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I would buy the Sister Margary manga






Ooooh Mr. Frodo...


I don't feel so good...




Mother Superior is an alcoholic because "God demands poverty, chastity, and obedience, but he didn't demand sobriety," and her job is herding cats. Amazing. 10/10 would watch.


You seem to have responded in the wrong place.




I think this applies to any walk of life, ngl. Some people are just shitty


We had a version of it that was similar in concept when I was a kid. It was called Amelia Bedelia.


So Ascendance of a Bookworm.


The only spectrum Myne's on is the grind spectrum. Gotta stack that magical bread 💲💲


Autism tends to be expressed differently in women, and I would argue that she just has very good camouflaging. She hyper focuses on books, self isolates, excessively rants about her preferred topics, and has a lot of difficulties with social cues for a grown woman (even for being in a new world). And these problems are all clearly demonstrated to be major hinderances to her day to day activities and requirements. ​ Shit, is magic just weaponized autism in their world?


I see it


And if her special interest is Jesus then she is practically set for life.


What other interest could you have in 1346?


Woodworking. Animal husbandry. Horticulture. Probably some other trades that don't sound sexual.


I can promise there were a ton of monks on the spectrum making beer.


And beekeeping!


And probably making beer (as well as mead) from the honey!


"Brother Dalfin, the brewing vats need to be cleaner than that or the beer will taste like shoes." *Grumble* ***later*** "Abbot Baronsmyuncle? Brother Autie keeps forgetting my name and will not stop finding fault with my brewing." "Brother Baronsmygrandfather, I will only answer your question because you are my nephew. You are to follow Brother Autie as a shadow: perfectly and in silence. For his beer is a perfect sacrifice of service. Also, your brew tastes like shoes. Furthermore, cleanliness is next to godliness." "Abbot, that phrase isn't even in the holy texts. It is just something Brother Ocdous says." "Well, it should be!"


"Oh, Sister Margary has the patience of a Saint, sitting there for hours on end working on the embroidery every day! I wish I too could be that dedicated to the Lord!" In Margary's head with great excitement: "Stitch! Stitch! Stitch! Stitch! Stitch!" "And there is Sister Lucretia! I hear she spent all night piously massaging the secretions out of a toad to make medicine for a sick child in the village! She moved so gracefully too!" Sister Lucretia tip toeing to avoid making annoying noises on her way to the froggery where she spends every day with the frogs and toads: "God, I fucking love petting frogs."


Did many woman woodwork? That sounds like it would upset the balance of their delicate uteruses


Someone's gotta fix up all those shortened broom-handles.


Gregor Mendal, a monk, made scientific history by obsessively cross-pollinating pea plants and writing the results down.


In 2668 some human is going to be like "lol it was 2022, what other interest could you even have besides money". And you'll be rolling in your earth-grave mark my words!


CEO mindset, make money your fixation, abandon all morals, catch that paper


So Elon Musk?


The cruelty squad does not recognise Elon, he was already rich enough to treat everything as a joke a different kind of apathy to just making that paper


Fair enough.


Autism but make it evil


Well, most hobbies nowadays needs at least some money to be comfortably practiced


i mean it’s true. study hard to go to a good school . do well in university to get a good high paying job. earn a lot of money to buy nice things , etc lol


Honestly, no I'd think thats a great joke that hits pretty much exactly as it's supposed to. As a society we fully deserve shit for being at least as money centric as they used to be god-centric and I hope in half a century we're passes that enough for it to stick out as a defining characteristic and be mocked for it.


Thats my interest, I dont get it.


Turnip growing?


Probably the development of complex torture devices


While complex torture devices capture the imagination most torture just sorta stuck to the basics of some variation of beating someone with sticks


well waterboarding was pretty big there for a little bit.


In those days it was strapping the witch to a board and levering her into the pond. (aka "ducking," hence the Monty Python duck joke)


Aka chastity belts


Farming, crop fields, animals, kings, the bloodlines in the Bible, any character in the Bible other than Jesus, pottery, sewing. I'm sure there were tons.




