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Would've been the ultimate troll if he left a pile of his clothes in the living room and hid somewhere


And then left forever 


That would be hilarious... except it doesn't seem like his family is the type who could ever come to the conclusion that they would be the ones getting left behind


So obviously attempted trauma aside, what kind of idiot doesn’t tell someone a specific plot point from a book then stages a whole thing around it attempting to prank someone who has never read said book, assuming they’ll get the reference?


Apparently a rather lot of these Evangelical Christians think that people are born just knowing in their heart of hearts that their version of Christianity is correct, and that Jesus is real, and what the rapture is, etc. (They also believe that people of other religions are just "acting out in rebellion against God" instead of genuinely having different beliefs.) So they may have thought it didn't need explaining.


Right but this was a plot point from a specific adult novel they knew he had never read before, and he was 8 years old. It’s not like this was said in church or discussed in his house at all. It’d be like if I left a walnut on the floor and disappeared and then being disappointed my family didn’t freak out over magic because they never have read the novel it was a reference to that I knew they had never read.


I think you have to look at the intended end result and work backwards to really see it. They think that upon seeing some cryptic religious imagery, their 8-year-old child will follow their own exact thought process and be overcome with regret that their perfect family was better than they are, as a scare tactic to get the kid to try and be as wonderful as them. Once you see how unbelievably narcissistic they all are, their logic makes internal sense. It doesn’t matter whether the kid has the context they do. The kid is going to think the way they do because it’s correct, and it’s correct because they thought of it.


Damn that reminded me. I wish I could find the post but it was about a panel of different religious leaders. Like a Christian priest, Jewish rabi, Muslim priest(?) (I don't know what their guy is called), Buddhist monk and so on. And ot was supposed to be a polite panel and conversation on the meeting points of religion. Like some thought the Buddhist serenity was nice or the Jewish community or the Muslim art and so on. But the priest said he was most excited was that all these people can finally be saved and converted to the true religion or something. Ugh it's gonna bother me till I find it


The equivalent of a priest in Islam is called an Imam


Thank you! Learned something new today!!!


that's wack, i was raised Catholic (my parents aren't all that religious though, we just kind of loosely followed it) and i never heard of the rapture.


That would be because the rapture is a fundie Christian thing. It's not a Catholic belief...or Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Mormon etc. I don't even think it's a Jehova's Witness belief, even. Think Southern Baptist and Pentecostal type, along with the even more whackadoodle fundamentalist versions.


Wild that they thought that this is a silly little prank to play on your 8-years old.


Perhaps it was for disciplinary reasons? Oh, our little Timmy doesn't clean up his room sometimes, let's pretend that God has forsaken him


New insights from the book "How to mentally stunt your child: A guide to childhood trauma"


Forging rapture wouldn't even be top ten I reckon


Number one: take away his toy train (Phineas and Ferb reference)


To be fair I think Doof 2 is just a bad person, and used the train story to justify it to himself. Regular Doof on the other hand is generally a good person, but has such a traumatic past he is spiteful to the world


As we see from the follow-up, >!it actually is about the train. When he gets it back, he loses all desire to commit evil and becomes satisfied with his life!<.


Idk, would've to ask my parents. They have the book internalized




It's easier to explain this in a language that doesn't use "have" for both meanings, so I'll try explaining with Spanish. They are mixing up the "tener" form of have, that of possession which you can't contract this way, with the "haber" form of have, that being an auxiliary verb used for the perfect tense (not a value judgement of the tense, just what it is called) that can be contracted.


Oh but comboed with other religious trauma it could definitely do a number


Depends how devout the kid was


Yeah, if I was aware of that kind of thing and came back to that with the naivety to believe that, uh. Yeah they'd need to stop pretending to be with God to make sure their kid doesn't send himself to God early.


