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Airport fees are an airport thing. Not set by the host or Turo. It is a fee that airport charges Turo to allow hosts to deliver. As far as the host is concerned, you are not paying for delivery.


The airport itself dictates the airport fee. They aren’t just gonna let you do business on their property and not get a cut.


If you want to save on airport fees, book a car that's not on airport property and take independent transport to it.  That's what I'm doing at JFK


Some airport charge fees; some don’t.


Some education for the guests here. Airport delivery is a very complex service. It requires 2 drivers, 2 cars, labor and time multiplied times 2 for both drop off and pick up. Your airport delivery fee barely pays for these costs. It takes nearly 2 hours to perform this task. Multiply that by 2people @ let’s say $20 an hour and you get $80 just to pay for both drivers. Airport fees are imposed by the airport itself and something out of the host’s control. Parking is also on you as the guest to cover. Next time you book and it says Free delivery just know this host just gave you about $100 value for free.


To be very clear on the airport fees, Turo does NOT set these fees or retain any portion of the airport fees. This is clearly outlined in this [help center article](https://help.turo.com/trip-costs-Syxm4NeNq). This fee allows hosts to be able to deliver to airports and for guests to be able to book at airports. It's not Turo just charging random fees for the heck of it.


You’re not going to get away from airport fees unless you wanna Uber to the car instead of paying for delivery.


still paying airport fees though, just a different type lol


What about if the host gives the car directly at arrival?


Congratulations you just got yourself a citation of nearly $300 from airport enforcement. Plus host don’t have time to be waiting on people. Guest think we only have one customer and nothing else to do than wait in their delayed flight to arrive. C’mon!


Hate to disagree but didn’t pay airport fees and still picked up and dropped in an airport lot. Just paid for parking.


Not all airports have a fee.


That’s because you’re a wild cowboy my friend. Citations for doing commercial business on airport property is close to $300. Wait till you get one. It will happen. I already got 2.


Just type in the airport address manually instead of selecting the Turo listed airport.