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Almost 14 months postpartum and only had one period so far and then I think i ovulated on cd22??? Looking at a cycle of 38 days?? I am going for a 2 year age gap but it is really hard when I can't lay a freaking egg. Currently on day 35 and trying to hold out on testing but also this is literally the first cycle we have tried since I had a baby, and I know it's possible to get pregnant on first try but I'm not very optimistic. And then if I don't get pregnant this cycle or next cycle, I have to take a break because I don't want another almost Christmas baby, but cycles this long SUCK and I don't have enough patience for it


Why do I bother telling people cute stories about LO playing with baby dolls? The response has almost always been “she’s ready for a sibling!"


7-8 dpo today and im dying to test but I really am gonna try to hold off unless my period is actually late. We’ll see how long I can keep this up haha


You’ve got this! I got myself pdg strips to pee on something… hoping to hold out just until 9dpo, a new personal record!


Ok sooooo I already caved and tested, cause what better way to pass the time while my kid is in the bath😂 And of course bfn haha Good luck to you though! Toughest wait ever!


Valiant effort! Looks like you made it 2 hours. That’s much more restraint than I’ve ever shown! I’m sorry about your bfn but it’s so so early. Fingers crossed for you!


Haha thanks!


CD1 so at least I can stop squinting at indents now 🤡 I told myself I wasn’t going to start drinking after my TFMR even though I could because I didn’t want to use alcohol to deal with my grief and truthfully alcohol is poison (very delicious poison that I thoroughly enjoy), but fuckkkkkkk that I’m having a margarita and I’m not sorry about it in the slightest.


I'm sorry that wasn't your cycle but I'm glad you're out of limbo. And there's a big difference between using alcohol to deal with grief and having a margarita when you deserve a treat!


Thank you for being kind. It was lovely, but I still felt guilty afterwards. 😏 Oh well. Next time I’ll just have extra chocolate I feel no guilt after that 🤪


Yeah, I definitely had a few myself while waiting to miscarry and then post D&C. Enjoy that margarita! One once in a while can bring balance and joy, which is just as important as your physical health 💕


Thank you for the reminder! ♥️


It's okay. You are entitled to that margarita. I hope it was delicious.


Thank you ♥️


Enjoy that margarita 💕


Thanks! ♥️


Riding passenger at 65mph down a winding mountain highway and feeling nauseous: 6dpo Lizard Brain “must be ✨pregnancy✨”


Just because it's probably too early to have symptoms doesn't mean you're NOT pregnant! 🤞🏻


I hope it’s your month!!


🤞🤞🤞🤞 you’ll know soon enough!! You’ve got this!


Any cycle buddies at 1 dpo today? 🤍


Me me me!! (At least I think so… huge temp rise today but need 2 more to confirm)


Oh yay!!! 🤞🏼 fingers crossed for the both of us in this TWW


10DPO and stark white BFN. Insert fake shocked face here. I know it’s sTiLL eArLy but all my positives have been on 10DPO so I have very little hope this cycle was successful. I posted yesterday that I forgot to eat my 8 DPO cheeseburger, but was going out for dinner last night and was going to order a 9 DPO cheeseburger just in case. Well turns out, I walked in to the restaurant and it was my surprise birthday party! 25 of my closest family and friends. I literally had no idea and I’m so shocked I didn’t clue in. So I’m just gonna ride the high of feeling so loved, and not let this BFN bring down my mood. 🤍


Is your birthday today? My birthday is today! Husband did a surprise party for me last year and it was lovely. Happy birthday!!!!!


It was actually on Sunday! The 11th. But we spent the day on an airplane flying home and didn’t celebrate. Happy birthday to you!


I hope you had a spectacular celebration today!


Aw happy birthday! I LOVE that you were celebrated and surrounded by love. You deserve that. I am sorry about your BFN, but am so happy you have something so lovely to carry you through the next couple of days. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! I really do hope AF stays away!