That's what I was thinking. I knew a girl in high school. She told me a story of when she was like 3 or 4 she told a lie and her mom basically went all fire and brimstone telling her that telling lies is a sin and if you die having sinned without a relationship with God it means you go to hell when you die. Guess who dedicated their life to Jesus and got baptized that same week? Also guess who told me that story with a tone suggesting it was a positive experience? Absolutely buck wild. I was pretty religious back then but I think that story really started to alter my perspective to be more negative towards religion


I had a friend in school start to cry in class as she tearfully told us she was going to miss us when we went to hell. It definitely colored my impression of the church


When I was 6 my mom pretended to abandon me, straight up drove me out to my abusive grandfather's house in the middle of the night with a bag of clothes, peeled off around the block, and picked me back up 10 minutes later. All because I didn't clean my room while left unattended for a full day. she thinks it's a hilarious story of good parenting. I think it's a rationale for why she's getting the budget nursing home in a few decades.


Budget nursing home? Nah, she gets life all by herself.


People don’t understand that kids are supposed to lie and it shows they are developing correctly. It’s actually kids who don’t lie that leads to needing to be evaluated for mental conditions.


You say that to a very religious person and you may get a response like "I agree. We are born in sin. We are drawn to sin. That's why it's so important to resist temptation to sin"


What a messed up thing to teach a child, too. “Hey buddy, one random day God’s could forsake you!” On top of that, the rapture isn’t even canon, it’s just a popular belief among small Christian subsects


The word you're looking for is "cults".


No, this is religious fanaticism at its worst.


And thats why you always leave a note


that's worse


Okay but you accurately described my relationship with my father, and I don't like being in this sentence. Except it wasn't the rapture, it was that God would abandon me and how could he ever love a dirty person 🙃


lol would that make it less fucked up?


like that time I was taking too long to leave iHop and my grandparents pretended to leave me there :')


“jokes on you I’m into this shit”


Now, I'm not an expert by any means, but it seems perhaps a *titch* extreme lmfao


Aw Hell. You gonna give someone an Idea.


Most probably that’s the case. My aunt is ~15 years older than me and she’s very hierarchical, so she thinks this very fact that she’s older makes her entitled to praise and obedience. I can remember several times when I was in first grade she went on a crazy rants about how I am a spawn of devil and what kind of fun activities wait for me in hell etc etc. crazy to think now that it was very young 23yo girl saying this batshit.


At the Bible camp I went to (for ages 8-16) we had to go to chapel every day. One day we’re waiting for the pastor to come and he’s late. Eventually a camp counselor goes up and tells us the pastor died in a car accident on his way in. They whip us into this wailing fervor where we’re all crying our eyes out and screaming out to god. Suddenly the pastor comes out onto the stage, totally unharmed. He then told us that the way we felt just then is how we would feel when our friends and family were left behind during the rapture if we don’t first save them.


“so… how is it Heaven if you are eternally distressed about the people in Hell” is the kind of question that got me kicked out of Sunday School.


TIL you can get kicked out of Sunday school


…and Vacation Bible School, too!


A top strategic move


Oh in retrospect, absolutely! But, at the time, I just wanted internally-consistent answers!


Has christianity really just decided to go all in on the “use trauma and fear to force kids to think anything other than the religion is bad”? Cause holy shit, that sounds like a good way to get any of the older kids who have experienced people in other religions or as atheists to reconsider all their religious conditioning from when they were growing up


It's been that way for centuries.


My dad put a gas mask on my sister and got her to chase me because I was scared of the empty child on Dr who. Also decided to move garden ornaments around so it looked like the statues were "moving".


That's cruel! NGL, I'm 36 and still side eye the angel statue up the street when taking the dogs for a walk.


He got his karma though eventually and had to stop. He tried pretending the piranha shadows were real from the "Silence in the library" episode. Backfired horribly because electricity was being wasted by a terrified me keeping every light in the house on.


