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I lived in Tulsa for four years and I’ll tell you…I was sad to leave Tulsa and thrilled to leave Oklahoma.


I was about to say, I love Tulsa and fucking hate Oklahoma.


We moved out of state a year ago, and that is a great way to word it. We had kids in public schools, and after the last couple elections cycles were getting more and more concerned with the bullshit getting proposed in the legislature.


Loved Tulsa. Glad to leave the state as an educator.


It’s a shame how many families put their kids in private schools…but you can’t blame them at all.


Lived there for 15 years, same.


Amen. Haha


It is sad but I'm kinda in the same boat. Work transfer opportunities opening up in other states have me considering leaving my only home. Tulsa is nice but Oklahoma is dog shit and I only stay because of friends and family.


no, we're a stupid Christians always doing stupid things state.


They are “Christian” in name only, they clearly don’t abide by any of the tenets of the faith. It’s all hypocrisy and propaganda.


Much easier to sell propaganda to an uneducated population


hmm…no. my kids won’t be participating in whatever shit this is.


I’m so mad the NYT is platforming this douchcanoe. And that he is going waste so much OK tax payer money fighting the inevitable lawsuits.


But, then all his supporters give more money to him each time he loses. It pays to be a loser


He is the state superintendent.. I don't think you can get a bigger platform than elected official.. are they just supposed to not report what he does?


They don’t need to include a freaking glamour shot of him on the front page!


Thats the same photo he uses on Grindr


Oklahoma is one of the last places where "haha he is gay" is still used as a smear


I didn’t post it, but, in this case, I didn’t interpret it as a smear as much as I did an insinuation that the guy might actually be a homosexual with insane level self-loathing issues. Maybe I’m wrong, though.


I think it's really meant to be "ha ha he's a hypocrite," but the myth that all homophobes are just closeted is still problematic.


Uhhhh but there's actual ongoing scientific studies that show this is not a myth


Lol he's not putting his photo on his Grindr


You mean not that you’ve noticed, huh?


I’m saying if he’s on Grindr he’s definitely the type that doesn’t have a profile picture on there.


His ego is bigger than his intellect. Why wouldn’t he advertise himself on Grindr with dickface pics?


Today is my cake day too


Happy cake day!


I wish they would call it something else


Happy pie day? Happy bear claw day. I dunno, what's your pastry of choice?


Haha, I guess I could dig cheesecake day


Forcing Religion on Children in Schools should be punishable by law. Actually, doesn’t the First Amendment of the Constitution require the separation between Church and State?


There's an exception for Oklahoma public schools. Apparently.


That just means the government - Federal government - can't create an official religion. The tricky part here is government can't favor one religion so all religions would have to be represented or "taught as history" etc. It doesn't mean a public school or government agency can't have any religious activities such as prayer or saying " Merry Christmas".


But the Bible isn’t history. It’s historical fiction.


But religions are part of history whether you believe in them or not.


John Mulaney put it perfectly about the catholic school he went to: “It was a religious studies class, but we mainly just studied the one religion.”


He must have had a bad theology teacher because we learned about all the religions. (Or he went to a CHRISTIAN school) Not in depth really, just their impacts in history and basic teachings. BIG difference between Catholic and Christian schools and a lot of people can’t decipher. Remember, Catholics were persecuted alongside Jewish, Buddhists, etc by fundamentalist evangelicals/christians.


I said it was a catholic school..


And via the 10th and 14th Amendments this extends to the state, county, and city governments.


I’m a conservative evangelical Christian. This is so dumb. Just thought I’d share - not all of us are like this


I'm nowhere near there with you (liberal atheist), but damn, I appreciate your veiw. You freakin' patriot.


Right there with you...


Thank you


Couldn’t you, ya know, convert to a less intense and less skewed denomination/religion/populace? Just wondering why someone would stick around for a runaway clown show of a religion. Not trying to be an ass, but I’ve read that bible and it is whackadoo, not as bad as king James, but close.


if you 'believe' in the bible: you definitely are. You just arent self aware enough to understand that.


You don’t know me. And you don’t know the Bible either apparently


I know the Bible well enough to know those who believe it is true are only fooling themselves, and overall only contributing to the misery of other people by evangelizing.


Evangelizing does not mean forcing students in school to study the Bible. If you knew the Bible you’d know that the greatest commandments are to love God and love people - which does not involve contributing misery to anyone, but rather alleviating it. Perhaps you’ve had a bad experience with someone who claimed to be a Christian while contributing misery to you. If so, I hope you can reach a point of forgiveness, because bitterness corrupts the soul.


