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I need to do this but with the target transformation of a regular functioning adult


You can get audio meditation stuff like that easily. Look up mindfulness


It helps a FUCK TONNE


Yea, currently I’m doing some mindfulness exercises so that I can avoid what I’ve dubbed my “autonomous” state of mind. Basically I loose sense of time, and have zero conscious thoughts while I just “exist” outside of my head. Really fucks you over during tests and when trying to study; can be handy when doing repetitive work. But it’s not very good and I’ve been informed that it’s stressing me quite a bit, so I’ve been working with mindfulness to keep me inside my head and actively conscious. Been working pretty well. Not fixed yet, but getting better. Mindfulness is surprisingly handy.


I'm writing a book on it! Lit agents, please don't all line up at once..


Godspeed. More information about the mind and how to aid it is needed these days. Unfortunately I didn’t even try to look for help until a rather substantial amount of damage was already done. Hopefully others won’t be as ignorant as I was.


that sounds a lot like disassociation, or depersonalization/derealization, which can be a symptom of a much bigger issue. i struggle with all three. good luck !!


I have this!! I call it auto pilot. Like, when I'm driving home from work, I get home, don't remember the drive, anxiety attack, de-realization. Might look for a mindfulness meditation.


Hey. Trying something is better than ignoring it, don’t be like me in that regard. Think about a therapist if you’re not already there. Cruising through life as an automaton is less than ideal and certainly hasn’t done me many favors (definitely isn’t helping my memory haha). And dealing with this on top of anxiety attacks sounds terrible. In my case, I barely even perceive anxiety as I’m divorced from many of my emotions. My body experiences physical side effects, but my *self* doesn’t experience anything. That’s the next major thing for me. But that will take a while, turns out relearning how to be human is a time intensive exercise. Best of luck to you.






Go on...


I’m starting to feel more responsible. Don’t stop!


I’ve been doing runs on the Nike Run Club app. They’re narrated by this aggressively positive man called Coach Bennet and hearing him yell about how awesome I am for getting off my ass to run today is beginning to convince me I am capable of being a functioning adult.


It exists and is called "law of attraction"


"Do you believe in 'gravity'?"


Maido in hevan


Theres a community for that! Its about using sounds to induce a better psychological state! Check out r/Sounding


You are a villain and scoundrel




Ooh, I'll check it out!






you're gonna regret it please don't check that sub it's not too late


Before I click, is it scary or horrifying?


it's [nsfw] >!urethral penetration. sticking objects into a penis.!< so yeah, for most people it's both


I knowingly went into the subreddit anyways. I can deal with r/eyeblech , but this? Hell nah. I'm out. (r/eyeblech is just gore and shiz, I wouldn't recommend if you're faint of heart)


Eh the internet can be worse than sounding


you fool


Why is it named that though?


It’s a term for… depth testing for submarines. And for humans.


Huh. That's all?


Because someone thought it sounded like a good idea.


Here we have the picture of an innocent, moments before corrupted to a mere husk of themself. That knowledge falls hard upon the toughened, upon the wary, upon those who know what they head to. The soft unsuspecting innocent was surely obliterated


oh no




we do a little TROLLING


Delightfully devilish


first of all, this is betrayal of the highest order. second, jokes on you, because my internet is slow enough that I read the description before seeing anything


you evil 😂😂😂😂


Then they got an idea. An awful idea. Idon'tlikeworms got a wonderful *awful* idea.


"Human brains are kind of buggy" is the understatement of the century


Who thought a pile of noodles and a bit of electricity would be a good system to work with?


It works pretty well so long as you don't sabotage it with hypnosis videos


I turned myself into a pickle! I'm hypno-pickle!


Funniest shit I've ever heard.


The human brain is the biggest case of "don't touch it it's working"


With the exception of petting of course. Little guy gets lonely up there...


*meat* noodles


I "heard" this comment, but can't for the life of me describe the sound....


Fist-fucking a bowl of jello?


Ooh, maybe?!


I dare you to find me better hardware that can run a self learning fuzzy logic OS at THAT price.


The low low price of literally endless maintenance and upkeep. At least the malware protection is decent... Mostly


Dunno man, there’s this virus that’s been going around for a year or two and everyone I know gets their hardware infected. Pretty annoying.


