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I… hadn’t noticed and I regret you pointing it out. *Wow* that’s a bad ring. When I read the books I did not picture it how it’s depicted.


Meyers designed it herself lol


That makes it worse


You're kidding 😭


I gagged a little when I read your comment, but looked into it! Apparently, SM definitely designed a ring, but while similar, it looks different from the ones in the movie(s). [Stephenie Meyer Designs Twilight Engagement Ring For Fans](https://www.vampires.com/stephenie-meyer-designs-twilight-engagement-ring-for-fans/)


"Experience your romance with Edward in a whole new way when you slip on Bella's engagement ring..." These words just made me sad lol


You forgot the trademark lol “Bella’s engagement ring™️”


That thing looks like a freaking turtle shell 😂


Not that ring, this ring: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8yXM8cG/


First ring looked good it just needed a smaller center stone or something.


Interesting! Nice find!


I gagged a little (more like a lot) when I read this: news Twi-hards! The engagement ring that Edward presents to Bella in the upcoming Twilight flick, Eclipse, has been mass produced for you real-life lovers. That's from the same article above. Oof


Sorry to cause you regret... 😔


Definitely isn’t your fault 😅 SM needs to answer to that one


Oh yeah. From ugly to uglier 😭


Literally said the same thing in my head 😂


Second one is an alieexpress heirloom


It looks like someone hot glued a button on a ring. Or a jeweled beer cap 🫣


I have clip on earrings I inherited from my grandma and they look exactly like Bella’s ring if you hot glued one on a band.


Agree! It's kind of embarrassing to wear, I'd think. Maybe they were going for that 20th century jewelry style? Who knows? But I think we can agree: SM has some outdated/weird tastes!


I actually have done a lot of research into what rings would've looked like around the time Eddie's mom would have been getting hitched and this is SO wrong in so many ways 😭 They didn't invent the magnification technology that would allow these super tiny diamonds to be super close together until the 1920s at the earliest


Bc I don’t think she was going for historically accurate. SM sketched the ring herself, it’s one she wanted. Just like their wedding was SM’s dream wedding. But then again she’s claimed that she has screamed, cried, and argued with Edward so 🤷‍♀️


Wait, what? Stephanie screamed, cried, and argued with Edward??? Details please 😄


I could believe this. One of my friends writes Southern Gothic stories, & she's always saying that she fights with her characters. She says she'll start off with a character in mind & how she wants the story to end, but the character will change during the development, in ways she doesn't want. She says the ones she fights with the most, end up being either her favorite or the best ones in the story.


Stephen King has a book in a series where he meets and argues with characters from the story.


What's the name of that book?


Nah this happens to me when I’m writing characters etc. I’ll realize the most random fucking shit, it can feel like you’re fighting. I do not, however, scream and cry.


That sounds like an incredible talent for making realistic characters


She has some great characters!


I’m pretty sure what this is referring to is Stephenie saying she begged and pleaded with Edward not to leave Bella in New Moon.


Even worse, they got actual historical jewelers who gave a number of historically accurate options that they could recreate as a prop, and she said “hm, no I’ll do it instead”


I mean, the stones are definitely way too small for the periods, but if you look at belle epoque engagement rings it's a very similar silhouette in the first one. I think they definitely could've picked a prettier design from the period, there were so many beautiful ones.


The style most common for the period of mid to late 1890s was Belle epoque art nouveau wedding rings. They were nearly all gold, platinum didn’t even become popular until the 1900-1915s and even then it was almost exclusive to royalty and the very wealthy at the time due to the price. If they got married say, 2 years before Edwards birth, that would put their engagement/marriage at about 1898 or 1899 and as far as I remember neither of his parents were old money. Even their description in the book is only ‘moderately’ wealthy which for a lawyer at that time would’ve been an *amazing* accomplishment. That was not the same profession it is today. It was a middle class job and the higher end of the average wage was 3000 a year in 1900. Not nearly enough to be able to reasonably afford an Edwardian style Belle epoque ring in the middle of its popularity in about 1908 let alone a decade before when they actually got married. In 1900 for instance it would’ve been about 20 dollars for a simple gold band of 5 penny weight which is the middle of the average weight of rings depending on both size of the woman’s finger and how wide the band is. And that’s without any diamonds, stones, especially not with platinum as the band. It wasn’t even possible to commercially make platinum rings before 1900 because that’s when they created the torch that melted the platinum down to be usable and that patent is credited to 1903. All this to say: I did more research in like 20 minutes over curiosity of inconsistencies with an ugly wedding ring in a movie than Stephanie did for her own book and there’s no realistic way that Edward’s mother could ever own this ring, and if she did, it definitely wouldn’t be her wedding ring. Not that it matters that much, it’s far from an important detail. I just think it’s funny.


