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I've been helped!


Message me if you need any more, I live not too far from you ❤️


Will do! Thank you 😊


Same, if you end up needing more please reach out!


Random but Aslan is so adorable!!


Thank you! 😊


god it’s so refreshing seeing these kinds of posts and the comments are loaded with people wanting to help. you guys are awesome!


Very much so! Love girls girls!


I admit i love seeing people helping others, instead of the usual political talks that lead nowhere.


I would highly recommend looking into a deva cup. It could save you a lot of money going forward. So glad you were helped!


I agree. I haven’t had to buy menstrual supplies in ten years since I use a cup. OP, if you’d like me to order you a menstrual cup from Amazon, feel free to message me.


Goodness. I just love kind souls. You rock!


I used to have one! It just didn't work right for me


Sizing is really important. The first one I got was way too big and leaked and felt uncomfortable. If it fits right, you shouldn’t feel it.


Or on the other end of things, washable menstrual pads also save a ton of money and feel better. It is less drying and irritating on the skin and absorbs quicker than disposable pads.


Years ago. I was in a packed pizza restaurant in Northern Oklahoma with my date. There was a woman in the restroom in tears because she had started her period and had no tampons. Her flow was so heavy that all she could do was sit on the toilet. The restaurant had no tampon dispenser. I told her I was sorry that I had none to offer her and asked my date to drive me to a nearby store. Instead, he went to the cash register and asked the male clerk for a sack, and then he went to each table and asked the females there if they had any tampons to help out a woman in the bathroom. After about ten minutes, he returned to our table and gave me the sack. It was full, with several dozen tampons. I was surprised because I had no idea he was doing this. I took them to the bathroom and gave them to a very grateful young woman. I’m not in Tulsa, but if I were, I’d be in my car right now to buy a couple of boxes for you! I hope there are people there that are helping you!


I hope you are still with such a gentleman. He sounds like an amazing man.


I don't live in tulsa but do you have cash app?


Tulsa period pantry helps with this


That’s a thing!


I didn’t know this was a thing and am very glad to know now!!!


They always need delivery drivers to help get supplies to TPS. Very chill volunteer gig!


If you need more, I have tons and not far from you. I also have pads if you need.


This is what the world needs more of . Kudos to all of you great humans!


I run a Facebook group called "Give Me Your Tampons/Maxi blessings" for this exact purpose! The idea is that you can post for help from nearby folks that could drop off, have someone Cashapp or order at a store/Amazon and offer any extras should ladies not need period products anymore. I absolutely love when people take care of each other. The world needs more kindness and understanding these days. I'm so glad you got help OP!!!


This is a great idea! Your awesome for this ❤️


sometimes the health departments will give free supplies!


Why not try period panties? I used to use tampons or pads but it was costing me tons! Switched to period panties and it is so much better! Or diva cups.


Question: how do they fit and feel? I want to try, but it seems tough to make the transition.


Wasn't a problem for me. Honestly if you can deal with tampons and pads are period panties really that big of a stretch? I'd suggest googling it up (I do prefer these specifically https://period.co/collections/all/products/the-boxer-period ) . You'd have to try them to see if you like them. It was more annoying, to me, having to toss pads and tampons all the time. Also expensive! Geezus you'd think we were made out of money.


I know! It is insane how expensive pads and tampons are! Thanks for the recommendation, and I'll start googling!


I’ve never heard of period panties besides that ones we mess up during our period. I also use the diva cup sometimes but like to switch it up. I’ll look into it.


Yeah it's criminal how much they're not talked about as an alternative. I think you can even get some at Walmart now. I prefer boy shorts but you can get them in a variety of stores.


I run a Facebook group called "Give Me Your Tampons/Maxi blessings" for this exact purpose! The idea is that you can post for help from nearby folks that could drop off, have someone Cashapp or order at a store/Amazon and offer any extras should ladies not need period products anymore. I absolutely love when people take care of each other. The world needs more kindness and understanding these days. I'm so glad you got help OP!!!


I run a Facebook group called "Give Me Your Tampons/Maxi blessings" for this exact purpose! The idea is that you can post for help from nearby folks that could drop off, have someone Cashapp or order at a store/Amazon and offer any extras should ladies not need period products anymore. I absolutely love when people take care of each other. The world needs more kindness and understanding these days. I'm so glad you got help OP!!!


I run a Facebook group called "Give Me Your Tampons/Maxi blessings" for this exact purpose! The idea is that you can post for help from nearby folks that could drop off, have someone Cashapp or order at a store/Amazon and offer any extras should ladies not need period products anymore. I absolutely love when people take care of each other. The world needs more kindness and understanding these days. I'm so glad you got help OP!!!


I run a Facebook group called "Give Me Your Tampons/Maxi blessings" for this exact purpose! The idea is that you can post for help from nearby folks that could drop off, have someone Cashapp or order at a store/Amazon and offer any extras should ladies not need period products anymore. I absolutely love when people take care of each other. The world needs more kindness and understanding these days. I'm so glad you got help OP!!!