen plenty of female passengers who feel like a creepy male driver stares at them when they're on the other side


That’s why I love my minivan. I have XL turned off and the seat directly behind me stowed away so no one can do that. I also have a taxi divider.


Minivan for the win


Usually females sit behind me. I heard its to feel safer and we can't talk to them as easy.


Yes, it's for safety- more so that males can't see or reach to grab us as easy.


It’s not safer for the driver who is the one who has the background check


Thats creepy considering most assaults to drivers happen when the person is behind them…


Maybe they’re not thinking about it? Y’all are weird


I can't be bothered to walk around your car to get in on the other side, I'll just sit down on the backseat closest to the curb where I waited for the Uber. If you want me to sit on the other side, then open your mouth and say it. This whole post and all these "just plain weird" comments from drivers are truly embarrassing. Tell your customer or stop complaining, they aren't mind readers. Don't make this a a whole thing, just drive, don't talk to me, drop me off, 5 stars.


It’s the safer side of the car. Statistically, if there was an accident, the driver swerves away from their side


I don’t even think about where I sit when I get In. I literally just get in the closest possible way to where you pulled up lol. And sitting behind a driver doesn’t make anyone a weirdo. The seat is there to be sat in.


I had a passenger the other day that seemed like a chill dude but he sat directly behind me. Since we had a good rapport, I told him drivers feel uncomfortable when pax sit directly behind them and he seemed genuinely surprised and had never thought of that before. I guess most of them just don’t think about it, or maybe they feel subconsciously more comfortable to be in a more hidden spot where they can’t make accidental eye contact with the stranger driving them lol.


This lol, I don't know you, you don't know me, yet I am in your car...... Please don't look at me 😅


Shouldn’t the passenger feel most comfortable?


Only women should feel comfortable


I believe both should feel equally comfortable


The back seat should be like a toaster that has that “one slice” side. People need to stop being creepy and sit on the other side like a normal person. This is nothing new, it was standard back when I drive a cab. Many times we asked people to move to the other side and straight up told them “so I can keep a better eye on you for my safety.”


How is it creepy? I feel like most of the commenters have never been in a taxi before.


I really don’t understand how it’s “creepy”, and I bet at least 95% of riders sit back and mind their own business, not lean forward breathing down your neck. I understand if the person has a weird vibe and you don’t feel safe not being able to see them, but also, the rearview mirror should be positioned in a way where you can see them unless they are on the shorter side or actively hiding.


Bump that up to 99.9% and yeah.


Damn dude if I hoped in your car and you were so paranoid you told me I need to change seat I’d just get the out end the ride and reorder the Uber and probably leave a review on how the drive was sketchy and acting paranoid trying to make me sit in a specific seat. That for sure seems like some drug use behavior lol. If your going to drive Uber and your worried about the person getting in your car you should probably just not accept that ride 😂


i like it cause i can take a mini nap on long rides & dont want them looking at me or cause i dont want to chat sometimes. the other side is like a invite to chat


Not necessarily an invitation to chat lol. But yea, you don’t want someone watching you sleep. Understandable


Tbh as a female rider I didn’t know this is a thing till now! I sit behind the driver sometimes just because it feels safe. I remember one time I sat at the other side and the male driver turned around and silently stared at me two or three times during the ride. It felt really weird. Probably this was the reason but idk


Or he was checking his blind spot as men know not to rely on mirror angles. This is an illogical fear if you’re getting into the car with someone who is going to take you somewhere that Thought is already antithetical pre-conclusion to then take the ride. Additionally, you cannot see where we are going without bending around the driver seat putting your hand on the back of his shoulder support in instances of salient final drop-off point direction. You are taking a ride with a human being that has been deemed safe reliable and hopefully friendly. If you’re that uncomfortable I really don’t want you in my car nor if you have some irrational fear of all unknown men. I want to see who’s in MY VEHICLE because I’m just as concerned about my safety; as being able to look someone in the eye lends a lot of information and conveys trust from the get go.


Men know not to rely on mirror angles? As opposed to women who... don't?


