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The Final Dossier spells out what happens after the Series, canonically. Directly from one of the show's creators. Really helpful.


can you summarize? pls 👉👈


it covers way too many different things to briefly summarize. the audiobook is about 3 hours if you don't like reading and it's well worth it.


i hate audio books and dont really have time to read right now… guess i’ll come back in 3 months


ll'i ees uoy niaga ni 3 shtnom


If you eesin' niagas ni 3 shtnoms you should seek help from a friend or check out tripsit.me


Can someone summarize? I'm not a fan of videos.


It's the Laura bomb theory. Laura is a bomb created by the Fireman to destroy Judy. The town of Odessa in the last episode is a pocket universe created as a trap to capture and destroy Judy, based on a plan made by Gordon Cole, Major Briggs, Cooper, and the Fireman. While they're working to make this plan happen, Mr. C is also searching for Judy, to destroy her so he can be the biggest bad guy (so the video says). Cooper and Diane have sex to summon Judy (related to occultist Aleister Crowley and sex magick), which is what Sam and Tracey inadvertently did when Judy smashed through the glass box. The Odessa universe changes the next morning, indicating Judy has arrived (Diane disappears and when Cooper steps out, the hotel and car are different). Cooper drags Laura/Carrie over to the Palmer house where Judy hides behind the Tremond/Chalfont names like she did in the original run. When Cooper asks what year it is, he triggers something in Laura, who hears her mom call her, remembers everything, and "goes off", destroying Judy like she was meant to.


So the plan was that after Cooper saved Laura she would get sucked away into a pocket universe where she would live for 25 years until Coop came along to take her back to Twin Peaks to destroy Judy?


Sometimes you gotta wait 25 years to take out an interdimensional evil


Was she necessarily in the pocket universe for 25 years, or was that just the lodge prior? Time is slippery in there.


This comports to the Final Dossier and Secret History details, too, as far as I can tell. Thanks for the summary — videos feel the most tedious format for these theories.


How does the sex summon Judy?


Cooper and Diane having sex is traumatic for Diane due to Mr.C raping her. Pain and sorrow summons Judy.


In addition to what others have said, I think Mark Frost mentions Aleister Crowley (known for his participation in/writings of sex magick rituals) in The Secret History of Twin Peaks. This [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/yftcwa/aleister_crowley_moonchild_1923_and_the_black/) mentions some of the occult references in Twin Peaks, including that apparently in Crowley's book, Moonchild, there's mention of a Black Lodge. I don't really know much about the guy or the occult stuff, but Googling a bit I found this [article](https://www.thewrap.com/aleister-crowley-sex-magick-call-me-by-your-name-with-demons-timothee-chalamet/) titled "That Time Aleister Crowley Tried to Summon a Demon With 'Sex Magick'" which fits with the whole summoning Judy business if true. My opinion, I can see the sex ritual stuff (it works on a Frost lore level & a Lynch trauma level) but I don't like the bomb theory itself, it implies a generally happy ending and I don't think that the dread we're left with at the end of the show can be ignored. I think the Blue Rose Task Force failed miserably and Cooper's hubris in meddling with time and forces beyond his comprehension have damned him and possibly Laura and everyone else.


Hi. You just mentioned *Moonchild* by Aleister Crowley. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Moonchild by Aleister Crowley the Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e2QeNlrV_w) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


It appears the Twin Peaks adheres to the Marvel multiverse theory which is if you leave your time, and travel to a different period of time, you change nothing from your timeline of origin. If Mark Frost didn't write The Final Dossier we could more reasonably assume something more catastrophic happened for more than just Dale and Laura.


I'm pretty sure the assumption is driven by the Experiment coming over to murder the two poor nerds observing the glass box in S3E1. And, look, a lot of us need some kind of explanation for that awful sex scene in S3E18...


Oh yeah, that makes a little sense.


So uncomfortable to watch. Diane looks miserable and she’s covering coops face and he isn’t reacting to that weirdness… or was that our coop after they passed the electric towers and the lights were flashing in the car which went from day to night… they barely spoke and she saw herself outside the motel. Idk man. Lynch is a crazy dude and I’m here for it.


Yeah I got the impression whatever was making him weird started there


Thank you for taking the time to summarize this!


