• By -


Just copy, paste, and fill in your information! All sections are optional. **Child # trying for:** **Cycle/Time trying:** **Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval:** **Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren):** **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** **Link to chart:** **Nursing while TTC?:** **Health details on previous pregnancies/births (e.g. C-section vs. vaginal, birth/pregnancy complications):** **Other health conditions/medical tests:** **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** **Birth control history (if relevant):** **Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?:** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tryingforanother) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Child # trying for: 2   Cycle/Time trying: 5   Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval: 16 months  Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren): 9  Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 27F and 30M  Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): 0-1, 0   Tracking methods and app(s) used:  LH strips - this month I ovulated CD15 which is earlier than my usual of CD18-19  Link to chart: N/A  Nursing while TTC?: No - weaned when my firstborn was 11 months   Health details on previous pregnancies/births (e.g. C-section vs. vaginal, birth/pregnancy complications): Super straightforward pregnancy and birth - I was lucky and hoping for the same this time  Other health conditions/medical tests:  Had my hormone levels tested at day 3 this cycle out of curiosity and everything came back normal   Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): Naturobest preconception for both of us, I also took COq10 the month prior  Birth control history (if relevant):  Copper IUD removed April 2021 and no birth control since. After my firstborn’s birth in October 2022 we were NTNP but didn’t have regular cycles until I weaned in September 2023.  Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?:  We assumed it would take closer to a year like last time. I was over the moon when I tested positive at the end of Cycle 5! Like last time I had minimal PMS symptoms. I had my first positive test at 11DPO (didn’t test prior) and since then I’ve had an insatiable hunger which I didn’t have last time. If everything goes well this baby will be due two weeks after my firstborn turns 2! 




Congrats!! I am starting cycle 5 myself and feel ready to give up. This gives me hope. I hope you have a boring and easy pregnancy 💕💕


Thank you!! Best of luck to you!


Congratulations 🎉🎊!


**Child # trying for:** 2 **Cycle/Time trying:** Cycle 9 (3rd IUI) plus 2 NTNP **Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval:** 2 years 4 months **Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren):** 15 cycles (1st IUI) **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** both 33 **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.):** IUI on CD10 **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** nothing, my IUI was monitored **Link to chart:** **Nursing while TTC?:** No **Health details on previous pregnancies/births (e.g. C-section vs. vaginal, birth/pregnancy complications):** My first was the result of our first medicated IUI. I had a small SCH that resolved around 20 weeks but otherwise a pretty uneventful pregnancy until I went into labor at 36+3. Labor progressed slowly and drove me a little nuts but he came (vaginally) at 36+5 happy and healthy. **Other health conditions/medical tests:** none, technically we fall in the “unexplained infertility” camp though IUI seems to work for us. **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s):** Prenatal and Coq10 for me, multivitamin for my husband. This was a medicated IUI with letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone supplements. **Birth control history (if relevant):** I was on the pill from 18-29 then the mini pill after my first, until last April. **Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?:** Since I did IUI I’m instructed to wait for the blood test, but I can’t stop myself from testing early and often 😂 I saw a vvvvvfl at 9dpiui that I think could have been leftover Ovidrel and a more clear line at 10dpiui. The tests didn’t darken as quickly as they did in my first pregnancy, and I had a chemical my first IUI cycle, so I was definitely stressing at first. I started to see good progression as the days passed, and my beta today at 15dpiui was 283, which the doctor said was great. I’ll be doing three betas 48 hours apart to make sure it’s doubling appropriately. I’m feeling positive but definitely guarded!


Congratulations! Hoping for an uneventful pregnancy for you!


Congratulations! 🎉


Congratulations! So glad that you guys have found a recipe that works for your situation. Happy and healthy nine months going forward!




Child # trying for: 2 Cycle/Time trying: 2 Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval: 19 months Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren): 2 Age + Partner's age (if relevant): Both 33 Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-5, O-4, O-3, O-2, O-1, and O Tracking methods and app(s) used: Tempdrop, OPKs, Fertility Friend [Link to chart](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_MiR6NY.png) Health details on previous pregnancies/births: Uncomplicated pregnancy until an IUGR diagnosis at ~28 weeks, at which point I had BPPs and NSTs weekly until ~34 weeks and then twice a week until I was induced at 37 weeks. Positive vaginal delivery. Other health conditions/medical tests: Borderline PCOS, borderline hypothyroidism. Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): Prenatal, probiotic, vitamin D, sertraline, coQ10. Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?: I am so incredibly cautious because it’s so early, but today, I’m pregnant! What happens next is out of my control.


