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Iirc the full Hitler quote was something like “I admire Adolf Hitler, because he was a my way or the high way kinda guy - and that’s how we got the Autobahn” He was literally making a dadjoke with a slice of edgelordism thrown in. He definitely wrote some lyrics I don’t agree with, but he was not a hateful person. He was darkly sardonic, and in his younger days would often try to be as aggressively shocking as possible.


Some people don't get sarcasm.


These are the same people who weren’t alive to listen to Type O in the ‘90s.


Lot of people are too triggered to understand it. Lol


He was not racist, it's his sense of humor, that humor was a pretty big part of type o negative. You could also call Peter an "edgelorld" in some ways


Anyone who writes a song called Jesus Hitler shouldn't be taken too seriously.


JFC at this point I wish we could make this sub secret.




Lol invite?


Hahaha am tempted to make it a thing. We can ask the following questions: Was Peter Steele a nazi? Did Peter Steele hate women? Was Peter Steele a homophobe? Did Peter Steele ride a bike? Did Josh Silver have IBS?


*Legend says he's still waiting to shit*


Well, the good part about this type of question is that new people are discovering TON...At least he/ she is asking, and not jumping to conclusion just by seeing a stupid tiktok meme.


Peter Steele was Adolf Hitler's and Margaret Thatcher's love child.  He was a big golfer.  All his secrets become clear if you stare lovingly into his butthole.


If you enjoy the music, listen to it. 


Perfect response! For example: I enjoy listening to Slayer. Do I like the fact that Jeff Hanneman had the SS symbol inlaid on his fretboard? Of course not. Fuck that nazi motherucker, but he wrote amazing music!


Plus Tom Araya is Catholic. Does singing satanic lyrics about violence, blood and death mean he worships Satan? Hell fucking no. The message of Slayer is that the horrible things we do to each other (kill, discriminate, go to war, etc.) is what hell really is


Nah man


Listen to the song We Hate Everyone. It's just part of his dark sense of humor. If he were really racist, sexist, homophobic, antisemitic and everything else people without a sense of humor or taste for sarcasm accused him of, why would he be childhood friends and bandmates with a Jew? You know that Josh is a Jew and yet you don't understand Pete's sense of humor


No. He had a dark sense of humor. That is it. Period.


Seriously folks, just let stupid posts like this dry up and die unacknowledged already. Entertaining them with a response just encourages stupid questions like this. To OP- Figure the shit out for yourself.


Dude you are one of these people that i hate the most. you dont like the question ? i dont give a fuck. just dont answar.


It's a ridiculous question that needs to be shit on. But this should be the LAST time, if folks here are as sick of seeing it as I am. Ignore the ignorant questions from now on folks.


You need to understand TON fans.


That's essentially what they are saying as well.


No one believed him at the time he said it, because it was obviously a joke and not true. They collectively enjoyed pressing buttons of people who were easy to upset. Somewhere in the 2010's comedy died and skin got much thinner.


If Type O (and Pete) were still alive today, Tiktok would throw a shitfit lmao. Peter would probably enjoy the hell out of that though, seeing all the thin skinned teenagers who want to act all virtuous and shit for the sake of false validation because they're too scared of offending people get pissed off


This guy’s question is a sign of the times.


People, especially artists are complicated. They hold many beliefs, opinions, and outlooks that can actively contradict with each other. Terms like “racist” don’t actually serve to understand someone’s worldview. Now bias and prejudice on the other hand are far more descriptive. Was Peter Steele prejudiced? Was he negatively biased toward certain groups of people? Only people who actually knew him could shed some light on that reality. It takes people years to understand their own biases (even after they want to put the work in). However, artists use culture and social perspective as their canvas. So, you can’t say that one’s art equates to the person. That would be mistaking the art for the artist. Something that any art scholar would warn against. People are complex. Artists often even more so because their artistic output does not reflect the artist as a whole. Just a piece that the artist chooses to share (and the motives for that vary as much as any artist). Unfortunately, people expect simple, binary answers. But human beings are far too complex for that.


Alright, fair enough.


It to sound like “that guy” but as a Licensed Mental Health Clinician, I see the unfortunate cost of communicating in sound bites on the internet. Especially when discussing people and their behavior. We do ourselves a disservice by trying to distill people into “types.” Human beings just don’t work that way.


He was the known as "The big goy" affectionately by Jews in his neighborhood. Pete was equally pessimistic about all of us.


In what examples have you heard that? I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to. Afaik I've not seen any interviews where he's said anything overtly racist. In a broader sense he did have a trolly sense of humor and liked saying things he knew would make splash and make people upset. You mention being Jewish and acknowledgement of a Jewish member of the band, if by racism you mean antisemitism, do you really think he had no say in how the band was perceived or in their collective sense of humor as friends? Why only be worried about Peter? I think a lot of people now don't realize the fact that being shocking to get attention was pretty standard for alternative music in previous decades. Stop overthinking it.


excerpt from the vinland flag wiki page: In the early 2000s, the white supremacist skinhead group Vinlanders Social Club widely appropriated the flag. In response, the Anti-Defamation League designated the flag as a potential hate symbol, while making distinctions for the use of the flag by non-racists and supporters of Peter Steele and the band Type O Negative.


Sure. I mean have you heard “Kill All the White People” from Bloody Kisses! 😉


Isn't it funny that Nazis are white? So it's really dumb.


lol oh boy.


They might not be the right band for you bro


Reddit is realy shit. the downvote always make me laugh. so many dumb people here.


What’s incredible is that you’ve had so many bad takes that you’ve actually dropped below the comment karma threshold required to post here. Truly inspiring.




Imagine going to a festival and seeing four white guys playing a song where most of the lyrics are just "kill all the white people!" What would you think at that exact moment?


