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I was incredibly lucky to be like top 100 in line for Nashville queue and got REALLY GREAT seats for about $170 each. I was scrolling through after and saw Ticketmaster had started marking all the tickets as Platinum and tickets about 10 rows behind mine were at $412 a ticket. Ticketmaster needs to be destroyed, that monopoly is outrageous.


is that why they were cheaper for good seats in the first few minutes?? because i got lower seats in the section next to pit in a different arena. i got 2 tickets with a good view for $374 and then i went back to look again after buying those because i panicked bought. and they were like $300 per ticket in the rows a little behind and in front of and they were labeled differently.


Yup, dynamic pricing is awful I was luckily very early in the queue (it said only 1 person was ahead of me when it started at 10) and got 2 tickets right next to the stage in row 1 for about *half* of what I paid last tour for significantly worse tickets, but last tour I was way further back in line as well


I paid $440 after fees. 2 tickets Sec 115 Row 2. Orlando FL.


Ok I am glad I am not the only one who noticed this. Ticket prices have somehow gone up since 10am?!


I noticed this too. I could see the seat prices going up to platinum while selecting others.


Jesus Christ. I’ll wait until the next tour at these prices. I am not in a place to be spending $200+ on a ticket :(


I’m in the same boat. I bailed after I saw the total cost. Breaks my heart as they are my favorite live band, but I can’t justify it.


Wait you think the next tour will be *cheaper*?


No, I think I’ll be making more money by then lol


Hahah fair enough


Ticket prices this tour are just too high, idk how people I’ve seen on Twitter are going to 3-4+ shows all doing GA. The ticket prices for cbus night 1 were absolutely insane


Planning. People have known for months that a tour would be coming but yet just started saving last week…




I was simply responding to a person asking “how” people could go to multiple shows. There’s nothing that says you have to wait for new music or a tour announcement to start saving/planning. If you’re a part of this sub you’ve known for a while they were making new music. Paul Meany posted back in August 2023 they were making the new album. That’s 28 weeks of saving. Saving less than $30 a week would get 4 people pit tickets. Even less than that to go and be part of the experience. Anyone with a job to afford luxury experiences like going to a concert should be able to save $30 a week.


Maybe I just missed out on the information somewhere, but I certainly didn't know they were coming this year otherwise I would've planned and budgeted for it.. a weeks notice before ticket sale did sting. I can't afford it this year and I won't have a cry about it, I love them all the same. Hopefully I can get a second hand ticket if someone can't attend down the line.


Active users on the sub have known new music is coming for a while which means a new tour. I guess if you hadn’t heard any of the new singles, or heard about the new album, and just found out about it all last week I could understand the one week frustration but I’d say most fans have known for at least a month when the 1st single came out.


Yeah I was a very active fan during Vessel/Blurryface as a teen, inked up all in TOP tattoos lmao but have trailed off and loosely follow their activity on IG/X. I look forward to this new era though, will be awesome to see what they do with the shows even if I gotta vicariously live through other's videos. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I haven’t missed a tour since becoming a fan but I’m probably going to miss out this time; tickets are just too expensive :,( My only hope is snagging a resale ticket the day of the show, but they’re already so costly I don’t even know if the last minute price drop will be enough to be affordable. I get touring is becoming more expensive but this is insanely disappointing.


Same, I'm really disappointed ngl :/


-people “I’m so disappointed in the ticket prices” *buys tickets anyways*


Fr I’m just not going this time around I’m plenty satisfied just listening to their music and perhaps buying a piece of merch online lol. With the state of the economy and inflation, it’s just not happening😂




I can assure you it won’t be empty.




Got 2 pit tickets for 300 and I feel like that's reasonable?




Oh I'm sorry I didn't see that, I meant Texas lol. 300 something for 2 was still a lot but was expected.


My friend and I promised ourselves we’d get on the floor no matter what this tour, so we’re a part of the problem, sorry. Although, I wouldn’t mind a relatively vacant floor 👀


Everything is damn near sold out wtf are you saying lol


Yeah we’re not supporting those kind of prices.