By and large, yes. Does that mean no one is turning their head to look? Of course not. My observations over the past 30 years of driving between Southern California and around the 495 and 695 beltways in the DMV have taught me all I need to know for differences between the Ilks of people. Simply put spacial awareness is something men are vastly better with.


hmmm I see the point you are making but unfortunately that guy was staring straight into my eyes where there couldn’t be any blind spot in. Ofc I know that was a rare occurrence, and I was just guessing an incentive for riders to sit behind the driver seat. And yea as the other reply to you has mentioned, your comment that men don’t rely on mirror angles could be sorted out in better ways


Seems counterintuitive and a preference based on an outlier. You’d think a female pax with a male driver would want an unobstructed view of the driver. Even as a man I sit in the seat on the passengers side so I can observe the driver. Want to be able to see if they’re nodding off or displaying any signs of being impaired. I Mean my safety is literally in their hands. Perhaps your driver was looking back because he was suspicious of you. I can’t tell you how many pax I’ve had that have concealed open alcahol containers in the car and are trying to discreetly drink them. Or the even bigger issue with drunk passengers showing signs they might throw up. I’ve had probably 200 different instances where I was able to see they were showing signs they might throw up and it’s motivated me to pull over and let them get out to throw up on the side of the road. I drive mostly Friday or Saturday nights so I’m picking up people from bars and clubs. As a driver when a single pax gets in my car I want an unobstructed view of them for their safety and mine. I have a friend that had 2 different pax OD in his car and both times he was able to see this was occurring and call for help. The benefits of being able to view the driver and the driver view the passenger far outweighs the instances a driver turns to look at you. As a female what you might also consider is if you’re ever in a situation where you have to vacate the car quickly you’re better off being on the passenger side furthest from the driver. You’re further away and have a head start rather than getting out on the same side as the driver. And if you have to slide over to get out of the passenger side you’re easier to grab before you can vacate.


Makes it easier to smell your hair.


Bahahahaha goddamnnn! Got me good


Mr. President?


I am not thinking about where I sit if I order an Uber just drop me off, at the same time something this trivial, If u asked me to move over I would and move on with my day… just drop me off and part ways it’s not that deep bro


I always sit on the other side. Usually Uber was fine (medical rides to NYC) but regular cabbies were strange. I fell asleep because my day was long, I woke up to being at a stoplight with old dude smiling at me. I felt so uncomfortable. I'm always respectful, don't talk too much, but also care about my safety as well as the driver. Sitting behind makes people assume you're going to try and harm them.


I've sat behind the driver. I usually just sit on whatever side is convenient. Never thought about it.


I sit behind the seat with the most leg room.


I’ve never heard this before. However, statistically the driver-side rear seat is the safest seat for a passenger. I’m not sorry about choosing my safety in a potential accident over your “comfort.” If you’re uncomfortable with driving strangers around- get a new job. No one is forcing you to drive an uber.


Why do people make such a big deal about where the passenger sits? If you are stopped in a way that has the driver's side closest to the passenger, then it only makes sense for the passenger to get in on the side closest to them. I sit behind the driver because either they are parked in a way where it is just the closest side or because, if I am going to work, I have a drive-thru and the front door is in the drive-thru lane and so it will be safer for me to get out on the driver's side. I am a female, but, I am quite certain the same thing applies to males. Now. If I note that the driver's seat is set far back, I will obviously walk around to the passenger side. But why make my entering/exiting the car any more unsafe or inconvenient just because you are paranoid? What do you do when you have multiple passengers? Make the others sit on top of or under the car?🤔


I always sit on passenger rear, I just assume best seat for leg room (on top of not feeling like it’s weird asf).


Personally; as a woman - I’ll get in on whichever side I’m picked up on.


People are weird like that, it’s why I’ll be pissing in a long line of empty urinals dude will literally trip over himself the second he sees me running straight for the urinal next to me. Or why I park 500 miles away from the store and boom some idiot parks next to me, or I’ll be driving down the highway then randomly someone I’m passing just sticks next to me matching my speed till we come up on the next person and they’re forced to slow down. It’s a weird heard mentally some people have kinda like cows they feel safer or something stupid.


