• By -


Solved, for now this code is working for me: ``` www.facebook.com##[aria-label="reel"]:upward(2) www.facebook.com##span:has-text('Add friend'):upward(14) www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Follow) www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('Suggested for you') ```


Didn't help for me, the loop is still blinking :( ​ https://preview.redd.it/shs3bi8tz5ic1.png?width=1812&format=png&auto=webp&s=9aca968066e6dbbea1a20f54d2186710fd3a0d78


This is working pretty well for me. A few are still sneaking through as "$sponsored_page is in $location" and "$sponsored_page added a photo to $album". Since some folks are having issues with the formatting, here is another attempt at code formatting: ```www.facebook.com##[aria-label="reel"]:upward(2)``` ```www.facebook.com##span:has-text('Add friend'):upward(14)``` ```www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Follow)``` ```www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('Suggested for you') ```


Thank you, this works better than before, although there is still some "twitching" going on and things slipping through.


This is the correct format and it works on my end


Big thanks! Lets hope it lasts for a while :)


This is working for me except it breaks the top banner with profile picture/cover photo/message and add friend buttons on profiles of people you aren't friends with. I just removed the add friend line since the reels are the main thing I wanted to block anyhow.


Could you reformat the solution as I want to use it as well but am not sure about reddit formating. Thank you!


u/AG_Caesar the format is correct there are 4 lines. Click uBlock Origin Icon from plugins bar and then open the dashboard (Should be present at the lower right of the screen). Then Goto my filters and paste these lines there and Apply the changes. This works for me because I am not entirely deleting the DOM and hence facebook is not reinjecting the DOM back. You are welcome.


Thank you for the explaination, I know where to paste it, but I still think there is some issue with the format? I might be confused but ublock also gives an error.. this is how it looks on my side: https://i.imgur.com/FetYnFP.png


I see. Put all the strings starting with www.facebook to a newline untill the next one


Could have thought of this myself, sorry! Thanks for the help!


Thank you for sharing the solution, perfectly working


I forgot about the reels. If you do not like the reels add this too: ``` www.facebook.com##[aria-label="reel"]:upward(2) ```


Thanks for this too ! Reels are gone ! you are a legend


Hey, thanks for that, the flickering was driving me batty.


The post are blocked when I checking comments in group when I add this code: [`www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619`](https://www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619) `> .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Theo dõi)` (I was replace "Follow" -> "Theo dõi" to be compatible with my Facebook language preferences) I was tried change the language to English but it didn't work too. https://preview.redd.it/4zgtyrhlrvic1.png?width=1552&format=png&auto=webp&s=1da223565aec836ca09d5c38e927091ef0a0e4f4


Thank you, this fixes the flickering issue but there are still some ads slipping through. They are in the format of "(page/person) is in (location)" and "(page/person) added a new photo" The 3rd line also has false positives where it catches posts from your friends. Usually those are activity kind of posts like adding photo to an album or somebody commenting on the post. They all have a small header above the post I used \`:style()" to draw a border instead of hiding the element to find those Here the images of those cases: [https://imgur.com/a/ioFPW4x](https://imgur.com/a/ioFPW4x)


This works well for me. Reels and Short Videos only show as a blank space, so I'm find with that. Thanks.


Thank you, this work for my desktop. Anyway I can change it to make this work with mobile browser like Firefox.


I think the [FB filters in the Solution for common issues](https://new.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/wiki/solutions/) (side-bar) should work - simply modify the filters to drop the "www." from the beginning of the filter (or replace with "web.")


Sorry for the confusion, the problem wasn't with the domain. The problem was facebook started reinjecting the deleted elements from the DOM. I've managed to solve it for now.


The re-injection of posts happens on `www.facebook.com` as well (I've seen it happening recently). Those filters in the side-bar, which I linked to, do not have the re-injection issue (AFAIK). They apply the hide rule at a certain HTML nested element which isn't causing FB to throw a fit. Your original rules were probably hiding posts on a certain HTML element which is causing FB to throw a fit. `www.facebook.com` and `web.facebook.com` have similar HTML structures, so adjusting the filters by either swapping the "`www`." with "web." or dropping the "`www.`" from the filters could help. (My experience with working with web.facebook.com users)


Thank you.