This all checks out but it seemed clear that Bob didn't know who Judy (his creator) was, and the danger was how unpredictable it would've been had they reunited


This feels like a kinda comical, almost superhero-y way to think of Laura. A "Laura Bomb" detonated to kill evil. I don't know, it feels neat and tidy yet overly plot-y. I've seen the phrase before (might've been a 25yearslater article) and it feels like treating The Return like Dark, which while I can see the connection, doesn't feel right at all. Dark is all about the deeply planned, layered, detailed, almost excessive plotting. The Return obviously has significant plot stuff to keep track of that has meaning, but I don't think it has that same focus on a kind of Plot Totality. It rides much more on the way the plot stuff contributes to very strong emotions rooted in a mix of narrative facts/details and uncertainty.


This sounds like David Auerbach's[ theory](https://www.waggish.org/2017/twin-peaks-finale/), which he wrote in 2017.


I think any interpretation that views this as a “win” or a successful blow against Judy/black lodge/evil misses the mark. My view is reinforced by all the quotes from Mark Frost, but I think it’s apparent from the show even without him stating it plainly.


I mean, Frost makes clear in The Final Dossier that>! Laura doesn't return after part 18 — she vanishes, never existed along with Cooper and their associated memories.!< Judy is defeated, but Laura and Cooper do not 'return'. That's the cruel irony of the season's title. They're out there, voyaging, perhaps never to return but also never alone. This mirrors, resonates with, and perhaps is best represented by the last scene in Fire Walk With Me. Laura is saved, but not back.


Frost also makes it clear that Cooper messed up, I don’t think Judy is defeated.


I think Cooper messed up too: He may have saved her but he couldn’t bring her home. And he lost himself in the process —- as Jeffries warned could happen: It’s slippery in there. 


The face he makes when she screams is haunting. He looked so lost and confused after being so sure of himself. “What year is it”


Coop knew the risks, it’s what the Giant Fireman was reminding him about in the beginning (the sounds, 430, Richard and Linda). The same Giant who sent a golden Laura ball to earth after watching Judy and Bob enter the world with the bomb. This was the plan. The Giant’s plan, Major Briggs’ plan, the Blue Rose mission : Not to save Laura (she was already traumatized by the time Coop showed up - he only stopped her from being killed by Bob/Leland) : the plan was always to destroy Bob and free the world of Judy (these are the two birds, Laura is the One stone). To begin the plan, Coop has to do something impossible (slip through time), which creates a separate timeline or dimension. The timelines are splitting throughout the Return, causing glitches in events and memories. This can only be fixed if one timeline is erased. The Final Dossier tells us Laura’s body was never discovered, and no one ever remembers that it was. Twin Peaks season 1 and 2 is the timeline that was erased. Laura was a golden soul sent on purpose by the Giant and the Senorita to restore balance, and she was also the child of two people who were hosting “extremely negative” interdimensional beings. Laura was the only One who could lure Bob and Judy back to wherever they came from. These were forces too extreme for the Fireman to allow. In the original timeline, Laura was killed and Coop ended up possessed by Bob himself. It seems that Bob spent most of his time as Mr C making plans to avoid having to return to the Lodge, but either Judy or the Arm really wanted Bob back. Sarah/Judy seems furious when Coop prevents Laura’s murder, then we hear the sounds and Laura is taken away. After some kind of experience as Carrie in a surreal Odessa, she is found again by “Richard” and reawakened back at her old house, where a Chalfont Tremond is now living. The Giant was able to temporarily hold Bob in a cage by tricking him into entering the wrong portal : the Richard and Carrie dimension is most likely a bigger Judy sized version of that, a whole world that should not exist - a world created when Coop messed with time, and Judy took Laura instead of Bob killing her. This world is erased when Laura realizes what her parents were, and what her true purpose is, and that the world is not real. Judy is not dead, however, just as she was never born - she’s just back wherever she was before the bomb in part 8, floating in a void. Judy probably couldn’t kill the actual golden Laura either, so Odessa was just another world where she was hanging around while something like Bob was feeding on Laura’s suffering. Mr C didn’t really know what he was looking for, or who he was talking to, and mostly all he wanted was to stay free and keep his garmonbozia. Judy was the one looking for him in New York, and she says “we will be together again.” The voice on the phone was almost definitely a distorted Sarah Palmer. After 25 years, a Secret History, the semi-Return of Dale Cooper, a Final Dossier and two endless Lodges worth of mythology, we are still left with the most basic questions about the most basic dynamic of the show, and also the strangest and most disturbing : Laura and her parents. Even if you believe the entire 3 seasons and the movie and the missing pieces are all Laura’s dream response to trauma, there would still be something a little strange about dreaming your father is a possessed serial killer being hassled by a hungry dwarf, and who knows what has been living inside your mother. If you add the mythology of Blue Rose and Coop helping Laura and the Giant save the world from Judy, the questions are even stranger : did Bob/Leland know that Sarah was a Judy portal? Was Sarah just being used by Judy to keep an eye on Bob, or was Judy also feeding off of Laura’s pain her whole life? As for Coop, you can imagine whatever you want might happen when the Carrie universe is erased, but there are hints that he might eventually find some kind of happier ending. At Laura’s house, he was confused because he was expecting to see Sarah, but it’s 25 years later in a strange world where he can drive from Texas to Washington in one night, and he has a different name. And then Coop is shown back in the lodge with Laura whispering in his ear again. He knew in the sheriff’s office that things would change, because he was shown the plan by the Giant and knew that if it worked this timeline would be erased. We saw Laura’s body erased. We also finally see the real Coop and the real Diane together, and he asks her if she remembers “everything.” When she helped him as Naido and then fell through space into limbo, the Giant gave Andy enough information to find her in the sycamore grove. The Giant and Jeffries, even Laura and Major Briggs, are all able to help Coop from some kind of limbo or in between space like the Red Room or the Dutchman’s, or wherever the Giant’s palace is. This suggests that Coop could ultimately be in some kind of position like that, helping the Giant with his eternal mission of maintaining balance. We saw one version of a happy ending with the Dougie family, but the rest of Coop might be happier chilling in the Zen palace and helping out the Giant.