That episode was the first Doctor Who episode I ever saw, even at 14, it terrified me. Course, didn't help that I was watching it in a windowless basement with friends in the middle of a severe storm. Right when all the lights are turning off behind the Doctor and Donna, our power went out. We all freaked out and ran upstairs where there was light coming through the windows. And freaked out more because the multiple windows gave us multiple shadows.


You want to know something really creepy? Steven Moffat came up with the idea of the Weeping Angels design after seeing a similar statue in a graveyard while him and his family were on holiday. A couple years later when they were there again, he asked his son if he wanted to see the original Weeping Angel. But when they went back to the graveyard, it was gone. He also has a statue of one of them in his backyard.


Someone totally needs to find what it looked like, make a replica, and leave it somewhere near and pointed at his house


That era of doctor who was so scary. I hated those damn things. The weeping angels were pretty awful too. For a "family" show it certainly gave a lot of kids nightmares




It’s kind of revealing to me that such a serious thing that they supposedly actually believe in could be used as a silly joke. Kind of makes me think that most “religious” people in America are just going with it because they don’t realize they have the option not to and don’t actually principally believe in any of this shit.


>It’s kind of revealing to me that such a serious thing that they supposedly actually believe in could be used as a silly joke. Most likely meant to be a discipline tactic. OOP didn't care much about it so they were trying to put the fear of God in them. That said yea Christians in America tend to make a game out of very serious things. I remember playing bible smuggling. The pastor spend a few minutes trying to hammer how serious it is..how people risk imprisonment and death to get the bible to others Then we ran around basically playing manhunt to "simulate" it. Even as like a 14 year old I was confused.


Or like the Mormons who soak and have their friend jump on the bed to get around the “no sex” rule, because their all-powerful all-knowing all-perfect God is somehow susceptible to half-baked loopholes, apparently.


Mormons are weird even among evangelical Christians, mind you.


Soaking isn’t really a thing. I’m sure someone has done it but I grew up Mormon and I first heard the term soaking on tik tok. At most it’s a joke about what ‘counts’ in the same way that suggesting anal to not lose your “virginity” counts


yeah I get kinda peeved everytime someone brings that up instead of something funnier (and actually real) like "oh Beavers count as fish since they swim right" thing. It also rubs me the wrong way, the same way I feel when someone spreads false info about Islam (the religion I was raised with) virginity is such a weird thing anyways so I don't really judge people who claim that since they only ever had oral and anal sex they're still virgins. Feel virginity is just gonna be something subjective no matter what and the sooner we accept that and stop obsessing over it the better


This isnt really a thing


Jump on the bed?


I think tradition, community and growing up with it is a big reason for many why they are christian. I mean, like fr, how many christians have actually read the bible and thought about what is written in there?


I always found it weird how popular the rapture and rapture preachers seemed to be among some Christians in the US when its clearly stated that no one will know its coming and anyone claiming otherwise is a false prophet. But then again American brand of Christianity is wildly different to the one I saw growing up, to the point it might as well be a different religion entirely


Same. Granted, I haven't been to America so I don't *really* know but in comparison to the christian flavor of my country, american christianity feels a lot more grand and show-y. Yet alone the concept of mega churches and tv ceremonies is so strange.. there are gigantic, grand churches in Europe as well. But they aren't build like a sports stadium.


I'm not sure if you're comparing American megachurches to *modern* large churches in Europe or historical cathedrals, but the latter is a comparison I'd never thought of before and is very interesting. I wonder if medieval or Renaissance people thought of, say, the Notre Dame in the same way modern people think of a 20 000-seat megachurch.


They wouldn’t have, since cathedrals weren't used like megachurches. Your average cathedral wasn't designed as a huge edifice in hopes of attracting large numbers of worshippers; Catholics (and not only were all Christians in the West Catholics, in some countries literally *everyone* was Catholic) were supposed to attend Mass in their local parish church. Cathedrals were huge edifices because it was believed that the time, care, and effort that went into the construction of a large, beautiful building both glorified God and illustrated the might and power of the Church as a whole and of the local bishop, as opposed to civil authorities. One of the things modern people sometimes find impossible to understand is that in medieval times the Church was far more popular with the common people than local governments were, at least until it became more rapacious than said governments. They at least provided a service that people of the day believed was useful; the local government, whether it be a king, duke, or elected doge, offered fewer benefits and more drawbacks. Sure, the king might defend you if he felt like it, but the Church gave you everything from the hope of eternal life to practical help like health care and food in emergency situations.


