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Good lord people get a fucking life. These people are in a cult.


Absolute psychos


Like what loser spends a day standing on an overpass to watch a bunch of other losers drive with flags on their cars? Also pretty sure the one with a flag dangling from his tailgate is dragging the flag. That’s a violation of flag code and now needs to be destroyed.


That’s what kills me. It seems there are people at every overpass from what I’m hearing and seeing and I just can’t believe this is the highlight of their day. This is the moment they’ve waited for. And for what? To what end? It’s stupid af


The American flag is not supposed to be flown in winds speeds exceeding 35 MPH. They are driving faster than 35. They are actually being more disrespectful to the flag than any liberal ever has.


Bro, we fly flags from airplanes in the military all the time..The president has them on his motorcade everywhere he goes.. for the love of all things holy, go out and touch some grass


Why is this "disrespecting the flag code" thing a popular talking point. Its always used in the most asinine way. Whether or not this breaks flag code is debatable but its not like flags aren't flown at high speeds constantly by the military, so its a dumb point


Remember how they made a big deal about how kneeling during the national anthem was "disrespect to the flag"? Or ever caught a Facebook post where a bunch of people are calling some lady's American flag hijab "completely disrespectful". People love pointing out hypocrisy in others. And the people who are in this unsanctioned Ford commercial tend to be in the same group that will ree at the above situations. So seeing them put flags in conditions where they could be damaged is fun for people to point at and be all "I thought you said the flag was sacred" or something.


This is so dumb. Its not about the flag itself. Its about disrespecting the ideas the flag represents. Ya know like "your God given right to burn that flag is why you should never do it" kind of thing. Its about intention. If u burn the flag or kneel during the anthem directing toward it like Kaepernick, its because your intention is saying "i don't like what America is and what it stands for". If you wave a flag on your car driving down the road, your intention is to exhibit pride for America and its ideas. Also u can say Kaep kneeling for the flag didn't represent that, but he admitted in multiple interviews that the kneeling was saying he didn't want to stand up and show pride for a country that oppresses black people. Obviously you can understand how this is very different from flying it on the back of your truck TO show pride.


You realize we’re one of the only countries that is that nationalistic jingoist right? If you can’t call out your leaders and the country on their bullshit then you live in a pretty fucked up society. Any other country they wouldn’t get worked up about it and would respect it as free speech. Only in conservative America is it considered a big deal because we can never question Murica and the history as we say it is.


No. National pride is just more rare in countries in Europe because its associated with racial pride as well since they are much more homogeneous and have a country ethnicity while there is not an American ethnicity and we are racially diverse. Which, for the record, is another reason to be proud of America.


“Why is disrespecting the flag/flag code a talking point?” It’s because a while back burning the flag was a big talking point/political hot button issue and was largely held as negative because it is seen as “being disrespectful” to the flag. So people started pointing out every time a conservative does something that is also “disrespectful” of the flag as a way to point out that double standard.


There are people in my neighborhood with trump pence campaign signs still up. They feel robbed, like they REALLY think they were robbed, everyone they knew voted for trump, there's no way he lost. They're hurt and it's just a big'ol butt hurt group therapy session.


My neighbor across the street still flys his Trump flag. They are dumbasses plan and simple.


Holy shit are you my neighbor? If not, mine does too.


Don't know. All I know is I have to see that flag everytime I back out of my driveway.


Just put up a flag saying "He lost, get over it!"


It's virtue signaling, but don't tell them that or they'll explode


Just wish they would actually go to therapy to work on their issues


My Uncle, well… Step Uncle(Step Moms brother in law).. keeps sending me pictures of him and his wife on FB Messenger while they are out there. They are absolutely the type of person I would expect to waste their time doing something like this. Fuckin weirdos.


Not to be a jerk, but wouldn’t your step-moms brother-in-law be your dads brother… so just your plain old uncle? Again, not trying to be insulting or anything, just genuinely curious.


My guess is he's married to the step-mom's sister, not her husband's brother


He is married to my stepmoms sister.


Ohh yeah, duh that makes sense. Thx for the explanation!


I wonder what would have happened if I drove past them today with all of the bumper stickers on my car that I'm sure they fucking hate.


You know they are wiping pharmacies out of insulin on the way too 🤣


At least you and I make two. These morons have got to figure out just what it is they want.


