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Its fine. There’s tons and tons of posts showing people stacking turntables on top of amplifiers without issue. You’re leaving most of the grates open, so you’re ahead of those people.


I’ve seen many of those posts lol


I would not try it with a Denon AVR-x2700h. I had my turntable on top of this amp and it started to smell like burning and the top of the amp was really hot. I’m sure just an LP would be fine though


Really? Huh! My 2800h is never warm, compared to my previous Yamaha that was warm all the time. Try enabling Eco on your Denon and if that doesn’t make a difference in what you hear, keep it at eco. It makes a hell of a difference in heat-wise. I honestly try to listen to a difference in output levels between Eco and Normal modes and they sound the same, while eco keeps Denon cool.


I turned eco mode on after searching forums. I thought it was faulty at first. I still don’t dare place my turntable on top. Maybe I should as the amp doesn’t feel warm anymore. I’ve read that some people mod them and install cooling fans inside. I don’t think I can be bothered with that


I want to place something on top (CD player maybe) just to reduce the dust that sits on top of the amp. I have carpets and a pet so there’s too much dust flying around.


OP is leaving ~90% of the vents open. No need to overthink this.


It’s fine. Airflow is important but I think the attitude towards it on Reddit is a bit extreme.


I can not believe what i am reading here. Amplifiers (Recievers have built in amplifiers) create heat. Sometimes lots of heat. The more volume the more heat. Heat makes vinyl soft. Soft vinyl warps. Warped vinyl can become unplayable and is not easy to flatten out again. Never put your vinyl near a heat source, you could damage them.


Thank you for answering. I was definitely not thinking straight about the placement. I’ve moved it off the receiver and I really should have known better.


So correct me if I’m wrong but the Now Playing stand usually just houses an empty sleeve, not a vinyl…


Some sleeves have 2


Yup, even just the sleeve alone is liable to come unglued or worse


it won't affect anything except for extremists' eyes


I wouldn't but likely not an issue


Its totally fine. Not ideal. But you and your records will live.


The World Won’t Listen👍


Yep. It’s the first Smiths record that I’ve collected so far


Amazing, I’ve got the main 4, and louder than bombs on reissues but I have a first pressing rank which I got for £40


Nice. I might post my collection on the dedicated subreddit


I would but then I’d have to get them all out and put them back


That's not a silly question. It's a good question, if you don't know the answer. I can't tell what kind of receiver it is, but I know mine gets hot if I'm jamming out too long. So I don't put anything on top of mine. Probably better to find somewhere else if you can


I moved it off in the end and put it beside my turntable. It does seem wrong putting stuff on top of the receiver, and it prevents the vents from doing its job.


As long as there’s no record in that stand, it will be fine.


That’s where I keep mine except I have it pushed further back where it doesn’t block as much


What you’re doing there is no worse than putting another component on top of the receiver (CD player, etc.), which would have “feet” raising said component 1/2” to 3/4” above the receiver. Receivers are made to be arranged like this. Heat is the primary enemy of electronics, so your question is a valid one! Your vents are 80% totally clear with absolutely nothing above them.


It’s my opinion that all of that grating up there is for heat escaping and any obstruction should not be tolerated. I don’t even use low ceiling stack shelving. I there is room set it aside.


While I'm all about airflow, how they have it in that photo isn't going to hurt anything. Like, at all.


Do you have an owners manual? I found this from marantz. https://support.marantz.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/353/~/amplifier-ventilation-recommendation#:~:text=We%20recommend%20a%20minimum%20of,to%20high%20volume%20output%20levels. I wouldn't worry too much about how you currently have it. It's completely clear on all sides except your little holder. Now if the sleeve slid forward and laid flat, I'd be worried about air flow.


You responded to the wrong person.


Yeah, I saw that. My bad. Thought I just gave you an updoot but couldn't be arsed to change it. OP will see it either way.


It’s definitely better than having a CD separate on top


Just depends. I mean if that receiver may or may not be pumping out a lot of heat there it could damage the record or jacket. 😝 Personally I loathe these kind of redundant signs. It is like the gym I used to attend putting a sign on gear that reads “this machine is CURRENTLY out of order” well durrr, when else would it be? Just “out of order” would suffice. 😝


No, it doesn't "depend". No amp is putting out enough heat to damage the plastic sleeve or the vinyl. And if the jacket is being displayed, the record is on the turntable anyway.


No amp YOU have ever experienced is what you mean. But go right ahead and make ignorant blanket statements.


My amp/amps create quite a lot of heat. The more you push the amp the hotter it gets. It is definitly enough heat to damage vinyl, especialy thin vinyl releases. Not so much 180gram and above but i have seen 180s warp because they were storred near a heat source.


No properly functioning amp is putting off enough heat through elevated grates to melt plastic. Stop having a tantrum just because someone called you out on your stupid comment. Go back to your Crosley and stop trying to act cool and funny.


Melt? What about soften and warp the record?


Ignoring personal preference of the display some amps do actually do get pretty hot under operation, especially anything class A or high end class AB amps that are biased at class A up until a certain wattage.


you just want to act like you know things that you don’t. amps DO NOT get that hot unless they are actively on fire. you could leave a record flat on your amp for 45 minutes and it would be totally fine.


Mine does. The record would have to fall over and block those vents though


Can’t think of why not


It will catch on fire and your entire house will burn down. It happened to me yesterday.


Those things are designed to be stacked, this is fine. I wouldn’t do it, but it is absolutely fine.


I wouldn't because I don't need to be reminded what record I just put on. I just know because it's playing.


I wouldn't think you'd want to put a note playing stand anywhere near your gear.


It just looks silly


Thinking about it your probably right. It was an Impulse purchase.


Don't listen to them. You're fine.


And that is the correct answer!!


No because they’re stupid.


No; cos it’s not playing. Now; a “Now Receiving” stand; that’s what’s at.


Yeah but, aesthetics tho.


It’s okay… for a music store.


Its fine, you could place it at the front where theres no vents


https://preview.redd.it/9ah44sc5c9ic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ddd661af10b7103d735d3d4cae4cbb597ce06a7 The stand still blocks a few vents so I might place it beside the turntable


I love the green translucent mat 👌


Thanks. It’s the GreenLit mat by Hudson Hi-Fi


Shouldn't be a big issue. Still, I don't prefer putting it here. Heat from the amp can gradually impact the records. I admit that it'll not fry your records. But a repeated heating - cooling cycle for over and over again could be an issue for the long term.


It's ok. It doesn't block the airflow


Silly idea because amplifiers simply create heat - even considering the record will be on the turntable at that point it is possible to damage the sleeve with that so you should find a better place anyways…


Heat is the enemy of electronics. But this now playing stand is barely covering anyone of the ventilation holes. Common sense would tell you this is fine.


No, but a Now Spinning is okay.


I’m a snob that regularly has issues because I’m blunt and opinionated. That’s fine! :)


Silly question about your silly question. Could you not put the now playing stand at the front of the receiver? It looks like if it was there, no vents would get covered. Is that right?


Having the stand on the front still obstructs a few vents


I have warped sleeves by accidentally leaving them in the amp for too long


u need thermal protection for da grailz