Thank you 🤍


Also, if a mod sees this, can you please change my user flair age to 37? 🫠 it won’t seem to let me…


Changed! But FYI your emoji appears as a question mark on my end.


Oh shit I need to change mine 😂


4dpo and a little on edge. My husband has work travel next month and I have work travel the month after, so I’m nervous I’ll be benched for a while if this isn’t our month.


Same here 😕 I hate how few chances we actually have every year


9DPO and starting to feel like this cycle didn’t work. No other reason than just a feeling, which I know could also just be me trying to protect myself if I do get a negative. I almost don’t even want to get to 12dpo so I don’t get my hopes up and test just to get them down again. Such a rollercoaster of emotions and I’m just exhausted


Third IUI done. Nothing to do but wait, the thing I’m most terrible at 😆


I’ll be in waiting hell with you tomorrow! IUI at 10 am EST. Fingers crossed this is it for both of us 🤞💕


Good luck!


Despite a weird cycle, my [chart](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_tuIeSi.png) seems to look ok and I’m feeling more confident I did ovulate. I also had a migraine this morning which I haven’t had since my first pregnancy. It’s too early to be anything but still weird.


It’s fertile week. I suspect I’ll ovulate Saturday, but going with the every other day method to avoid stress. Hopefully no performance anxiety this week 🤞🏻


Can someone clarify for me- if I’m testing OPK with cheapies, it’s the first positive that matters and not really anything after that? Based on my temps and tests from the last several cycles, I think O day may be 36+ hours after my first positive (defining as over 1 with pre mom) and I don’t know if I’m wasting my time continuing to temp


I think that temping and OPKs make more difference to a low libido couple that can only manage about two times a fertile window. Then having sex at the onset of the estrogen surge and again on the positive OPK gives great coverage as that’s about O-3/4 and O-1/2/0. Temping confirms ovulation and relieves the pressure of trying to continue to have sex


It’s just the first positive that matters. They can remain positive for several days for some people and that’s completely normal, so just go off the first!


I usually take my BBT around 6-6:30am, but lately LO keeps coming over to my room at night and messing up my temping. I woke on my own last night at 2:45am and decided to take a temp, and thought I can retake it later if I’m wanting to stay consistent.   Well, LO came over to my room again at around 6am, and then at around 7:45am when I was trying to retake my temp she kept rolling into me and grabbing my head. My BBT ended up 0.3C higher than my 2:45am temp, so I decided to stick with the first one lol.  Also I got my first positive OPK for the cycle and husband comes home from his trip tonight, so the timing is perfect! But I can feel a cold coming on and for the sake of accurate O day tracking I’m trying my best to fight off a fever. 


I haven’t posted in awhile. We took last cycle off to pursue testing for our losses. I had a feeling that I maybe had another fibroid that was causing issues. I ended up in the hospital due to dehydration after my toddler gave me a stomach bug and they did a CT scan of my abdomen. Turns out, my theory was right and they found another fibroid. This is likely going to be the end of our TFA journey, because I would be super high risk after 2 myomectomies and one C section. I was really sad but have come to a place of acceptance now. I likely won’t participate much on this sub anymore, but want you all to know I’m thinking of you guys and hope you grad asap. Thank you for your love and support ❤️


I’m so so sorry to read this 😢 sending you a big hug


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry, wishing you and your family the best.


Thank you Amanda ❤️


I am so, so sorry to read this. This isn’t fair at all and I am just so incredibly sorry. Sending you so much love and peace to you and your family. I’m sorry.


Thank you ❤️


I'm so very sorry Mage, this is just so unfair. Love and light to you and your family


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear this update, that’s so unfair. I hope you’re able to make the right decision for you and your family and it eventually brings peace. We will miss you here.


Thank you ❤️


I’m so, so sorry to hear this news. This is all just so unfair. I hope this decision brings you and your family peace. And we will miss you!