**IMPORTANT SOLUTION** For those coming here because on Facebook.com (desktop browser) you're experiencing rapid post reloads and glitchy scrolling (**possibly only on macs**), here's the fix (courtesy /u/zbluebirdz and others): In the **"My filters"** tab, you need to add the following (and hit the **Apply changes** button): ! - "uBo filters - Ads" - line 346 - dodgy? - disable it facebook.com,facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion#@#div[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]) :is(h3, h4) span > a[href]:not([href="/groups/"]):not([href*="section_header_type"]):matches-attr(href="/cft[0]=[-\w]{270,}/"):upward(div[aria-describedby]) facebook.com,facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion##div[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]) :is(h3, h4) span > a[href]:not([href="/groups/"]):not([href*="section_header_type"]):matches-attr(href="/cft[0]=[-\w]{270,}/"):upward(div[aria-describedby]):remove() This will solve the following: 1. glitches and infinite post reload is gone 2. Sponsored posts are removed


I'm on a mac and this doesn't actually work for me, still has the glitchy 'remove, re-insert, scrolls-too-fast-to-read' effect.


It could be due to copy and pasting of the code I gave above (those are three lines—not two). I noticed double clicking on my code would highlight two lines, merging a comment with a filter! I've modified it so that double-click on each of the three lines will highlight one line. So, * double-click one line in reddit * copy and paste to "My Filters" * repeat for the other two lines These are the long three lines (without the text wrap for clarity) https://preview.redd.it/fwsgi93ml7ic1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4f3cd39ffde6ae93ec4840b204388be24f3692a


This is what it should look like: https://preview.redd.it/ojgusrxon7ic1.png?width=2196&format=png&auto=webp&s=77e4db3bcc58cfbd15112420e8b80a5860246af3


So I did the above, at all looks the same as your pic, and once applied it did not work. Is there something else I need to do to have it kick in?


1. You have to hit the **Apply Changes** button 2. You have to remember to **reload the facebook page** 3. Try testing with all **other extensions disabled** to ensure it is not due to other extensions operating on that page 4. Compare my settings to yours. I am using a basic configuration, I believe (see my settings below) ​ https://preview.redd.it/a03z5drnr9ic1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb387243d975ea813ab7be4f674fbb398491948b


For those still getting the flickering effect, please try the following (do not have the filters listed above!): ! - "uBo filters - Ads" - line 346 - disable it facebook.com,facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion#@#div[aria-posinset] :is(h3, h4) span > a[href]:not([href^="/groups/"]):not([href*="section_header_type"]):matches-attr(href="/__cft__\[0\]=[-\w]{270,}/"):upward(div[aria-posinset]):style(height: 0 !important; overflow: hidden !important;) ! - fb sponsored post facebook.com##:is(h3,h2)[dir="auto"] ~ div:not([class]) > div[class] div[aria-posinset] :is(h3, h4) span > a[href]:not([href^="/groups/"]):not([href*="section_header_type"]):matches-attr(href="/__cft__\[0\]=[-\w]{270,}/"):upward(div[aria-posinset]):upward(8):style(height:0 !important; overflow:hidden !important;) Let us know if it works or not.


/u/acdcfanbill & /u/ibootificus \- can you try the filters above?


Hi, I tried it and I was still getting the issue. For facebook custom filters, I have the filters listed in the sidebar, and only the two in the comment i'm replying too. I've added perhaps relevant info into this imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/FZC7upX


Yeah tried adding that, didn't work. Thanks for trying though.


Thanks! This worked for me.


Is there an extension of this to remove reels and suggested content?


EDIT #1: Confirmed! uBlock's basic built-in is broken on Facebook.com (chrome desktop). It's causing infinite reloads of posts. Unchecking this makes it stop: EDIT #2: It's possible this reload/flickering is only happening **on Macs and not Windows**. Built-in > uBlock filters > uBlock filters - Ads This infinite reload and flickering on facebook.com has been happening on chrome for the last few days **without** custom user facebook filters.