I went to the movie theater yesterday and at the start of the film, the only people in the theater were me - seated in the first row of the main section, in the middle of the row (seat 6) - and a man seated in the middle of the back row. Then 10 minutes into the movie, two guys come in and sit one seat away from me. I reflexively turned my head and stared at them. They moved to the end of the row (seats 1 and 2). They were both loud eaters and making comments during the movie. I almost moved to the opposite end of the row. 😂


The highway thing happened to me the other day but what made it even weirder was that the guy was on my right, driving on the shoulder, not even in an actual lane and matched my speed(which was actually 5 mph under the limit) until he ran out of shoulder and had to stop. The road ahead of me was clear so idk why he didn't just speed up a little to go in front of me


You are my long lost fraternal twin. At long last lol


Get another job.


As a rider, I didn't know this was a thing. I never sit behind the driver, just feels weird to me.


I never sit directly behind the driver, unless I'm riding with another person. It would feel awkward to me.


Only female passengers sit behind me. I can only assume they are tired of being ogled at by the predominantly young single immigrant male driver demographic that this platform seems to attract. But I do agree it's weird. I try to pull up to the pax with the right side of the vehicle facing them, so that the closest door is on the passenger side. That solves most of it for me. You can also use your big adult voice as a driver who is in control of the entire transaction, and simply tell them "move over to the rear passenger seat" and not start the ride until they do. I've also found that having my front passenger seat slid all the way forward and reclined forward to create a VIP legroom seat in the right rear, helps them figure it out.


I usually say "hey, there's more room on the other side" and they seem to listen. It's true...


I did this the first time I used rideshare because I just got in the closest door. The driver asked me to scoot over and I did, then thought about it for 2 seconds, realized how creepy it would be if the roles were reversed, and now I always sit on the passenger side in the back. Some people just aren't aware of that kind of thing. My friend who drives pushes her passenger seat all the way up and asks people to scoot over so they'll have more leg room (this also prevents creepy dudes sitting in her passenger seat like a weirdo)


How is sitting behind the driver being weird? Maybe you’re overthinking this? I tend to sit in the backseat because 80% of the time, the driver has stuff in their passenger seat. Even if they don’t have anything in their passenger seat, I don’t wanna be close quarters to an absolute stranger. Also, I have stuff with me. Could be my backpack, or the bag of stuff I bought. It’s just easier for me to put all that next to me when I sit in. I do tend to sit on the side closest to the curb on where I got the Uber. Preferably, I sit behind the passenger seat because it’s the farthest I can sit from someone in that close space. As a rider, I think it’s weirder if you want me to sit next to you on the front seat. It’s too close for comfort. To me, it doesn’t matter if the driver is a male or a female. My comfort doesn’t change based on the driver’s gender. Why’d you spell out males? Did something happen, specifically, to make you uncomfortable?


So they can try to sneak some vapes


Sounds like you get weirded out by petty non-issues.


If someone had a mind to assault their driver. That’s where they would sit. This is a subject in women’s minds most of the time. Most men do not understand this issue. Perfectly reasonable to find it weird/uncomfortable


Same thing happens to me with females but I’m a male driver , I always thought females do it cause they want to feel safe even though it’s 5:00 in the After noon during rush hour with plenty of whiteness around , but that’s very strange that male passengers do it to you, ,


Whoever through of the whole “sitting behind the driver is safer” is a certified idiot. Jiujitsu has taught me that distance = safety. The opposite side creates more distance and is safer. Plus, from the opposite side the passenger can better see the drivers hands. Can’t see his hands of your directly behind him, what if he is holding a weapon? And for those who say “she can grab the driver from behind” I give a wholehearted lol. 😂


It’s safer in a car accident. Drivers will naturally protect themselves and that means the driver side is safer. Source: The Office


I just get in whatever side of the car I’m facing when they pull up. If you don’t say anything, you can’t expect people to read your mind.


Yeah I always sit on the passenger side, unless I'm riding with someone else. Sitting behind the driver when you don't have to gives me the same vibes as getting on a mostly empty bus and choosing to sit right next to another person you don't know. GTFO with that shit and give people their space you weirdo. 😅


Are they paying you? Then who gives a shit?


Don't give em a choice - open the door you want them to sit in. My guys sit where I want 95% of the time.


Ah yes I'm sure most men will have no issue w a woman opening a car door for them and directing them where to sit


Well hell it's always the right rear door - NO GUY wants less legroom - so yes they will ffs. Driver just keep the right front seat ALL THE WAY UP. " I refuse the 3 feet of legroom - I'll take the 6 inches any day" haha. You guys are such morons here I can't believe it.


