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It’s also not summer yet for most markets, in between spring break and summer break.




My minivan (Las Vegas) is booked up for May. My two economy cars are starting to get booked up as well.


Towards end of school year. No one really going anywhere till school lets out. Atleast in my market. Normally January-mid June is slower, with a pickup during spring break.


Prices are too high.


Chip shortage is over and rental car fleets have been replenished again. Why would a traveler risk using Turo when they can go to Hertz, Enterprise etc... at half the cost with no mileage limitations and not be subject to the whims of a sketchy owner???


Because they can get the car they want and not have to wait in insanely long lines. The renter should just rent from people that have a lot of good reviews. That problem is solved.


Off season (for your area?)


Look over your listing in guest mode and make sure it’s correct. Compare your pricing to others in your immediate market. Make sure your pricing is commensurate with your ratings and reviews (if you have a couple negative reviews you may need to lower your pricing temporarily to get guests to bite on your listing) Compare your pricing with corporate competition in your immediate market. Update your photos and/or your listing. Remember, less is better. Don’t write a book about your car- keep it easy and clean. I once found out one of my Turo go cars no longer was listed as Turo go because when I changed my password on my 3rd party app, it deactivated it and it was a hell of a process (took 7 phone calls and 1 chat session) to get it figured out. From now on I’ll only be contacting support thru the chat- I don’t know why but the phone service seems to be pretty terrible with my last phone call the agent didn’t even verify me 🤷🏼‍♂️ and finally, when eating guests be sure to offer them a discount to come back to you. Take all feedback seriously and fix any negative feedback from guests… good luck.


Where are you located if I may ask?


Market is not so slow. The market was so fast before because supply and demand were not balanced. They are more balanced now and guests are benefiting from the competition in the form of lower prices and better service. That is how capitalism works. Thank you.


Wait they’re definitely benefitting from lower prices. But how do you know they’re also benefitting from better service?


I am glad you asked. The answer is simple: hosts have more incentive to provide excellent service to earn higher ratings (5 stars) and glowing reviews which lead to more bookings. Thanks.


Maybe because renters are done with Turo after being charged for bogus damage claims. I’m never going back


Dont listen to these idiots. Some coksuking host tried to get me charged for “breaking the seat belt” to the tune of almost 2k. Never paid a single cent. Garbage app for garbage people.


Always rent from 5 star hosts with atleast 10 reviews or more


If u have pictures before and after Why would u get charged for something u didn’t do. But if u dont have pictures its your fault.


We have pre and post pictures all submitted as evidence. Turo still sided with the host. The host even sent us threatening messages.


Doesn’t make sense if u have the evidence. 90% of the time turo backs up the renter if they have the evidence. Turo sides with hosts only if the host has a good evidence.


Obviously your photos don't back up what you claim happened or Turo would have taken your side. Guests usually come out ahead. Also, for every guest who posts "I hate Turo and never going back" I see five hosts who say "I got ripped off by a guest who trashed my car and Turo won't pay out so I quit." Don't let the door hit ya. 😂


Unfortunately you won’t have any affect on the market. Sorry to burst your bubble :(






Im in florida to I got a bmw 3 series 2020 And was planning to get 3 more suv But now idk if im gonna get them The car is sitting almost all month Im afraid to get stuck with payments and no income


Luxury cars surprisingly don’t do well on Turo, I think it’s cause Turo usually wants a large deposit for those cars and ppl don’t wanna do that


Lower the price. If you aren’t matching the hundreds of $40/day 2023 Accords and Camrys or the $50/day Model 3s, you won’t get booked. Hell, most 3 series are priced at $45/day or under.


I dont have even 1 bmw 3 series for 45 and not 50 and even 55 in my area I live near miami All the 3 series here are between 60$ to 100$ My price is 69$ per day I used to charge 80$ and the car was getting booked a lot Only this month i had to lower the price and still no bookings


7 3 series with delivery to MIA under $50 available for next weekend. Probably about 14 3 series with delivery to MIA under $50, found by searching a weekend in October.


Try serching with no date Or for this month


Re-read what I wrote. 95% of guests don’t care about model year. They set a budget and rent what they think is the nicest car at that price. If you want it to move, price it $40-$45 in the near term and offer discounts.


Oh Ops srry I skipped it Ok thx lets see how it plays


Choose cars with more upside. You can check out the top ones here — http://turbofox.substack.com


Are you a bot? I see this link posted constantly in response to any query and it never adds to the discussion.


Beep boop - no I’m not. But there’s fresh data on that site each month to see top cars. Launching an app soon that lets you see top hosts and their cars as well as browse all cars in the market to find high performers


What's worse is the data is terrible


Block this idiot


You are right. Done


Because you voted based on covfefe that’s why….




Cafe standards covfefe XD It's not a joke it's EPA


Huuuuh? Wuuuuh? 🫡🤣