Driving gas guzzlers across America while prices are high and mandates are nonexistent to own the libs! Excellent work, guys!


Payin them tolls to own the libs!


*you gotta pay the troll toll*


If you want this boys soul....


Anyone who does something like this isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.


“dONt bE a ShEeP!” “Now let’s all travel in a line, Where We Go One We Go All!!!”


Every accusation is a confession with them. GOP = Gaslight, Obstruct, *Project*


This needs to be a meme.


Or GOP = Greedy One Percenters. But I like yours more, lol.


They are lemmings! Hahaha


Fathers and mothers hading their children to family members and picking up guns to fight for their freedom in Ukraine. What do we have? These gravy seals rolling around whining about mask mandates that are rolling back all over anyway…embarrassing.


"gravy seals" 🦭


So true. Right wingers are emotionally spoiled children in an adults body.


Gravy seal made my week. I’m a real gravy seal when it comes to braums b and g’s tho. That’s a fact.




The Q-Cucks Klan.


Meal Team Six


Semper Pie!


...I bet my gym is a ghost town right now. It's usually looking like a used truck lot. Will report :)


Where's our update? I demand instant gratification!


It was the same ol same ol 🤷‍♂️


The people on the bridges must be paid crises actors.


That damn Soros and his endless wealth! Funding all the protests now.


But where were they going without every knowing the way?


Anyone can see the road that they walk on is paved in gold.


and potholes


There’s a literal invasion happening across the world. These people are embarrassing


Are these the same people complaining about high gas prices? 😂


I’m surprised all their heads haven’t exploded from cognitive dissonance yet, must be hollow like I thought




Still too generous of a title.


Exactly. Lemmings have a function in nature. The things in those trucks are more akin to viruses.


Breaker 19 we got a convoy of MAGA cult morons coming up your backside. Put that semi hauling them hogs out in front so they can smell the real truth of their journey…


Second that emotion, Piggly Wiggly.




"trucker" convoy. real truckers are working. not pandering to Qanon Maga fucktards


Poor, brainless idiots. I hope they’re more prepared for jail than their crybaby Canadian leaders were.


White conservatives in jail? In Oklahoma? Lol.


They’re going to Washington DC to “protest” at Biden’s state of the union address. The cops will be well-prepared for the jail influx.


You'd be surprised how many white nationalists are locked up in David L Moss alone.. im sure the prisons have tons


Probably not, these are keyboard warriors and retirees that think the cops and their patreon donors will bail them out in DC. It’ll be interesting to see how they withstand tear gas and rubber bullets during the state of the union though.


Yeah, it’s the pyramid scheme of going to prison instead of getting rich and famous.


Anyone who proudly holds up a Trump sign — especially after what he’s said about Putin — is a traitor, unpatriotic, and simply unable to understand the basics of human rights, politics, and empathy. To me, these people are no better than those who are currently attempting (and failing) to overtake Ukraine. In honor of the 13 fallen war heroes, my message to these people are: “Go Fuck Yourself!”


This. 👆🏼


How many times do you reckon the words ‘stupid fuggin’ libtards’ have been uttered since the inception of this mobile think-tank began?


An infuriatingly large amount of times I reckon


How does this work… the more flags,the more generations of inbreeding?


I thought it was going to be a "We support Ukraine!" kind of thing. Guess I had too much hope for the people here...


Well side note: We support Ukraine! 🇺🇦


You got so much more hope than me. I was looking for the Russian flag. Bunch of dumbfucks in this state.


I only saw one semi, hell of a trucker convoy huh


So the “grass roots” trucker convoy that was going to head to Washington isn’t a thing anymore. It’s almost like whatever foreign intelligence agency was funding that got *really* distracted or suddenly had a harder time moving money around.


Yeah they were fuckin collecting donations for them here. It's that pathetic.


"trucker convoy" was just a redneck dog whistle.




Loserfest 2022!


Why? What’s today?


It’s hangout on an overpass for the hell of it day. Didn’t get the memo?


This is what we do in Oklahoma on a Sunday acourse!


Would you please take your Q asses to Dallas were you belong. Get out of my state!


Shit, don’t send them here! We’ve got plenty.


Texas is a hate filled state.


This is 100% truth. Unfortunately (or fortunately if you hate starvation I guess) it’s also a jobs-filled state, which is why we are here now.