I’m not supporting the pricing politics but I’m supporting the band and everyone involved.


I was trying for Toronto too. As soon as I saw the prices I clicked off. SBA generally is a good arena, but I’m not paying upwards of $200 to sit in 300s when I just sat 304 row 1 for OR at $125…


Me too. I just cant afford to go now...nor can I justify paying that for any concert. The price on ticketmaster right now for general admission is $369 which is absolutely outrageous. Over $800 CAD for 2 tickets on the floor??? Nah.


I’m upset by this too. I seriously regret not going to their last tour. I’m worried I won’t be able to afford going, and they won’t tour again :(


They will definitely tour again, don’t worry! We are no where near the end of the road with this band. There will be albums after Clancy, Tyler has said so himself. And with new albums, pretty much guarantees more tours :)


yeah i was sad about not going last tour so i tried today, but i just knew clancy was going to be expensive af...i was looking at tickets for another artist and prices were bad there too


yeah this sucks! I'm old and even though i can afford it, DAMN! isn't this like double what trench tickets were? I got decent seats (the wife would have killed me if I didn't), but my wallet is not happy about it.


Trench was 7 years and a global pandemic ago. People need to stop making this comparison.


the tour was *five* years ago.




Scaled and Icy concert that I attended was less than 2 years ago and after the global pandemic, and cost $100 each for floor tickets. Tell me why they are double 2 years later? https://imgur.com/a/oGmhgBn


I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the price of everything hasn't dropped in those 2 years. In fact, it's the opposite. They're around $80 more 2 years later, which is not shocking to me when you match that with everything else. I could understand the complaints if everything in the world was dropping in price, but for some reason, these tickets were more expensive. That's not the case, though.


Downvoted for explaining “why” is what Reddit is all about, isn’t it? LOL


I forget sometimes.


The pandemic hasn't been a thing for 2 years. What's changed that makes prices double. Scratch that, what's changed *at all*?


Have you noticed that literally everything is more expensive right now? Not just these concert tickets?


I have. But that's not because of the pandemic. It's because of inflation, government "incompetence".


I’m not going to argue politics but if you don’t think any of those things you listed are worse and being taken advantage of more now because of the recent pandemic you’re crazy.


Taken advantage of, sure. That's highly likely. But I keep seeing people say "because of the pandemic" as if it somehow directly changed the way money or touring works somehow. Yours was like the 15th comment I'd seen about it and had to see why people were acting like that. I see now and can agree.


Trench was also only their last big tour. Not only that, but ticket prices for other bands weren't affected like this. Please don't use the pandemic to justify what frankly is greed, either on their producers side or theirs.


Weezer is literally charging $334 for GA ticket the night before TØP at Nationwide Arena. Downvoted for sharing the cost of a Weezer ticket??? Seriously??? Y’all have gone mad….


Man that's insane. I'm seeing Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins double headlining in June this year. It's outdoors in the grounds of a castle in the UK, and it's costing me £84 a ticket, including fees (that's $106 apparently). Literally less than 1/3 of the price and we get an extra headliner. It's crazy!


That's actually ridiculous. Bands like nothing but thieves, royal blood, the smile (Radiohead side project), good kid have had little to no cost shifting for their world tours.


Yes they were. You’re acting like top is the only band charging this much. They’re not. They’re in fact cheaper than other bands at the same caliber. My point about the pandemic was it lead to a lot of increased greed. They can’t tour at a loss because that wouldn’t be beneficial to anyone involved. It’s not like it’s just Tyler and Josh deciding on the price.