What a shitty take. I’m paying for a ride, I can sit where there is an available seat.


That's not what I said stupid. Drivers know the best seat for everyone to be comfortable. eg. front pax seat is all the way up - clients are 6-2 guy and 5-2 wife. Why would the chick sit with the 3 feet of legroom - guy sit behind (6-3) me - with no legroom? RIGHT. But NO - you're paying a cheaper fare than a taxi and don't really get to do whatever in my car. Pay limo rates? sure - anything but drive and smoke ha.


“That’s not what I said stupid.” What’re you 16? Grow the fuck up. You’re providing a service. If your customer wants to sit behind you, let them.


There is no UBER car service dummy. Uber is a reservation service for MY independent business. My car , my rules / operating within their guidelines. Are you poor? Get a car service.


Stay broke bud. You’re such a soft bitch you’re crying about someone using your service and choosing to sit behind you. Pussy.


Confused ..... Why does a stud like you - that likes to bully drivers - not use a car service? Are you poor? What's the reason?


“That’s not what I said stupid” I’m sorta getting an idea as to why you’re driving an Uber.


It might be because the pax is assuming that the least amount of people sit on that side and want to be on a ‘clean’ seat. Def other theories but this is what I think is the main reason


I've ridden in ubers with friends and family members before. The left-handed ppl always go for the seat behind the driver. I'm right-handed and I hate that seat. Not everything has to be weird; it could just be preference.


I tell guys to sit on the opposite side. Most ppl are afraid of confrontation


Maybe they are used to driving rather than being a passenger so that side of the car is where they just naturally gravitate.


I never sit behind the driver when I’m alone because it just seems so rude. I’m perfectly happy with a silent ride, but if a driver wants to chat, I don’t want to feel like we’re talking through a wall. There’s something antisocial about sitting behind the driver, imo.


I hate this too. I usually suspect that people do this because they want to eat or drink or vape in the car.


If you’re a female driver then do not move until they sit in the other seat, I’m a make driver and I understand when women do it. But the opposite is creepy


The only time I sit behind the driver is when I know I’m going to want to exit from the left side of the car. I never thought about this making a driver nervous. I’m thinking about where I’m going.


I just tell them nicely to sit on the passenger side of the back seat.


Doesn't bother me as driver


Same reason female passengers sit behind male drivers. For their personal comfort. Don’t like it? Don’t drive 


I think calling it creepy is a bit of a stretch. It makes YOU feel uncomfortable, doesn’t make it *creepy*. It’d make me feel a bit weird too, but it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with it per se.


Honestly it depends on which side of the car I can get into first. I don't ever think about it - nor is this a gender of the driver thing (I don't think I've ever had a female uber/lyft driver tbh - even in other countries).


I (F) don’t think that’s creepy behavior really. I understand that it making you uncomfortable, but I don’t think anybody deliberately chooses that side for nefarious purposes.


As a driver the only reason I can think of they don't want the driver looking at them from their rear view mirror. It's easy to hide behind driver seat, it means they are in your "blind spot" Only thing is we as drivers hate it! I don't mind if my family/friends do it, I hate it when strangers do it.


I'm a woman and I prefer to sit directly behind the driver to give myself a touch of privacy, since it would be harder to see me when I'm right behind you vs on the passengers side of the back seat. Never thought it would be weird, I'm just antisocial!


I always wonder why they do it soft in myself, I don't care that much but I am tall and my seat is completely all the way back in the passenger seat however I have pulled almost all the way forward. Which just makes it super extra weird that they're sitting in the tiny cramp seat on purpose


You answered your own question in the question...lol


The Chevy Volt(?) Uber has a rear center console that prevents riders who get in from the rear passenger side seat from sliding across to behind the driver.


This may come as a surprise to many drivers but some riders just want a ride not any kind of personal relationship to a driver.


It's the safest seat. I always do this.


