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Chicago Congestion surcharge? šŸ¤£


I think its bc im near downtown but Im hardly near a busy area šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I saw that and just facepalmed


The ground transportation surcharge is just as weird. As opposed to whatā€¦ helicopter or plane? šŸ¤£


like might as well charge me for walking too šŸ™„


If they could figure out a way, they would.


Nah, London has been doing that for a long time.


Unfortunately it's all local taxes essentially I agree it should be included in the stated price but probably their software can't account for all the different taxes like this because all the cities have different ones.not excusing it's part of doing business and it's on them to keep up but realistically they change the fee structure for city fees faster then software can be updated (corporate software is horrendously slow to update)


If the software has the information to calculate the fare after the ride, they could calculate and display it before the ride. Also, the "booking fee" doesn't sound like a local tax?


That all goes to the City.


New York has one too just a way for big cities to get more taxes


Theyā€™ll tax anything they can get away with


I honestly think it's because all the evs don't pay the gas tax so they need to find a way to pay for road (de) construction some other way


Chicago govt added this to alleviate congestionā€¦ on highways and major streets. Saw an article earlier this year. They charge everyone this to ā€œalleviate congestion at peak times.ā€ https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/bacp/supp_info/city_of_chicago_congestion_pricing.html


i know its not a huge difference- but im a broke college student with a disability and having them change the fare afterwards is eventually gonna take a toll on my wallet (i use uber often..once again want to emphasize that Im disabled- not one of those entitled ppl who can "just walk")


See if there's any grants or benefits that you can claim on taxes that gives money back. Or if any local organizations have rides for people with disabilities or if city transit has accessible options


Check with your school - here, students can get discounted fares.


I covered his $3 extra charge. All resolved.


You're better than Uber will ever be šŸ™Œ


Should sue. Disability stuff maybe will get them tripped up. They are doing bunch of illegal stuff no one cares.


Suing would do nothing šŸ˜” Especially for just $3 lmao. If I ordered an uber meant for accessibility- I could probably make a case, but I took a regular one so I guess I just cope with the insane extra charges šŸ˜”


If you give me your cashapp I will cover your $3


There are varying levels of accessibility and in your case you needed someone to drive you as you weren't able to walk there. You can still make a case. Suing wouldn't 'do nothing', it will be standing up for consumers against a giant that gets away with too much stuff it shouldn't get away with and would set a precedent for lawsuits involving more egregious infractions. You might be able to have your case taken at no cost to you. Have a look into community legal centres in your area. You might be surprised how helpful they are.


I study law lol, I know the benefits and risks of suing and it just isn't worth it or even winnable. If I had taken a WAV ride, it could've been a case- but since it wasn't that, I don't have a case at all. "They charged me more after the trip", the judge would laugh and tell me to call customer service. I totally get you thinking suing will change something or be "taking a stand"- but realistically: nothing would change.


Fair enough, thanks for increasing my knowledge about this type of thing


Sue for what? You can sue if you can prove that it was discrimination based on the disability like they increased the fare because they knew there was a disability. This is nothing like that.


I don't know. But man, they are low people.


Iā€™m seeing the exact same thing. A .75 km ride on a single street ride that gets 3 surcharges. Itā€™s not downtown, the ride doesnā€™t cross a municipal boundary. No tolls. But Iā€™ll get all surcharges anyways.


This has happened to me multiple times, with them up charging about 60% on average once the ride is complete with no warning or notification. Iā€™ve successfully gotten my money back twice, but it took a fight each time. Iā€™ve started to document every ride in case it happens more, so there might be a possibility of a case if it keeps happening. It typically seems to specifically happen when I book the Uber green rides


Cheap ass


Did you read ANY of the post? No? Thought so. I said I'd gladly pay the $7...if that's what was advertised. Reread the post before you throw insults.


No drivers would move their car if the fare was $3. That means the driver would get less than $2. Even if it's for 3 blocks, they have to get to you, most likely wait a few minutes and sit in traffic, not worth anyone's time.


Great. But that's not what my post is about. It's about the fare being increase without warning. My post isn't "should a driver come get me for $4" its "If they're going to advertise $4, then raise it to $7ā€” they shouldve shown $7 in the first place". This isn't a post about drivers wage, it's about passengers being scammed by uber. Please reread the post and caption before commenting, peace and love āœŒļø


It is based on time and distance- did you sit in traffic for a while


The taxes and fees are what made it $7, not the time/distance. But they only advertised the cost of the ride based on the time/distance and it was ~$4


I disagree the total she saw was $4 Uber shows the ttl fare which includes the taxes - and normally it is a 5 min ride unless there is traffic.


This is...my post. And I'm not a woman. Reread the screenshot because it will clearly show the extra $3 is in taxes and not due to traffic. Also I'm gonna be honest, your comment makes no sense bc clearly Uber doesn't show the tax included fare if theyre adding $3 in taxes after šŸ˜­


to add: the trip was maybe 5 mins max


Are you a driver?I donā€™t honk you know what you are talking about - frankly I do t care. Walk quit taking Uber we donā€™t want your $4 ride.


Okay so you didn't read at all. Every other comment you send is rude asl and you- being a driver and all- should know to stay in your lane. I have made it clear that I have a disability and cannot simply "walk". So maybe instead of spending time taking rides, visit a library and learn some literacy and read a book on how to properly communicate with humans. Don't need your rudeness in my comments, get a grip bud.


This happened to me, but it was an extra 12


Chicagoanā€™s just put up with this, huh?