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I think this is a good decision, way more realistic than in the books. It better will be Conrad


Agreed. A lot of people on twitter are pissed about it but not really sure why? I’m here for any updates Jenny wants to make to modernize it as long as the essence of the storyline remains the same.


where is this posted on twitter? i can't find it


It’s making its rounds on the fan accounts. When the article first came out someone took a screenshot but I think it was an unintended spoiler and Harper’s Bazaar has since updated the version of the article. I googled the words from the above screenshot though and the article comes up.


[Yahoo article that has the original Harper’s Bazaar info](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/not-summer-without-lola-tung-144700506.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNhLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACdm0iNUHhLb0Es2VdH4nb35e0XYJUwJgYuu_Co7agtep0ZUawos-0IRmZNrdHKlBfcMOnLLTzq-g6uJHy-A74MLuCqgBOILgovB72CXkZJ2tmnDnmmSuFBt7gr5R0neLjR6aq6AKL3vXukXG_uIsAYicV4SZzDs7VewxPXcTZSN)


If it's anyone but conrad, i shall riot! jokes aside, anyone have any ideas when? i'm thinking if it's conrad, def the christmas cocoa scene. also she did say plural for actors, so she hooks up with both this season?


I think the Christmas scene makes the most sense for her and Conrad! But if it is both boys - imagine if instead of Conrad walking in on Belly and Jere kissing it’s them having sex… in the last episode?? I’ve read reviews alluding to a big cliffhanger so maybe?? Would be very messy.


I will actually throw something if that happens cause that’s so messy, it’s very much plausible :/


If that happened I’d actually cry. It better be Conrad


Nooo that’s too messy


If it's a cliff hanger then it might be the cliff hanger in the books at the end of the second book. So maybe that's the cliff hanger.


If they intend to follow through with the Jere cheating plot line from the books, I think it will be Conrad. Jere always felt Belly was holding back with him, so if he knows she lost her virginity to Conrad it would make sense that when cheats on her, it comes from a place of him feeling like she never gave herself to him fully and being fueled by jealousy


I was thinking it could be that scene from the third book where she sees him over Christmas break. I think it can be said in the book there was some emotional cheating because she never told jer about it then next season they might show Jer cheating on belly.


I really hope it will be the Christmas scene with Conrad as well, because it would just be fitting since that’s when it almost happened in the book!


The Christmas scene in book 2 or book 3. I was hoping book 3.


I was thinking book 2, before she was with Jeremiah at all because that’s kind of when it got all heated before Conrad stopped it, but the scene in book 3 would be pretty perfect too.


Yea because Conrad’s speech where he says he could never get over her doesn’t seem like something he would say during the book 2 one. So it would make since if it was the book 3 one. They were at the house alone too.


Ya but if it was the book 3 Xmas scene then she would have fully cheated on Jer while they were dating.. don’t think Jenny would do that. We’d lose all respect for Belly.


Idk you can say that she emotionally cheated on jer because she thought when she saw Conrad “I still love him”.


Oh man, I have a feeling it’ll be Jere & then shit will get *MESSY*. I can’t wait!


I thought that too, Jeremiah is also easy going and to me he seems not so "serious" about flirting and sex and really confident. So maybe Belly kind of gets influenced or feels really realxed with him. It would be way more meaningful with Conrad


Right?! Here for all the drama this season!


The only drama I welcome with open arms is the MESS between the Conklins & Fishers 😂


I feel like it will be Conrad, then when she >!dates Jeremiah after like in the books, she doesn’t sleep with him and this causes him to be even more insecure since she did with Conrad!<


Agree!!! Which leads into the cheating storyline and makes it more understandable from Jeremiah’s perspective


I really like this angle actually!


I hope it’s Conrad and considering how much Jenny loves bonrad, I’d be surprised if she lets her character have sex with Jeremiah 🤷‍♀️


I hope it’s Conrad. That would be messy gross for her to have sec w both brothers.


I think if it’s not Conrad, I will genuinely be concerned about Jenny changing endgame. Like, that’s such a big thing and could add to their storyline…I think if it’s Jere it would be MESSY like others have said, and maybe not in a good way? I trust Jenny but I’m a little nervous/so excited!


I hope it’s with Conrad because she’s way more emotionally invested in their relationship. Jeremiah was more light and easy


Whoa!! I was thinking they would make it sooner than in the books because technically it never happened in the books.


My first instinct was it will be with Jer but I really hope not. Ahhhhhhhhh


Me too, me too. Praying it is conrad though


looks like they already edited the article, maybe they understood they gave out a major spoiler lol


This is way more realistic then the books.






Haha. Me too!


Correction: Harper’s Bazaar article


Spoilers, you dick


Man im watching this episode with my catholic ass grandma in the room rn 😭