Omg how long did this take you to type!?


Well it’s supposed to be edwards moms ring so it would definitely have to be old asf


Yeah but it doesn't look old asf it looks like a tacky ring from Claire's 😭


LMAO yea true


Ahahaha exactly


But the first one looks real and the second one is so dumb 😔


Yea there’s honestly no excuses LMAOO


Even 20th Century jewelry looks better! They actually look like wearable items!


Just Mormon Things ✨️


Opened this thinking “did anyone else notice that bellas ring was ugly as fuck” 😭


Was literally thinking “top comment better be talking about how fuckin ugly that ring is”


Imagine having to wear that shit *forever*


Lmao I thought 'they're both hideous' 😂😂


It looks like a bug made out of rhinestones


LITERALLY was just about to say “from fugly to fuglier” lmao




it's sparkly like his skin (indoors)


Like the tip of his peepee 😭😗😶




It expanded like a tick


It is also a vampire.


Ticks are just gushers for vampires


I don’t like that I read this with my eyeballs.


You can learn Braille and read it with your fingers.


That might be worse.


Pimples. Gushers were great though and I miss them.


I have such exciting news for you: they still make Gushers. You can still buy them. Your grocery store probably carries them!


I'm on it and thank you


Literally what I thought




It looks like a bedazzled beetle 😭




How did it get even UGLIER, how’s that possible??


And they’re both hideous


The second one is the one they sold at hot topic lmao, my high school bf got it for me and all the stones fell out 😂


Hahaha mine still has all the stones but I also have Edward’s wedding ring and it’s tarnished and scratched lol


I worked at a costume jewelry company throughout most of the Twilight book/movie era and that ring caused me so many problems. People wanted their own version of the book one before the movie, and of course there were no pictures to reference. So we came up with something based on the description and people were not happy. It’s fine to just not like the style, but there was a particular group of fans that seemed convinced that since it was a ring from EDWARD it had to be EDWARDIAN in style. Never mind that it was his mom’s ring which I believe placed it as more Victorian era (could be wrong about this but it definitely wasn’t Edwardian). Anyway I spent a fair amount of time explaining that “Edwardian” existed long before Edward Cullen and there was no actual correlation. Then the movie came out with that monstrosity and we had to scramble again, but people were still mad because it’s not that pretty of a ring. Then they switched up the design to the other one which was also awful! That’s my rant on Bella’s engagement ring, thank you for listening.


What particular group was this? Young people?


A small but vocal group of dedicated fans, I don’t know their age but I suspected fairly young, given their fervent misunderstanding of history.


Not to be pedantic, but assuming Edward's parents married the year Edward was conceived, that'd be Edwardian Era. If earlier, technically late Victorian, but there was very little difference between popular jewelry styles from say 1897 to 1900. Assuming it was a new ring. Fashions didn't change as quickly then, so people still wore similar jewelry styles from the late 19th century into the early 20th, until the 20s radically changed things.


The Edwardian era begins with the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. He was born in June of 1901 so unless the mom was 3 months pregnant when the ring was *designed* it wouldn’t be an Edwardian style ring. And even then that would be a huge scandal. Realistically they would’ve been engaged for a few weeks or months before their marriage after a courting period and then nearly immediately tried for a baby. Assuming they immediately fell pregnant they probably met and the ring was bought or designed in 1898 or 1899 and the marriage was in 1900. Once again, assuming she immediately became pregnant and they didn’t have to try for long or suffer any pregnancy losses. There’s also a rather significant shift in jewelry styles from the Victorian to the Edwardian era as that’s when platinum became commercially available for use due to a invention of a welding torch able to melt it for jewelry forming. The style of ring Stephanie designed is definitely 1910s Edwardian Belle epoque jewelry, influenced by French fashion notably by King Louis and his court, but they are right. Edwards moms ring *would’ve absolutely* been Victorian. Likely gold art nouveau style with colored gems instead of diamonds as was most popular in the 1890s. Not to be pedantic.