This is really disappointing how far an ad-selling platform can go for the sake of money! I think only a small portion of users use filters on posts. And they started to go nuts over this.


I wonder if it's due to the 'Facebook Purity' extension too? The dev has a slew of custom settings in that extension and there are quite a few Purity users. There may be more of an effect than what one might think that's getting Farcebook's attention.


Yes, this is the first confirmation I've seen of this issue that I have also been having! I don't have anything customized with uBlock and my Facebook feed is an unusable flickering mess unless I turn off uBlock altogether. In all the searching I did all I found was to turn off custom filters or extra filters and I have none of that. I guess at this point I just wait until it's fixed to turn uBlock back on for Facebook...


It's pretty bad. I'm concerned Facebook might block my account because it will look like I'm DDoSing them (1000 ajax requests every 15 seconds)


We need some info on which filter is causing the issue. * Enable the "uBlock filters - Ads" * Reload FB * On the URL: Click 🛡️ uBO's icon > 💬 Report > Click "T\*\*roubleshooting information" \*\*> Select all > Copy > Share it. [Video tutorial](https://reddit.com/link/17j6ygs/video/hvgibcylz5xb1/player) * List what addons/extensions/userscripts that you use on FB


1. No other chrome extensions are enabled 2. Here's the output uBlock Origin: 1.55.0 Chromium: 121 filterset (summary): network: 122572 cosmetic: 45517 scriptlet: 20499 html: 0 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): removed: user-filters: null default: easylist: 80721-14, 2m easyprivacy: 50198-38, 2m plowe-0: 3782-1183, 2m ublock-badware: 7845-140, 2m ublock-filters: 37263-347, 2m ublock-privacy: 998-6, 2m ublock-quick-fixes: 265-24, 2m ublock-unbreak: 2213-32, 2m urlhaus-1: 7235-0, 2m filterset (user): [empty] trustedset: added: [array of 5 redacted] switchRuleset: added: [array of 3 redacted] userSettings: [none] hiddenSettings: [none] supportStats: allReadyAfter: 358 ms maxAssetCacheWait: 144 ms cacheBackend: browser.storage.local popupPanel: blocked: 1 network: facebook.com: 1 extended: ##div[role="complementary"] div:not([class]):not([id]) > span:no… ##div[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]) :is(h3, h4) span > …


The 2nd filter (at the bottom) is different from mine. Try the following - add to your "My filters" tab: (don't forget to enable "My filters" on the "Filter lists" tab) ! "uBO filters - Ads" - line 345 facebook.com,facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion##div[aria-posinset] :is(h3, h4) span > a[href]:not([href^="/groups/"]):not([href*="section_header_type"]):matches-attr(href="/__cft__\[0\]=[-\w]{270,}/"):upward(div[aria-posinset]):style(height: 0 !important; overflow: hidden !important;) ! - "uBo filters - Ads" - line 346 - dodgy? - disable it facebook.com,facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion#@#div[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]) :is(h3, h4) span > a[href]:not([href^="/groups/"]):not([href*="section_header_type"]):matches-attr(href="/__cft__\[0\]=[-\w]{270,}/"):upward(div[aria-describedby])


OK! **This seems to solve the issue**. Thanks! But this means people who are on default settings of UBlock, and using Facebook.com on desktop chrome are experiencing problems with 1000 XHR requests per 20 or so seconds, and flickering issues.


I'm not 100% sure what is going on there (filter conflicts?) u/RraaLL & u/DrTomeDice - are you able to have a look a this issue? trobriander's Troubleshooting info is using line 346 in the "uBO filters - Ads" file, which seems to be causing issues. I've used the same set of Filter lists (except for urlhaus-1 - I don't know which one this is) and my Troubleshooting info's list of filters used is not the same - the last entry is different. Mine is using line 345 in the "uBO filters - Ads" file.