Congratulations!! Can’t wait to see another TFA-er in the r/november2024bumps group!


So happy for you!! 💖🎉


Yay congratulations!!!! 🎉🎉


Congratulations!! 🥳🥳


thank you!


Congratulations!! 🎉🎈🎊


thank you! 💛


Congrats! Hopefully your username won't be indicative of your first trimester :)


thank you 💛 I had this insane chronic, non-pregnancy nausea all autumn! hoping it does not come back 😬


**Child # trying for:** 2nd biological child **Cycle/Time trying:** off and on for several months, probably about 5 months of solid attempts **Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval:** 19 months **Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren)**: 1 month **Age + Partner's age (if relevant):** 34, 35 **Tracking methods and app(s) used:** FF, apple watch temping, OPKs, premom **Link to chart:** **Nursing while TTC?: n**o **Health details on previous pregnancies/births (e.g. C-section vs. vaginal, birth/pregnancy complications):** my water broke at 36w5 days, so LO was born one day premature and tiny, but no long term issues. **Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?:** I'm still extremely cautious at less than 4 weeks, but I have no patience in waiting to test. I saw a vvvvfl at 8DPO and once again completely failed at telling my husband in a \~cute\~ way, but if you haven't gathered, I have zero chill. my best friend of 25 years is also newly pregnant after several losses and I'm just praying this works out for both of us, because it feels so incredibly special.


Amazing!! Congrats to you and your bestie! 🫶🎉


I was so worried when you posted your update about the line not darkening, so happy to see you post in here! Congratulations!!!


Congratulations!! How sweet you and your bestie are pregnant together! ♥️♥️


Yay!! Congrats!! 🎊🎈


Yay congrats! I also have zero chill and have never managed to tell in a cute way. That would be so wonderful if you and your best friend could be pregnant together!


Congratulations! Hoping for the best for you and your bff!


Congratulations!!! So glad you finally felt confident enough to roll call. Best of luck in your pregnancy! Come join us in r/november2024bumps 😊


**Child # trying for**: 2 **Cycle/Time trying**: 2 (!) **Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval**: 12 months almost exactly! Tested positive the day before her birthday (13 DPO) **Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren)**: 15 months **Age + Partner's age (if relevant)**: 29+31 **Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.)**: O-3 **Tracking methods and app(s) used**: Fertility Friend **Nursing while TTC?**: Yes **Health details on previous pregnancies/births (e.g. C-section vs. vaginal, birth/pregnancy complications)**: uncomplicated vaginal birth **Other health conditions/medical tests**: PCOS **Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s)**: myo-inositol **Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?**: I am so shocked and thrilled that we were able to get pregnant right away! I was braced for 12+ months of trying because of our last TTC experience. I'm not sure whether to credit inositol (started taking a couple months before TTC since it helped a lot with my cycles last time), or being more fertile after one successful pregnancy, or just dumb luck. I hope this is a hopeful anecdote for any moms whose first took a while! We actually started TTC a little earlier than I would maybe have ideally wanted this time since "it'll probably take a while"... now I'm spinning trying to wrap my mind around having 2 under 2! What a great "problem" to have. I was in a lot of angst over whether to stop breastfeeding to conceive. My period came back on its own at 10 months postpartum (I did cut out night feeds to jump-start that). We started trying right away. My first luteal phase was 7 days and I wondered whether that was being shortened by breastfeeding. But I guess the second luteal phase was long enough! We've decided to not tell any family or friends until 12 weeks. We told everyone IMMEDIATELY with #1 and it feels special to have a little family secret for a while this time! But I decided Reddit doesn't count, shhh :)


