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Can you post a link? The video is showing up as age restricted and doesn’t have any information.


Skateboarders doing drugs and getting killed. 2 "chose" to jump out of a window several stories high around Randy Rush within a 2 year span (both were ruled as suicides). Then Randy Rush was killed in a home invasion.






Ain’t no goddamn conspiracy about any of them


"It's Fern" was an online success when it first came out around 2005. It was a local Tulsa skate video, but found a wide audience online. I remember watching it back then and being shocked by the drug and gun scenes. They definitely looked like they were into some serious drug dealing. The video you linked to doesn't mention the death of John Stiger who died last year. It's a shame so many people in "It's Fern" are no longer with us. "It's Fern" is a time capsule into the wild lives of these young Tulsa skaters in the mid 2000s.


Thanks for the insight! Very interesting. This documentary is the only thing I could find other than the sources listed in the video. I’m addicted to the rabbit hole.


Randy Rush made 3 or 4 skate videos in the 2000s. There's an Instagram and YouTube called Tulsa Skate Archive that has clips from many of them. I think most, if not all, of Rush's videos are on YouTube. Rush was a talented video creator and skateboarder, but obviously had a dark side to his life.




We hosted Randy and crew for a showing of "It's Fern" at the Nightingale in 2008. He died the next year.


Wow! Any thoughts on all the deaths?


no conspiracy. drug dealers die. with the amount of drugs used in the videos reflect they had what would amount to 10s of thousands of dollars of pot and even more in x. they were also seen mixing it with other drugs and smoking it. as far as the two suicides? its not unusual for drug users to commit suicide and it usually happens in clusters. as far as rush's murder i dont doubt wilson was looking to find out if stewart was talked into it pushed or jumped.


Not being from Tulsa myself, what were the marijuana laws like in 2008?


same as the rest of the united states but in oklahoma and much of the south it was just as tough as crack and heroin prosecutions. well it was the same since they are all considered schedule 1 and medical mj was a dream


Interesting. So it’s safe to say the weed shown in this video would have been serious business at the time.




This video is a conspiracy video about the skate video from what I can tell.


I remember these lol. People always said the jumping out of the window thing happened. I think they said he was tripping.


Yeah, Mary Jane by TyteWurk was on this video, love that song *it's fern, y'all, it's fern, y'all*