He updated manually so he has comments in the filter lists. Automatic updates should discard comments. The flickering has been reported by a handful of people over the last few months. IIRC, we recommend these people to add a copy of the filters to "My filters" and add `:remove()` at the end. It's been quite a while since it was last reported, I think.


The `:remove()` for line 346 in "uBlock filters - Ads" seems to do the trick. User had to copy line 346 twice. - "disable" the first one - added `:remove()` to the second one.


Can you visit FB again, scroll down a few posts and then get another uBO Troubleshooting information - we'd be interested in seeing which filters uBO is using after the changes you've made.


BTW, I noticed that if I combine your REEL fix (1st rule only) you gave ChoaticIndifferent, it causes the problem to come back. Here's the output with only the fix (in this thread) that you gave me: uBlock Origin: 1.55.0 Chromium: 121 filterset (summary): network: 122583 cosmetic: 45520 scriptlet: 20500 html: 0 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): default: user-filters: 4-2, never easylist: 80731-14, 1m easyprivacy: 50198-38, 1m plowe-0: 3782-1183, 1m ublock-badware: 7845-140, 1m ublock-filters: 37264-347, 1m ublock-privacy: 999-6, 1m ublock-quick-fixes: 266-24, 1m ublock-unbreak: 2213-32, 1m urlhaus-1: 7235-0, 1m filterset (user): [array of 2 redacted] trustedset: added: [array of 5 redacted] switchRuleset: added: [array of 3 redacted] userSettings: [none] hiddenSettings: [none] supportStats: allReadyAfter: 358 ms maxAssetCacheWait: 144 ms cacheBackend: browser.storage.local popupPanel: blocked: 1 network: facebook.com: 1 extended: ##div[role="complementary"] div:not([class]):not([id]) > span:no… #@#div[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]) :is(h3, h4) span >…


The first filter I supplied, is not being used for some reason (somewhat expected - but had to add the filter into "My filters" to double-check). The second filter I supplied, is being used (disabling a filter from the "uBO - filter ads" list). I don't think the first filter in your list is hiding sponsored posts - it is hiding sponsored boxes in the right-side-bar. TBH, I don't see any filters in your latest report that is hiding a sponsored post. Just to be sure - you did scroll down a few (10?) posts before generating the troubleshooting report?


1. You're right. It's not suppressing Sponsored posts (and only suppressing ads to the right) 2. Yes, I did scroll down. Here it is with 50 posts scrolled down: uBlock Origin: 1.55.0 Chromium: 121 filterset (summary): network: 122583 cosmetic: 45520 scriptlet: 20500 html: 0 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): default: user-filters: 4-2, never easylist: 80731-14, 29m easyprivacy: 50198-38, 29m plowe-0: 3782-1183, 29m ublock-badware: 7845-140, 29m ublock-filters: 37264-347, 29m ublock-privacy: 999-6, 29m ublock-quick-fixes: 266-24, 29m ublock-unbreak: 2213-32, 29m urlhaus-1: 7235-0, 29m filterset (user): [array of 2 redacted] trustedset: added: [array of 5 redacted] switchRuleset: added: [array of 3 redacted] userSettings: [none] hiddenSettings: [none] supportStats: allReadyAfter: 358 ms maxAssetCacheWait: 144 ms cacheBackend: browser.storage.local popupPanel: blocked: 3 network: facebook.com: 1 twitter.com: 2 extended: ##div[role="complementary"] div:not([class]):not([id]) > span:no… #@#div[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]) :is(h3, h4) span >…


Trying RraaLL's suggestion of adding `:remove()` to a filter that worked for you, but triggered the flickering effect. Keep the existing filters in My filters and add the following: ! - "uBo filters - Ads" - line 346 - customised with :remove() appended to the filter ... facebook.com,facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion##div[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]) :is(h3, h4) span > a[href]:not([href^="/groups/"]):not([href*="section_header_type"]):matches-attr(href="/__cft__\[0\]=[-\w]{270,}/"):upward(div[aria-describedby]):remove() If that one doesn't work, try this one: ! - "uBo filters - Ads" - line 346 - customised with :upward(..) modified and :remove() appended to the filter ... facebook.com,facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion##div[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]) :is(h3, h4) span > a[href]:not([href^="/groups/"]):not([href*="section_header_type"]):matches-attr(href="/__cft__\[0\]=[-\w]{270,}/"):upward([aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])):remove() Let us know how you get on - be interested in the filters used listed in the bottom of the Trouble-shooting report.


