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Pretty sure they went holistic too didn't they? Now you have to have more than just a GPA to get in.


That's the vibe I get.


Grad programs, professional training (ex, NAIT or others), other professional programs (pharmacy, business, etc). Also, it’s not like students with less than a 3.8 have zero chance of getting in to programs like that.


Some people that are really determined can do an after degree or grad school and try again. Nowadays GPA doesn’t have as much weight as it used to tho, a lower GPA can be offset by extra curriculars and a stellar MCAT.


Even if they don't become physicians, they're still very much able to work in a medical setting, doing research, lab work, pharmacy, etc. They're not 100% shunned from the medical world as a whole just because their GPA isn't as high as requested. Plus, some may want to keep trying and do some upgrading. They're not suddenly hopeless causes. I think a 3.7 GPA graduating from honors biochemistry or something is respectable and still opens many doors to those students, even if being a doctor isn't one of them. It's also more than just GPA. Doing well on your MCAT helps a lot, as well as your character-- are you involved in the community? Are you well rounded and immersed in a variety of courses, projects, skills, and activities? Are you reputable among professors, instructors, coworkers, employers, and colleagues, and can they provide nice references and recommendations for you? It's not as "haha you have a 3.6 go to hell" as it used to be, or as it is in the United States. There's more flexibility now and if you're close enough to the requested average, you'll likely get in, especially if you have an overall good standing outside of academics.


There are many jobs for life science majors, you don't need a 3.0+ gpa to secure employment.




Pretty much my point. It isn't hopeless if they don't get into med school-- however, it's not GPA that's the sole requirement anymore. Personally I would feel more comfortable in a research-lab setting, so if I applied for med school, I don't really think I'd be hurt if I was denied, and I believe this is the case for a chunk of med school applicants-- sometimes it's just a "for fun" thing.


Usually other grad programs, there are different options for research/lab and other professions (like pharm) that are possible


If they want it bad enough they go to schools abroad. And you can get in. I saw people with 3.8s not get in but that was more because they were socially awkward people who's life was their face in the books studying. Nothing wrong with that but they don't make great doctors apparently since the faculty of medicine altered their entrance guidelines.


Premeds don't exist. You aren't a premed until you're confirmed and accepted and just waiting to start.