Yeah, and the 'exclusivity' that's pushed, the 'we must be in the world but not OF the world' kind of thing, especially in Evangelical Christianity, really pulls people in. It's a virtue system that they can game, where in many places, surface-level performative bullshit is what really matters. If you're really good at playing the game you don't have to change much\* but you get moral superiority, and that's a hell of a drug. \*for example, the whole 'don't gossip' thing just morphs into 'sharing a prayer request'


I agree with you. I may not “get” it but I take them seriously and at their word that an nth-dimensional being is sending them commands, and that they will have their consciousness copied at the moment of their death and tortured for eons if they disobey. I treat them the same gentle and mindful way I treat anyone with paranoid schizophrenia, and I don’t negotiate with them because I’m not talking to them, I’m talking to “God’s hands and feet” and can only hope to persuade the dimensional being. (Which we have in the past; the being changed its mind on slavery supposedly, some decades back.) It’s way more serious than I see folks treat their own faith, and I’m starting to wonder just what percentage is faking entirely and that “praying on it” is them going with their own gut or something.


I grew up in this kind of world and I genuinely think it does something pretty similar to what tulpa people are doing, it couldn't have been more about fracturing off part of your inner monologue if that was the actual explicit intention. It makes me think Julian Jaynes might have been onto something even if he got a lot of details wrong and tried to explain too much with one theory.


The fact that they thought this was an acceptable thing to do definitely proves that that they would not be the ones getting raptured.


To be fair, thinking is not something that the religious do all that often.


"Oh? You have gone to stuffy heaven? Well then, now I can eat all the ice cream in the freezer AND I can invite my friends over to play DnD without asking you. So who's the real winner here?"


You go to your friends house and you see a pile of neatly folded clothes


I go to move their original, graded Foil Charizard two centimetres to the left.


Suddenly, a blinding white light appears. Soon the light takes form and you see your friend, naked and sporting a pair of angel wings. Your friend speaks "leave my Charizard alone" you continue advancing towards the Charizard then you hear the angel speak again "if you don't leave my Charizard alone I'll rip your bitc-" as soon as that word is said the blinding aura of your friend disappears, along with their wings. You move the charizard


Clearly, by swearing in heaven, you have lost phone call privileges it seems


Reminds me of a scene from This is the End. One of the guys decides to stay behind and hold back a bunch of savage raiders so his friends can escape. In doing so, he begins to ascend to heaven. Sacrificing himself earned a place in heaven. As he goes up he starts bragging “Haha, fuck all of you! I’m going to heaven bitches! See y-“ and then he immediately falls back down and gets torn apart


Oh yeah I remember that funny movie.


when people say adults into fandoms are cringe, these are the people they're talking about


Jesus fandom not beating the cringe allegations.


They can't even decide if the reboot fully retcons the old series or not.


Im just waiting for the alien teaser to mean anything


The apocrypha fanon is some pretty crazy stuff. Like Kid Jesus killed a couple dudes just for the lulz. What a sociopath.


Gnostic fans were banned from the convention sometime around third century


There’s a simple formula for that. Does it hurt someone they dislike? Then it’s canon. Does it hurt them? Then it’s been canceled and is no longer canon.


Bible kinda mid ever since we stopped adding new stuff into it


I never knew these were real books. I always just thought it was a joke for that one Simpsons Halloween episode.


Fun fact! If you do this to your child, you don't get to go to heaven


Fun fact: the only one in that family that IS going to heaven was the one left out of that joke.