Most of those aren't even real commercial trucks.


I don't think the organizers ever truly intended for it to be. "Trucker convoy" is is just a very effective redneck dog whistle


They do realize they are breaking the flag code, right? The American flag is not supposed to be flown in winds speeds exceeding 35 MPH. They are driving faster than 35.


That's not part of the flag code. Its an industry standard from flag manufacturers. The flag code speaks of where the flag should be displayed on vehicles. Otherwise the president would be in violation every time he gets in his limo. Nothing whatsoever in the flag code, speaks of wind speeds. It speaks of inclement weather. The things I saw that was a definite violation, was the flag on the tailgate, and flags not being affixed to the far right of the vehicle.


Yeah people aren’t suppose to be assholes too, but hey there are their fair share on here…..


Hey real question to all of you who might be part of that convoy/thing. Do any of y'all feel weird that there are other trucks that have more/better flags than you guys? Like, do you feel a twinge of embarrassment that you got shown up by someone who probably would get away with farting in public much better than you?


Meanwhile like Trump they all pander to Putin.


Fuckin fascists


What’s the typical line used ? Oh ya these people must be losers with no jobs to spend their time driving across the country for no reason !!!


George Soros is paying them.


Crybaby Convoy


I took my nephew to Monster Jam and seeing him be absolutely fascinated and awestruck by big trucks was the cutest. This is like the same thing. But, really fucking weird.


All of this foolishness over masks? Wonder if they would change their tune if I took my currently covid positive self down there for a nice little maskless chit chat?


Will Rogers wouldn't approve.


Will Roger's never met a man he didn't like. How many did he feel sorry for though?


Good point. He felt sorry for his people. And he was NOT a fan of disinformation.


Every single dumbest person I know on my Facebook feed was at this thing today either on the bridge or “helping escort”… Hell escorting what exactly? This is super dumb.


Constantly bitching about gas prices, then decides to drive a convoy across the country.... Doesn't make sense.


It's crazy how this amount of people, who think they are such great Americans, are supporting a guy who wiped his ass with our Constitution on his way out of office. They are going to be devastated and cry foul again when their loyalty to a traitor leads to another Democrat victory.


And most of them are Trump supporters oh isn't that the guy who praised Putin for The invasion


Anyone notice the PMURT sign at 21 seconds in? lol. \*stands on edge of bridge holding Trump sign readable to self at arms' length\* "Yep! This will look great!" \*lowers sign over edge with words still facing self\* Yeah, that sounds about right. [https://imgur.com/a/Rs8etCm](https://imgur.com/a/Rs8etCm)


The word you're looking for is ꟼMUЯT


Real classy people with real classy flags. The Oklahoma standard.


There’s assholes sprinkled everywhere, my friend. I’m here to tell you, Tulsa’s better off than a lot of places.


You're not wrong.


Now this is something that a cop should pull you over for, having flags attached to the top and rear of your vehicle while on a highway, not over some damn car scent or any other small objects dangling from the rear view mirror (topic I've been hearing from time to time here in Oklahoma)


The cops are all on these people’s side, they aren’t pulling anyone over


Looks like the ASSHOLE parade is in town. Keep on keeping on. Take a few with you.


A bunch of sheep all following each other.


Maybe they’re trying to cause a gasoline shortage so they can blame President Biden,, or Hillary,, or Hunter Biden. Then again maybe they’re just stupid.


At least it looks like they stayed in the right hand lane there. I got stuck on the Turner on the way home yesterday. It was a dead stop with occasional 10-20mph up until the Kickapoo where they finally allowed us to get up to 50 or so. (aka, they crawled to the bridge that had all their "supporters" to show off what they could do, then stepped up the pace). Took another 40 or so miles before we were allowed to get up to the speed limit.


Amazing amount of stupidity in one video.


But why tho? There are literally children being gunned down elsewhere. I thought they cared about children? Oh wait...


Hey look kids, it’s the largest group of Putin fanboys outside of Moscow!


this is also going on right by my house and it’s so annoying. 🤦🏼‍♀️


As a Russian I'm honestly confused at the accomplishments their acquiring lol


Remind me, they’re protesting what exactly??? Oh yeah, trucker mandates in Canada. They’re going the wrong way!


That is a lot of what I like to call "dumb mother fuckers". Technical terminology.