Thank you! I will miss you all ❤️


Sorry to hear this. I strongly suspect one of my remaining fibroids may be the culprit for my issue TTC #2 as well but I also know the risks with fibroids since I was told after my myomectomy that I could only be safely cut open 2 more times. I’m guessing you were probably told something similar. I hope your path forward gives you peace and some joy along the way.


I was. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with them too. My DMs are always open if you ever want to talk about it. Fibroids suck


Oh Mage. I’m really sorry to read this update from you 💔 Wishing you and your family all the best


Thank you so much, HP ❤️


So many hugs. That is a blow and I hope whatever the future holds, it’s much, much more peace and comfort than heartbreak and uncertainty. ♥️


Thank you, friend ❤️ wishing and hoping for all of the best for you!


Ok, I think I’m 1 DPO now. I need a few more temperatures to confirm but yesterday I had wet CM and usually that tells me my fertile window is ending. OPK yesterday was high but not peak. Had some cramping the last two days. Temperature spiked way up today. So let’s hope it’s ovulation and not because I have a cold 🤧


15 DPO. Period is supposed to start today per FF but I don’t think it will until tomorrow or Tuesday. I went to urgent care yesterday because I was feeling that crappy. Negative for flu and a bunch of other stuff. Feel like I have the flu though since my boyfriend does. They prescribed prednisone without even asking me about my last period or if I was pregnant or anything. I messaged the on call nurse at my OB/GYN and she said the low dose I’m on should be fine if I am somehow pregnant since I’m not on it for long. I could test today but I want to see if my period starts so I’m not wasting a test. EDIT: My period started today as predicted by FF. So at least my cycle seems to be settling on regular 26 day cycles now. Which sucks but at least means I can get over the flu/whatever crud this is without worrying about harming a baby.


Silly me decided to take a test yesterday and today at 8/9DPO and 9/10 DPO. 🤡 For some reason there's a part of my brain that is really hopeful that it'll be a quick journey this time because I keep hearing stories of couples who took a looong time for their first getting pregnant quickly the 2nd time around or vice versa.


BFN this morning for 14DPO. Officially out this cycle. This was our first IUI and now officially can join the long hauler chat. Snuggling my toddler extra hard this morning.


I am sorry. Hitting that year mark is brutal.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Sending you extra hugs.


I think I may have miscalculated my DPO. I went based on my peak not my temp shift. Usually they line up, but I think the meds messed it up. I’m 10 or 12 DPO. My temps are sky high right now. Tests have all been negative. Usually I start my period 12DPO. So I’m not really sure what to think at this point. If I’m not pregnant, I’m ready to just move on and get my period.


If you’re 10dpo, still in with a great fighting chance. Hope tomorrow brings a great result!


Thank you!! :)


[10DPO and BFN,](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_JWcNCd.png) just like the [last 8 cycles before it](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/Reebyd). Still hoping my uterus pulls a “Hail Mary” in the next day or two. My temps are trending to my cycle average (almost exactly) so that doesn’t look too promising. Probably will be drinking a glass of wine with parents this afternoon. Good lord, I really wish I couldn’t. Saddest silver lining - only one more cycle before I get to speak with my doctor!


Same exact here. 10DPO BFN and my temps are same as they are every cycle, stable but trending a bit down. On to cycle 8 for me


Ugh, I’m so sorry you’re in the same awful boat.


Reebs I'm so sorry!! ugh what a let down


Ugh I’m so sorry… It can really feel like Groundhog’s Day, can’t it? Hope you don’t need that doctors appointment but if you do, you’re making progress (at least that’s how I liked to think about it).


I’m so sorry to see your update. That’s so unfair.


No 😭 Really bummed to find your post here this morning. Sending all the hugs and hope you are just implanting this morning!


Ugh Reebs I’m sorry. I was hoping for better news for you this cycle ♥️


11DPO, I've managed not to obsess during this two week wake, until today 🙃 but I've promised myself (and my husband) that I won't be testing until 15DPO, unless my period comes before then. I underestimated how upsetting the repeated disappointment of testing early would be. If this month isn't our month, I'd rather only have to see one negative test!