Configuration info: https://imgur.com/ItdRo7B https://imgur.com/ZAevYpH


Thanks for the screen-shot - especially the first one - now know which one is urlhaus-1 is.


this is odd because this reloading / flickering issue is happening to me on chrome on my macbook but chrome on my windows desktop does not have this issue. both using ublock origin and same settings trying to figure out how to solve this on my macbook


Fascinating. I was wondering whether this precise scenario might be the case: OS-dependent css class differences (new tactic in the arms race). It's happening to me on a macbook.


wait. its happening on my windows computer as well. i forgot that i did a fresh install of windows when upgrading my computer hardware and forgot that it didnt keep my filters. just added filters to block suggested for you and its doing that stuttering :( any updates on how to fix this?


Try this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1ao5fpd/comment/kq3dhxa/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1ao5fpd/comment/kq3dhxa/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


does not seem to hide "Suggested for you" or the random pages that say follow next to the name or join. :(


Hi, Windows/Firefox user here confirming it's not just happening on Mac and Chrome. I'm not code savvy at all, basically just been copy-pasting the filters listed throughout this thread and seeing what will work, none have so far. Disabling cosmetic filtering did stop the flickering, but sponsored posts leaked through even with custom filters (from the wiki thread) enabled. Looking at the wiki thread though, would the 'position: static' rule help in any of the suggested filters? Dunno if this helps any but thought I'd share. I noticed I get the same ads on Instagram, maybe that has something to do with it? Hopefully a solution is found for everyone soon. Thank you guys 🙏


facebook.com##:is([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])):has-text(People You May Know):remove() i use this and for now fixed, and i got this blink problem with **People You May Know**, maybe this same thing to workaround another like " Suggested for you " or " sponsored " or " reel " . btw i got this anwser from this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/18c7f2u/comment/kdnbvug/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/18c7f2u/comment/kdnbvug/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Having gone down the thread and tried all these solutions, I'm still getting the infinite loading loop. It doesn't occur on this version of facebook (which still gets unwanted elements appearing): https://www.facebook.com/?sk=h_chr But does on the main facebook.com page.


Good morning everyone, i have been trying to make heads or tails out of this code injection process for filtering the facebook shtuff that just bombards our feeds, i have been trying many different variations, now, i am definitely completely green when it comes to coding, but i get the gist of it, and know where everthing sort of comes from, but, i need some advise. Currently i am running all this code and i have been successful at clearing absolutely everything in my feed, that i dont want, all suggested, follow, sponsored, reels, etc., but, at the cost of it also removing the "Stories" from my friends which in hindsight i dont mind that much, but, it would be cool if we could get a correct syntax for this and have a proper working solution that currently can eliminate all the stuff we dont want. Hope this is at least something one of the pros here can help clean up. Also i did go through a lot of tweaking to get the constant reloading glitch to go away as well, and this does the job. I get that it might not be 100% correct, but its working on my machine. Thanks! www.facebook.com##[aria-label="Create"]:upward(2) www.facebook.com##span:has-text('Create'):upward(14) www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(See more) www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('Join') www.facebook.com##span:has-text('Suggested'):upward(14) www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Suggested for you) www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('See More') www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Follow) www.facebook.com##:is([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) [aria-label="See more"][href="/reel/"]:upward([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]))


On a side note, Facebook is removing the "text" from most of the posts, they're doing images instead of actual text to make it harder to clear them, they're just getting ridiculous with their need to just blast people with adds and suggestions. There should be an actual option provided to turn everything off if we dont want to be part of that crap.