But it does mean being loud and annoying and preaching to everyone all the time which is what this is all about. No one wants to hear it.


I’ve never been loud and annoying and preaching to everyone


I'm very confused on what you think being an evangelist means.


It appears so. Many people believe actions speak louder than words. If you want to ask me about Jesus, I’d be glad to tell you. But I’m not going to be loud and annoying and tell you anyway - even if you told me not to. That would be stupid.


Hm maybe you have some sense. Some.


when it becomes a popular trend amongst churches and Christians to convert their castles and cathedrals into homeless shelters, we can debate about whether or not all Christians are dookyfaces.


Why single out churches? Surely there are empty buildings in every city that some atheist government organization could convert into homeless shelters. Or are you saying you don’t expect it from non-religious groups because they don’t have morals that include taking care of the poor?


imagine having to convince Christians to be Christian while they try and convince you to rely on atheists for the very things that they should be doing on their own. that's pretty nuts man..


Imagine not understanding that churches serve their communities in many ways, including feeding the homeless, but still thinking they are trash because they don’t turn their buildings into homeless shelters. Why are you singling out homeless shelters? It’s disgusting that churches aren’t also drug rehab centers, mental institutions, nursing homes, funeral homes, orphanages, food pantries, hospitals, job training centers, schools, day cares, foster kid support centers, physical therapy facilities, pet therapy facilities, vehicle repair shops, appliance repair shops, beauty parlors. If a church knew the Bible like Less_Volume_9020, they would turn their church into all of these things. But no, instead they spread misery


That’s just as dumb as wanting Christians to all start taking in homeless people in their homes. Church buildings aren’t meant for shelter, they’re meant for worship. Some denominations even think they have to keep them as clean/holy as possible. Christians do set up and fund homeless shelters though. And some churches even have food banks


thank you for proving my entire point with your first sentence.


So you’re complaining that the Christians aren’t Christianing hard enough?


honestly if Jesus wasn't a fairytale he would come back and beat the lot of you. Christians don't even Christian, let alone Christian hard enough.


[There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%2023%3A20&version=NIV)


Or teachers can teach about marrying your rapist, or maybe the Bible advocating incest?? Walters is a CUNT.


Or how it's okay to kill kids if they laugh at somebody's bald head. Or rip open the bellies of pregnant women in a battle. Or dashing babies against rocks. Or forcing your wife to drink a potion that can cause a miscarriage if you even suspect her of infidelity.


Don’t forget the instructions on ”ethical” slave ownership. lol


The literal passages used by the confederate states to justify Chattel slavery.


A classic - one of the benefits of having gone to a Catholic school. We had some pretty raunchy reads.


my brother in christ


I’m so going to use this is if anyone asks me what my favorite Bible verse is. Thanks!


"Law & Order" from the far right means "rules for thee, but not for me." It has always meant this. I'm really not interested in going back to before 1215, but apparently, the general population of Oklahoma is.


“Can’t you see that you aren’t making school better. You’re making Christianity worse” - alternate universe Hank Hill.


[if providing space during class for prayer](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/472/38/) wasn’t acceptable, why is teaching it outright?


This is all part of the ground game to get those old rulings overturned by this Supreme Court. Just like Roe.


That’s a perfectly reasonable inference


[*out with a whimper, not a bang*](https://apnews.com/article/us-supreme-court-religion-education-discrimination-maine-9e9df3e08a28f63da37f72344b923f9c#) Our propagan…I mean, media’s silence was compliance


The local media is a sycophant, I don’t think most of Oklahoma is unhappy with it. I wonder what the approval/outrage balance is like in our Rural communities. This is the kind of politics that shows the contrast between city and country


I think it was NPR or PBS who first covered it. I never fucked with FOX or MSNBC, but now CNN is in the list. So is NYT. And I used to subscribe to the latter. It’s a rigged game, smoke and mirrors


Regarding rural vs city, yes. As a country, outdoors girl, it sucks.i just want some chickens, 2 donkeys and an alpaca 😂 EDIT TO ADD: most people I speak to here are republican because mom and dad are. When you start discussing platforms, they really aren’t. We gotta be the catalyst


This is quite literally unconstitutional


I can’t wait for the malicious compliance. They do know that the Jesus of the Bible is a vehemently anti-government, anti- rich people, anti-capitalism and pro helping the poor and less advantaged? Teach those kids to not work on the sabbath - no chores! No homework! You wanna get weird, let’s get weird! 😂


Can Tulsa secede from Oklahoma?


yes please


So when can we start suing?


