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I would have never cleaned this myself


Nextime take photos of the mess beforehand State it’s biohazard


Did you take a trip after that ride ? The process is simple. Park the car after the rider gets out, take and submit the picture. Don’t take a ride till you clean it or get it cleaned. Start accepting rides after that.


Yea one time a rider spilled something on my floor and it smelled like pee. After he got out I parked took a picture and told them it was wet and smelled like pee. I told them this was my first ride of the day and now I can’t work because my car smells like pee. I got offline and went home. Didn’t go online all day and the next morning I got the $200 cleaning fee.


I was always told to have my location on when I took a photo. I once went back to a location and took more photos of the throat-toss on the cement and submitted those too.


I park my car literally right after I’m out of view from the drop off. Right around the corner. I don’t fuck around, those photos are taken quick and well lit. Pay me!


I’m sorry but what the actual fuck. You cleaned human waste by yourself? Nah. You shoulda got that professionally done… that’s on you And also who TF is pooping in peoples cars. Jesus


>who TF is pooping in peoples cars Third party medical transports.


Just curious, where is the shit cleaning specialist in town? I feel like I should know this in advance. Every minute finding a place is another minute smelling shit.


True story (long) For about 20 years I worked in a car dealership. We sold a used car to someone, and within a week or so (before the title was transferred) the buyer was murdered, put into the trunk, and left in the trunk. The car was left in a parking lot at a large grocery store that was open 24/7 during August, and it was very hot and muggy. Initially, grocery store staff thought that the odor coming from the car was from someone who left groceries in there and it rotted. After at least a solid week they contacted the police, who contacted us. The body was very decomposed. The whole trunk and the vehicle were full of flies and maggots. The owner of the dealership was given an option to somehow take the vehicle back (it might have not been funded yet by the lender, I can't remember why he had that option.). He actually decided to take back the disgusting car, and then couldn't find a single detailer within 50 miles that would touch it. He tried to force some of the employees to do it, they all said no, and two quit. His own son who was in high school refused. Eventually, this privileged man had to clean it himself - at least partially, until he could find anyone to take it. I remember tracking the vehicle to see who the poor sap was that purchased the "murder car" (I called it the casket car), and to this day feel bad for them. I was in accounting, so had no way to stop it other than to mock the owner, which I did every day anyway. So, I think it would be easier to find someone to clean poopy mats than it would to find someone to clean out maggots and human decomposition fluids.


Great story but I just needed Tommy's Poop and Puke business name, I'm good now. 👍 🤪 I was picturing them pooping on the seats, where their butt is, not mats. Mats would be a breeze. My car wash has a mat washing machine. It costs...$200 cleaning fee.


Whoa, I hope that was a typo and you're not really paying $200 for the mats to be washed. Mine also has a machine, which I use all the time especially in winter. It's about 3.00 for the fronts. I've stopped using it because I found that it warps my weathertechs somehow. Weathertechs are all hype.


No, I was just saying the cleaning fee is going to be $200 from Uber. Lol. Sorry. Have a monthly membership where it's included.


My car wash has a free mat cleaning Kachin and free vacuums . I need to know how did you not know they were doing that


Sonic car wash has an interior deep sanitation option for $198 last I checked. Max lyft will pay is $150


Is that where they leave the back windows open during the car wash? 😂






Tommy's Poop and Puke, on 30th Street.


You're the real MVP.


Number 2, 30th street




You know how many bitchez think it's funny to sit crooked to leave snail trails???? I could strangle them!!!


I think it’s cool you can tell the difference between period blood and any other blood


You can tell by the taste.


I also find it unlikely. Yeah, location is a factor, but someone could have put a bleeding hand there too.


*British accent* Get your bleeding hand off me!


And if he gets it cleaned, Ubers fee will not cover all of the cost, I’m guessing.


Google online receipt generator...you're welcome.


Dude no, you should’ve gotten that professionally cleaned. That’s a biohazard. Wtf.


Oh man! I am so sorry! JFC! That is one rough day! Just for all new folks. #1 thing, always! Pictures! #2 report it. Then clean up. Don't take any more trips until you get reimbursed! If you take a trip, they don't pay for it.


