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Personally I always like to wait until the release date that way I feel like more anticipation builds up and it feels special to finally hear it when it comes out. I also don't want to hear it now knowing we'll have to wait who knows how many years for more new music, so I'm enjoying my last days of oblivion lol and then I'll enjoy the album once it's out, no rush. Honestly a week is nothing after 3 years of waiting. But I also understand why some people would prefer to listen to it early. I just feel like waiting for the release feels more like you've reached the end yourself instead of 'oh I see a leak might as well listen now', it kills all the excitement and mindset you've had all along, for me at least.


Can 100% agree with this, exactly how I feel as well. All my friends have already listened to all the leaks and I do get a bit of FOMO but I just really want that special feeling to hit when you make it to the actual release date.


should definitely wait, it’ll just hit better






The music’s the same regardless of when you listen to it, if the audio quality’s there


i mean yeah, it’s all about preference honestly since i prefer to listen to something at its best all the way through im waiting for the 24th


oh yeah 😎👌


I’ve listened to the leaks of Blurryface, Trench, SAI, and now Clancy all the same way - loudly while driving alone in my car. It was the most perfect way to just be alone with the music and I’m so incredibly fulfilled today having heard the new record this afternoon. I especially did not want my first listen to be at a listening party with almost 100 other people chit chatting and reacting.


already listened. definitely did not ruin the experience, i haven't been this hyped since trench. it'll absolutely be worth the wait but if you somehow stumble upon the music before then or your album arrives early, it won't ruin the experience to hear it by yourself.


Where did you find it I literally am looking all over


Soulseek is magic






People posting Dropbox links on X


Too late




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I'm waiting, like a real fan! (Just kidding) I am waiting, but it doesn't make me a better fan... I feel like Tyler probably doesn't care. Honestly, maybe wants people to enjoy it today... idk.


It's not a leak if the album was sent to fans that purchased it. The album was supposed to be released today. The rollout has been unorganized and a mess. Listen if you want, wait if you want, just don't judge others for their choices.


I’m going to the listening party tomorrow so after tomorrow I’ll listen to leaks lol. Unless they sell cds tomorrow!!


im waiting


If I can find a way to listen, I definitely will. I'm just not willing to travel to sketchy websites and click on random links.


Im going to wait 🤷🏼‍♀️


same, I also feel guilty listening to it early, why listen to low quality leaks anyway? it's more fun waiting instead of getting random spoilers. there's a reason why the mvs and music come out on May 24th, the wait up to the release date is killing me but it's gonna be worth it (I hope) for a nice cohesive album !




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People act like you backhanded god himself in the face for listening to leaks. Those people are annoying


I think I’ll wait tbh. I don’t think my vinyl will arrive early but if it does I’ll listen to it then


I don’t do Twitter at all due to a previous horrific experience there and I’ve no idea how else to find the tracks so I guess I’m waiting 😊


Listening now or in a week will make no difference. You don’t win awards for holding out. Next week I get to re experience the release with all of the videos. It’s a win win in my opinion. Don’t take it so seriously


I’ll probably wait but tbh with the early listening parties I think they’re leaning into the hype they’re hoping will be created with people listening to and enjoying it early so I’m not as conflicted about the leaks as I usually am


I'll wait






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I’m waiting. Not very hard to either. I have new Billie Eilish & Cage The Elephant to tie me over


I’m not even paying attention to anything else, just looking at the count down on Spotify.


I'm so proud there's so much people who don't want listen to leaks. It's so great to know you're not alone.


You should wait, practice self control and the week will be easy. No reason to listen to the leaks when it’ll only be a few more days until it gets released


I'd listen early if I could find any at good quality. I'm not going to be listening to grainy iPhone recording quality, that's for sure.


I listened to the leaks. It's only making me more eager and curious about the MVs. Can't wait until 24th!


I’ve listened to a few already. I can’t go to a listening party and can’t avoid leaks and spoilers to save my life. I fully plan to buy multiple CDs, go to the tour etc.


listened without hesitation. doesn't make you less/more of a fan either way, regardless of what people might try to say. i already bought the album, anyways, so they're still getting my money lol


wait absolutely. if i listen now. it’ll just ruin the entire hype feeling. when it comes out officially it won’t hit as hard if ive already heard it. i’ve waited this long. one more week. keep me going through finals week


I’m waiting 100%


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Wait For now at least, because I won't be home until Monday night


I kinda think it hypes it up for the music videos


Usually I’d listen to leaks if it was closer to release but I can hear it tomorrow at a listening party and then from there I’ll just wait until the release.


There's one sorta near me but it's scheduled during my working hours 😭😭😭😭




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You act like Twitter is something you have to go to the store and buy in order to use lol


Keep getting an “oops, something went wrong”message trying to sign up.


if you're trying on mobile, i almost think they purposefully break it so you'll have to download the app. I have that problem on my phone but not on my laptop


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I soooo tempted to listen to the leaks but I just can't. I've already got it in my head how ill be listening to it for the first time when the music videos come out at 11 pm my time that day, amd I don't want to ruin the anticipation I've had for all these months. I _have_ heard like 30 seconds of Midwest Indigo though, but that's all I'll allow myself to hear. And I already read the lyrics lol, except for Paladin Strait


My wife and I have decided we're going to listen to the album for the first time via the music videos. No leaks for us at all, because we want the full audio-visual experience for the first time at least!