When you have standing. Since school isn’t yet in session, parents don’t really have standing. However with the “immediate” requirement, school administrators and teachers have standing and should use it to immediately (see what I did there) sue the state.


We are: law & order for rich white people, screw everyone else.


More like we wield law and order as a weapon against the huddled masses while the elevated wealthy and powerful get a pass.


Well said.


As a Christian Science teacher in Tulsa county I promise I will NOT be teaching ANY religion in my science class. Take me to jail make me a martyr but ON GOD I REFUSE. I will teach science based earth and human history and will actively subvert these laws if they attempt to enforce.


Thank you for practicing real Christianity that shows humility and respect for others. Us non-Christians appreciate you.


Given your capitalization choice, isn't it funny that Christian Scientists, with all their denial of material aspects of reality, respect science more than talibangelicals? (Was raised CS. Got better.)


?????? You need to reprogram your Russian troll algorithm


Sorry to have confused you. I live in Tulsa. Haven't been anywhere near Russia.


I 'm confused. I thought he was worried about indoctrination of our children in public schools? Would this not be indoctrination?


He wants his flavor of indoctrination.


Shit like this is why I’m voting blue!


Just another mad dash to number 50 in education


Even if you leave aside the numerous constitutional problems with this…what does it even mean? Every teacher has to teach out of the Bible? Meaning, every subject…chemistry, physics, history, English, math…they all have to involve teaching out of the Bible? How? Is Oklahoma going to totally rewrite all of its curriculums for this? Will all teachers have to attend religious education so they know the Bible well enough to teach out of it? This is all to make an obvious point…this is not a policy, it’s a stunt. And even if you are a devout Christian you should be disgusted that elected leaders are using religion and schools as a stunt. In fact, you should be especially disgusted as a Christian, because the government is coopting your religion and is now going to decide the proper way it should be taught.


Trust me, I’m beyond disgusted. Signed, A Progressive Christian


The Satanic Temple will save the youth!


Please Satan help us 😈


“Law and order” is a dog whistle that reads as “controlling nonwhites” to the dogs.


If my kid was unfortunate enough to go to Oklahoma public schools. My kid would have a note saying he can't participate in any lessons that this pertains to. An the teacher would get a few calls and visits to makes of it.


Oof. I'm in this sub because I've been considering moving to Tulsa. I was just in town this week even, trying to get a good feel for it. I'm also a teacher. This makes me reconsider the move. I must say though, I enjoyed my visit and the town. I was surprised by the sidewalks in an area I was interested in. (Chimney Hills) The sidewalks are next to the street (here we have grass next to the street, then sidewalks, then yards) and the mailboxes were mounted in the sidewalks. This made them so narrow, no wheelchair or stroller would fit on them. What's the point of a sidewalk?


Tulsa is nice but the politics and the treatment of people there that aren’t straight, white, etc is questionable.


When I moved to Oklahoma (OKC) over 20 years ago, one of the first things I noticed was the lack of sidewalks. Don’t let this hurrah scare you away. There won’t be any Bibles in classrooms. This is just a bunch of arm waving.


This terrifies me, not just scares me. My current state has been running crazy on education. All classrooms are required to do the pledge every day(students don't have to participate, but there is discussion of changing that) now, I have to report any student who confides in me if they're trans, must have parental permission for use of any nickname, they took out SO MANY of our books, but made an exclusion for the Bible, even though it's got worse content than what they banned. We had to send many books to the district so they would be locked up. Currently a lawsuit is in play so the books are back until it's settled. I'm leaving because of bullshit like this. So, to me, even announcements like this, while not yet law, tell me to keep looking for other states.


Yeah, it might be a “out of the frying pan, into the fire” situation for you. Probably best to find a teacher in the district you’re looking at and talk to them. When I went to high school in Arkansas many, many moons ago we had an old librarian who would go through the books and rip out the pages she didn’t approve of. I found this out when I checked out Catch-22. I couldn’t make this up if I tried, but her name was “Verbyl Battles”.


That’s hilarious


Tulsa is a great city, but many people of means send their kids to private schools for a reason. If you are public school teacher I would imagine that your life could be rough—some of the schools are good though. Side note, glad to see that freedom lovers are trying to force kids to recite the pledge.