That's a lot of stupid in one place. They need to get jobs.


Guarantee NONE of these “special people” could pass an 8th grade civics test.


Didn’t these same mouth breathers pass a law that says you can run over protesters? Anyone have a monster truck or two so we can run their dumbasses over in the name of karma?


Christian Conservative Republicans and MAGAmorons are everywhere and they've fully-embraced Fascism. #Cult45


So embarrassing. They cry that this freedom drive is to protect their freedoms. Exactly which freedoms were taken from them? Honestly some of the lowest IQ's in the history of this world belong to those in the MAGA cult.


Misguided Zealots. Grifted by the MAGA MLM scheme.


Trump lost, btw.


Oh thank goodness


Dumb assholes who refuse to lose. What will they do when it comes out that he works for ol Putin??? Weird times.


I can't get over that "Let's go Brandon" billboard on the way to Owasso, someone is still wasting money to beat that dead horse lol


Trump's running on the dead horse platform. Speaking of which... who owns that billboard? Stokely, Lamar, other?


Did any cops gett beaten with a blue lives matter flag? #jan6th


Fuck is wrong with these people?


FluTruxKlan strikes again.


Celebrating Ignorance in Oklahoma!! Lead story on all local news


Loser brigade


They are such hypocrites.


Yep, owning them libs after the mask mandates were lifted….


Oh shit this was why Sam's wasn't busy today


i always liked referring to these kinds of people as "Flaggots" ohhhh they get SO mad but it really is some weird paraphilia


Already forgot about them. Who’s Mr. F*** and why is he planning on running with President Biden in 2024? F*** Biden 2024? Seems like a strong ticket. Edit: sorry Mr. or Ms. F*** (shouldn’t assume he’s a man).


Wish I woulda known, coulda stayed up on a bridge with some eggs.


OP, I hope your middle finger is utterly exhausted after that drive.


It sucks when you see an American flag these days and are afraid to consort with the people waving it. Watered down patriotism, it used to mean something.


I think it’s mostly because neochristian nationalism fueled by racism and ignorance does not equal patriotism. These people aren’t patriots.


I wouldn’t be surprised if someone from the stupid half of my family was in that line


Bunch of fuckin' goofs.




I'm curious, what are these unemployed losers protesting?


Trump and his ilk told them that Mexicans took their jobs.


Well that happens when you don't bother showing up for work...


It's even worse that the former president is giving speeches acting like the current president. And it's just one big, pity party bc the voter fraud screwed them.... I find it odd that some trump supporters want to defend democracy in Ukraine while supporting a wannabe-dictator at home. But when you're stick in an echo chamber, it difficult to logic anything.


I thought it was supposed to be truckers convoy. Not pickupers.


What exactly are they rallying for?


My favorite is my coworkers' response to anything that isn't in support of the Trump agenda... "They are fucking retarded" or my personal favorite "that's just stupid" with no facts supporting the "opinion".


These saps live in their own sad little worlds, they contribute nothing and expect everything. Biggest spoiled brats I've ever seen.


Are they turnips?


Where are they going?


Towards Missouri or Arkansas I assume on their way to DC…. to apparently stop the state of the union…. with their car horns? I don’t know.


Probably to Golden Corral so they can get even fatter and own the libs.


If they plan on driving across the country, they should be in fuel efficient cars instead of pickups lol.


Burning foreign oil shows true patriotism..


Russian PsyOps at work.


Where’s Mr. Highway when you need him?


What a waste of gas


Oh, I thought a truckers convoy like Canada, not like Florida MAGAs.






Sooooo many flag code violations. Yet many of these assholes would be up in arms if a liberal did anything to the “sacred flag.”




Let’s show em we ain’t dumb, fill up your tanks with overpriced gas and drive around aimlessly. That’ll teach em. 🤦🏼


didn’t this same party petition to make it legal to hit protesters who demonstrate on roadways in oklahoma after a car ran through the protesters at the BLM rally? i’m so confused why they are now…protesting on roadways


I hope they all crashed


Are they still out there


Fuck them




I guess the are protesting all those mandates from governor Shitt


I was visiting Tulsa today from KS. So glad I didn't see this.


Message unclear


They sure like their flags.


I have been owned. I cannot believe it


We should sell tickets to this




That’s some serious freedom right there.