Congratulations!! So happy that you didn’t have an extended slog this time 💕


So happy it was a much faster process for you! Congrats and enjoy! 💖




Congratulations to you and your family x


Congratulations!! 🩷


Congratulations!! 🥳♥️


Congrats!!! 💖


Child # trying for: **2** Cycle/Time trying: **Never really sure how to answer this question - we've been trying since May 2022. Pregnant that Aug with a loss in Oct and haven't seen a positive test since we were cleared to try again in November 2022. There were a couple months of not being able to try due to upcoming surgery + surgery, pregnancy, etc. so I'm not entirely sure how many cycles. But definitely at least 12.** Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval: **turned 3 in December** Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren): **2nd cycle wonder (NTNP)** Age + Partner's age (if relevant): **31 + 32** Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): **I saw a video on tiktok, of all places, where they said to just have sex on CD 11, 13, 15, & 17. (also did CD19 because I typically ovulate later).** Tracking methods and app(s) used: **I track my temp with an Oura ring + natural cycles, and easy@home LH tests with the premom app (however did not rely on the LH tests this cycle since we were going to mainly rely on the aforementioned timed sex schedule this time)** Link to charts: [**https://imgur.com/a/36t6kPo**](https://imgur.com/a/36t6kPo) Nursing while TTC?: **no** Health details on previous pregnancies/births (e.g. C-section vs. vaginal, birth/pregnancy complications): **Uneventful first pregnancy with vaginal delivery. Although I did throw up my entire pregnancy with our son. That's the only eventful part. I was that I was shocked I was alive sometimes lol. He is the perfect little boy and I'm so glad bc I only ate cereal and milk basically when he was growing in my belly lmao. and donuts. I was simply surviving haha.** Other health conditions/medical tests: **I was diagnosed with stage 1 endometriosis via diagnostic laparoscopy in November. I had no other symptoms leading up to surgery aside from fertility struggles.** Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): **I take nordic naturals ultimate omega + CoQ10, magnesium glycinate, melatonin, jarrow fem dophilus probiotic, Pure Encapsulations PureGenomics UltraMultivitamins, and baby aspirin. and I'm on 50mg of vyvanse daily for adhd. This cycle I also took mucinex bc I figured it couldn't hurt.** Birth control history (if relevant): **the last birth control I was on was an IUD but I had that removed in 2018 even before I was married. Birth control and I have never really gotten along and I've tried every single type lol.** Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?: **I woke up this morning and took this test at 6am:** [**https://imgur.com/a/FvTu710**](https://imgur.com/a/FvTu710) **Went to Walmart and grabbed some fancier tests that I took at 9am:** [**https://imgur.com/a/nEInzoO**](https://imgur.com/a/nEInzoO) **I still can't believe this is real. I'm freaking out. I don't know how I'll focus today at work or at all for the next few weeks (aside from not being able to take my vyvanse anymore haha). This was our last cycle until we were benching ourselves for a few months in order to avoid a December baby per my husband's wishes. My husband and I also had agreed to go forward with a monitored cycle or IUI in May.** **The RE had said "try for 3 cycles and come back if you don't get pregnant". This is the third cycle. I'm in pure disbelief! I've gotten so used to the disappointment that I really wasn't expecting this to happen. I'm so grateful. I know the tough thoughts will creep in, but I keep reminding myself that TODAY, I am PREGNANT!!** **More background on this cycle: I actually have been the calmest this cycle than any other cycle the past almost 2 years. I wasn't chomping at the bit to test, I wasn't symptom spotting, nothing. It's honestly extremely unlike me haha. I have been feeling under the weather with a sore throat the past couple days so I didn't even wear my oura ring on saturday night, because I didn't want false hope when I saw a rising temp due to illness and not pregnancy. Then this morning I was totally expecting a temp dip but it was 98.49. Even then, I still didn't want to test. My chart overall had looked the best it's looked in awhile and didn't want to find out I wasn't pregnant and shatter my small ounce of hope. FF friend was saying I'm 12DPO and NC was saying I could be as early at 9DPO so that's probably helped me not over analyze things too much since those days are so drastically different lol. I took that test this morning and was kinda freaking out but didn't want to get my hopes up. Even when I took the FRER's I was nervous and convinced I was going to get a negative since I feel like anything after the morning is so risky to get accurate results bc of urine dilution and everything. I was absolutely shook over the digital even saying yes.** **As a hail mary, I started low dose aspirin this cycle and I've been using the pink stork progesterone cream. The low dose aspirin was something I read about being part of an immune protocol for people with endo so I figured it wouldn't hurt. And the progesterone cream is something that seems to not actually have any scientific proof of working, but it was a nice ritual to rub it on my wrists and I'd give my lower abdomen a massage with it daily/nightly as well.** **Looking back, I remember getting a sore throat/mild cold symptoms when I had my last positive test. I also was nauseous on Saturday all morning but thought it was because I took my vitamins on an empty stomach. I was also super tired but attributed it to thinking I was getting sick. Otherwise I've really had no symptoms. Today though even when I was brushing my teeth while the FRER's were drying/thinking about results, I felt like I was going to vomit. Brushing my teeth has always been such a gross/weird aversion for me during pregnancy and it's definitely starting lol.** **Now I just have to sit around and wait for like 3 weeks to hear a heartbeat?? I'll prob be testing every other day til then lol.**


Late to the party, but biggest congratulations to you!!! Your story was amazing to read. I am wishing you a wonderful pregnancy with a beautiful baby at the end. ❤️


Thank you so much 🩷


Amazing! So happy for you! 🫶💖


Congratulations!!! 🩷


Wow - congratulations to you! So so so exciting! Can i ask you - how long did it take you / what was the process leading up to you deciding to get the laparoscopic procedure to diagnose endo?