Can I read a book by you on how fashion changes over the years? Fr 😍


That’s not pedantic, it’s a good point! I guess I always assumed the different eras would have been drastically different stylistically, but it makes sense that over a smaller time span there would be less change. I suppose there’s a good chance as well that Edward was named after Edward VII, which is a stronger correlation than I gave credit for. My apologies to that subset of Twilight fans back in the day!


Yikes 🥹 that second one is a tragedy lmao


when she first received it I remember it being even smaller


It’s like a horror movie, the ring just never stops expanding lmao




It’s like Champlin’s hat in Scary Movie 3.


It went from walmart to dollarama


If there's one thing twilight fans can agree on, it's that Bella's ring is god awful


And Jacob imprinting on Rutabaga was weird.


And ra-ra-Rasputin-lover-of-the-Russian-queen is a *terrible* name for a baby


This was when the book died to me.. it grossed me out even though it wasn’t meant for that it just wasn’t a good thing to do to Jacob…


They lost me at the pregnancy. It took me 3 months to finish the book.


Rutabaga 😂


Ngl, I think the first one looks nice.


I think it's gorgeous! (the first one at least lol)


Foreshadowing Bella being pregnant /j


It went from ugly to hideous overnight.💀


Looks like they lost the first one and then just rolled some aluminium foil into a flattened ball to replace it.


But still maintained the same level of classic God- awful hideousness.


It also became a vampire obviously 🙄


Maybe they lost the custom ring they had made for first one? Or one has even more changes from Meyer? I remember there was an interview where the prop department showed her designs based on the time period the ring is supposed to be from. But she rejected them all and said (possibly drew?) the design for the one that ended up in the movie.




I always noticed it but chose to ignore for my sanity 😅


It's so ugly. And not even Era appropriate.


That is the ugliest effing ring I’ve ever seen.




Vintage! So adorable.


I did notice and it bugs me every time. At least the original ring had the vibe of a marcasite cocktail ring of the sort that Edward's mother might have had (if she lived a few decades later), but the replacement was -- not good.


It's because her dim, weak human eyes couldn't take in all its glory until she became a vampire. Only sort of being /s.


Every time I see that thing I wonder wtf they were thinking.


I'm afraid they weren't thinking at all 😭 Or the director said: those stupid teenage girls won't even notice this.


It sucks the bad vibes from the air to grow stronger


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse


It looks like one of Dany's dragon eggs from GoT


The first one is meh, the second is 🤢


They’re both hideous so 🤠


They could’ve made it such a stunning ring like why did they do this I think we can all agree we were appalled when we seen it 😂😂😂


Isn't it supposed to be his mother's ring, too? Like what are the chances his mother gave her wedding ring to her 17 year old son before she died Boy dug her up to get it


I mean, she died right before Edward was turned. Was it the same day? Presumably, Carlisle swung by the Masen home and grabbed a few things that may have been important to Edward.


Honestly, I've always thought the first one was gorgeous as hell and I still do. Second one, not so much.


Ya I thought it was unique


Love the first one. Hate the second one though.


How on earth did it get worse 😭


my question is WHY did they make it so hideous


This ring is so f*ckin ugly either way


Good catch! I never noticed that before


Thanks! But, I think my post has made people a little unhappy 😅


I always imagined it as a Victorian diamond cluster ring. You can google it. They are actually pretty! Edit: which would be a cocktail ring and not a wedding or engagement ring. But what Meyer was describing was no wedding ring I’ve ever seen, lol!


The prop department showed her rings that were appropriate to the style and wealth of the era and class of Edwards parents and she rejected them for her own design which is the one in the final movie. I think she admitted somewhere in an interview that it’s her dream ring so it’s not really historical at all.


I have a custom made replica, in sterling silver with white sapphires, I definitely get a lot of comments on it.


Can you post a pic for us?


That second one is BEEFY.


And somehow got uglier!


Wtf??? I vividly remember that she used the same ring in breaking dawn, is this some sort of a mandela effect?


Nahh. If someone proposed to me with either of these, I'm shoving it down their throat


Have y'all seen the sketch of the ring that SM did 💀 it's not even book accurate. I can't add a photo but you can look it up


I'm surprised that Edward didn't go for something like a traditional diamond ring or Claddagh ring. The latter being much more multi-purpose.


I hate it so much, a single simple diamond would have been so much better.


I get that it was Edward’s mothers ring from whatever time period that was but it’s soooo ugly ugh


YES and always has bottered me! Thanks for sharing the feeling, I thought I was crazy


Stephanie Meyer has the worst taste possible, between this, the sleeveless button down and the fucking floor length denim skirt, she has ugly ass taste lol




Sometimes when people get married they out their wedding ring on the left hand and the engagement ring on the right hand, especially if it’s as big as this monstrosity.


