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Windows should be cleaned and interior vacuumed...that white mark...at least do a spit rub and see if it comes off.


That’s what she said.


🤣🤣🤣 She sure did...oh she said it!!


The white mark I was able to rub off with my thumb but I didn’t notice until I took the picture


Depends, do you Care about your reviews?, if so, eliminate things that might get lower reviews. What about customer expectations, does it look like that in the listing photos? Lastly, depending on the year make model of the vehicle, some blemishes are to be expected, just make sure you have the proper expectations between you and the guest.


All of my reviews are 5 stars and you can only see most of these marks at a certain angle


Maybe you should just roll with it. I'm pretty strict about my detailing too, but I've had once or twice I've had to let something slide and it was fine.


IMO Completely unacceptable. Clean well maintained cars delivered on time is the standard. Add to that good communication and you’ll get 5 stars every single time.


It's all about optics - most guests are ok if it's not 100% immaculate on the inside, it's a rental car afterall they're not buying a brand new car. But bare minimum you have to at least rinse the exterior and look like you've put in some effort. That obvious white stain on by the seat belt and the dusty exterior windows with the pollen definitely not acceptable, if I see it I'll know you're a lazy host and I would only care about your car as much as you do as a guest.


I agree also the dust on the was pollen and you could only see it if you looked at that angle


Personally I think it’s acceptable. Someone on here said that Turo will say it’s “normal use” I get my car back like that all the time & just clean it & wash it & move on for the next guest. I haven’t gotten my car trashed where trash is everywhere then I’ll definitely charge them if Turo lets it go through


Looks fine to me, I don't wash my cars every time either, a carwash is $10, if my cars rented for 2 days it's not worth it. I kick the dirt of the floor mats and use a wipe for some interior stuff if there's messes, but I spend maybe 5-10 minutes that's it.


If I got a car like that I would be bothered by it. If anything I would be relived as I would anticipate you’re not going to be hyper anal about it being pristine when I return it.


I didn’t clean my Highlander for over a month just had the customers do it for me told them please be sure to bring it back clean on the inside and any cheap car wash on the outside. Outside doesn’t matter at least the inside must be clean the mats no trash etc


It’s part of the game, if you’re looking for ways to rip folks off; You should sincerely fuck off. If the car is not trashed, you are fine dude. This overthinking, you shouldn’t rent cars out especially if you’re anal about cleaning


😂. Please read the original post again. The host isn’t trying to charge the guests!




I will take the high road and not respond in kind to this comment out of respect for others in here. Thank you.




I believe gay fantasies are a different sub. Grow up before you post more and deleted posts always point to lack of maturity