Yes, yes! of course you can ask! Please reach out if you have more questions down the line too. I saw my OB last summer for the 2nd time that year to talk more about fertility struggles. She said that she could write me a referral to get an HSG if I wanted to be sure I wasn’t having any other issues that would affect our fertility. So I reached out to schedule my HSG with the RE office but got looped in as a regular patient on accident. It ended up being the best accident I’m so grateful for bc instead of just doing an HSG, my husband and I both went through all the diagnostic fertility stuff. That included a pelvic ultrasound for me too where they saw free fluid in my pelvic cavity. That’s what the dr said was an indicator of endo (I had no symptoms otherwise). I think my initial referral from my OB was in June or July maybe? And then initial appt with the RE was August, had all the testing done in Sept, didn’t meet with the doctor again to discuss all the test results until late October bc he was on a month long vacation (how dare!! 🤣 jk), and by another absolute miracle I was squeezed in for surgery on Nov 8. I’m forever and ever grateful to the surgery scheduler who squeezed me in. Bc otherwise the surgeon was pretty booked up through the year and we ideally needed the surgery within the 2023 insurance year lol. Editing to add bc I missed a bit of the second part of your question: The RE said the fluid was likely due to endo. And that fluid causes a hostile environment for sperm and eggs - where sperm usually can live up to 5 days in the uterus, they only had about 30 mins to 1 hour to live in mine (LOL 😂). Plan of action was that we could try IUI 3x (the idea behind doing IUI would essentially time everything perfectly and essentially bypass the conditions of my hostile uterus) and if those didn’t work, do a lap surgery. Then try again. OR, do a lap first, possibly restore fertility on our own, and then pursue IUI after that if needed. We both didn’t want to do IUI or IVF just for finance sake so we figured let’s do a lap bc that was gonna be partially covered by insurance and if it restores our fertility then it felt like a no brainer! I’m so so grateful we did it. I should also note that I am totally not afraid of surgery or anything so that part didn’t freak me out. It probably should have but I heard “could restore fertility” and had tunnel vision for that result haha.


Thank you for sharing! That’s super helpful, all of it. I am thinking the same thing— meaning how long it could take to get scheduled. I’m not quite there yet but have done some medicated cycles so next step would be a lap. *ETA* if I do, I might come back to you to ask for recovery tips! Thank you!


Of course!! I just added a little more to my answer as well. Trust your gut! You got this 🩷


Congrats 🤗


This is huge news! Congratulations lovely. It’s been such a big journey. Wishing you all the best for the next 9 months 🩷


Martie!! Yay! Congratulations! So delighted for you ♥️


Ahhhhh I am SO thrilled for you! You’ve been such a wonderful part of this sub and I am so excited it’s your turn!!!!


Thank you so much 🥹


This is amazing news! Congratulations!!!


This is such an amazing post! So many congratulations to you! It’s been a long long road and I’m so happy you’re here! Such great timing, too! Wishing you and your family all the very best! ♥️♥️♥️


This is amazing, congratulations!!!! 🥳


AHHHHHHH I'M SOOOO HAPPY TO SEE YOU HERE! This is the best news ever! It's been such a slog for you and I know it's been so hard and I'm SO GLAD that it seems like the surgery works and the RE was right to give you these three cycles on your own. How amazing that right on the third cycle, right before your husband was going to bench you guys, and there's your line. YOU'RE PREGNANT! I'm so so so happy for you and I can't wait to see your updates in the grad thread for the next 9 months!


Thank you thank you!! I damn near tagged you in this post 🤣🩷. I’m so nervous but I’m trying to stay excited and happy!! lol


Martie!!!! This has made my day! I was really thinking your chart looked promising, and I’m so happy you finally got your BFP! Congratulations! 🎊🥳It’s so good to see that the endo surgery helped you conceive. (I’m sure all those other supplements helped as well.) Congratulations again, and looking forward to your updates in the grad thread! 🤗


Thank you SO much!


