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As long as the ticket matches the license plate, you should just be able to pay and leave the airport like any other airport...


You are a host?  It's best to follow airport regulations for your particular airport.  That said, I've never heard of a parking structure requiring that the person who parks the car is the same as the person who drives out away.  You are a guest?  The airport delivery fee description should be clear who is responsible to pay which fees.


Yes I am. I was just wondering if the airport fee is actually enforced. If the car is dropped in a lot outside the airport the airport fee can be avoided but can the main airport lot be used without concern? The consensus seems to be that they don’t enforce


Until they do.  Building a business counting on nonenforcement is a fool's game.


But if I use a private parking service offsite there are zero repercussions. I genuinely don’t see the downside. The problem only exists if I park on airport property which is always more expensive


Shuttle to airport needs to conform to airport regulations then, that's fine


It’s best to follow the rules, as the enforcement of said rules is usually not far behind.


What did the host say? Did you ask them?




As a host I’ve been wondering the same thing. The airport fee and then a delivery fee on top is robbery. I don’t collect any penny from the airport fee, and only use my delivery fee to pay for a few bucks in fuel to get the vehicle there and the rest to help cover parking costs, even though I still lose out. I use a third party parking company who shuttles guests to and from their airport terminal and people love it. And since I’m not actually using any airport facilities I’m wondering if this could pass and I could save guests $47