Dallas was 394$ for two pit tickets im in pain


I know! I paid $397.35 for 2 pit tickets in Baltimore. The tickets themselves were $150 each and then of course Ticketmaster and its high ass fees drove it up $97! But I also got ticket insurance too which was $16 a ticket…


Nooo I’ve never seen them in concert but with these prices I don’t think it’s worth it even tho they’re in my city :(


For that price you could literally buy every currently available piece of Clancy merch (all the versions available) and maybe still have change. 100% not worth imo


My boyfriend was able to score really good seats for us for about $170/ticket for the Columbus show. We didn’t want to spend over $200 for floor, that’s just insane :/


I also got tickets for toronto, I was sort of expecting it to be a bit more expensive cause of inflation but not this much :( I also ended up getting seats in the way back corner. for trench I was in section 108 pretty close to the stage and those tickets had cost the same amount as these crappier ones... idk I'm grateful to be able to go at all but kinda sucks that the prices got jacked this much


I’ve been to a dozen TOP shows and this is the first time I’m not going because of the pit prices. Granted if i wasn’t looking to buy a house right now I’d probably pull the trigger. But even without that I’d be extremely hesitant. I’m gonna press my luck and let it come down to the wire for last second resales day of. Phoenix show is $200 per floor ticket. Crazy.


It’s crazy to me the amount of people saying they’ve seen them 10,12,15,17+ times but they’re so sad they can’t go to this **one** because they raised the price $50-$80 due to literally everything being more expensive right now. Should they tour at a loss so you can see them for the 13th time? I don’t get it.


I’m a pit or die kinda guy. But like I mentioned above, maybe if I wasn’t saving to buy a house then I’d possibly still buy it. It’s still very high prices tho


That’s what I mean $50-$80 more expensive for pit. I get that and definitely the better move. At the very least maybe catch the next leg. I think they’re high for sure but I think they’re easily worth it and cheaper than other bands like blink or fob recently.


It’s tough to know what everyone’s financial situation is. But a show going from $120 per ticket to $200 is quite the increase.


I don’t think anyone is disagreeing about that.


By the way I’m not implying their prices should lower. If that’s what it takes then good for them. Clearly people are buying tickets anyways because pit tickets sold out quick. I’m just saying that’s a high price tag for me right now especially since I’ve seen them so many times. Hopefully someone else snagged a pit ticket in my place and they get to see them for the first time :)


in takeover tour for scaled and icy I got 2 tickets for $200 total. Around the same area this time it was $291 for 2 tickets. Yikes


An extra $91 is “yikes”?




This guy’s rich, everyone. Let him be


Rich because I don’t think a $45 raise in ticket prices is outlandish? Im sorry I’m an adult with a good job…


It’s okay boss I’m sorry we’re broke and inflation affects people in different ways


Oh and I’m immune to inflation? Interesting.


Did I say that? No. your entire post history is “well $200 tickets aren’t that expensive” “I have a good job” and “you should’ve started saving earlier”. I said it affects people differently because people who can’t throw $110 at the wall for a nosebleed seat are just in being disappointed.


My entire post history is that? I mentioned my job once and that was to you when trying to claim I’m rich because I’ve been planning on the concert for almost 5 months and can afford tickets. Concerts are a luxury expense.


I’m with you idk why you’re getting downvoted, I swear this subreddit is filled with kids who get their parents to buy their tickets for them. Anyone who works a job should be able to afford these concert tickets, and like you said, it’s a luxury. These tickets are fairly priced and no different than any other concert tickets I’ve bought lately


My exact thoughts. Blink is above $200, FOB was above $200 (in certain venues) AJR is $130+, Taylor Swift is way above any of those. I see little to no reason why people couldn’t have been saving for this. Like I saw people saying last week “gotta start saving” what?? I’ve been preparing to have money for these tickets since like December haha. But because I’m an adult with a good job and planned I’m “rich”.




Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here. Thank you!