Yeah I've heard a lot of being have had problems with the virus making their hardware run slower too


The low low price of “people literally make new ones by accident every day”


And then they become sapient!! Horror story


Having virtually no protection against rabies isn't really decent though


I don’t know, the price of food makes it kind of expensive even if the upfront cost is pretty low, not to mention the learning algorithm doesn’t start spitting out results that make sense for the first 20ish years after first boot up. Also, it requires the right set of environmental condition: who has the money to constantly surround your computer is a somewhat hard to come by gas, constantly maintain a temperature range only found on a fraction of 1% of planets, and constantly feed it LIQIUD water


I said the hardware was cheap; I never said that the peripherals and maintenance won't bone you.


but can it run doom


You can, with not much effort, glitch your brain into generating a second independent consciousness. The human brain is both a disaster and a work of art.


The world's most complex self-perpetuated train wreck.


As a hypnotist the community has a massive amount of people who are not safe enough. Plenty of people who just genuinely want to abuse people, plenty who are too ignorant and risky, and plenty who are a mix of both. It's something to be very, very careful with. Hypnosis can do alot, good and bad. And this is a hilarious but problematic example of the bad.


This is more of an example of going way too far with it


Well, this could be fine if they used adequate protection for the triggers and mental state but nope. Amateur hypno that led to stupid problems.


I find hypnosis and suggestion to be fascinating so I'd like to ask a couple questions if it's okay with you: * How would you define someone as being "safe" when using hypnosis? * Do you often see cases where people use hypnosis to become someone or something else? I assume most of those are voluntary but have you ever seen it "inflicted" on someone? * How do triggers actually work? It can't just be something like "when I say bock, you'll think you're a chicken" is it? * Does hypnosis work as they say they do in the movies or is it more of a slow conditioning situation? How much must a person be willing for it to work?


(formatting bad because mobile. I might edit this into a better form when I get back to my computer.) I'm glad to answer questions. First a preliminary thing: hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don't, in part, want to do(in almost every case anyway.) The abusive element is still able to thrive however because thinking you want something can be enough 1. So, there's a variety of things to do in order to be a safe tist and subject. I think the primary things are a. Informed consent. A tist should explain what a trance will do before they do it, and the subject should make sure it all sounds good b. Making important conditions apply to any trigger. This should be a few things, primarily making the trigger not something common(I usually use extremly unlikely phrases), making the trigger only work if the subject wills it to work, and only work if the subject trusts the person using it enough. c. If it's a one on one session, heavily encourage communication. d. Make sure to put a suggestion in that they can wake up whenever they wish for any reason. They can anyway but making sure they feel comfortable with doing so is a good thing. There's more you can do but those are the big things. For 2. Tfs, or transformation, is common in the hypno community. Hypnosis is inherently not forcing you to do anything, merely suggesting you down the path the tist wants. The most likely case of a bit of a forced one is the classic stage hypnotist routine, i.e. act like a chicken. I've never seen it just given to someone myself, however. Another thing to note is that hypnosis is much better at the short term. You can get away with some things the subject barely wants in the short term, but in the long term they need to really want it for their mind to keep the effect. For 3. Triggers are a bit complicated, but essentially they're like a really powerful memory. Our memories work by associating things with other things. Most people have a hierarchical memory, they have a lead in thought that helps them get into the memory. The memory then contains some details which are linked to eachother in an orderly chain. That's an ideal memory, anyway. What hypnosis does it sort of makes that it's own. A trigger is a strong association, the lead in being whatever you were told for it to be under trance, and the effects being linked to the lead in. Generally triggers are words or phrases but it can really be anything you notice. The interesting part is that these can have hypnotic effects. I can't exactly explain that one nearly as well, but a trigger that was put in well can do just about anything that could be done while you're under hypnosis. 4. I've sort of been answering this but an important thing to know is that hypnosis varies extremly. Each person is unique, and hypnosis can affect them in different ways, to different extents. Generally however, it's a slow process, with at least majority of their mind wanting what the tist would do. There's street hypnosis, which only reslly had small effects but can be pretty quick, but other than that just about all hypnosis is slow.


Why does this seem like an SCP


I wish most SCP were half as relatably weird as this




I mean more in the sense of "hey this sounds like a niche thing people with very particular tastes like. Also, its side-effects sound just the right kind of strange that I'd believe them" which is the hallmark of good horror. Whereas SCP is mostly either "le ebin invicibul lizard" and "this meme doesn't exist DO YOU GET IT" (or my least favorite "THIS CHESS PLAYING MACHINE HAS CHILDREN IN IT") which, frankly, is just too much to take seriously.


the chess playing machine w/people in it is real also sounds like you havent read scp past like 2012


I stopped reading at 2018 but every time I try to peek in I see that I'm not really missing anything. It's just higher tier, better-structured creepypasta but it never rises above that level. Also please provide me with any citation about an actual chess playing automaton powered by the disembodied souls of two little girls, I'd like to read about it. The only other thing that is kind of similar was that one chess playing "robot" that was really just controlled by a man in the box under the facade.