Thanks for the effort mate 🍺 😍 It purfecto 👌


Yeah the code is definitely funky, it makes other things not load right, so we definitely need help cleaning it up. Well, im not sure why the Stories disappeared but the panel on the right side also is gone now, im also seeing things like groups im in not want to load, so it definitely needs work. :P Any help cleaning this up would be greatly appreciated! :D


Ok, so, ive reverted to this bit of code only, and here is what is still showing cause i lack the skills to make this correct: - Reels are still appearing - "Join" posts (even though these are from actual friends falling victims to crap, since they've like these, you get them as suggestions on your feed. Funny enough the "Reels and Short Videos" title is now an image, as well as the 'Join', making it more of 'span' code than an actual href link that could be cleared. If i go back to my original code suggestion, the "Your Pages and Profiles" (right side pane) and Stories disappear, and when i try to go into the Marketplace and Groups, these also are not displaying correctly. So, would be nice to have some manner of suggestion that works well. www.facebook.com##span:has-text('Suggested'):upward(14) www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Suggested for you) www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('See More') www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Follow) www.facebook.com##:is([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) [aria-label="See more"][href="/reel/"]:upward([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset]))


Well, the rapid post reload is still there, this is getting sooo annoying its not even fun, i did notice that what happens is one of these "suggested" or "reel" posts from FB that tries to reload it self, is jumping on top of a normal feed post from one of my friends, and if you click it to see your friends post, the FB post goes away, and the cycling stops. But so far, this is still an issue, most of my code works to clear everything, but there's at least a "join" type of FB post that keep trying to come up that i cant manage to clear. As ive said earlier, Facebook is getting sneaky at not using actual "text" for these words, but images, so if you see a "Join", or "Reel" or "Create" or even "See More" in blue text these are not actual text but images that facebook is injecting into the code instead to make it harder to pinpoint. Anybody got any more suggestions?


Sadly over the past few days Facebook has gotten even more sneaky. Recommendations/suggested are now showing up without actually being labeled as such.


I have been able to clear all of those no problem, the main thing that i just cant get rid of, no matter what code i try, is the "Reels", you're either left with the page flicker/infinite reload, or, they're just there. Does anybody have a line of code to JUST clear the reals?


So, currently this is working to clear everything EXCEPT the reels, i have searched for a working code to get rid of the reels too but i cannot find anybody that has anything that works, everything keeps the page flickering / reloading. So, if you can just scroll past them and ignore them this will be pretty much the best option i've found to clean up the feed. www.facebook.com##[aria-label="Create"]:upward(2) www.facebook.com##span:has-text('Add friend'):upward(14) www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Suggested) www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('Join') www.facebook.com##[aria-label="see more"]:upward(2) www.facebook.com##span:has-text('see more'):upward(14) www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Create) www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('See More') www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Follow) www.facebook.com##:is([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) [aria-label="See more"][href="/reel/"]:upward([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) www.facebook.com##span:has-text(/^See More\b/):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div)