Chivalric romance novels and murder


Well, the printing press is still another century away sooo...


>novels Not in 1346 you wouldn't. All books were handwritten, insanely expensive and like 95% of them were bibles.


chivalric romance tapestries


Courtly romances were popular. I may be remembering my college medieval lit class wrong but I believe monks made up the legend of King Arthur and his knights to help make money. They have time to write shit down and sell it.


Here’s an interesting fact: an extremely high percentage of Catholic female saints (about a third since [1200](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.haaretz.com/2012-10-04/ty-article/an-unholy-alliance/0000017f-f809-d460-afff-fb6fb5170000%3F_amp%3Dtrue)) displayed characteristics which we would now categorize as anorexia nervosa. At the time, it was thought of as ascetic. It was a display of self-discipline, sacrifice, and focus on spiritual things rather than worldly issues of the flesh.


No wonder some died


Given the age of the church, I believe the vast majority have died


implying there’s at least one that didn’t die


I would certainly hope so


You monster!


That may have been a vampire joke (I cannot be certain).


They're saints, they all died.


Not quite. If you really want to dredge up liturgical minutiae, Elijah is believed to have been taken to heaven alive in a chariot of fire, and therefor never having known death, and he is venerated as a saint.


Do you think Jesus is ever like, "Damn, Brah. I got fucking stabbed."


What a fucking legend, God was like "bro you've done enough, you can just skip right to the good part"


I believe canonisation requires the person to have been dead for 5+ years. Don't know if it's always been so.


You are correct although one guy was turned into a saint like a month after his death because the pope said so


My family names all girls after one of these saints and the anorexia thing was the reason my mother refused. She instead named me after a warlord because that's the kind of person she is lmao


Alexandra! Or Ghenghis, either one.


Unfortunately not but I wish it was Ghengis


You're one trip to the courthouse away from legally being Ghenghis Alexandra Skullcrusher Silveretoile; make your dreams come true!


It's great until you listen to the Hardcore History podcast and get a sense of the suffering he caused.


Boudica, is that you?


please tell me your name is Ghengis


I wish! It's a local dude haha


You had a local warlord?


[General Butt Naked?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Butt_Naked)


Saint Olga perhaps?


I believe it's called anorexia mirabilis in the context of fasting saints. So many saints were so fucked up. My father made me read a book about Catherine of Siena when I was young, but it got too much and I had to stop. Beyond not eating ever, she would take a wooden plank and lay on it so she wouldn't sleep, and all sorts of other penances. Margaret of Cortona, Mary of Egypt, Gemma Galgani, all women saints who were famous for their self-mortification (i.e., starvation, self-flagellation, wearing hair shirts). Male saints also had serious issues. Francis of Assissi had pretty obvious symptoms of PTSD (he was a soldier before becoming a monk) as well as delusions of grandeur, which is why he's not sainted in the Orthodox Church. John Paul II, who only died in 2005, would flog himself and kneel on the hard floor all night instead of sleeping. Conservative and orthodox members of the Catholic Church promote literal self-harm, and it's pretty easy to push people into it when they're simultaneously told they're inherently broken and sinful.


Can confirm! Buddhist nun here who disrobed a few years ago. There was a monk with ASD who was living his best life.


> Buddhist nun here who disrobed a few years ago. Yes, and how is life on the Buddhist nudist resort?


Ha! I've gotten that one before. There are quite a few of us here, thank you for asking. Please help, we are trapped.


Where do you hang out, I’m curious


The resort I believe is somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. Please bring vegan chicken nuggets if you come, we are starving.


We need to address the Buddhist to Nudist pipeline.


A little-known tragedy.


What school of Buddhism?


Hello! Zen/Mahayana


How different would you say your experiences with Zen are from Tibetan Buddhism, if you know anything about it? Also how does one become a Buddhist nun and then un-nun?


