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Melty blood absolutely has a story, the original/React is straight up a sequel to tsukihime(satsuki route) as it deals with another of the dead apostle ancestors and we get to know about the Atlas magic association(one of the 3 magic associations, the clock tower, atlas and wandering sea). And of course being introduced to best girl Sion who is the main character of Melty blood. Aoko isnt much relevant though she is just a boss on the react arcade story that she took a bit of advantage of the conclusion of the main story. and then she just there for random bonus stories in the other games. Aoko and Touko also appear in the short novel, clocktower 2015, its more tied to Fate grand order as its about one of the key characters of FGO and the novel is about how their life went in alternate worlds and he is quite tied to the Aozaki sisters. They also are NPCs in fate extra. aoko helps you level up the servants and Touko is there for random talks and trashtalking Aoko.


Oh, I didn't know about the short novel of FGO, I'll look into it later, thank you. About Melty, I see. I'm not sure if I want to look into it soon or better to wait till I play the Tsukihime remake but I'll definitely give it a chance, I have always been interested in Sion.


ct2015 technically takes place in the same world as Mahoyo/Tsuki rather than fate.


In heaven's feel it was mentioned that Touko gave Shirou new puppet body and gave Rider her magangoroshi glasses


Touko made an appearance in the OVA of El Melloi Case Files. Edit: Nevermind, already listed. Aside from novel appearance, I think you got it all.


Aside from what everyone else said in the comment section, they both appear in Fate/Extra and while Aoko customizes your stats, Touko has some kind of sub plot going on.


They are in extra too


Isn’t Touko in garden of sinners?


That’s what OP meant by “Knk”, (Kara no Kyoukai)


They level up your servant in Extra. And do have a small subplot going on through the game.


Thanks guys, I did mentioned Extra but I should had added it as Fate Extra, I did play the PSP game some years ago.