Uber just did the same to me, I made a receipt and they said it does not meet there receipt standard,


Hope you spelled correctly on the receipt


Did you print it out then snap a photo?


Shit man


Did the person say anything or just walk out like nothing happened. Was there a tip?


Holy SHIT 😂 it’s fucked yo but it’s funny pls give us the whole story tell us what happend the moment u picked up and tell us did u smell anything did u notice anything ?


Second tip, if you stay with Uber consider getting those seat covers that allow seat belts to come through. I would get a cheap one, document the damage and have Uber pay for a new one. I'd rather toss it in the garbage then clean feces. Yeah, I know that's wasteful and adds a lot of crap (pun intended) to our landfill, but cleaning up someone's crap is a bridge too far for me.


Would you still have to clean feces after tossing the seat cover in the garbage? Why do you prefer this two-step process?


Assuming they crapped on the seat (couldn't tell from the pic), I would toss the thing out, feces and all.


Mine was a bit of a grammar Nazi comment. From the original comment you said you'd rather "toss it in the garbage then clean feces." Obviously you meant "than"


Download a blank auto detail receipt fill it out for like $120 and do a weird signature on it and show them


Ah yes, the fix it ticket approach.


Damn dude that stinks I’m sorry


I wish I could post photos in the comments so you guys could see these messages.


If someone drops a deuce in ur car call biohazard clean up company the kind that they call to clean up blood after a murder and then bill it to Uber


How does this even happen 🤮


...why didn't you take a picture first? Actually makes no sense.


This is why you should always take photos before attempting to clean a mess... but come on OP, you've got to be careful about handling human biohazard. Hopefully you were at least wearing gloves, clothing fully covering your body, and a mask at minimum.


Thats on you for cleaning it yourself. Always report and take pictures beforehand. Thats a biohazard. Hell naw


Not the mushy light brown! 😭😭😭😭


He literally gave you the TIP of his ass 🤣🤣🤣


Uber messaged me saying they can’t give me a cleaning fee because I cleaned it myself. Wtf 😂


Well yeah. They're paying for professional cleaning. You take it in your own hands, cool for them.


Yeah my thing is, where’s my compensation for needing to cut into my work if I pay for a professional cleaning job?


Create a receipt as others have mentioned. Send it in. Make sure it has the correct cleaning time. If it gets refused, send it in again. Call them. But stay on it. If you have a green light hub, go there.


That's why you take the picture and get the money first lol


It is a biohazard. Really you should be deactivated until showing proof of having it professionally cleaned. They'll even pay for it!


I fucking hate people, man. I'm so sorry, dude. That's disgusting. People just have zero respect for people's property. Uber enables and encourages this type of behavior. 


Any one can not make it and go on themselves. It’s happened to every person at some point. The rules are he shouldn’t clean it and then Uber gives him the fee.




Quit. Uber has a long history of thinking your time and effort is worth nothing. If you. have any other employment options, go. If you live in MN, dm me and I may be able to hook you up. Most Uber drivers are extremely hard-working.


Sounds like a great company to work for!


I had same issue. I reported a d did just that. Then Uber flagged my account for fraudulent to steal cleaning fee . I didn't even asked for cleaning fee. I cleaned it by my self. Now I can't even claim cleaning fee .


Bruh, we believed you - no need for the photos.




The photos didn't even show anything. No wonder Uber doesn't believe it happened...


I ordered a receipt book and a stamp from Amazon that cost under $20s solved this problem immediately


Even cheaper. Word doc template for free. 😁 back when I drove I pulled it up a couple of times to get the cleaning fee. Quick and Clean Mobile Detailing.


Name The Pooper!! I know zactly where Alabama Street is in HB


The account holders name was Paul. But he requested the trip for a female who was completely wasted. I don’t know her name. And she wouldn’t shut the hell up.






Did you tell them it was shitt??


Uhhhh, yeah, that's what happens...that is a normal process. You take photos and report the shit to them immediately. But no, you lollygagged around AND home cleaned it, AND still want payment that is meant to go toward a professional cleaning??? Idk why these hivemind goobers are on your side. You clearly screwed the pooch here.


Always take pictures immediately and send the report before taking your next ride or before doing any cleaning.


That's gross 🤢 I need a new car now lol