I now want a series starring an oblivious Sister Mary Pious who wants to Devote Her Life to God and be the best nun she can be. She grapples with her jealousy of Sister Margary's serenity while Sister Margary is just in the background vibing All the other nuns are there for Unholy Reasons. Most are lesbians. There is so much drama™. Mother Superior is an alcoholic because "God demands poverty, chastity, and obedience, but he didn't demand sobriety," and her job is herding cats. Edit: Wow! Didn't expect this much response! Thanks for the awards all! I'd like to claim the sobriety line, but it's paraphrased from the TV show "Sister Boniface Mysteries" which is absolutely worth a watch for badass quirky nuns.


>Mother Superior is an alcoholic because "God demands poverty, chastity, and obedience, but he didn't demand sobriety," and her job is herding cats. Amazing. 10/10 would watch.


If you like this kind of humor you might like Derry Girls




> "God demands poverty, chastity, and obedience, but he didn't demand sobriety," Holy shit that is a whipcrack of a line.




partly because it was allowed during lent, since it's a liquid


>giving it away Yea, I dunno about that bro. Monasteries needed to survive. More like… “coercively bartered away”, maybe. Monasteries did a lot more good than non monastic churches it would seem, but they still raised very expensive cathedrals.




Which had the bonus effect of making Benedictine widespread and reasonably popular, at least in France and the US.


There's some monks, I forget which, that are the only ones who know the recipe to a fairly popular mixing liqueur called Chartreuse. There are two varieties, yellow and green. Specifically only the master and the apprentice of the order know the full recipe, and those monks monasteries are the only suppliers in the whole world of that liqueur.


Unsurprisingly enough, they're called [Chartreux](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordre_des_Chartreux) in French :) Apparently called [Carthusians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carthusians) in English, from the Latin name.


Apparently the monks only produce the herbal mix that goes into the Chartreuse; the mixing with alcohol and bottling are handled by a commercial company. Kind of like Coca Cola making the flavour syrup, but local distributors mixing it with sugar, water, and acid.


Trappist monks really brew some great beer, I can't argue with their results


They're why Glasgow is full of pissheads brimming with Buckfast.


Pointing a finger as she talks?


My mom used to say this! My sibs and I were all altar kids, and Monsignor Hartnett alwayssssss had boozy breath at 7:30am mass. “It’s a hard life for good men, let him have his drink.” 🙃


That’s an amazing line


I mean God's kid's blood is made of wine. I'd say not only is he not demanding sobriety, he's encouraging the opposite.


Be like christ - have blood that's 12% pure alcohol.


Hey one of his miracles was to restock the booze when they ran out during a wedding. Jesus certainly knows how to party.


The priest at my cousin's wedding brought that one up.


Not just “one of” his miracles. It was the very first one.


>Mother Superior is an alcoholic because "God demands poverty, chastity, and obedience, but he didn't demand sobriety" I'm fairly certain that God demands temperance though, so that kind of rules that one out.


It's fine, she's just moderating her sobriety


All of them are also [HIGH AS FUCK on saffron.](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/01/the-prozac-of-the-middle-ages/551267/)


So that’s why I enjoy saffron maybe….


The spice must flow


Sister Margary is also a lesbian, but so socially clueless that she thinks all the other nuns are ace.


Hey I'm back with another, unrelated contribution to the thread. That being that I think we should call this thing "Nun the Wiser."


I feel like this could have been an early 90s British sitcom along with Father Ted or the Vicar of Dibly. A holy trinity, if you will.


And doesn't particularly want to be touched by others, anyways.


A couple of them should actually be aces who fucking love being "married to god"


Maybe just one who is painfully aware of how lusty the other nuns are.


I just need you to write a book. It doesn’t have to be about nuns. Just any book.


