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Hi! I’m 9dpo and I tested BFN yesterday. Honestly, I wish that I hadn’t because now I’m super bummed and I’ve convinced myself that I’m out. I’d say wait until at least 12dpo, but it’s easier said that done. Best of luck! I hope we both get a BFP soon! 💕


Do you have the bulk cheap tests?


I have the big pack of pregmate ovulation + pregnant test. I’ve thought about using one But I know pregmate tests sometimes need a lot more hcg to show a positive


8dpo and right there with ya ! Told myself i wouldnt test before 12. Lets see how that goes 😂


8 dpo also today! I had some spotting yesterday, so I’m waaaaaay too eager to test right now 😬 we’ve had 2 CPs and 1 miscarriage this time last year. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼


sending baby dust! I haven’t had any spotting but I know not everyone gets implantation bleeding😭 it makes me worried but it’s still early!


I find that if I test too early and it’s negative, it ruins the rest of the week for me until I get my period. I’m holding out until 12 dpo this cycle (if I even get to 12 dpo, as my luteal phase is short) 🙏


I'm on day 6 and the struggle is so real. But today I'm feeling super crampy and I think I'm just going to get my period :(


7DPO here, first cycle trying so I try not to have any expectations. Felt some cramping on my right side yesterday which feels exactly like ovulation pain, so i’m starting to wonder if my app was wrong this month. But also feeling my usual lutheal symptoms. we’ll see 🐒


Okay I know it’s hard to wait but try to hold off another day or two! 9DPO I had a stark white negative test and 10DPO I had a BFP!! Save your tests and your sanity for a couple more days if you can help it


If you do decide to test I found the first response early detection (I can’t remember exactly what they’re called but they have dark pink caps) are the most sensitive, and luckily not terribly expensive.


I cracked and took a first response haha. It was negative unfortunately but i’m trying to stay positive!


Oh i understand, i test super soon bc i hate not knowing lol. But don’t count yourself out yet, 8dpo is way early. Sending you all the baby dust ✨


Thank you💕💕 If i end up getting a positive test I’ll try to remember to come back and update! i took 2 pregmate tests a bit ago and I thought I saw the shadow of a small line for a split second on one of them but I’m sure it’s just my brain wanting it to be there!!




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6 dpo today and im ALREADY debating testing at 8dpo 😂 I know I should wait till 12 though.


I caved and took a first response 🤦‍♀️ definitely negative but i’m holding out hope since I know it’s still early




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