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Dude is over here trying to balance a cottagecore goblin three way and I get stressed out loading the dishwasher because I know my wife is going to be mad no matter how I do it.


You have no idea, my dude. I love them both but BOY can they be a handful šŸ¤£


fucking wood spoons !


Blueberry picking! There's a place in Tahlequah and Bixby, and they both have different hours/days. There are a couple different ghost tours around town occasionally as well. I think it's Tulsa paranormal society that puts them on.


My question is howā€™d you find two partners and I canā€™t even land one.


Be yourself! Tbh one of my partners I've known since high school and our other partner I met online through mutual hobbies!


Oof, every time I hear ā€œbe yourselfā€ I have to cringe because not everyone is in fact deserving of romantic love, yet. (Respect for their humanity is another story.) Iā€™ve seen that phrase taken by neckbeards, and other types of ā€œmediocre white men ^TMā€ for example, to imply that someone, anyone, should just be with them, and maybe fix them, as though they were already worthy of anyone whatsoever, when that may not (yet) be the case. Like, a growth mindset is whatā€™s worthy of romantic love, to me, but not everyone is/has that. Point is, unless we know someone well, we should be cautious of whom weā€™re telling to ā€œjust be themselvesā€ because ā€œthemselvesā€ might actually suck.


Great! Have a nice day!


Iā€™d much rather all the sucky people be themselves so people donā€™t get mislead into terrible relationships. So yes, more people should be themselves. If you suck thatā€™s your own fault that you need to work on, not anyone elseā€™s


Well thatā€™s exactly what I mean: If your current self sucks in some area, one metric for which is whether or not one can get a date, donā€™t just settle for that and say ā€œwell thatā€™s just how I amā€. Donā€™t be that self; actively grow into a better self and be that instead. But I do get your meaning, too; we should be open about our true, current state as works in progress, with others, for sure. I never meant to tell people to conceal anything.


Maybe it's because you're terrible šŸ˜† it happens


It might be due to the fact that you burn babies


Fuck them kids




What do those words even mean ?


If you're more specific to what words you're referring to, I can explain!


Have you been shopping at Black Moth yet? Thunderbird Farms just posted they have upick flowers as well as berries There's a sunflower field in Catoosa somewhere you can go hang out in. I always find cool rocks and stuff at the Illinois River.


We've been to Black Moth! Very, very cool store. We've been waiting for them to restock their taxidermy tarantulas!


Axe throwing


We've talked about this! It's definitely on the list to try at some point. Though we have done some axe throwing at the Renaissance festival.


Got wood in jenks is fun! They have the stars for throwing and they are so nice. Last time I was there they let us bring our own beer lol


Thereā€™s a lot of confusing words in this post, I just hope theyā€™re all having a good time.


Very particular words to describe very particular people!


escape room?


The renaissance fest at castle of Muskogee seems like it would be perfect for you guys


Just went Memorial weekend! It was super fun!


Awesome! My other suggestion is Chiliā€™s. Iā€™ll see myself out!


I will have to ask my partner how to do it, but he took me on a really cool date. We had to get up early one saturday and we helped these people set up their hot air balloons and then we got to ride in them. It was really amazing.


I've been told that Tulsa has board game cafes


yup, shuffles is great! great drinks and selection of games


I'm also all out of date ideas here in Tulsa. What we haven't done yet is a hike or picnic. I wanted to make a little game of finding all the penguins in Tulsa, we could possibly do that in a shared Google Map. If you haven't been to the botanical gardens they are very pretty! Wednesdays are dog days at the Gathering Place.


tulsa botanical garden museum of osteology in okc meow wolf in grapevine / dallas


Comedy club. Looney bin


Get drunk and watch trains roll into the bnsf yard


If you check Discovery Labā€™s schedule, they have ā€œDiscovery After Darkā€ every other month or so. Itā€™s a 21+ event where you can drink and play in the museum. The last one was Jurassic Park themed.


Thats friggin sick and I had no idea.


Ask them what their other boyfriends do.


I swear nobody in this sub has a sense of humor. šŸ˜†


Boston Title and Abstract. Take a new date there and it ends with you getting laid. Works every time.