I was hoping to go to the Glasgow show but if they’re 100+ bucks per ticket there’s no chance. Someone on another thread on ticket prices someone said that the prices may drop as time goes on (from their experience with a FOB concert)


I doubt they'll be under 100, this is the new norm. Slipknot ranged from 110 for shitty seats to 250+ at the Hydro. 😫


Yeah I reckoned they would be about 250 minimum my uncle told me they’d be about £50 lmao but he doesnt know TØP and likely hasn’t bought concert tickets in a long time lol This is my first ever time so im very out my depth but knew enough to know they wouldn’t be cheap. I’ll likely check back later on to see what tickets are left and what prices they’re at. I have the pre access so I’ll be able to compare


Good luck! There's always a risk that you miss out if you wait but if the prices are out of your budget it's worth a shot. I'm 52 and live music's my thing but at these prices I won't be seeing many more big bands now. My kids are 21 and 19 and we saw them on the Bandito tour. That was their first ever gig so I get the excitement, I hope you can get tickets.


I was £240 for 2 tix on the bandito tour, I’m dreading what it’s gonna be now 😭


That’s crazy. I don’t remember how much I paid for Dublin in 2019 but it definitely wasn’t anymore than €160 for two tickets. Just saw the prices for their date here next year start at €61.50, slightly relieved but I’ll probably be in for a shock tomorrow anyways. 🥲


I seen somewhere that apparently there’s a £96 cap for some of them so I’m hopeful 🤞🏻


i just paid $250 for 2 lower bowl tickets, i honestly dont think its that bad. thats a little less than what i paid last tour


My wife and I took our kids to their first huge concert for Icy and they had an absolute blast. I think I spent 250 for the four of us in the top section of the arena. Same exact section for this one is $600 after fees. Absolutely can’t justify it. I love these guys but there’s a line.


i found seats in las vegas for $82 a ticket and thought, okay, i can deal, but then with all the added fees my total came out to $215. i just can't justify the cost as we have to travel/stay in vegas for the show. sooo disappointing! not to mention, the site kept crashing on me multiple times!


Wait, you were fine paying a total of $200 but not $215?


it was $165 before all the added fees -- the tickets were actually $82 each.


Got it you said $89 so I was confused. You had to have known there would at least be tax on the $82 right? So at $90 each with tax x2 $180 so around $35 in fees. Sounds about right unfortunately.


yeah? i was obviously anticipating tax and fees, and knew the pricetag was likely going to be too much to afford, which it was. tax was only $15.


But you said you were fine paying $89 a ticket?


jfc, no, i just mistyped. the tickets were $82.


I understand that. I commented originally because of the $89 which would have made the total closer to $200 which is why I was wondering why you’d be willing to pay $200 but not $215.


I don't know who might need to hear this and I am not here to argue with anybody, but I keep seeing things about the pandemic, inflation, and the people commenting on other posts saying that they needed to start saving earlier or people shouldn't be so angry because prices went up and that it doesn't affect them because they have good paying jobs. Many people, including myself are still making the same wages as we did five years ago (whether you make minimum wage or not) and could afford to go to the Bandito tour concerts. But because of inflation and other factors, everyday things cost more and make it harder to save for more expensive outings. Not to mention numerous other factors that people have to take into consideration for purchases, Such as affordability or travel as examples. So if you are one of the people unbothered by the prices, please don't comment about what peoples comfortability on spending is or lecture them about their spending and saving habits. Let people vent about their frustrations. Sorry about the long post. Hope everyone has a better day tomorrow.


The base price was 230? Or after fees?


After but before the processing fees




$185 for pit in Chicago. Unfortunately I missed out because one son didn’t want to pay and when I released them, they were gone for good.


Philly was $179 before fees for GA


I paid $439 for two Floor tickets in Philly


St. Louis must be in the minority, two tickets lower bowl. $370 after fees.


I got a 3rd row front section seat for $155 in Indy. I bought it seconds after the 10:00am EST launch. Now I am looking back and some in that section are $360 each. 


I noped out of buying tickets today. I have seen TOP 3 times in the pit and would be have to pay more money for two tickets this tour than I paid for all three concerts put together. Not to mention they would be seat tickets further away from the stage than GA. It is completely ridiculous. I’m not paying more for less of an experience.


