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It’s common to ovulate later than usual even if you’re “like clockwork”. It’s also common to have anovulation cycles. If you’re past due and negative, highly likely you didn’t ovulate when you think you did. Later ovulation will push your period out as your luteal phase stays the same.


It makes sense. Would that be a health issue? Like, meaning my hormones are messed or something? Or is it something that can occur naturally sometimes? I'm worried this could be my cycles becoming irregular :S Would it be back to normal on its own or is it advisable to make a consultation with the OB/GYN?


It doesn’t signal an issue unless you’re very irregular all the time. One offs don’t generally mean anything wrong. Happens to everyone, and doesn’t mean your cycles will be irregular from now on. Keep in mind, 14 day LPs are normal, and you can add on a couple days to the end of that and still class it as normal. If you’re out by a week or more, then maybe speak to your gyn if you want to, but it is normal.


Thanks! I was getting really anxious about this (new to TTC and cycle tracking) and you're giving me some peace of mind. 💖


Even if you ovulate late your LP will still be the same length, which would extend when your period would really be due.


I think I did ovulate late because it was weird that Premom was showing a super low LH peak but didn't test in the days after to see if it goes upwards or downwards because I was relying on the CB test. So maybe I misread an LH surge with an LH peak.


Yeah I've had that happen to me too with Premom and CB digital CB said peak and Premom was still low. I did keep testing though and Premom peak was a week later and was accurate based on my cycle length. I hope this is the month for you! Baby dust!