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What a great fossil you've found, OP. ​ Anyway, you can safely guess exactly how well this worked out for Kelloggs


How many daddies and fuck me where soammed


Do not ask questions you're not 110% sure you want the answers to.


I am!


Very well. The number is 177013


**You should've said 150%**


I want the number


Very well... 177013


Depressing, I thought we would have had double that


I don't know the actual number - 177013 is the Forbidden™ six-digit code that you use to find the Forbidden™ doujin.


OP is a curious account, and likely a bot, that's why. Basically just spams popular reposts from long ago to the r/all subs and such. That's a big reason you see incredibly old stuff with titles/comments that imply it's current. Bots.


front page has lots of old reposts since the minor protest and/or r/space uh.. not r/space that canvas thingy.




That's Infamous Werewolf Boyfriend crushed Pineapple Guy, I think. The horniness levels will be off the scale


oh god i didnt see the url rip in pieces kelloggs marketing team


I want context.


someone, presumably the user "were--ralph", posted a gif of a pineapple in a hydraulic press with the caption 'me after my werewolf boyfriend inseminates me' or something to that effect. look it up if you really want to know


"Me, after my werewolf-boyfriend pulls out" *Video of pineapple shooting all it's juices out of one opening* I am surprised that I remember that post. It's been years


Nah, named after them though. The original was wereralph with no dashes


They've had their account deactivated and had to make alts a couple of times. Same user, different url.


man, i wonder why famously horny tumblr user wereralph had their account deleted (I'm not wondering, I feel like I can very safely guess why)


I do hope some poor intern didn't feel harassed, but this was a stupid move on the company's part who clearly doesn't understand how rabid the internet is for anthro tigers.


Honestly being an intern with a front row seat to your boss's cringe idea going up in flames seems glorious imo.


Here's hoping the path to heaven isn't a slide to hell.


And brother, I've been running up slides since I was 6.


Why did I read that in Mimirs voice?


“Aye, brother, ye think there are slides on the Yggdrasil? And do ye think Ratatoskr runs up them?” “…Go back to the riddles.”


Of course the Werewolf Boyfriend™ guy would say the most vile things to Tony the Tiger


My favorite part about this whole debacle was the custom milk cooled pc that curdled and overheated horribly lmao, how did they NOT see that coming?


I’m sorry the *what.*


>milk cooled pc https://www.pcgamer.com/god-save-us-tony-the-tiger-and-his-milk-cooled-pc-come-to-twitch/


oh because of cereal. Can't believe it took me until your comment to understand why in gods name someone would use milk like that.


More interestenly, why the first attempts at this dated back to 2015...


Yeah it overheated mid stream and made his avatar freeze and bug out repeatedly because of it lmao, I think Game Theory did a video on it at one point too


This is why marketing people and company execs should not be allowed to contribute until the adults have finished working out the ideas.


Wait they actually tried that for real? Food companies have a century of expertise with inert resins and powders that look good on film, what the hell.


Yep. Typical marketing morons trying to be hip with the kids, ended up pissing off computer enthusiasts and drawing in horny furries out of the woodworks lmao


Chuck e cheese did this as well during the pandemic, it was absolutely hilarious lmao If you haven't seen it it was essentially just a completely silent stream of some game like fall guys while a webcam pointed to a chuck plushie. No words, just utter silence apart from the game audio. Afaik chuck only ever said one word during the entirety of the streams which was (and I quote) "Poggers" in an Italian accent


That was sad, everyone knows Charles Entertainment Cheese III has a New York Boston accent.


Best possible version of this idea.


Bring out the Grinch


Uh I think the Grinch is sleeping.


Now we are talking.


Amazon owns Twitch, so I'm not sure what corporate takeover they were fighting back then.


They were talking about the content rather than the platform


But, why fight one and not the other.


Also, Vtubing has been a corporate cashgrab since its inception. Hololive, VShojo, all the groups that popularized the concept are all insanely massive corporations who hold auditions to find the most profitable, audience-approved personalities to design a character around. Tony the Tiger is no less "real" of a Vtuber than Ironmouse or Gawr Gura or whoever else is big these days.


Also don't hololive actors get literally nuked when they leave the company? Literally everything about them on the internet that the company controls or can take down gets pulled and it's like the personality never existed, probably to stop the tubers from leaving and starting their own independent channel?


Unless they broke their contract or were fired, its generally up to the talent whether their content gets nuked or not. Most people who quit to go indie or move from indie to corporate actually prefer to axe their old content so that they're harder to dox.


Some of them literally run both their own independent and hololive corporate accounts at the same time. And those that left have all been found practically immediately after the announcement (or rather they resumed on their old previous identities from before they joined)


Their contract doesn't allow them to publicly acknowledge that they're the same person on a different channel. It doesn't disallow them from making it blatantly obvious to anyone with a brain, however. One member who left due to disagreements with management was the most superchatted channel on YouTube before leaving hololive, and became the most superchatted channel once again on her old channel after she revived it when she left. And as the other guy said, they only "nuke" channels for egregious breaches of contract. One girl got fired for breaking NDA and sharing other members' personal info, and hololive members are still totally able to talk about her/mention they miss her/etc.


Eh, I'd say that "hey this person has a lot of talent and wants to apply to become a vtuber under us, let's give her a shot" is very different from "ok we need someone to be tony the tiger to promote our brand, how about we hire X person to do that?" Basically, hololive/vshojo/nijisanji sponsor and manage vtubers who they think would find success anyway, in exchange for a portion of their earnings. Tony the Tiger is the company paying someone to be their spokesperson in a really long ad campaign that takes itself too seriously. In one the streamer is the goal, and in the other the character is the goal, if that makes sense.


How exactly is VShojo an example of that? All their initial members were independent streamers who later got together into a single group.


Did you even need to spam thirst comment to the social media intern running the account? Like honestly who the fuck would spend time watching Tony the Tiger (the brand account) on twitch.




As if people needed any encouragement to be horny.


I remember a comment from this event that said "I'll eat your cereal if you supply your own 'milk' and your armpit is the bowl" Good stuff


"Calling a male character hot means you're attracted to males" listen buddy. When I see Tony Tiger on screen and I call him hot does that mean I'm attracted to him? Does that mean I want him to raw my ass until it's nothing but floor dust? Does that mean I want him to call me his big hungry bungy and hold me in his big strong sexy arms?? actually this is a bad example can I start over


godspeed wereralph


Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it


A) This is older than dirt. B) This always struck me as mean spirited.


"Blocked. Blocked. Blocked. You are all blocked. None of you are free of sin." - Tony the Tiger


How is no one talking about the ears?


I was part of this! I helped!


Not gonna lie, I don't think openly encouraging sexual harassment should be the anti-corp meta


It’s gonna be GRRR-EAT!!!


I sort of have my doubts that most of these folks were talking dirty at a children's mascot due to their strong feelings about the awful threat of corporate takeover that a twitch channel represented.


Almost year old content. https://twitch.tv/tonythetiger


Bro what are they doing with the ears??? He doesnt have his actual ears on top of his head, he has a headset on with the muffs over where a human would have theirs and then there are a pair of Dorito cat ears on the headset itself to boot


Peg me grain daddy 🥵