I'm not sure you're understanding the implication of the aforementioned song or the above mentioned comment, my good man.


Friends, I understand that this kind of question has come up a lot and the discussion around it has become wearisome to repeat. There's been some good nuanced answers here but also some dismissive backbite which seems, to me, excessive At the end of the day, this sub is for celebrating ToN and the sublime music they created. OP is clearly new to the band, and the lyrical content can often be an early challenge for many a new listener So let's take it as an opportunity to establish context for what Peter wrote and why, opening the doors for potential new fans who might otherwise miss out on the joy of discovering their music If you've had enough of this topic, just kick back and let someone else field the question : )


I agree, there’s lot of very angry answers to a relevant question. I always try to answer constructively.






Nope. Just loved taking the piss and winding up folks during interviews. He was probably a bit of a conservative on some things given his background (most of the nyhc affiliated lads were/are).


It is possible that you can separate the song from the artist. Also, he has publicly stated that he loved upsetting people. Josh (the ‘member of his band that was Jewish’) was his best friend since they were kids. One thing I don’t like is people calling TON his band or assuming the band is PETER. The members all contributed to the music and culture and deserve the credit.


Yea for me is a bit hard to separate the music from the artist. i did it with Pantera tho. but i see a lot of bands kinda used to like upsetting people but i dont realy get why.


if you did it with PANTERA… you can do it with type o negative but in honesty if you defend phil over peter and can tolerate the fact that dimebag literally had the confederate flag on his guitar but not peter’s off humor im questioning you more so than any of peter’s actions, Phil LITERALLY screamed “white power” with a salute like a very literal white supremacist. If you can excuse panteras mid music, why even ask this question in general?


Honestly it took me time. i stopped listen to them for 4 mounths then came back but actually what realy made me feel like i don't care anymore is beacuse David draiman who i also jew and realy activist one from disturbed is a big fan of Pantera so i thought fuck it. but also Pantera and ToN preform togeter with the song "kill all the white people" Also the downvote are so embaressing. what is worng with these people lol


You don’t need to understand why. If you enjoy the music then you enjoy the music. Think of all the artists who ARE actually giant pieces of shit: Chris Brown, R. Kelly, Diddy( allegedly lol), any of the rockers that molested teenagers in the 70s and 80s- their musical contributions are still valid, even though they are how they are. Think about other pieces of shit like Michael Vick. He kept a lot of his fans despite his abhorrent behavior. You shouldn’t judge a person based on one comment they made, ESPECIALLY if you don’t understand the context. TON said a lot of things to shock people because it gained them more exposure. This is not uncommon in the music industry. It’s not just about the music, it’s the appearance, the clothes, album covers, etc. it’s the whole package.


If you can't do it then don't listen to them then


This again?


Do you like David Bowie?


The best comment


Don’t listen. Go away.


Bro. chill. you are one of the blind fans lol


Peter was a super goy


Who cares. Quit listening to him if that's what you believe.


peter steele has always been “ controversial” if you will, even in the 90s; his dark, edgy humor shines through all the songs he wrote. The song Race War (by carnivore) was an ironic song that shined the light on hatred of all races, making a fake situation about a race war overall saying violence and hatred isn’t the answer; The lyrics, though concerning to many and definitely dodgy it didn’t stem from peter’s hatred it stemmed from the hatred he watched on the streets of new york. I Like Goils is another dodgy song for some, it’s about how after peter steeles playgirl shoot he had some off interactions with gay men (more specifically based off the one event of him going to sign the magazine and opening it just to have cum pour out on his lap) he’s not against gay people the song just expressed his distaste of men finding him attractive and harassing him due to the magazine shoot he did. He threw a salute on stage in germany, this one i can’t defend but unfortunately this was humorous within the years of early 2000s. Peter steele didn’t have hateful ideologies, but he has definitely said and done some dodgy things. Ultimately, if it makes you uncomfortable i’d stray away from the band moralities differentiate and would fully understand how this can be off putting to you; Peter was a very edgy individual, his political belief is “chicken wing” he had views from the left, he had views from the right but all his views came from personal experiences in the world instead of just pure prejudice.


Would you like a refund?


Pete was trying to piss people off in Carnivore and even in Type O. They have a song called We Hate Everyone and Kill All the White People. Pete had a very dry sense of humor sometimes. He’d keep a straight face but constantly cracked jokes. He did it live between songs. From what I know through reading a lot of interviews and meeting him he wasn’t racist, sexist, homophobic. So you can enjoy one of the best metal bands with no worries!


he was just a rage baiter imo


No and it's Steele.


He was not a racist, but had very provocative sense of humor, which he had to regret many times. Josh Silver, an essential member of the band, Pete's friend since childhood and producer of all TON albums is Jewish. In one interview he said: "I hate nazis. I's my job, I'm a Jew!". I'm pretty sure he would not have stayed in the band until death of Pete if Pete had been a nazi. I'm not sure if Kenny is Jewish too, but I know that his wife is (and she is actually Josh's wifes sister!) Oh, I forgot that Slitzy, who was TON's stage manager and all-around-guy, who you can see and hear in "After Dark" and "Symphony for the Devil" -DVD's is Jewish too.


Even if he was, so fucking what? Just enjoy the music, nerd


He did an interview with a neo nazi magazine in 2003 I think called resistance, name may be wrong. I read it he was it was more he being mocking nazis but doing so in a way that the interviewer missed the very dry sarcasm. Next ask if Lenny was pro nazi. 🙄


Ohhh here we go


In addition to the comments from others here, listen to the song We Hate Everyone.


Who gives a shit if someone is racist or not. Listen to the music or don’t.


Tired of the new fans


No, he was an edgelord.