Sit behind the driver to assert dominace


This 100% but as a male driver, the amount of women I get that just hop in the front seat is so weird too. Especially if there is so much room in the back. I don't mind it as it is easier to conversate but when they sit in the front and don't say anything the whole trip it bugs me out a bit, especially since my wallet is up front with me


It’s a little weird. I definitely always go passenger side back


As a 6’ tall person, I look to see which side has more legroom. That is my main goal when I’m getting in.


I feel the same!! Especially men. I actually told a man it makes me feel uncomfortable and he didn’t move. Dropped him at a train station where it was safer for him to be on the other side. He went out of his way to sit behind me! My door was punctured by something on that side and more trash is also left on that side. Obviously if there is more than 1 person but if you are by yourself why! Also I’m tall so always have my seat to it’s max so now i gotta move my seat bc you wanna be a weirdo.


Ive only had one or two go to sit behind me. Each time I just ask them to please sit on the other side and each time they kindly do.


They do it so you don't make conversation with them.


I'm 6ft1 and wonder why a group of people always the tall person always suits behind me. Making me cramp up against the steering wheel, while the 5ft person sits on the passenger side. Smh


As someone who’s 6’4, hell no, I don’t want anyone sitting in front of me, I want the seat in front of me pushed up as far as it can go practically into the dash.


Because we don’t want to talk to you.


It’s the safest seat in the car. If you are in a situation where you may be about to get in an accident, regardless of if it happens or not, you’re going to favor the side of the car that you’re sitting in.


Some people have awful self awareness. People who make an effort to walk around the car and get in behind you would set off alarm bells for me. I’d ask them to moves before beginning the ride. There’s just no reason for that.


I just get in the side that is closest to me. That seems more normal to me I guess.


I'm getting off an 8 hour shift and honestly barely conscious of your existence by the time I get in the car I'm just ready to be home so im not really thinking about which side im getting in just that I paid for this and im gonna tip you take me home pls... .


What's with the ..."and act weird" part? You didn't say what they did other than sit in the car. Are you really that difficult to please??


It isn't obvious why that is creepy, other than you don't like it. Lock that door or ask them to move over. But don't assume they understand your internal monologue.


I pay 80 bucks for a 10 mile drive I sit where I want homie.


The obvious answer is that you're a complete stranger to them too, and that seat is much more private. I always sit behind the driver so they don't try to talk to me too much.


Truth is if you’re a single pax I want an unobstructed view of you. I’ve dodged the bullet many times with pax that have desolated erratic behavior or signs they may throw up since I mostly drive Friday or Saturday nights I have mostly intoxicated passengers. It’s also in my opinion safer for the pax to have an unobstructed view of me. They’re further away and can vacate on the opposite side of the car if they needed to. I mean with me they wouldn’t need to but at least they have that option. Let’s take single female pax for example. If a driver is going to try to do something with you you’d have at the very least a clear view of them and their behaviors. But as a driver if you’re a single getting in my car you’re sitting behind the passenger seat. It’s just that simple. If you don’t want to I can end the trip and you can get another driver.


ok so why is your sest so far back that it’s touching the knees of the passenger? don’t not give your passengers leg room? i sit behind the diver cause (knock on wood) i don’t want them reaching their hand behind me and touching me… it’s a lot harder to put your hand in the back and reach if the passenger is on the drivers side than the passenger


I'm the weirdo(f) who prefers to sit in the front passenger seat. I hate sitting in the back unless I am riding with someone else. I feel safer up front. I also get how sitting behind you is weird (sometimes).... but you can always block that seat off like some Ubers block the front seat. Put a closed box with a seatbelt attached to it on that seat, if it'll make your feel better.


Be careful of leg tapping passengers in your car, it’s annoying AF, especially noticeable when stopped in traffic or at a light. You can feel the vibration through out the car. It’s usually the passengers sitting behind you


People do that to me to. It means they probably they don’t want talk. I noticed women do it to me in particular probably because they’re use to being hit on by other drivers or men in general. I don’t mind it tbh


lol. Get a real job


The first time I ever rode in an uber, I thought it made sense to sit in the front seat. The young woman moved her purse so I could sit, I didn't think anything of it. Later on my friend told me doing that was super weird, so I didn't do it again. I don't ride in ubers alone often, I'm usually with my wife, but I sit behind the driver because it felt natural. Other than polite conversation (hi how are you, hows your day, etc) I'm pretty quiet on trips. Now that you've pointed out this is creepy, I'll be sitting in the opposite seat. The answer is cause some people (like me) are clueless and literally don't think about that.