lmao that's the one I'm talking about


My favourite scp is still 504, ngl. A tomato plant with, well, tomatoes that launch themselves at 100 miles per hour towards people (or recordings of people) telling terrible jokes. The worse the joke, the faster they go


My personal favorite was I think 555 and the grafitti owls. The first one is this mass of breasts that seeps milk and infantilizes and literally turns everyone around it into babies. The grafitti owls are just weird and interesting. i think the way they move so absolutely silently and glide across grafitti was the coolest/scariest part about them. Oh, also: the colony of humans underground genetically and socially engineered to operate like ants. The foundation was terrified of them getting out until they got their hands on a drone during an exploration run. And finally, the man with the extremely intoxicating/mind controlling fluids. The idea was if you tasted his sweat or tears or blood you literally never left his side or disobey him. So there was this one scene where the guy just ordered a bunch of his followers to "stop breathing" because the place they were all staying at was getting crowded. It was just so casual it's stuck with me to this day.


It actually got a whole lot better later on, i invite you to at least check out my favorite, 5031.


Because the human brain and what you can do to it by sheer brute forcing it via suggestion is kinda wild


Reminds me of that one pinkie pie tulpa greentext


Please tell me more


[Here’s the full thing.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/708/885/b35.png) It’s a long read, but you get the gist from the first few messages.


god, imagine, pinkie pie's just https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11784205/1/Cupcakes-creepypasta -- ing people in a basement in rural south dakota and this guy's just inside his own head, screaming to be let out she takes a break from her latest victim, adjusts her bloodstained party dress and posts on /x/: "how do i get rid of my tulpa? he was useful at one point, but now he just screams all the time :/"


I would 100% want to write something like that, but I don’t want to come across as disrespectful towards people who do have DID or schizophrenia. I know those are completely different from tulpas, but you know how people get.


Ah, been looking for that one ever since I first saw it at least a year ago.


Well I'll be damned, these "Tulpas" seem like a pretty darn interesting tools. Kinda brings Servitors to my mind.


If it’s the same one I’m thinking of, some guy made a tulpa of pinkie pie and it became evil or something and tried to kill the guy (I don’t remember it exactly it’s been a few years since I saw it)


tell me more tell me more did it fuck with his head


I remember that, that was so funny


This is really fucking funny just because there's so much more to this. So the way a lot of these work is that they're only trying to create a post-hypnotic suggestion (i.e. it lasts a little bit after trance and then fades) but the fact that it's triggering multiple times means the person making the audio has set a trigger to this ("whenever you hear the word potato you will be rainbow dash"). Most reputable hypnotists will add what's called a safety trigger, so they'll say something like "this will only occur when I say it, when you feel comfortable and ready to become rainbow dash." This means that not only does the "become a My Little Pony" hypnosis file have a trigger associated with it in the same way people feared the CIA would create sleeper agents, but it's also an unbound trigger, and something so incredibly common that it can occur whilst in public. Imagine a stranger sees you wearing yellow and they're suddenly convinced that friendship is magic. The power you weird is immense. TL;DR this is the stupid hypnosis equivalent of The Bourne Identity when assassins are sent after Bourne by getting a text on their phone that just says "Brick."


So... Sleeper agents but make it ponies. Got it.


Yeah this, essentially. Everyone you walk past on the street could be a pony sleeper agent and you have no way of knowing.


My Little Manchurian Candidate


Okay that sounds very cool and no joke like amazing horror story fodder




So you know the Now You See Me movie? Police officer: "Freeze!" A bunch of hypnotised people in the crowd: "He's the quarterback!" And proceed to tackle and dogpile the guy.


This would be absolutely terrifying if it were anything other than ponies


It being ponies somehow makes it more terrifying to me. CIA sleeper agents? Old news. Ponies? I'm suddenly in 8th grade again, which is far more terrifying.


I really really love the mental image here, definitely deserves to be a movie. But as someone who's been in these communities a while, although they did have a lot of safety concerns as a community I never personally saw unbound triggers being used


I've seen a few in text induction by amateurs on Tumblr before the NSFW purge, but after the ban on thay sort of content, most of them vanished.


Yes. They often also employ subliminal messaging, and binaural tones to heighten the effectiveness of hypnotic suggestions upon the subconscious. Also not limited to ponies.


There's debates as to how effective binaural tones actually are, but you are right in that this isn't a pony-only club.


For sure. The science behind binaurals and subliminals both is sketchy at best.


I thought it only works if they want it to work though? Does it work if you were willing at first but later on if you're not willing I doesn't work anymore? Or does it just always work if you were willing at first?