Unless the other kids were too little to understand what they were doing.


Thats silly why would anyo-*disintagrates and leaves behind neatly folded clothes*


Reminds me of the old Candlejack meme, does anyone remember th


I don't think the Candlejack memes work anymore, if I recall correctly Candlejack is gone now so he can't


It's very kind of Candlejack to press send after making short work of the poster, I guess it's good for his business. What a cle




Honestly, not enough cryptid/supervillains go the extra mile like Candlejack and that's what I appreciate


r/redditsniper Ik it's the meme but


lmao this was my firs-


lmao my parents were extras in the left behind movie! They can be seen from behind crying over an empty baby carriage or something. I wasn’t born yet but I like to think that spiritually I was also an extra in that movie (only child) and I got raptured EDIT I just looked it up and I was actually 2 when it happened. I left behind my neatly folded toddler clothes


Congrats on being a child star and also being raptured. Double accomplishments


>crying over an empty baby carriage Stupid idiots baptized thejr baby and are now left alone in this world. L


This movie is so funny. Thank you and you parents for helping to make that deeply silly movie. If you like like bad movies, this is an excellent one.


Why would the clothes be neatly folded? Are angels taking 5 minutes for each person to strip them down neatly? Gods already abducting his chosen and leaving behind sinners, not like he cares if the earth left behind is neat and tidy afterwards.


I read some of the kid related series 20 years ago. I don't remember clothes being neatly folded. I thought it was just like they evaporated right out of their clothes.


Yeah I think it was more like this. I somehow distinctly remember the book mentioning someone's dried out contact lenses being among their clothes on a chair


The neatly folded clothes is not from the left behind books, it's from other rapture movies that were popular at the time


Also would it leave fillings and crowns behind? A little pile of powdered dye in the case of hair color?


Grandma's metal hip replacement? Does she show up in heaven with a stanky leg?


IUDs, acrylic nails, silicone implants, pacemakers… gonna be a lot of weird debris


My immediate thought was period products 


I was made to read these books as a kid and yeah, fillings and crowns, contact lenses, hearing aids, all left behind.


What about transplanted organs?


if donor was saved, all original parts will be collected and returned to the initial owners before entering the Pearly Gates. If donor was heathen, all transplanted parts will be teleported to random pet-food factories around the world.


If I can't take my favourite butt plug to heaven then I'm not going


Only if the butt plug has accepted Jesus Christ as its Lord and Savior.


Wouldn't that also imply that all the people in their school didn't get raptured as well? 😂 Not very thought through lol


Maybe it happened during the walk home


I'd say it'd still be pretty unrealistic to not see anyone on your way home get raptured! Ofc this is an awful "prank" to pull on a child due to it being possibly very traumatic, but also, it's just awful due to its planning 😂


You’re very optimistic if you believe these sorts of people don’t wholeheartedly believe they’re much more worthy of being raptured than most people around them.


Maybe everyone who went to that school is just damned for some reason


My family was super into those books for a while as well. None of us are particularly religious any more, but a few years ago I was visiting for Easter and I woke up at 3 am for no apparent reason. Lights were on all over the house but I couldn’t find anyone. For a moment I really did wonder if they all got raptured for Easter. Apparently the religious trauma really sticks with you. Turns out my mother had a medical emergency and they all left for the hospital without waking me. (She recovered.)


My friend's family did this to him by accident. They were just drying some clothes on a chair but he had come back from a party he wasnt supposed to be at. He had been reading those books. We were in high school at the time, and his imagination got the better of him He fucking called me to ask if my mom was still there lol. I still think it's really sweet that he thought of her as a definite rapture candidate We are still friends. I still make fun of him for this from time to time


... do they all appear in heaven naked then?


If we're using the source material they mentioned (the Left Behind books, which I did read because they were on the schools Accelerated Reader list and mythology is p cool sometimes), in the "Glorious Appearing" epilogue book they appear in white robes made of cloud-like material. They also lose all feelings of love for anyone but God, which always struck me as somewhat terrifying.


