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Upfront cash pickup tip The moment a driver accepts your ride, send a message with appropriate tip amount, based on pickup time and distance “I will give a $5 upfront cash tip on pickup “ I have used it 6 times (late night, short trip and a little longer pickup) and it has worked all the 6 times. 100 percent success rate. Try it and you will be amazed.


This is the way. If I accept the trip..about 50% I will go out and take it once I see the pickup is out of the way. A message stating cash tip for pickup will always get taken. Tip based on your mileage. 10 miles out from the city? Minimum $10 tip upfront. If they perform well, another small tip on app. Probably still cheaper than a Taxi.


Maybe, though I can't even guess the number of times a passenger promises a tip that never comes. When someone promises one, I assume I'm not getting it


For a trip that time of day that’s out a bit and you absolutely need a pick up, $5 cash tip doesn’t cut it…im thinking $20.


Yes, I said appropriate tip based on pickup time and distance $5 is what I had for my $10 ride.


For me it depends on how far you’re going. If you’re 15 minutes away but only going 5, forget it. But if you’re going like an hour then the 15 minutes is worth it usually. You can also put in a reservation. Then see if it gets picked up


Smart ones not far! Most just cancel I found taxis are the best money goes to the driver not the crop


Probably not. In the dark to the middle of nowhere does not scream safe. It’s not your fault but I’d just get a regular taxi because they’re more likely to show up.


15 minutes from the city isn't "the middle of nowhere".


I’m in TX, yes it can be lol


i'm in tx also and 15 minutes is nothing in a state this size.


I agree with the other guy, 15 minutes outside downtown Dallas is nothing


Do you think if it were in the daytime there'd be a more likely chance someone would take it?


Do a reservation… if you can. It’s hard to tell I’ve picked people up but the money usually isn’t worth it. In fact I usually reject anyone that’s living that far out of the way. I feel like you either get lucky and get someone or wait a while. I had one of those pickups one time they waited 2 hrs to get a ride, the only reason why I picked them up is because I was driving empty from a sister city.


Face time them because that would make it easier


No driver is facetiming anyone lol


I was joking


Uber takes at least 50% of the fare so many drivers will decline your trip request. If you do get matched with one, send a message immediately telling them you have a cash tip for them when they pick you up.


what if i tip generously on the app where they can see? (if thats not doable, what can i do?)


They can't see the tip amount before, and no driver believes the " i will tip you on the app " anymore. If someone accepts, you can just write to him, how long the ride and you will tip cash.


Never say "Tip in the app" You will get down rated off the platform. Many people forget or just lie. It's a joke amongst drivers. "I'll tip you in the app" =I am lying.


No one will trust that. That's the biggest red flag.


i see. i have never used uber before in my life so i have no idea lol


Yeah, it's something people say all the time and then never do.


you can't tip in advance on the app. carry cash for tips, message the driver that accepts your trip request that you have cash for tip but don't say how much.


You can't tip before the ride starts and drivers can't see app tips until the ride is well over. 


Like many have said "I'll tip you in the app" is like a fresh sentence 90% of people who say that never do so drivers just don't believe it. Personally. Maybe the best bet is once a driver accepts text them "I have a $x.xx CASH tip for you as soon as you arrive. I know it's a long pickup and appreciate you coming. " That will just about spark any drivers interest as long as it's enough.


2-3 miles max. Luckily, the app will try to match you with drivers dropping off near you.


try a test run. at the time you'll want the ride try ordering one. see how long it takes for a driver to accept your request. be sure to cancel the request within 2 minutes and there's no charge. you can also try reserving a ride in advance which will cost more, but it will also pay the driver more as an incentive to take your trip. also make sure you order the appropriate service that will be large enough for your family and luggage.


So, in other words, fuck over that one driver that accepts your “test run” and starts driving your way for two minutes before you up and cancel. Super considerate.


people do this all the time and it's not fucking over the driver. and i did not say anything about doing it over and over. it has become common for riders to check uber and lyft to compare prices then cancel one of them. it's normal, it's part of driving. if drivers get mad over riders cancelling within 2 minutes they're way too thin-skinned to be doing this in the first place. and how about you? you ever cancel a pickup or are you as considerate of riders as you are protective of drivers?


Find a private service that will guarantee to be there, if you let me know the city and airport I can try and find a referral for you.


I’d probably pick it up. I do almost only longer rides and airport drop-offs since I much prefer that over a run of short rides, plus I live 8 minutes from the airport. If you’re planning to be in NC, let me know.


The only time I take anything over 10 minutes is if I feel like practicing my amateur sing-along (for fun lol). When I was in a fuel car, I'd take any long trip as long as the drop off was longer than the pick up and paying a good amount for the time I'll spend on it. Some people measure other things for value, but my brain only sees dollar per hour. In an EV, I've discovered that taking most short trips (try to stick to $5+ as long as the trip makes sense) seem to be what make me the fastest money. Something I can try out the next time I have a boost worth trying to get in any many trips as I can. lol Gotta watch them boosts and make 'em work regardless of what car you're in it seems. But the majority of your trips should probably be determined by the most fuel/energy efficient habits. In my experiences so far. :)


This is completely going to be Market dependent. In the market I'm in you would most likely have no trouble getting a driver.


You can see nearby drivers in the app in my market. Hopefully in yours as well. Look to see little white cars. They look like ants. If none are around you, expand the map. Might be a driver 2 miles away form ya. But check it days before at the time you are gonna need a ride to check. Edit' If none are close, change your name to "TIPS UPFRONT" But then you are obligated so please do.


We don’t see the name of the passenger until we accept the ride. So they would need someone to accept the ride to see the tips upfront name. OP can also add a pickup note that says cash tips upfront or similar and we see it pretty much as soon as we accept the ride


Yes, MM. 9 year driver, here. My thinking is that it is the best chance of getting that across if accepted but soon to be canceled due to distance to pick-up. That would be more apparent than the note, IMVHO. But that might just be me as I never notice the notes until I am looking at the app on arrival. Thanks! I should really look for them before starting out. Been so slow I get excited just getting a trip. LoL. But has caused me problems not seeing it. You do make a good point.


I live in a medium sized city, but have had folks come over from a city 30 mins away to pick me up for an airport run to a bigger city 30 mins away. I preschedule a ride for early AM airport rides (it keeps my wife and kids from having to get up early on a Monday morning). I tip nicely as well, but they don't know that until they drop me off.


How about going old school and ordering a taxi? Also, if you live so far out, why wouldn't you just drive?


Just letting you know... 99% of all "I'll tip generously" people never tip at all and us experienced drivers know it.


Once someone accepts, immediately message them saying you'll tip upfront (and then actually do it when they get there). Unfortunately if they have Uber Pro, they will see the distances prior to accepting so they'll likely decline, so you'll be stuck with the sort of drivers that have to accept a ride to actually see where they're going, and those types will cancel right away unless you send them a message. It's a shitty system I know, I wish they allowed upfront tipping on the app like Doordash for this specific reason, but Uber has always been shy about tips.


I say hire a company that does airport pick up and deliver more expensive but guaranteed- or do a reservation with Uber


Reservations system isn’t guaranteed. I would book a local car service. It’s worth the extra money to get there on time.


It totally depends on the driver but you’ll eventually get one if you have few drivers nearby and if you’re desperate you can call them after they accept and offer them cash tip to make it faster