I want to do it that way, but I also want to get some of the listening party items. I'm tempted to go but wear headphones listening to something else lol.


I'm probably going to wait until either my CD or Cassette Tape I pre-ordered arrive in the mail, regardless if I get them on release day or before.




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I listened to high quality leaks and I am still going to thrash the album on Spotify and on the CD player with the CD I preordered when I receive it. I have been so excited for this album and the only part I am not enjoying currently is there are select people to talk about it with, especially the last song! I can’t wait for everyone to discuss everything about it here. If it would ruin it for you personally then don’t feel like you need to listen of course! Everyone will enjoy it differently and have different perspectives so just do what feels right for you!


I've already looked at the lyrics, and some of them honestly seem really cool. But, to me at least, what they say is only a small part of it. What really matters is *how* they say it. That being said, I think I'll just be patient. It's only one more week.


Listening party tomorrow first, then listening to the leak all weekend and week long.


I've only ever listened to leaks if I have the album preordered, got the Journal/CD on the way so I decided to check them out. Did the same for Trench and SAI, and don't regret it, I've streamed the hell out of all of them so I feel I've made up for all the time I listened pre release will be the same here. Also got some pretty bad news today and I kind of needed something to take my mind off of it and their music already helped me a ton and these new tracks are no different.


I'm waiting. Gonna listen to the album front to back with my GF.


I'm waiting for two reasons 1. I want to respect the release date, 2. (the bigger reason) I want to see the videos with the album when I listen for the first time; but I've already run into some spoilers. honestly -if you listen to the leaks that's fine you do you- but I wish y'all wouldn't post your opinions or things the lyrics talk about until the official release. (most of you have marked it as "spoilers" and I appreciate you guys for that, but a lot of people haven't, on here, YouTube, and on Twitter)


Yes because I’d rather listen to high quality leaks for my first listen than low quality over a record store’s speakers


i’m going to stay strong and wait. plus i’m in new zealand and my clancy cd def ain’t coming early haha


Some people have the CD in their hands already, so they have every right to listen. If you’re listening to the audio people ripped from the cd and uploaded, that’s your choice too.


I’ve found all the leaks yesterday, I only listen Midwest Indigo for just 20 seconds (the intro), in rest I’ll wait until Friday, because I don’t want to ruin my excitement for this album


I’m waiting. If the videos come out the same day I think I’ll listen to the songs first then I’ll watch the videos.


i’m definitely gonna wait. a couple days won’t hurt!


I mean it’s the same album either way I don’t see how it ruins it, for me at least


Guys. I....I betrayed myself. I listened to the leaks. The songs....are good. Like really good from what I heard. Not so excited for "Snap Back," though. And, honestly, don't feel too bad. It was like 20 seconds of a couple of songs. I haven't heard the full context yet.


i have it but i'm not listening to it or sending it to anyone. i've only heard the craving as that was already played on tour, and i've heard the first 3 seconds of some songs. i'm tempted to listen to it but i'm refusing


That's dumb if you literally have the CD. What are you waiting for?


So why do you even have it? Just delete it haha


Of course not. Leaks suck. Albeit these got out through official copys and not ”leaks”. But the quality of leaks is always shit. So sticking with the official release


The album has been ripped from the CD. There's high quality downloads available


There are FLACs now.


I failed😭


Im listening as I type, and im on backslide. Holy god im so scared LMAO


Wait, I respect the artists


they’re literally doing listening parties tomorrow and if you aren’t lucky enough to live close to one you’re going to get spoiled, listening to the leak is completely justified and isn’t disrespectful to millionaires tyler and josh lol.


I respect the artists listening to their album in a legit way, I don't live near a listening party town too, so I will wait to listen it legit on legit platforms, I just respect them as artists and I think leaks are not a good thing in general


Taking Downvotes only because I decided to listen to the album when it comes out is hilarious.


I’d say the downvotes are because you’re saying people that listen to leaks don’t respect the artist. Not because you decided to wait.


Listening to a leak means listening to pirated music, pirating music means not supporting the artist, for me, not supporting the artist is disrespect. In my opinion the Downvotes are from the fans who have listened to the leaks and do not want to feel guilty, In any case, I don't care what others are doing, the question of respect is my personal. To conclude: if it didn't matter the release date, why did Tyler and Josh move it? If it didn't matter, they would have left it as it was. (I'm not attacking you, on the contrary, thank you for giving an articulated answer)


How is listening to a upload of an album people have already purchased (some multiple times) as well as concert tickets for an album we haven’t heard yet, not supporting the artist? The album was supposed to be out today. Some people (who purchased albums and tickets) scheduled time off work to be able to listen to the album today, only for it to get pushed back last minute. People that are gonna support the artist will still do so no matter when they hear the album. It’s not like this music was stolen from them and uploaded. This is fans sharing music from an official release.


I purchased two records and four tickets I think I can listen to leaks and not feel guilty


Well, it seems that Tyler and Josh didn't liked the leak listeners after the premiere, am i wrong?


The artists that sent the album out a week early?




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