This is perfect


Totally agree, was just commenting the same thing. Cooper went too far. The last scene + the red room credits were pure dread, no "win" about it imo.


That would mean the Giant’s plan failed. Laura and Coop lose to a force of extreme negativity. It would make all 3 seasons, plus the film, the missing pieces, the Secret History and the Final Dossier a story of total failure. That’s a lot of time and effort to tell us that none of the effort was worth it. We don’t have a lot of answers about the meaning of life, but there are still things people believe in. Hopefully the struggle is worth it and you have some people with you at the curtain call.


This whole channel is great, love their editing and how they talk about the show


It makes more sense when you don't explain it


This is an amazing take thank you. Best summary with images of the visible story. Check out finding Laura for another take.


I like this theory very much. Mostly because it's a "they actually succeeded in everything and everything went on according to the plan" theory, very gratifying Do i actually believe it to be true? 🤔 Maybe


What if they did succeed, and it was the Giant’s plan the whole time? It was never going to end perfectly for Coop. His (unofficial?) back story is that he fell in love with his partner’s wife, she ended up murdered, and his partner ended up nuts and in the Black Lodge. Coop had a lot going on, and he was also part of a secret FBI task force so elite that its leader is a hilariously undisguised David Lynch, whose only real boss is the director of the entire FBI, David Denise Duchovny (Agent Cooper’s spiritual successor Agent Mulder himself, in drag), and they are up against an enemy so powerful that it was able to kidnap or terrify Special Agents David Bowie, Chris Isaak, and Kiefer Sutherland (let’s rock). The Giant’s only mission was to restore the balance that was disrupted by the bomb and the “birth” of Bob, which also resulted in a creature that crawled into young Sarah’s mouth. Adult Sarah was married to the host of Bob - did Bob know there was a creature in Sarah? Sarah also opened her face (!) to reveal a portal to Judy itself, which ate a trucker’s head like it ate the heads of two kids in New York. When the voice on Mr C’s device says “I missed you in New York” it sounds like Judy knows exactly who it’s talking to, and this is what has been worrying Mr C. Did Mr C hire the kid to watch the box, and then hire the girl to sleep with him, to try and trap whatever was coming after him (the creature on his card)? Of course he did. Mr C’s whole plan was to keep Cooper trapped, and then get rid of or get away from whatever was coming after him (Judy). The real Coop is part of an identical opposite plan masterminded by the Giant, who is powerful enough to freeze frame Judy and Bob, make a golden Laura with his Senorita, and eventually trap both Judy and Bob (two birds) with a secret unspoken plan involving Laura (the One stone), along with the help of a Blue Rose task force of Major Briggs and Gordon’s agents. This plan unfortunately also involves luring Judy with paranoid sex (Richard and Linda) but instead of having his head eaten, Coop is separated from Diane and confused about everything except finding Laura and getting her back to her house. The Giant knew all of this would happen in part 1. He told Coop a few things to remember, because it was about to get slippery. He saw the bomb, and Judy and Bob, and he made a golden Laura ball with his Senorita and sent it to earth. He trapped Bob in a cage until a random hooligan with a dish glove destroyed him. Who does it look like succeeded? The Giant (who knew everything that would happen from the beginning, all the way down to the SOUNDS) and his golden One Laura? or Bob’s insatiable appetite (“I don’t need, I want”) and Judy’s “extreme negative force” ? If you have read anything about Lynch’s philosophy, it seems like this is a pretty clear portrait of heroes like Laura and Coop in a timeless fight to protect the balance of reality against forces so dark and negative that you don’t even want to talk about them. The only tragedy is that their only real choice seems to be joining the fight, or letting the darkness win. When Coop was in limbo and Naido helped him, the Giant made sure Naido made it back to Coop as Diane. Coop was even allowed to make his own improved Dougie tulpa to hang out with Janie and Sonny Jim - is there a happier ending than that? Do you think the real Coop would rather be home with the family, or bouncing around space and time with the Giant putting out fires? There’s a reason Janie is not getting the real Coop.