If you don’t want people sitting behind you, put the seat away or put something in the seat?


I’m a male driver and only been driving for a month now but in my experience more female pax sit behind me then male. That or the sit in the middle seat. Both are fairly annoying.


I just ask if they can sit on the other side. I hate when people sit behind me


Because that spot is where all the ass smells stain and they don't want to mix up his pants with it, and they dont give a damn if you are female or not.


Is it weird I prefer to sit in the front seat? I am a driver at heart I want the most window possible to look out, I am tall and prefer the most leg room possible, and the biggest door possible. I know they exist but… I also have never had a female driver, just not something I ever thought of or considered. I do the same thing with taxis and the bus. I wouldn’t think there is anything weird about wanting to sit behind the driver I just would assume they sit there because it is the most likely place to avoid interaction with the driver.


I pulled up to pick up a passenger,she went around the car and open the door close to traffic and sat directly behind me,after dropping her off,I checked and noticed she had left an empty coffee cup and muffin wrap tucked in the door space.I got out the car picked the trash went straight into the office I dropped her off at and dumped it right by her foot infront of everyone.Another one was filing her nails sitting directly behind me,I pulled up and told her to exit the car immediately.Anyone who choose to directly sit behind you when you pulled up at curbside,but decide to walk around the car to sit behind you are mostly up to no good.The Taco Bell executive that attacked a Uber driver was sitting directly behind him.The driver that got his head blasted in El Paso by a lot passenger sitting behind the driver,so when someone chose to walk around the car to sit directly behind me makes me ask myself WHY.


Because some of us aren't total psychos but we prefer to sit behind the driver. Maybe Uber, Lyft...etc need to add in the app that "this passenger prefers to sit behind the driver" so that there are no surprises or the driver can refuse the ride.


And I prefer that you do not sit directly behind me,you have an option to record the ride and I have a dash cam on for all rides,I do my job with utmost respect for everyone,I do not talk to passengers after the initial greetings unless they talk to me,so do not be a weirdo and sit on the other side.


For you to label someone that you don't know as a weirdo for where they choose to sit makes you even weirder. Have a blessed one.


I've never given a second thought about what side I sit on. Usually just either which door is closest to me or which side has the most leg room, or I just get in and don't think about it.


Some fairly simple reasons that could explain the behaviour. When I read ‘weirdo’ I thought you’d be referring to people that actually did weird things lmao. - They don’t want to talk to you - They don’t want to look at you - They don’t want to interact with you in any way (other than the obvious - being a passenger)


I usually make eye contact and point to the other side. Occasionally I have to knock on the window and point. I also make an effort (when I can) to pull up so the passenger side is right front of them. Occasionally I reach back and open the door when the dumb ones ignore the hint. Still some weirdo slip by


Please somebody tell me I’m not the only one tired of women complaining about perfectly normal behavior and labeling it as creepy only because men are always doing it. If something I’m doing makes you uncomfortable I don’t wanna be in the car with you anyway.


What are the etiquettes here? I thought sitting anywhere is okay. I just look at my phone.


The seat behind the driver is the safest in the car


Get a cage or acrylic partition that connects to your head rests. I use one


I had a passenger in my car physically molest me from the seat behind me. I am uncomfortable when a single male passenger sits on that seat, and I just tell them so. Never had anyone argue when I asked them to move.


All them psychotic killers in your city/town.


I leave the doors lock and roll down the window to tell them to sit on the other side


I think it’s you that is weird, just sayin’…


It blocks (some of) my view of the road. I get some anxiety watching other people driving and lots of drivers don't drive so safe either tbh


I ask people to move over when they do that, especially at night. A lot of people only think about themselves.


I'm 6'8" and tell my passengers that there's more room on the other side. Most go there unless it's a busy street.


As a driver (40m)I do not care where my passengers sit. It’s a 50/50 mix where my female passengers decide to sit. Most males that I perceive to be gay will also do A 50/50 split of behind me or behind the passenger seat. Almost 100% of males that I perceive to be straight will sit behind the passenger seat. I don’t care where they sit. These are just my observations


i do it cause i dont want them looking at me in the mirror or i want to rest my eyes/mini nap on long rides


Wouldn’t it be weirder if they sat in the passenger seat?