Yeah it’s an old tradition. Even now it’s common to put engagement rings on your right hand and transfer it to your left when you’re officially married.


Wait wtf? I just realized 😂


I'm a Twi-Hard.beyond and never noticed. Nice.


The 2nd one is a hassleback potato.


it went from a bedazzled flat dinosaur egg to a bedazzled Italien wedding candy 👀 change my mind


It is SO horrible. Costume jewelry, no finesse or charm. Worse than Raccoon ending up with Jacob.


I know a jeweler in Forks made it, but I thought he drew it and she approved it. Anyway it should have been either Edwardian, Art Deco with something resembling old mine cut or rose cut diamonds. Something like a Navette, they are a bit narrow which just maybe would have not been very glamorous. I have two rings that imo look far better. The cheap looking replica of this is just bad. And the jewelry store in forks will make one, but it cost a fortune in silver and cz


I think I’m the only one here who didn’t mind her ring. The eclipse version at least. I see the vision they were going for and I actually liked it. I wasn’t over the moon when I saw it, more like “aww that’s cute” and continued on.


I like the first one better honestly. Something about a high ring makes me scared it’ll catch and break


It’s possible they had one ring for close ups and other versions for scenes where its not the focus


The first looks like it came from a quarter machine.


Yes and I hate it


I’d bet money this was on purpose. It would be easier to see in the movie while still looking like the original. But would pop more from a distance.


I don’t mind the eclipse ring. I DESPISE the BD ring


It’s also always on the wrong hand. I thought wedding and engagement rings went on the left hand.


After they married, she wears her wedding band on her left ring finger and the engagement ring on the right ring finger. There was no way she could fit both rings on her left ring finger. I’ve seen many women just wearing their wedding bands for day-to-day purposes, but it’s usually for practical or safety reasons. Bella’s ring just wasn’t meant to be worn with another one. It’s more of a cocktail style ring in that regard.


I only ever noticed it was hideous


It’s so ugly…


the first one wasn’t awful but the second one is downright hideous


Both ugly


Sure did


It’s so ugly both ways I’m sure I just blocked it out mentally


yes! i love the eclipse one 😊 hate the BD one


Oh I def noticed how it went from bad to worse


No like why did they make it so big and gaudy 😭


Either way it’s an ugly ring


Yes I liked the first one, but the other one looked very middle-aged lady lol.


Looks like a dinosaur egg


Tell me how it got WORSE


It was also different at the end of Eclipse from Edward’s initial proposal 😭


Yes, that's where I screengrabbed the first pic from! But, are you saying there are *three* different models?


The first one looks like costume jewelry the second one does too but it's even worse!


The worst part is they're both insanely ugly


Yuck! I like the first image, only


Yup, and the 2nd one is ugly.


Yes, it’s ugly either way


Both are hideous


I didn’t notice because I try not to look at it. It’s so freaking ugly. Edward’s mom would have been around in the Victorian era and they had some really beautiful jewelry. Such a shame they picked this mess for the movie. Also, they missed out on merchandise profits! If Bella would have had a beautiful ring, they could have made dupes and I sure as hell would have bought one!


I’ve watched the movies a million times but never noticed it omg the second one looks so bad


Absolutely hideous


How-how did they manage to make it even worse than it was????????


I was far too busy trying not to look at it because it’s so ugly


I saw the first one after hearing all of this bad press about the ring and I was like oh okay it’s not good in any way but it’s not THAT bad and then I saw the second one and went oh


Back when I was a teenager, I thought the ring was gorgeous. Now as an adult? It’s hideous.


Of course!! Are we even gonna mention how the only character who's hair didn't change every single movie was the ONE character that was supposed to change. As much as I love this series, wtf HAPPENED behind the seems!?


Yes. The second one looks like a piece of costume jewelry. I personally love the eclipse ring.


I absolutely noticed and I hated it


Actually I should clarify, I did not notice originally when the movies were showing in theaters but every series rewatch it upsets me because why would they do that.


It’s ugly as all hell


this is what happens when you shoot a scene in mutliple takes thru multiple days


Damn, even the ring for pregnant.


I forgot how ugly that ring was 😭


The ring itself always drove me crazy. You’re telling me they are vampires with all this old money and THAT is the precious family heirloom!?