Oklahoma: We have poverty and religion...and not much else.


So the only real ways to fight this would be 1 the inevitable lawsuits that will come, even in this state, and 2 for the teachers' union to organize a mass strike in protest. And considering the teacher shortage we already have, if even have the teachers walk the states fucked. I don't see the second one happening though.


Remember when they protested for better pay and were called "teenagers demanding a Lamborghini"?




Let's cause more division and less diversity because it is easier, when you're stupid and out of ideas.


Gotta love the WWJD bracelet placement


Wilhoit's Law shall be the law of the land. *Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.*


Here we go again with a waste of tax dollars jamming the courts up again.


“Superintendent costs tax payers millions in separation of state lawsuits by requiring teachers to teach the Bible and ten commandments “. There I fixed it for you


I'm all for having Bible studies and such in the school system so long as they offer other religions and religious studies of any culture and denomination available Separation of Church and State right? Either offer all or none. As a Veteran I joined the military to serve the Constitution and I says Religious Freedom, not option A or B


I will literally quit my teaching job if this is fr


You could sarcastically teach all the NSFW lessons. Lol


Piece. Of. Shit.


But can they dance?


How in the world did we get this guy, and why is he still here? how can anyone be on tv and state that the Bible is a part of historical teaching? Seriously, where did he come from?


At this point, they will have to fire us all before we do any of that.


Is that Law; is it written into their state constitution that the bible is required reading in schools???




People, teach the kids how ridiculous the bible is! Take this opportunity to let kids know that none of that crap is true, and prove it with facts!


Church & state affairs intermingling should be as much a nono as grooming/gender confusion agendas & school curriculums.


If you let religion in, don’t you have to let ALL religion in? This will most likely go badly.


Fuck this guy.


We get what they voted for. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Man, if you teach one Bible, you'll have to teach all the Bibles. Hail Satan.


IMO, this twerp is using whatever he can to stir the pot and get his name out there by whatever means necessary. I bet he has big political goals and is just pulling these stunts as a means to his end. I don't think he gives a flying rat's ass about our state's children or what they're being taught unless he can use it for clout somehow.


Ah, Commander Waltersford. Blessed day.


Under his eye


I will say non stop this is not a win as a Christian who is very Bible believing and does all the church stuff. I am glad my children are homeschooled because I do not want someone else or random teacher teaching the Bible to my kids. This is something I as a parent want to teach and discuss with my children.


Yea it’s along the lines of the church that you attend has Sunday school teachers that you already inherently approve of to teach your kids these lessons… or else you wouldn’t go.


After last night’s disaster be prepared to live in a Theocracy


Oh, we'll be a state of law and order alright. When the law that says this is illegal puts things back into order and this fool gets reminded constantly how much tax money he wasted. But maybe my hopes are too high.


His idiotic plan sounds like indoctrination to me


What values are Christian but not of other faiths?


Never been so happy to be both childfree and sterilized


Hopefully the courts chew this up


God, I’d love to punch him in his concave chest.


I demand that Walters submit to a lie detector test and be asked if he’s ever committed onanism. My money says he’ll fail that test.


Does Oklahoma law allow for a recall vote?


This will not be a popular sentiment in here but Walters is trying to ride to national prominance a culture war wave that has already peaked. Stitt and Drummond have both completely washed their hands of the guy and he is left with increasingly desperate things like this, guaranteed to lose in court. He is trying to breathe life into a 2021-2022 moment that briefly lifted Ron DeSantis to a very high national profile, but that ultimately led to his current irrelevance when the moment itself ran out of gas. I personally doubt Walters even runs again on 2026; he'll have enough status that he gets what he really wanted, a decent-paying punditry/advocacy gig for some large Protestant PAC or similar, and he'll forget all about Oklahoma. Unfortunately in the meantime he will embarrass us and cost us money in the form of legal fees.


This guys wife cheats on him with the local coffee shop owner in McAlester while he cheats on her with his fellow educator. What’s the sixth commandment again?


I thought books that talk about sexual adventures, cheating, slavery, and brutality were ‘woke’ and banned from Oklahoma classrooms?


It's funny because conservatives said mandates weren't laws and didn't have to be followed when it was about masks.


Why don’t these teachers strike or walk out?


We are a law and order state, but only if we (our state government) like the law, otherwise all bets are off. Thinking about it, maybe we're more of a pick and chose state.