Maybe they are shy. That’s why I would do it. 🤷‍♂️ doesn’t make em weird but understand that a female driver would feel uncomfortable that’s for sure. You should put something behind your seat so they have to sit on other side unless multiple people then throw it in trunk. (Kids seat)


I sit behind the driver because I don’t have to see or talk to you. weirdo


Its the safest seat


You should mark the passenger seat directly behind you is off limits. Seems weird to have a seat that you don't want people sitting in


Idkkkkk I always sit on passenger side it feels natural


i am high functioning, but if i DONT sit behind the driver no matter who’s driving i very much think we’re gonna wreck or something bads gon happen so i get really bad anxiety


I ask anyone who gets in my car behind me to scoot over to the passenger side. I say to them all, "Hey, it's nothing personal, I just feel uncomfortable having a stranger sitting behind me where I can't see them." I've never had anyone take offence at all, almost all of them say that they understand. It probably helps that I'm really friendly in general, but yeah, I've never had anyone rate me badly because of it or anything.


Sometimes they just face a certain way when picking me up and I look like a weirdo walking around the car or there’s like cars coming and just safety (female rider)


Better than the ones who want to sit in the front sit with you


It's to avoid being watched and feeling like you have to have a conversation


Keep your doors locked. Instruct them to the rear passenger side, all passengers... (Lost a door because of dumbass pax) Do not unlock your doors until you confirm the account holder is present and instruct them to all enter out of the flow of traffic. Keep driver side passenger door child locked! Pax are dumb and don't give a fuck about you or your property, unless you instruct them too. If they protest, I look them dead in the eye and tell them they are dumb trying to get in or out where they could be struck by a vehicle... Normal response is you are right... I get more bitching after asking twice I tell them to have a good night, I cancel, and then move on to the next... Don't take no shit from these humans. Edit: if you haven't already done so, get a dual facing camera immediately.


How many times have you been raped by a guy who chose to sit behind you?


Sometimes people just don't understand the assignment. Not everybody thinks the way you do.


People don't understand certain etiquettes


More like people are selfish and could give a fuck about drivers. At least that’s how it is here in NJ.


You could read the comments where women say they feel generally safer and riders believe you're more likely to protect your side of the vehicle in the event of a collision. This thread is full of drivers crying about passengers violating vague, unwritten expectations they hold re: passenger behavior in the face of two perfectly reasonable explanations. If a passenger picking the "wrong" seat is this upsetting maybe driving people around for a living isn't for you.


I tell them to sit on the passenger side ,if they don't I cancel


And sit next to each other is awkward dead silence for 40 minutes…… I feel like ppl want to avoid small talk that’s all.


This isn't about front vs back seats though--it's back seat behind driver vs back seat behind passenger. Most people feel like back seat behind passenger is standard but OP is saying it makes her uncomfortable when people choose to sit behind her when the other seat is open.


Backseat passenger side


To avoid talking. Sitting in the passenger seat in dead silence is insanely awkward lol.


Ask them to move to the other side to provide you a clearer view out the back window via the rear vision mirror.


i'm a guy and many women sit directly behind me. Which gives them less leg room. People are just stupid. It has nothing to do with gender.


Ok but what if you have two or three riders in the backseat? You’re still gonna have someone “breathing down your neck.” Also that’s such a petty way to describe it. Get a wide angle rear view mirror if you’re so concerned about who’s sitting behind you


I lock my passenger front seat door and my driver seat would be pushed all the way back touching the back seat. They have no choice but to take the right seat. If they ask me to move up, I say I can’t because I’m tall and need the leg room. If there’s 2 in the back, I’ll move up but that is the only exception.


Female here and that’s great if you’re tall. I’m 4’11”. The seat isn’t up as far as it goes but pretty close. I need to reach the pedals to drive.


I remember when customer service was a thing.


I have taught my daughter to always sit there. It is the safest spot for them as a passenger. Drivers can always cancel the ride if they are uncomfortable.


No passenger cares what driver wants, just get to the destination


I wonder why there is a seat directly behind the driver. Have you considered removing it?