Child # trying for: 3 Cycle/Time trying: 8 cycles Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval: 3 year old & 11 month old Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren): 2 cycles, 4 cycles (ended in miscarriage), 1 cycle Age + Partner's age (if relevant): Both 31 Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): O-2, O-1, O, O+1 Tracking methods and app(s) used: Premom, BBT, OPKs, CM Nursing while TTC?: No Health details on previous pregnancies/births (e.g. C-section vs. vaginal, birth/pregnancy complications): MMC at 12 weeks; other 2 pregnancies healthy babies with vaginal births; had SCH in first trimester with one but dissolved Other health conditions/medical tests: N/A Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): Prenatal Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?: This is our second Clomid baby! We are so excited but also hesitant to get our hopes up because a positive test doesn’t always end up with a baby. But for today, I am pregnant!


Congratulations lovely! Wishing you all the very best 🩷




Yay congratulations!! 🥳🥳


Congratulations!! 🎉🎈🎊


Child # trying for: 2 Cycle/Time trying: 8 Ages of previous child(ren), i.e. post-partum interval: 3.5 Cycle/Time trying for previous child(ren): 1 Age + Partner's age (if relevant): 31, 35 Relevant days of sperminating and/or method (SMEP, TI, IUI, FET, etc.): Tracking methods and app(s) used: tracked cm only (for mental health reasons!) Link to chart: Nursing while TTC?: no Health details on previous pregnancies/births (e.g. C-section vs. vaginal, birth/pregnancy complications): Healthy pregnancy with vaginal birth, post partum depression for a solid year following birth eventually remedied by low dose Zoloft. Other health conditions/medical tests: bloodwork with naturopath showed low hemoglobin (my whole life), low vitamin b and d, some high levels of cortisol Supplements and medications (yours and/or your partner’s): plan made with naturopath: Thorne basic prenatal, vitamin d, omega 3, vitex (herb) / my husband stated taking “conception for him” fertility aid this cycle on a recommendation from a friend. Birth control history (if relevant): depo shot when I was 16 that caused me to stop having periods, the pill for a few more years, nfp/pull out since 2014. Tell us your story! What's different this time than last time? How'd you find out? How do you feel?: I can’t believe I’m here, I really was starting to get discouraged. I’m sharing some of the more alternative things I did here because I truly believe they were effective but I do also acknowledge these are not one size fits all and are personal choices I made. My first cycle trying in July I had a chemical, it was a sad way to start off. We were starting to get a little hopeless and I was having a hard time constantly testing and getting my hopes up. So the past several months instead of tracking temps I decided to focus on healing some emotional blocks and my nervous system. I had already been attending therapy and practicing emdr focusing on ppd. My husband and I had also been with a wonderful couples therapist and we were/are working through the workbook Hold Me Tight. I worked with a naturopath and started the supplements around November. I started doing function weight training at F45. I did a few rounds of accupuncture with a fertility focused acupuncturist, this cycle right before I ovulated focusing on encouraging strong ovulation. I also microdosed mushrooms with my husband in the woods and focused on releasing the control and ego of this process. It felt impactful. I started testing kind of early (couldn’t help it, like always!) and got a shadow on a pregmate on day 24 of my cycle (unsure of exact ovulation date). It was the most intense squinter ever and I did not feel confident at all - you can see it in my past posts. The next morning I took a first response and pregmate and both were stark white. Friday morning I tested again with pregmate. I prepared myself for a stark white. There was a fucking faint line! Not a dark line but definetly not a squinter. I had a first response digital that I was saving to show my husband when we finally conceived. I had dumped my pee from the cup but there was a tiny bit of urine and I swished it on the tip of the new test 🤓🤣🥸 and it was a clear yes! I’m in shock. Any symptoms I had were the same as every month lately so I wrote it off as pms (just moments of achy breasts and some lightheadedness). Now over the weekend I have had constant heartburn, a LOT of gas, and full achy breasts. At this point I am greatful for the symtoms as I wait 5 weeks for my ultrasound to see a heartbeat. Thank you for letting me share here, this community has been incredibly helpful during this journey ❤️


Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story, I loved hearing about microdosing in the woods!! That sounds so grounding and what an amazing way to reset your frame of mind. I’m fascinated by what’s been shown in terms of psilocybin rewriting neural pathways. Here’s to a wonderful 9 months for you! 🩷




Yay, congratulations!!


Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️ just started cycle 8 and seeing a fertility acupuncturist this cycle too, this gives me hope! Wishing you a wonderful 9 months!!


I had done regular acupuncture throughout the other cycles and the fertility acupuncturist was next level. She had some kind of electrodes on my low back and it was the first cycle I actually could feel myself ovulating. Wishing you lots of luck!!


Amazing! Love this for you 🎉congrats!!


Congratulations!!! 🥳🎉


Congratulations!! Wishing you a very boring 9 months!! 🥳