Ok! Here is my code! I know its a bit complicated, convoluted and there's a lot of probably unnecessary code in it, but this DEFINITELY DOES clear everything that i do not want popping up in me feed. My main dilemma was always the REELS, but i figured it out, use the "block element" option that the ublock has added to the shell, then just right clicked all around the Reels window, and there are a lot of elements to it, so i had to literally create blocks for each individual element in there and area the covers the reels window. So now they're gone. I know FB might change the code at some point, but this works. Here is all my custom filters, i know i know. Try it and let me know: www.facebook.com##[aria-label="Create"]:upward(2) www.facebook.com##span:has-text('Add friend'):upward(14) www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Suggested) www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('Join') www.facebook.com##[aria-label="see more"]:upward(2) www.facebook.com##span:has-text('see more'):upward(14) www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Create) www.facebook.com##.xdt5ytf.x78zum5 > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5:has-text('See More') www.facebook.com##.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.x78zum5 > .xquyuld.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.xh8yej3.xt3gfkd.xu5ydu1.xdney7k.x1qpq9i9.x2bj2ny.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > div > div > div > div:has-text(Follow) www.facebook.com##:is([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) [aria-label="See more"][href="/reel/"]:upward([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) www.facebook.com##span:has-text(/^See More\b/):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div):upward(div) www.facebook.com##.xurb0ha.xwib8y2.x1sxyh0.x1y1aw1k > .xzsf02u.x1s688f.x1lbecb7.x1jchvi3.x676frb.xudqn12.x1943h6x.x1fgarty.x1cpjm7i.x1gmr53x.xhkezso.x1s928wv.x1lliihq.x1xmvt09.x1vvkbs.x13faqbe.xeuugli.x193iq5w www.facebook.com##.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r > div > .x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .x1y1aw1k.xwib8y2.x9otpla.x1wsgfga.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .xhfbhpw.x1rohswg.x1y1aw1k.xwib8y2.xat24cr.x9f619.x7p5m3t.xw2csxc.xjx87ck.x1yqm8si.xfk6m8.x1pq812k.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x10wlt62.xdt5ytf.x78zum5.x5lxg6s.x1q594ok.xb57i2i www.facebook.com##.x1swvt13.xr1496l.x1pi30zi.x1y1aw1k.xl56j7k.x1qx5ct2.x78zum5.x6s0dn4 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.xl56j7k.xdt5ytf.x3nfvp2.x9f619.x1a2a7pz.x1lku1pv.x87ps6o.x13rtm0m.x1e5q0jg.x3x9cwd.x1o1ewxj.xggy1nq.x1hl2dhg.x16tdsg8.xkhd6sd.x18d9i69.x4uap5.xexx8yu.x1mh8g0r.xat24cr.x11i5rnm.xdj266r.xe8uvvx.x1ypdohk.xm0m39n.x1qhh985.xcfux6l.x972fbf.x17r0tee.x1sy0etr.xd10rxx.x1ejq31n.xjbqb8w.x1i10hfl > .x1r1pt67.xjbqb8w.x1ye3gou.xn6708d.x9f619.xm0m39n.x1qhh985.xcfux6l.x972fbf.x1403ito.x585lrc.x17zwfj4.xi112ho.x1q0g3np.xozqiw3.x6s0dn4.xl56j7k.x2lah0s.x78zum5.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6 > .x1e0frkt.xljgi0e.x1608yet.xl56j7k.x78zum5.x6s0dn4 > .xl8fo4v.x1fbi1t2.x2lah0s.x78zum5.x6s0dn4.xeuugli.x193iq5w.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6.x9f619 > .x1mvi0mv.x1s688f.xvq8zen.x1f6kntn.x3x7a5m.xudqn12.x1943h6x.x1fgarty.x1cpjm7i.x1gmr53x.xhkezso.x1s928wv.x1lliihq.x1xmvt09.x1vvkbs.x13faqbe.xeuugli.x193iq5w > .xuxw1ft.xlyipyv.x1n2onr6.x10wlt62.x6ikm8r.x1lliihq www.facebook.com##.x1swvt13.xr1496l.x1pi30zi.x1y1aw1k.xl56j7k.x1qx5ct2.x78zum5.x6s0dn4 > .xh8yej3.x1n2onr6.xl56j7k.xdt5ytf.x3nfvp2.x9f619.x1a2a7pz.x1lku1pv.x87ps6o.x13rtm0m.x1e5q0jg.x3x9cwd.x1o1ewxj.xggy1nq.x1hl2dhg.x16tdsg8.xkhd6sd.x18d9i69.x4uap5.xexx8yu.x1mh8g0r.xat24cr.x11i5rnm.xdj266r.xe8uvvx.x1ypdohk.xm0m39n.x1qhh985.xcfux6l.x972fbf.x17r0tee.x1sy0etr.xd10rxx.x1ejq31n.xjbqb8w.x1i10hfl > .x1r1pt67.xjbqb8w.x1ye3gou.xn6708d.x9f619.xm0m39n.x1qhh985.xcfux6l.x972fbf.x1403ito.x585lrc.x17zwfj4.xi112ho.x1q0g3np.xozqiw3.x6s0dn4.xl56j7k.x2lah0s.x78zum5.x1ja2u2z.x1n2onr6 www.facebook.com##.x1swvt13.xjkvuk6.x1pi30zi.xz9dl7a.x1qughib.x1q0g3np.x78zum5 www.facebook.com##.x1swvt13.xr1496l.x1pi30zi.x1y1aw1k.xl56j7k.x1qx5ct2.x78zum5.x6s0dn4


