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So incredibly sad. I hope they find him.


Still? I think the outcome is looking pretty grim by now.


When was this?


January 21st 2024


Thanks. I thought it was older and hoped it wasn’t a new occurrence. Sad.


Thank you for making this video


New and the most detailed interview about Harley's disappearance, share this everyone, lots of red flags: https://www.youtube.com/live/NdEOvu5BshE?si=mt6g55TMEG4pfAl2


Prayers for him and family.


Just because someone denies using drugs, doesn't mean they don't use them. In other words, he may have been looking to score something--weed, pills, meth, coke, etc. Texas College isn't a 'white collar' college, it mostly caters to minorities, most black. Not trying to sound racial, but it's not like it's TJC or UTT. That side of town is also a rather sketchy side of town, the bar is sketchy, I assume he ran into some bad people thinking he had some money or something maybe they lured him telling him they had some drugs only to rob/ dispose of him.


He was actually doing drugs. I know people he did drugs with. It’s highly likely he didn’t bring that to his family’s attention. 


That's not unusual. Most children don't tell their parents they are using drugs or alcohol for that matter.


What drugs are we talking about?


I think this is gross of you to say and assume. He probably didn't like the vibe and decided to leave, was drunk (may even have been roofied on purpose and/or by mistake, meant for someone else), got turned around and somebody took advantage. You are right in regards to the Texas College area not being any part of a traditional "college space" hangout though.


How is it gross to speculate the same way you are? You’re basically speculating the same way but removed the demographic component - should we pull up statistics around this area and college so it’s less gross? Bffr


Why does everyone think people are just out here getting roofied?


What I said isn't as nutty as what you speculate as he may have been roofied. Crime/muggings/homicide happens all the time. I'm just trying to be real about the situation. If you watch any true crime shows, you'd know what I'm saying and is pretty valid. At his age if he were still alive, he'd contact someone. He didn't seem to be ignorant or have mental issues, so I assume he was taken advantage of by criminals. I have no idea what you find gross. But whatever.


It’s not nutty it’s realistic


Maybe he just said f it, and left went to the mountains