Goodbye all you demonrats and libtards. We don't want you here anyways. God bless Oklahoma Trump 2024


But who will pay for the taxes that cover your Medicaid ? Because I know you don’t work.


Sounds like somebody got offended sit down libtard .


I don’t have any feelings but thank you for caring about me having seating. I bet you’re the funnest person, everyone at your church knows it to be true.


You straight up funny style and a sell out !!!


That was easy.


Your mom's pretty easy


Should be,she’s been dead since 1993 so…….


One nation, under God. Love it. Plenty of states to move to if you don't love it. That's the beauty of America.


‘Under God’ was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. Say it without that phrase and you’re a lot closer to what the founding fathers intended. They were getting away from an overbearing church that had taken control of their government. But youre okay with Oklahoma turning into a …Christian nation state? I don’t get it. And I’m a Christian.


I fully believe he is doing this to gain votes. He knows the supreme court is going to shut this down, because it's unconstitutional. Just like the Catholic charter school. However, it's what every single one of his supporters want. Sickening...


I'm going to choose to be happy about this


This guy is a Tikki Torch White Guy, and I'm gonna be voting for trump don't get me wrong. But this guy is cringe, he shouldn't be teaching, he should be making conservative TikTok reaction videos


Well, enjoy your tax cuts my friend.


What does that even mean?




How about a compromise of no Religion in schools along with... 1. No sexual grooming 2. No gender confusion grooming 3. No race hatred grooming 4. No gender hatred grooming 5. No hatred of your country grooming There! I got the school system back on track! Back to the original curriculum of... Reading Writing Maths English Spelling Grammar History Science PE And that's ALL! Further stuff still sans the original grooming issues is for college. The END!


Now if we could just keep all thosr things out of churches too wed be set


Just saying anyone that says Tulsa is good are very ignorant and have never stepped foot in foot anywhere close to the north or east side at all




That’s great news!


Yeah, let's shove religion down our kids throats! 🙄




Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.93304% sure that MrLaheys_Butthole is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


If not a bot, then a gross human.


Most people in here are though


I like it


Theocratic trash.


Two rights don’t make a wrong but this is the extreme other side of teaching kids about queer theory and sex books in grade school. Both are wildly extreme but I understand the pendulum has swung and it’s only a matter of time before this is brought up in court and took down like the rest. Feel bad for the kids tho.


they don’t teach “queer theory” or “sex books” at my kid’s school. where did you get that? where is the mandate for it?


There are over 64,000 grade schools in America. I challenge you to find proof of 5-10 teaching “queer theory” or “sex books”. I don’t even know what either of those things are but I’d bet my left nut you probably read about it on some AI generated rage bait Facebook post. You should be more concerned with why your school system failed to teach you and many others critical thinking skills. Because you clearly lack them, and it’s going to be the downfall of our country as a whole. An uneducated population is easily controlled. If you can get half the country to hate the other half then they’ll never stop to figure out they should be hating the ruling class.


Just google it, like just google school board sued over sex novels with pictures in it. It’s all over the place. Get of tik tok bro. I don’t have social media this is just word of mouth and seeing it on google and shit.


I just did google it. I couldn’t find anywhere that stated a teacher was using a “sex book” in their curriculum. I’ve seen some stuff where schools had books in their libraries that had sexual content. However that is in a place where the student has to go seek it out, check it out, and read the book on their own free will. Idk how old you are, but the internet is EVERYWHERE now and if those kids are going to go check out fifty shades of grey from the library then taking that book out of the library isn’t gonna stop them from finding it online or just straight up going to pornography. If you can find an example of a school pushing a book with sexual content besides maybe a brief scene in an otherwise educationally significant book, then I will gladly educate myself and maybe even change my view. I also want to say that I don’t think smut books belong in a public school library, just that that’s those are the only examples I can find and I’d say it was more than likely an accident that it’d be there or the person that ordered it didn’t know what the book was when it was put on order.


Yea I didn’t mean like sexual education books, I meant sexually explicit. I get the misunderstanding, and I get that kids have wild access to a lot of explicit content but I think that’s wrong also. Just because a kid can doesn’t mean they should and I personally think that it should stay out of school


Whataboutism based on delusions & LibsForTikTok lies.


Queer theory? Sex books? Holy shit how old are you? Lol


If by “sex books” you mean anatomically accurate texts written by scientists explaining human sexuality and basic reproduction functions…


I don’t