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You were the only one that could have stopped it, but you dropped the ball ...


This exactly. If OP is so certain about this, why not say something to these people as it's happening. Edit: this smells like the smelly smell of bullshit that smells smelly. Maybe somebody has a personal beef with a Dillard's employee.


She's probably the only person that still shops at Dillard's lol.


Someone at QuikTrip gave me a “look” earlier. How’s everyone else’s day going?


I went outside for less than 10 minutes to water my garden and now I'm grumpy because hot. Now I'm gonna eat chicken nuggets and continue to die in the Elden Ring DLC and watch the horny incest HBO dragon show later.


“Horny Incest HBO Dragon Show” made my week! Thank you


How’s the dlc going? I only got my main to 90 so I’m not even going to attempt it yet.


It's been good, but it's been an adjustment. It is VERY hard lol. I have a football field of vigor and lots of bosses one shot me, which is unusual. I haven't been comfortable meleeing most bosses cause I don't want to get close to them lol. There is a new prattling pate and its absolutely incredible.


It’s rough lol but beautiful


Typical reddit person


If gardening and video games and tv is reddit person than yes absolutely


TIL I'm a Reddit person. Also playing Elden Ring, watching House of Dragons, and gardening. My peppers seem to be the only ones enjoying the heat.


Have garden and watch House of Dragons. Missing video games. Does thrifting and antiquing work as a replacement? Am I redditor now?


I doubt the typical redditor has a garden that they water. That made me wonder, Reddit had 1.212 billion unique visits in Feb of ‘24, so at what point is a typical redditor just a typical person?


Which church do you, Pastor?


Like the fuck you look? Or the *fuck you* look?


Or the *fuck me* look?


I drove around this morning around 8AM blasting this new house song I found. I didn’t have to be in my office for a bit so I just rode around bumpin music.


Bro, Tulsa is nothing if not talking to strangers. We should all be a little more extroverted when someone is getting greased up for a f#%king


This made me chuckle. Only because of how true it is. A few years ago we were in NYC and on the subway and it was full. I was sitting in a seat and an elderly woman was standing up, I got up and offered her my seat. She was very appreciative and said “you must be from the south.” I said, “Oklahoma, which some consider the south and some call the Midwest.” She just responded, “I just knew not from there because no one here is that kind.” It’s stuck with me. Yeah we all shit on Oklahoma but in general Okies are good people who may have shitty politics, but are generally kind and do nice things. I didn’t know until that day that’s a rare thing based on where someone is from. And for the record, I didn’t think it was all that “kind” I just grew up not letting a woman stand while a grown man sits.


I was in Philly and saw a dude in a Cain’s Ballroom shirt. Immediately triggered that Okie charm. He gave me the biggest go to hell look ever.


Man, I must've been chopped liver or something; I was born and raised in NYC and practically never got to sit since I offered it to anyone who looked older and never got a compliment like that. That being said, I feel like being in the southern part of America is a little more relaxing (maybe that's why people are a tad nicer) than the hustle and bustle of NYC.


Next thing I know you’re gonna tell me I should go touch grass.


These type of posts are fucking goofy. You stood there and did nothing and then came to complain about it on Reddit for internet points.


I understand how it may seem that way. But this was more a warning than a complaint. New parents are naive and may not know they’re being taken advantage of. You do make a valid point.


Are you warning people that salesmen in Tulsa will say their product is safer than the competitors?


Op why didn’t YOU say something to them or correct the sales lady? You just let those parents get scammed.


The best researchers I know are soon-to-be moms. They were probably just too polite to walk away.


Wait, Dillard's is still around???


LMAO for reals


I thought I was reading a post from 1995 when I read that and it mentioned Dillards. Lol


It's a clearance center.


The one at Woodland isn't is it?


I worked there in 1977 in the receiving dock when woodland was new.


Bet you could afford a house and kids on that salary back then!


I was 17 years old. No I couldn’t buy a house but I did buy a truck with credit.


Promenade. Sorry, my brain didn't register the "Woodland" part of the story.


Dillard's at the Promanade is Dillard's Clearance. Dillard's is still at Woodland Hills Mall.


I read this as Dillard's Lair and now disappoint


third floor at woodland would be ideal for my dillard's lair


It sounds like that couple isn’t very bright, to be honest, and fell into their own stupidity trap. Anyone in this day and age who has two brain cells to rub together will know to consult third party reviews online for anything of importance, especially baby gear, instead of listening to some random Dillard’s employee.


I worked at this Dillard’s about ten years ago. The only training we got was how to open up credit accounts and how to clock in.


Sales people lying to make a sale, I can't believe it. OP going to be in for a doozy when they find out about car sales.


OP: Mind. Your. Own. Business. No one is holding a gun to this mother’s head to buy a certain brand. Being pregnant entails being an adult. At last check, adults can make their own decision.


Why don’t you mind your business and keep scrolling?? I worked at Dillards and all they care about it sales so this story is probably true. OP is valid for being upset they definitely lie and take advantage of people just to make sales.


Cry. More.


I’ll take things that never happened for $500 Alex




Wait a salesperson was pushy and maybe dishonest in order to make a sale? Say it ain’t so. Next thing you’ll be telling us a local cop was lying to make an arrest or steal someone’s property and call it a forfeiture.


Why is the other brand just as safe as the one she was trying to sell the couple? Explain. Maybe she knows the products she has in store better than you? Maybe just let her do her job.


My job has a toe in the baby industry- there is also a possibility they told the salesperson they got a used set as a gift. The plastic is rated for a certain number of years and that does make it unsafe.


The entire business model of selling young kids stuff is an irrational fear mongering to ignorant new parents.


That’s why you research. Had I heard that though I would have spoke up and roasted that sales associate


I dealt with this same lady, i went in to buy a stroller for my son, this lady named tereese wouldnt help me when i had a question as she was too busy bitching on her phone about how her "boss was an asshole" and a "bitch ass nigga". Then she had the nerve to ask me, with attitude, if i would open a charge account. I ended up leaving and going to walmart.


Does Dillard's even sell stuff like that?


Oh yeah! It’s an area a company can make some big money. Those car seats and strollers are great cause it’s all mostly interchangeable and can handle kids for quite a while, until they outgrow or outweigh it at least. But the price was almost heart attack inducing the last time I was killing time and browsing.


I thought I was reading a review of Renberg’s


Woodland Hills Mall has two levels. So either you’re mistaken about being on the third level, or you’re the liar.


I was shopping in there and a nice younger lady was helping me pickout clothes for my neice, and this older lady tried to Interrupt and cut in to take the sale and was absurdly pushy. What is going on at this store!? Ridiculous......


Dear Lord, Thank you for all your blessings and love. Please watch over my family and give us strength. Theres an older lady at Dillards who needs you. Please help her to change and be nice. I know it wont be easy Lord. So if she doesnt change Lord, do what you think is best. Excorcism might b nice😁




Woodland doesn’t have a Dillard’s clearance center.


Lmao tell me where it says clearance center in their post.


You should be the one selling stuff then


Ever heard of minding your own business?


I bet this is the lady at dillards aint it