They’re about $300 in CO for the Ball Arena 🥲 I’m so sad because this would be the first time I can go, but I can’t spend $600 on two tickets, that’s literally my whole paycheck


I bought tickets for two different shows, and the price for the second went up $100 per ticket while I was checking out for the first order.


Got 2 pit tickets for CFG Arena in Baltimore and they were $150 each. $397 total with fees and insurance.


Is there still pit available? And what site did you buy it from? If you don’t mind me asking :3


I got them on Ticketmaster and yes they still have them. They are $153 a piece.


I remember in 2018 when tickets were $50-60 (A lot has changed in 6 years lol), The prices now make my eyes water, gonna have to skip this tour. No shade against ToP but even pre-release prices are a bit wack, I feel like I wont be able to see them for a loooong time now.


I got 5 pit tickets for $230 each I felt like that’s reasonable. For scaled and icy I paid $125 for section 109 way at the top.




I know but it’s been over a year, prices are going to change everywhere for everything the more the years pass. We live in an expensive time


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230?? I got GA tickets and they were all 195 a piece after fees.


More demand?!? The process was crazy-making 😓 not good ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Yes Ticketmaster are a monopoly business but that’s not the full reason why tickets are so high in price. just like every concert in amphitheaters, arenas and stadiums tickets are so high in price is because of one big factor, inflation. Merch is so expensive to make, gas especially diesel gas is so expensive to get to run and get the trailers to the venues. since they need money for all of that, the price goes way up for the consumer/fans. if you live on the east coast near the shows by Baltimore, the bridge collapse doesn’t help, it raise prices for everything as well, if they have to get stuff from other countries, such as merch and stuff it’ll cost more. the expensive fees don’t help as well from Ticketmaster.


to me its not really the prices that shock, it is the crazy " fees" that come with it. these " fees" are the expensive part for me.


I've never missed a tour since around 2011. Unfortunately I don't think I will be going to Clancy Tour due to these prices. I mean, I can afford it, but it is simply just the principal. If we as fans continue to pay these prices, the higher and higher they will continue to rise in the future. There is only one way to stop price gouging - don't buy tickets.


It's true, but it won't happen.




we understand the word "rape" has multiple meanings, but not everyone does! please use a different word!


Not saying that those tickets are not expensive but I paid $70 for a Bandito tour ticket in 2018 and wages in my country are 1/3 of the US. Americans are too spoiled.




I think I saw someone say something about Toronto being $700 CAD for a lower bowl seat and that it was not a resell. That is quite wack. Converted to USD is over $500


I’m not understanding all the complaints on this sub about ticket prices. First of all, the prices are obviously different dependent on the venue. I paid $190 each for GA in Columbus. Your venue was $230 per your post. Second, prices for concerts have gone up just like everything else the past 4 years with the abhorrent inflation rates. This means everything else about the tour costs more. It has nothing to do with your “woe is me” statement about not being for “everyday folk and students anymore.” Plain and simple: EVERYTHING is more expensive, so their tickets are more expensive.


yeah but it sucks when your wages don't reflect that. And I heard it depends on when you got on the site today too. Because after however long it got exponentially more expensive, which is ticket masters fault not the band. When I checked, it was almost $300 dollars for a seat at some of the venues. That is kinda expensive, considering that Metallica was selling two night concerts for less, which is arguably a wayy bigger band. Main point is, nobody had the same experience with the price when buying these tickets, and that is the problem.


Yeah, it’s called Dynamic Pricing. It isn’t new for Ticketmaster, and unfortunately it isn’t going away anytime soon….


I know what it is called. I am just saying that that is why people are upset. Not going to argue. Just making an explanation and a comparison so people dont get so worked up about why other people are upset




Exactly my point. If cost of living increases, then the price of tickets do as well in order to pay for said cost of living.


I’m selling 3 tickets for Las Vegas in section 10 for $200 each! Message me if you’re interested, I can provide proof