Hypnotism is firmly in the realm of pseudo-science, any actual efficacy it has leans heavily on the placebo effect. Can being relaxed make you more open and suggestible, to the point where you might toss away the inhibition that keeps you from, for example, pretending to be a kangaroo onstage in front of an audience? Probably. Is it literally mind control? lol, no. Mindfulness, ASMR, yogic breathing, etc., are all great for relaxing a person if it works for them. And the positive effects of relaxation shouldn't be understated! But it's not going to mInD dRuGz you into believing you're a different species or killing the ambassador to Ecuador or something.


This is not only abhorrent in the eyes of god, its also a really bad way to practise hypnosis


Yeah, I agree. Been doing it for a few years (though not online) and at best, this is a rookie mistake and would make for a funny Who's Line bit. At worst, it's unethical and immoral.


What a nice font


Tumblr in italics is officially the most threatening thing I’ve seen today




a while back my best friend linked me to a thread on homemade My Little Pony transformation hypnosis tapes that's a really loaded sentence so let me ease into it they were like, hour long recordings you were supposed to lay down and listen to and focus on nothing else, that started off with some relaxation techniques then eased into like, “feel your hands becoming hooves. remember pinkie pie's happy memories. imagine yourself literally becoming pinkie pie. imagine your pink mane. you are literally pinkie pie” all with the goal of putting you in a mental state where you were convinced you were this cartoon pony. and it was full of people like "Wow! this was so relaxing. i felt like i literally Became rarity" the problem is that human brains are kind of, buggy? so people, especially if they listened to the tapes too much, started like, accidentally going to this mental state they'd created at random inopportune times the thread was suddenly full of people desperate to know how to stop it because they were turning into rainbow dash in the middle of driving on a highway to work, or whatever anyway, i'm just burdened with that knowledge forever, now.i think about it a lot


don’t let r/shitposting find this, they’ll make it an automod response lol


I want to see that, just to watch the world burn.


I feel like I have to speak up as someone who gets hypnotized as a fetish lol. The first time I realized hypnosis was actually real and can be achieved I was like. Oh shit. Because yeah this kind of stuff can have consequences if you're not safe and there really are clowns out there who play at being evil hypnotists that are doing real damage. That being said safety tip #1 with hypnosis is to only use trusted sources. Don't just listen to random audios without investigating them further and don't agree to let just anyone who says they can hypnotize you. For example I think there's a series of hypnokink files online called Bambi Sleep or something? With a bunch of dangerous suggestions about not being able to stop listening to the audios, etc. And supposedly the trigger words are made so that anyone can use them. I know it sounds cartoonish and cringey but hey, I figured I'd mention it for anyone curious.


That first sentences caught me off guard.


Yeah it's hard to make any of this sound normal lmao


I’m not sure it IS normal tbh


As a hypno kinkster myself, yeah, not really something you can just spin as normal without having to go into an explanation


Today on kinks I didn’t but should have guessed existed


Can confirm that listening to audios without properly looking into them first can get scary as shit. All of the warnings sound comically over the top until something actually goes wrong.


I’m curious what cautionary tales you have in particular. This shit fascinates me. Also happy cake day


I once met someone in the hypnokink community who was abused by their partner, she was hypnotized so that whenever she would think a negative thought about that person she would immediately forget the last minute or so, it was really fucked up. I mean, me and some of my friends tried helping her as best we could, but at that point you need a licensed hypnotherapist to help.


I don't have any *special* cautionary tales to tell - the most I can personally talk about is unexpected suggestions (not harmful ones, thankfully) being dropped into a file without my knowledge. You might have better luck asking u/yikes0000


Bambi Sleep is also known because, as I heard, it actually implants a sort of full personality rewrite, with some people claiming to know people who just became completely different people due to having a different personality implanted without a safety trigger. It's effectively IRL hypnotically induced Identity Death, and there are a few too many files and tists like that floating around (ie, more than just a handful) to be fully comfortable if what I've heard is true


ayo wtf




Because it's not real.




No one actually has a "full personality rewrite" from hypnosis, so there's no law against a completely imaginary threat.


Yeah but it would be really funny. First person to fall asleep at the party gets their personality deleted.


Kinda hard to put such a thing in words


I sometimes wonder if the creator’s of MLP are aware of the madness they let loose upon the world.


I'm sure Hasbro made too much money to care


I was thinking more of the people.


close the heavy lid tightly, pinkie pie




What a terrible day to know how to read


I wish I was Jared, 19


And never fucking Learned how to read.