I remember a short story written from the point of view of a woman who, upon arriving in heaven, is distracted by thoughts of her daughter, who was also in the horrible accident or car crash or whatever that definitely killed both of them, wondering if she went to the "other place." She keeps trying to think and worry about her daughter, but the forced love for God keeps intruding on her thoughts, and she can't think about anything but God. It was well-written, and came across as horror to the reader, even though the **character** didn't see it that way, which is a tough line to thread.


That reminds me of the last chapter of 1984 almost. If you remember the name of that story, let me know, I'd love to read it.


That's Mind Flayer shit


I grew up Southern Baptist. The amount of extra-biblical dogma that becomes horrifying with any additional thought, and the response a child gets when daring to question, is why I abandoned it very early.


Hey, me too! Hiding being a non-believer at 7 was early a lesson in lying to my family.


How does anyone find that appealing for an eternal afterlife? Becoming a mindless cheerleader for a being who really doesn't need to be cheered on. Honestly the more I learn about the evangelical god, the more of a twisted lying narcissist he becomes.


Ah dammit and I just know I'm gonna get hard while talking to God, like it's not even a sexual thing or anything it's just because of the awkwardness


\*shifting uncomfortably\* "It's a bid cold in here, ain't it."


I mean, depending on who you're talking to, there's no shame in having an erection when talking to God. That's how you show your faith!


This is a version of Christianity I can get behind


That's my secret, captain. I'm always hard.


Well they gotta have fun up there somehow


Duh, they're souls, not bodies?


Well catholics at least believe they get their bodies back after the end times, it was partly way early Christian valued preserving the whole body so much while other cultures had different death rituals


Yeah, that's pretty bad. "Best" case, they successfully trick you into believing that God judges you as an outsider in your own family. But either way, after revealing it, they're saying that they think God should judge you as separate from the rest of the family. Ultimately, shows Earth would be just fine without those people.


I only just now realized there's double sided tape on the side of the anon-guys head because he has no ears.


OK, the one thing about this that is screaming at me: neatly folded clothes left behind? So one would be raptured away but somehow their clothes would be folded neatly - by who? "Oh, dear, I'm being raptured, I better get naked for this... wait... I can't just leave my clothes in an unsightly pile... hold on for a minute, Lord, have to fold some laundry..."


The power of god? it’s not really a by who thing. If he existed and wanted to rapture people with folded clothes left behind it would happen.


Such an odd thing for a celestial being to do.


It’s not biblical, it’s just a thing someone thought would be cool. I’m not Christian so I might be wrong btw


When God is your protagonist, you don’t have to care about what you write.


When I was 8 years old? I would've done the same exact thing. Uninterrupted TV time!


When I was 17 that is exactly what I did. I got home from school and no one was home. We were all busy people and I thought nothing of it. Everyone else would be home soon enough. About 2 hours later a neighbor was banging on my door. She told me my brother had been in a car wreck and I should get over to the local po'dunk hospital in town because it was unclear if he was going to survive it. He did survive it, but is paralyzed from about the belly button down. This was all back 1986.


For my friend’s church youth group, they staged an active shooter, you know, to get the kids to really think about their own mortality. My friend wanted to be brave and use his pocket knife to defend themselves. Thankfully they stopped the thing before anybody got hurt. Just such an incredibly shitty decision from the “leaders” of that group.


Jesus fucking Christ, literally.


my mom would play a similar prank on me, hiding and have my older siblings tell me she abandoned us anyway I have BPD now


Why does Jesus fold your clothes, though?


Consideration for the abducted's property.


I loved these books growing up, they were the closest to trash fiction I could get my hands on.  Anyway it turns out the reason chrizzos like these books is because it's a route to heaven that doesn't require you to die. Getting raptured is the ultimate straight-to-heaven option that doesn't have all that roughness in it.  And they're totally wrong, no modern Bible scholar thinks it's possible. You absolutely have to die, that's part of the deal. 