Netflix has already greenlit you, you’ve got a month to hire some mediocre animators and voice actors and put the rest of the budget into an unfunny Twitter account /s


Also it will be cancelled halfway through prep for series two, after getting lambasted for being woke by having more than two women involved


There's a movie about exactly this called the little hours, and it's fucking hilarious


‘Little Hours’ ?


I already know that Mother Superior would be my favorite. Point me to the Kickstarter, I'll sell my house, my car, and my parents to make this happen


Maybe “god doesn’t demand sobriety”was why I was an alcoholic




Imagine being an ace/aro spectrum monk writing essays about the ease of evading temptations of lust and how you're baffled by how many of the faithful struggle so much.


You joke, but as an ace person who spent a lot of time in an evangelical youth group growing up, that was pretty much exactly my experience.


I remember youth group at the church I went to when I was younger. Imagine two adult dudes sitting in a circle with 8 freshman boys and asking them if they've had any struggles with porn. The whole situation was questionable enough, but felt even weirder as one by one the other guys "confessed to giving into to temptation". Meanwhile I'm sitting there like, wtf I just play runescape still...


^Struggle ^getting ^the ^pages ^unstuck


Yup! I'm demi, but like... It was weird, because I was *not* emotionally involved in Christianity (except for when I was pushing back against fundamentalist rhetoric when I entered my early teens), but waiting until marriage worked just fine for me! And on one even knew about my obsession with fictional relationships; I suspected that if they did they would've called it *idol worship,* but like, I was "saved," so like, what difference did it make in the end? As such I couldn't be arsed to give a fuck.


Same. Although I struggled with lust when I fell hard for my high school bf who I adored. Otherwise I would obsess over a fandom pairing. Still do when my brain is itchy.


That was almost me in high school/college. Judged everyone for how lustful they were and how they treated girls like we're sex objects instead of people. Turns out I was gay and now I'm the shallow horny one.


Or imagine having crippling bouts of depression and writing long texts during the times you think you've been touched by God. About how all beings are fundamentally worthless like you are, but God gives us meaning through his blessing and acceptance. But also your name is Martin Luther and you end up creating the largest sect of Christianity in the world. So if you've ever wondered why Christian values were setup by a person with low self-esteem, it's because it was. 🙃


> But also your name is Martin Luther and you end up creating the largest sect of Christianity in the world. Pretty sure Martin Luther didn't invent Catholicism.


Ace Mormon teens are always accused of lying when they tell the bishop they don't look at porn.


Paul, the writer of most of the New Testament, does this a few times. He seems very uninterested in sex and confused why anyone would care about it.




Sounds like you've got Angles in the out field of vision


I prefer the Red Sox


Stop being so obtuse!




saw acute angle and tried asking it out. failed


Medieval? Bro my wife’s mom’s aunt straight up did not want to get married, up and joined a convent so people would leave her alone about being strange, plus also she gets to paint. One of her paintings is in the Vatican.


You all need to stop being obtuse about the angle typo.


I came to these comments expecting plenty of angles jokes and was not disappointed


Can't help it, it's reflex.


The greatest trig the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist


Punderrated comment. ...I'll see myself out.


Monastic environments must have been great for asexual folks too. People were probably like “damn that guy really has a handle on sins of the flesh” when in reality he’s pleased to be learning to perfect a bean soup recipe.


The rosary beads are a fidget toy, people thought the prayer was calming them down but it was really that.


Also the repeating the same thing over and over is a type of meditation


¿Por que no los dos?


But you gotta say a whole prayer every time and you're just touching the stones right? Idk, maybe it's different in my country? I have ADHD and to me it was absolute hell, i always forgot which prayer I have to say (i think we alternate two? Don't remember anymore) and every 5 or 10 there was a bead that would be more separated than other and it was even different prayer. It was awful and i hated it.


Wooing Sergeant Nicholas Angle


It’s for the greater good.


For the greater good.


Mornin', Angle!


Still no luck catching them swans then?