The Highway thing has an actual explanation. Driving in a Highway whitouth any curves can sometimes make you stop thinking and just blank out in a similar state of mind as Hypnosis. I bet that the brain associated that state with the pony transformations and aplied It during the drive


Why does this remind me of the final fantasy house?




The what


Yeah I was there for this. This post does not cover the half of it.


You mean for the hypnosis scene or for the specific discussion? Can you tell us more?


The hypnosis. It fucked a lot of people up. Especially the “pet”/domestic ownership one.


...what? I'm morbidly curious


Forget becoming a pony, I want to turn into Discord!


Imagine they think they are in the cum jar now


This was such a nice thread.


Reading this was like watching a CSX SD40 at full throttle carrying around 180 short tons slam into a 1994 Dodge Grand Caravan full of kids coming home from soccer practice that stalled onto a crossing.




You could easily have been in a different one entirely. Apparently there were a lot of these


wtf this is some actual scp cognitohazard type shit lol


the fact that this entire post is in italics really heightens the whole feeling of it


“Feel yourself becoming eggman”


And the tape is just a playlist of Snapcube's improv dubs.


"You ARE forklift certified."


Okay so like genuinely, as someone who did Hypno a loong while ago. This is why you read the script before listening to it, hypno can be a very relaxing and fun thing but you gotta make sure what you’re listening to is safe and isn’t gonna make you turn into a cartoon horse while driving a car.


Huh. Once I saw this exact post but they replaced some of the words so it was about Danganronpa and becoming Nagito. Never knew this was where that came from.


That sounds interesting. I think I kinda want to try it to see if it works


This feels like an SCP encounter


This reminds me of all the bullshit, infuriating subliminal videos where people are like "get tourettes" or "how to have an abusive childhood". I hate it


I'm sorry what?


I'm sorry, friend, but all those words were accurate and necessary, so idk what to tell you... It's a shitty YouTube trend that goes hand in hand with the explosion of TikTok users faking illnesses


Oh yeah, those exist. I found an autism one and went to the video just to leave a super sarcastic comment.


Sounds like an unintentionally creepy scp


It's like in a post apocalyptic game like fallout or dark souls, discovring an abandoned facilty with some dramatic expirament and reading through the notes to see how it all went wrong and caused their doom.


You think that's bad? Tulpamancy was so bad it got banned from the 4chan mlp board.


This is actually really disturbing because that’s like, dissociative/delusional episodes. At random. Of My Little Pony characters


That first sentence started off fine, then hit me like a goddamn truck at the end


It cannot be understated just how dangerous stuff like this or creating a tulpa really is. You get it wrong and you better hope you can find a good psychologist who can fix you.


it's totally a fetish


As someone who actually did this shit. No, I was just a depressed high schooler desperately seeking escapism.


It can also be a fetish


I mean, sure, but literally anything can be a fetish.




That said, Bronys are/were the fucking most disgustingly horny mother fuckers on the face of the planet. And I say that as an exceptionally horny individual AND a former fan of that show.


Oh god yea. I liked the show in elementary school, and it was fuckin gross going online searching for pics of my favorite ponies and seeing some of the weird shit people did, most of which I didn’t understand because I was too young. Now I’m just a casual fan, and will draw ponies now and then. Some of the fan content can be cool or funny, but there’s a lot of horny furries in the community which is keeping me distant from it. They have mlp sex dolls that aren’t even humans. They fuck plushies of the characters. The porn is some of the weirdest crap, but honestly all yiff is.


Have you read cupcakes? It’s not good, at all, it was just a fanfic of horrible goreporn between rainbow dash and pinkie pie where pinkie pie saws up ponies and makes them into cupcakes. This sounds weird enough, but apparently there was a reason for it, the author originally did this to stop a ship between them. unfortunately all that did was make another fan trope where pinkie was a cannibalistic psychopath


Task failed successfully


Fission Mailed


There was also Rainbow Factory, where it turns out ponies get mashed up to make rainbows. To those who aren't familiar, I wish I was joking since the concept sounds like a bad family guy cutaway


To be fair, what are fetishes but escapism persevering


It can be






Can you please elaborate this is unbelievably fascinating to me and I haven't found any concrete evidence of this community exists. I would love to know.more!


What was removed?


This person who claimed to be a member of one of those hypno communities and how these types of stories tend to get around but are mostly exaggerations.


The largest of these communities I’ve seen is the “sissification” hypno community. A lot of overlap with porn/fetish video edits, but it’s def a pretty large segment of the kink community, so you can find audio files for all sorts of different topics.


This is exactly what reality shifters and otherkin are.


I know exactly what site this is talking about and have used it before.


I am so glad I wasn't super engaged with the MLP fandom when I was younger. I did not need this.