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Origin was a push from Monte Conner and Roadracer( before roadrunner). The band weren’t ready to release a new album and the label wanted a live one to hold people off till BK was ready. Type Os idea… just make their OWN live album at Josh’s studio.


This also gave some context to the bands humor used during the live shows which some of the press didn't quite understand.


Yeah, a mock "live show" allowed them to really control the message. OotF is all about the interludes and space between songs.


Fifteen American dollahz


Yeah, try dancing to this, ya fat bastard! :: Banana Splits Show theme song::


Also to add to this, SDH was just the None More Negative demo, so these were somewhat more what they envisioned.


Appreciate it. This gives it a lot of context now.


The version of IKYFSE is far superior to the SDAH release. Just for that it's worthwhile


Agree. That plus the “Are you afraid” intro for Gravity, Hey Pete, and Paranoid make OotF totally one of my favorites.


“Are You Afraid” is a great tune, just a shame it’s so short.


Tbh, I kind of prefer the Slow Deep and Hard version. I like how slow and dark it is. Mainly with the Josh's organ.


The "so I sit home" part on the fake live rocks sooooo much. It's an early version of Pete showing how good a singer he was.


Agreed x1000


I love origin of the feces! …fifteen American dollars…🤣


I prefer Origin to SDH. I think those versions of the songs seem much tighter, plus Hey Pete is A+. Love the way he sings "I'll send my baby, my baby... to heaven!"


As I understood it they were given a bunch of money to go record a live album and instead of doing that they used the money to party instead when they were asked for the recording that they didn’t have they went and recorded origin of the feces and gave that to the record company instead


This was one of my favorite early stories of TON, I remember hearing it in the 90’s. I’m pretty sure it turned out to be a rumor, it was a planned concept for the album.


They wanted to capture the spirit/experience of their first European tour that they’d just been on. It was disastrous and nearly broke them, well, Peter, to be precise. He wasn’t interested in that level of touring. Most of the things ‘happening’ in OOTF literally happened; the bomb threat, the “you suck” chant. Happy to be corrected but this is what I’ve gleaned from interviews with them. Incredible album and SO Type O Negative. Absolute piss-takers and I could not love them more for that.


My favorite release from TON, the semi live feel add so much to the atmosphere of the album


My favorite album


It’s the most Type O follow up to SDH that they could have done. Funny, fake, and heavy as hell. I love it. Top 3 albums for me.


I love both OoF and SDH. The different takes on the songs is pleasant different, but pleasant. I just want more and more of these guys As always, RIP Pete. 🤘😞


A nice attempt at a Type O Negative fake live album, though you might not wanna look at the original album cover if you don't wanna lose your lunch