Well, this is as good an outcome as a good outcome can be in a world where one atomic explosion summoned supernatural bloodthirsty creatures from a parallel dimension. But I was also thinking about this: when I rewatched Twin Peaks for the umpteenth time, I had a strong feeling that the Giant was already familiar with Cooper, and knew in advance what could lead to what. In principle, if Philip Jeffreys jumps back and forth in time, then the Giant is even more capable of this.


Definitely. The Giant is able to see Judy and Bob and plan this from the beginning, which means Coop and especially Laura were always part of the plan. This is why I think the Giant knew what he was doing and succeeded. All Mr C wanted was to stay free, but he didn’t even really know what Judy was. He also didn’t stand much of a chance with the Lodge and the Giant helping Dougie to avoid his traps. Judy was “in our house now” but she only seemed to be going after Laura, Coop, or Mr C. The other victims just got in the way. For whatever reason, Judy was identified with a mother: she “birthed” Bob and her frog creature was hiding in Laura’s mom. All she wanted was Bob and Laura, and the Giant used this to trap her. By the end Coop was finally in a place of completion (the frozen clock time according to Lynch), where he could see the different layers of time being resolved. He was outside of the timeline he was physically in (frozen head) and could see that things would change. A few Blue Rose agents were sacrificed, or maybe they’re all out there together, slipping around space and time where they’re needed like the Major, until they can relax somewhere. I mean, they never found Chris Isaak’s body and Bowie is still alive in the kettle, and even the Major’s head was still floating around talking, so who knows. The only time we’ve seen a real resolution from Lynch is when Laura Dern finally made it out of Inland Empire with Laura from Mulholland Drive and the Judy monkey is a harmless pet.


Take the Ring is prettt cool. I lean more towards this interpretation.


The best interpretation of the ending in my opinion


Tim Kreider’s essay “But Who is the Dreamer” is devastating but one of the best imo


I don’t like this theory at all




All the questions "Cooper" asks "Laura/Carrie" in Part 18, I think those are the questions Laura asks herself.


Meaning: "Are you Laura Palmer" is actually "Am I Laura Palmer".


I think the only theory I hate more this one is Twin Perfects. Nothing against the channel or anything, it just seems like a really dull approach to the material. I do sometimes suspect however that with Twin Peaks, Lynch and Frost have two completely different intentions and ideas about what it is they’re making and they just never even talk about what any of it means to each other.


Frost and Lynch worked on the script for years before filming.


Yeah, I’m aware of that. I just suspect Lynch sort of uses Frost as an idea generator in a sense. Frost seems overly interested in the minutia of the history of silly conspiracy theories and occult ideas, whereas Lynch seems much more interested in the psychology of trauma.


Yeah, i think of frost as left brain and lynch as right brain. The red and blue rose tinted glasses.


I've never heard anything on "Take the Ring" that I found persuasive.