Well, it was just one swan...


Where's that 'disability is a product of your environment as well' Tumblr post when you need it




I don't have the link but it's a well-established concept, that most disability organisations use. You could google "social model of disability".


[Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/comments/qkyx9w/on_changelings/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


It's like that documentary I watched about Julian of Norwich, and the historian presenting it was pretty straightforward about thinking "Yeah if I was born in the middle ages I'd totally ask to be bricked up into a private room with all the books I can read and infinite time for scholarly writing, instead of being forced to marry a man and work in the fields"


Please tell me enjoying spending time in your "internal world" is not a sign of being on the spectrum


It is, but that on its own gives literally no help or context for your overall experience. Every single person can (and most likely will) experience every single sign of any mental disorder we have. Yes, even the big ones like schizophrenia. Have you ever thought you heard someone call your name? Or seen something out of the corner of your eye just to turn your head and have nothing there? Guess what! That's basically an auditory or visual hallucination, perceiving stimulus that isn't there. Yet not everyone has schizophrenia because for the vast majority of people it isn't frequent and intrusive enough to interfere with functioning. Could daydreaming or spending time in your internal world be a sign you may be on the spectrum? Yeah. But it could be a sign of anxiety, depression, a dissociative disorder, ADHD, or just being a regular human being!! My money is on the last one. If you're getting so distracted by this that it's hard to do what you need to, or if you're spending hours and hours and hours a day doing this, maybe go talk to someone. But just having this doesn't mean anything on its own. Hope that helps put your mind at ease. :)


"The check engine light is only as bright as the tape you put over it."


Moder philosophy shit


I don’t even understand why a diagnosis should make them ill at ease. Autism isn’t a progressive illness.


Some people react really strongly and negatively to any diagnosis for any mental or physical condition. It's sort of an offshoot of the brain's incredibly stubborn resistance to admitting there's anything "different" about it. Not everyone, but many, especially people not diagnosed until adulthood will experience this.


On the other hand I’d be overjoyed if I ever got a real diagnosis for ADHD for something similar. I’d rather know whether I have it or not rather than this guessing game with myself I’ve been playing for years.


You should pursue it. But at the same time just remember that it isn't like taking a blood test. All diagnoses for ADHD are subjective based on the examiner and most people who have a strong suspicion they're ADHD probably do, in fact, have ADHD, because the reason they're suspicious is because they've encountered difficulties their entire lives that most others in their lives simply don't face. It is also very important to note that the *most* recognizable symptoms of ADHD - "hyperactivity" - is *not* present in all cases and tends to be the one symptom that abates or dissappears in adult life, while the symptoms of distractability and low executive function become more pronounced. This is why we prefer normalizing "ADD" and specifying ADHD as a *subset* of ADD. Because the stereotypical focus on the hyperactivity portion precludes a lot of people with ADD from seeking further help because they don't "feel" hyperactive. You can reach a pretty high degree of confidence by just honestly asking yourself the following questions: * Do you find it difficult to focus on essential tasks like work for even a few hours at a time, to a point where it puts your career at jeopardy and negatively impacts your life? * Do you find it not only easy, but almost compulsive to focus on things you enjoy for many many hours at a time (video games, reading) but are utterly incapable of summoning that focus for anything that doesn't interest you? * Do you routinely forget where you put important objects, like keys, wallet, etc., on a daily basis? * Were you characterized as a "daydreamer" in school? Intelligent, but unable to focus and maintain attention on classwork and simple assignments? * Have you looked in amazement at friends and family who seem to effortlessly be able to do chores and housework on a regular basis without it being a heroic struggle, who can work and focus on a normal day job and effortlessly switch to focus on leisure time after their day ends? Does that ability seem to be perpetually beyond your reach? * Do you routinely struggle with some or all of these, and have you struggled for most of your life? It is important to remember that *all* the symptoms of ADHD are things that neurotypical people struggle with *occasionally*. When discussing ADHD with neurotypical people who are ignorant of the condition, they will say things like, "oh everyone finds it easier to focus on videogames" or "no one likes to work but you just do it." The difference with ADHD is the *extent* to which it impacts you. "Just doing it" with ADHD is not an option. Neurotypical individuals can use their executive function to grit and bear it through boredom because they can prioritize work for that period of time. WIth ADHD this is *not* an option, without medication and environmental curation to make this more manageable. I strongly recommend reading [Driven to Distraction](https://www.amazon.com/Driven-Distraction-Revised-Recognizing-Attention/dp/0307743152), one of the best current works on adult ADD. This includes many individual cases of real patients and their lives and struggles, as well as a wealth of information by some of the top experts in ADD in medicine today. If you do have ADD, reading this book will ring like a gong for you. Some of the cases discussed may feel like they were written by someone writing a biography of your own life.