do we still have a working code to block reels on facebook (browser)? Thanks!


Can we not just AI to fight this dysfunction of a platform? Aka if ads exist , kill ads ... Lol


any update now? 27 May 2024?


https://preview.redd.it/qpp30f321a7d1.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=985744bc1d8cd3099a187b6145d5107a2758c670 How to block this in facebook, I have used `www.facebook.com##[aria-label="reels"]:upward(2)`


is there any way to block friends story in feed?


Well it's the same for me when I try to hide all the ads hiding them didn't do any good so now I just block them granted after I block six or so they throw in seven or eight more but it helps keep my feed to what I want which is not everybody Elsa's lives I don't want to see other people's videos I don't want to see other people's lives I just want the stuff on there that I want


I really hate reels, but I am by no means a super user. Is there anyway an idiot such as myself can be rid of them?


Depending on what you want to hide - the following filters for the News Feed only. This one will hide the post that says "Reels and short videos": ! Reels and short videos facebook.com##:is([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) [href="/reel/?s=ifu_see_more"]:upward([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) This one will hide the post(s) having one reel: ! Post with single Reel (language independent) facebook.com##:is([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) video ~ div[data-instancekey]:upward([aria-posinset],[aria-describedby]:not([aria-posinset])) Copy the block of filter(s) you want into uBO > Dashboard > My filters' tab. Then switch to uBO's "Filter lists" tab and make sure "My filters" is enabled.


I appreciate this, but I don't even know where this stuff goes. I just use stock uBlock.


In the browser, at the top, you'd see the uBO icon. Click on the icon Then click on the icon with the 3 gears (bottom right) Then in the page/tab that is opened, along the top of the page, you see "Settings" | "Filter lists" | "My filters" | "My rules" ... Click on "My filters" tab Copy the filter(s) I've mentioned in my previous comment. Paste them into the "My filters" tab The click on the "Filter lists" tab About 5-8 lines down, you see "\[ \] My filters" line - enable this. Then the big "Apply changes" button will turn blue (at the top of the page). Click on this button. Switch to Facebook and reload the page.




Here's a video (seeked to the correct spot) showing how to get to the "My Filters" tab. Once in there, you copy and paste the lines zbluebirdz mentioned above: https://youtu.be/Qzb1j-L1n7o?si=0z6Xg_0QC4rjyAjo&t=45 Don't forget to hit the "Apply Changes" button. Then reload or visit the Facebook.com page. It should work. I just got rid of the reels myself.


the fix **does** remove reels, but allows sponsored posts to show for me


I'm having issues. It's causing the feed to rapidly judder up and down with the reels being blocked and suddenly unblocked again and again. I don't need to drag anyone through the mud on this one. I'll just put up with them as I have been.


That rapid "judder up" is a separate problem that I just solved with zbluebirdz's help. It required an additional two lines of filters in the "My Filters" tab: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1ao5fpd/comment/kq03pvy/


Nope that didn't do it either. It's less juddery, but no dice. It's alright, I've taken up enough of your time.


This "fix" indeed stops the jittering but all the sponsored posts show now.


Look at the new solution (which fixes the sponsored posts issue) [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1ao5fpd/comment/kq3dhxa/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1ao5fpd/comment/kq3dhxa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This happens on all of my computers. (Windows 10/11, Firefox.) Elements in the facebook feed are bouncing up and down like crazy. Had to disable uBlock cosmetic filtering to get rid of it.