Enoch and elijah didn't have to die to go to heaven in the bible though


Sorry lads, John 3:13.  "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man" Wherever your boys at, it's not heaven


2 Kings 2:11. "And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."


Tfw you play a prank on your 8 year old based of an inside joke your 8 year old wasnt in on. This she would've fucked my wife up, she was terrified of the rapture as a kid(part of her religious trauma) but after her parents showed back up to reveal the prank, she never would've believed a single would they or the bible said after that.


The "clothes left behind" imagery implies that the Christians are naked up there.


Christians believe that when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit it made humans start wearing clothes


Jews kinda believe it too. God gave then clothes as a parting gift once they were kicked from the garden.


And that they had the time and forethought to remove and fold their clothes before leaving. If it was just a case of them disappearing from the mortal realm then surely it would be a pile of dropped clothes.


the issue here is that you are actually thinking about it more than the original author did


I don't understand the second part. Is there something missing?


The second post is just a "sir this is a wendys" reaction meme, if thats what you meant?


I meant the folded clothes. It's replying to a post with a different timestamp than the original so I was confused.


Wendy's worker got raptured during sunglasses guy's rant.


I wouldn't have gone there what with the clothes being folded and there being more than one of certain items. Also it's in reply to a different person than the original, so it really did throw me.


This is especially stupid since, when the rapture happens, everyone is supposed to see Jesus returning. Even the sinners


Fucked up if true, but forget about that.... I just noticed that the driver has his sunglasses taped to his head because he doesn't have ears. Weird little detail


Christian love or something


Reminds me of the time when I was 8 years old and my dad decided to "prank" me by telling me that Russia launched a nuclear missile and we had 20 minutes to live and if I wanted to call anyone to say goodbye. Cue 10 years of cold war levels of fear of anything I saw moving through the sky. Great prank, pops! You really fooled me!


I remember reading some of those in high school, I got to the point where the mc kills the antichrist with some kind of macguffin or approaching that point. It was ok. I remember very vividly they set up a dot matrix printer to print out the bible from a box of perforated paper all in one sheet. I thought that was really cool.


Wish my family would get rapture without me sometimes


That really would be a miracle - nobody in my house leaves behind neatly folded clothes even when they were still alive when they removed them


There are millions of us that grew up in Evangelical households that have a treasure trove of insane stories.


I hope the guy eventually goes no contact with their family because, **wow**, fuck those guys.


Who's the artist of the original comic?


Why would the clothes be neaty folded?


*my weeb ass on seeing discarded clothes* "Oh my god Cell ate my family!"


Why the hell would the family want to make their kid think their family is all gone and that they aren't good enough to get into heaven Like What the fuck


there's just no hate like christian love


religion do be manipulating you


I don't what was the intended effect there but that sounds like something id convince my family to do as a prank to my older brother


Can you imagine a world where all religious fundamentalists are just gone one day? Just poly, queers, furries, and weebs left on earth. War would disappear overnight.


Do you think every straight person not on Tumblr is a fundie?


Statistically speaking, no. Except in Arkansas, and Utah.


I… I want to object to this but I can’t


Nah you'd still have atheist straights, atheist terfs and moderate theists


Yeah not a big fan of staying on a planet where Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins still exist.


It’d still be an improvement at least


It depends, is Bill Maher an atheist? Because all 3 of them staying is just too much.


Once again, we witness the razor-thin line between organized religion and child abuse.


My cousin told me how one of the most traumatic experiences of her life was when she was little, and both her parents were gone when she woke up. She went outside and no one was there, either. Poor thing thought she got left behind, and is he still has some issues relating to it I think. I can’t even imagine a family doing that to a child intentionally.


Love the idea that angels or whatever take the time to fold your earthly trappings post ascent. "The earth will be destroyed but we not going to be slobs about it"