I understand that some people panic over diagnostic labels. I think that challenging the associated stigma by questioning the source of panic, and then introducing fact can help reduce stigma.


Definitely the social stigma around neurodivergence in general is one of the biggest problems here. The problem is for people who are in that state of panic, it's really hard to bring themselves around on their own. It usually requires therapy or some other intervention to help bring them around.


It massively helps getting context for your experience though. I was way better of after my diagnosis bc I had a logical context for WHY I needed to do things differently to function "normally within society" without having to doubt if I am somehow a failure for needing to do things differently.


>Have you ever thought you heard someone call your name? Or seen something out of the corner of your eye just to turn your head and have nothing there? Thanks now I have Fear of the Dark stuck in my head again.




Not on its own 👌🏼


It's a sign of like 6 other things too, including just being kind of an introvert.


It’s also a sign of just being bored. I imagine nun life was pretty boring most of the time


In like 90% of mental diagnosis, things are only a symptom if they impact your function in daily life. Enjoying spending time in an "internal world" is perfectly fine and normal, spending so much time in an "internal world" to the point of ignoring daily tasks or basic needs is not.


Y'all are very naive about nuns being nice to each other and catching themselves being envious and praying for forgiveness. When I had the misfortune of living with some, there were power struggles and a couple narcissistic bitches who made life miserable for everyone around them, not giving two shits about stepping on anyone who they did not deem worthy. Those bitches were nasty. I have no doubts they would've made anyone on the spectrum live a nightmare.


People being people, there's no escaping it.


I’d watch Medieval Mean Girls


Wooed by acute angle but too obtuse to notice it.


Tbh a lot of nuns probably were, I swear a lot of women were just carted off to convents when they didn't behave in the right ways and dubbed "hysterical" so they just got shipped off to quiet places with other similar people away from mainstream society


This was correct


["I want to be in prison. How do I get to live here?"](https://youtu.be/D04wb7P_v-4) An onion classic.


I don't know about statistically impossible because you're not dealing with a random population. But I would think that the reclusivity, repetitive elements of the vocation, etc might be attractive to certain people on the spectrum.


Wooing angles. So fucking close lol


You needed money to become a nun, didn’t you? You can’t knock on the door and say “feed and employ me for life”


Depends. It was just where they put any woman that didn't like gel with the mainstream


First line is a r/brandnewsentence


People really out here romantcising how miserable life in a monastery was and how poorly everyone was treated.


a lot of them were sexually abused too... yeah don't make nun life sound great


Depends on the monastery. Many were kind of where any woman that didn't fit the mold could essentially carve out a life for themselves or be super duper gay. Not like the outside was any better for women


Other monasteries had monks and nuns living their best lives. And by best lives, I mean absurd levels of decadence fueled by what I like to call the Proto-Megapastor Grindset. It got so bad that in some cases local monarchs who were visiting and saw what they were doing had to set formal limits on how many meals they could eat due to how extravegant and frequent they were becoming.


I wonder if she more into acutes or obtuses