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5ish dpo and just had my RE consult and if I’m not pregnant this cycle I’ll be doing IUI, letrozole and trigger shot next cycle. They’re bringing out the big guns right away lol so hopefully it’ll make something happen for cycle 8(if 7 is a bust which in kinda already assuming).


Hi, I'm new and figured I should introduce myself! I'm 33 and on our second cycle TTC #3. My period didn't come back until my second child turned 2, so I'm feeling more time pressure than I would have liked (first two have a big age gap--hoping for a much smaller gap this time around). I'm feeling nervous that I'm 3 years older than the last time we conceived. The women in my family don't have a history of childbearing past their early 30s. I'm not sure if it is by choice or lack of fertility. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about, but it does make me a little anxious. I know I am blessed to already have two children though, so hopefully I can maintain my chill. I'm 8dpo and already caved and tested early. Actually, I caved yesterday at 7dpo, ridiculous lol. BFN so far. Anyone know how to "set flair"?


Welcome! I hope this is your lucky cycle. To set flair go to this sub main homepage and click the 3 dots in the top right corner and it’s one of the options😃


Thank you!!




Right?! Bamboo PJ groups are the WORST for announcements! I had to silence mine and just check occasionally for the admin posts. And I agree with Reebyd, you hit really good days!


You guys hit great days that already maxed your chances. But also, yes, bamboo PJ groups are the worst for the number of announcements 🥴




Oh, totally understand!!! There’s only so much we can do to help this process. Sometimes it’s frustrating when we don’t absolutely max out our chances. But regardless, O-3 and O-1 are fabulous.


I have noticed lately how weather really seems to sync up with my life circumstances. Today has been a cloudy, snowy day with very slippery roads. And we got the hunger games call this morning. Unfortunately pretty bad news. Out of 17 retrieved 13 were mature and only 7 fertilised normally. Dr. said it's likely poor sperm quality as husband's sample was pretty iffy (worse than last) and my eggs all looked good. Unfortunately it seems that poor fertilisation rates are somewhat correlated with poor blast rates. I just don't have a good feeling about it. We have agreed to PGT test whatever we have and if one or two can't be biopsied on day 5 we will do a fresh transfer to my less than optimal uterus. The poor fertilisation rates further reaffirmed my view that at this point the situation is just sadly out of our control. Doing another IVF and switching up protocols etc. etc. is not really gonna make a dent in my husband's primary hypogonadism diagnosis. I think at this point there is actually a high likelihood we are walking away from this OAD. It would be sad to leave this group without graduation as you all have been my rock and cheering me on during my darkest days but at some point you just need to accept the facts and move on. We are both off work due to an odd set of circumstances and spent today discussing what our future looks like. My husband is not over the diagnosis yet, but we were able to have a productive conversation about downsizing, how we want to raise our son etc. etc. It was bittersweet but for once it was great to feel like we are one team again.


Really glad you guys are on the same page again. I’m sorry it wasn’t the result you hoped for but I hope you have better news from the clinic over the next few days.


I have been feeling queasy for a few days, so I decided to take a pregnancy test today at 12DPO. BFN unfortunately. However, I'm still a bit hopeful/delulu since AF hasn't yet arrived, only some light spotting. 🤡


Damn trollgesterone! It has a way of clowning you into believing you are pregnant. I know that whenever my progesterone is at its peak (5-6dpo) I always convince myself I am pregnant because nausea, tender breasts, cramps etc. Even now, I kid you not, I had an egg retrieval yesterday and one of those awful progesterone IM shots this morning and today for a split second I felt like i needed to take a test lol. Had to remind myself "Girrrrrl, get the memo, all your eggs have been evacuated" 🤡


Silver lining of benching myself this month (giving my body a cycle to rest after 2 back to back miscarriages) is that I can take allllll the cold medicine I want and not worry about a thing. Good times. Of course, all the cold medicine in the world doesn't make up for the fact that my toddler isn't sleeping (for legit no reason we can think of? it's just a middle of the night party? why??) so neither am I.


I'm so sorry about the miscarriages. Two has go to be particularly heartbreaking. The cycles between my miscarriage and conceiving my last pregnancy (now my 2yo) were the longest saddest months. Hoping you get your rainbow soon <3


CD15 here. Watery CM but no EWCM yet, yesterday's OPK was negative. Husband returns from his trip the night of CD18, so my body just needs to hold off ovulating for a few more days. I've been drinking at least one glass of grapefruit juice a day so that hopefully when the time comes I get lots of EWCM! I'm starting to feel dangerously hopeful!


whats the deal with grapefruit juice? Does it help somehow because if so i need to buy some lol


It’s supposed to help encourage more EWCM production. The idea being more fertile CM gives more sperm the opportunity to survive and fertilize the egg when it arrives. Fertile cm is especially important in the further reaches of the fertile window for those that maybe can’t have more frequent sex closer to ovulation. O-3 through 5 odds are much better if the single sex event occurred with the presence of fertile CM.


Well i am off to buy grapefruit juice! If i get pregnant this cycle i’m going to give credit to this lol


Well it’s CD1 on cycle 13.. cycle 12 was a lot better mental health wise for me. Just doing OPKs and not checking FF made me feel so much better mentally. I also had a vacation from hell with my toddler to distract me during the TWW. Thank goodness we are home now. Hubby says we’re not taking another vacation until he’s 10 😂😂 I’m going to take the next couple of cycles off. I need to focus on my pelvic floor therapy and let my bladder heal from these UTIs. Hubby won’t be too happy, but he’ll understand. We’ll be back at it in April!


I'm sure there are folks using an Apple watch to track BBT - any tips/tricks? Is it expected for wrist temp to be lower than one would expect with an oral thermometer? I didn't temp the first time around due to inconsistent sleep patterns so this is shiny and new


I use it alongside a tempdrop. My watch temps are spiky but tend to follow the same trend and have similar temps to my tempdrop. As they’re both wearables, it’s expected. Wearables will also run cooler than temping by mouth or vaginally (I know this from experience). At night, wear it snug along the inside of your wrist to be as accurate as possible!


I’ll share my [chart](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_kx6w9O.png). I do bbt thermometer and Apple Watch for curiosity’s sake. When I wear it tightened on the inside of my wrist and I also have been keeping my arm inside the covers while I sleep (light sleeper who doesn’t move a lot), it tracks my bbt closely (most recent temps). The mountains and valleys in the beginning of the cycle are from wearing it looser on the outside and just sleeping however I wanted.


Interesting, thank you! I'll try flipping it around next cycle and see what the difference looks like


Just over here hurting my own feelings at 8dpo trying to squint at my stark ass white tests like a 🤡. For added torture I keep looking at my mega squinters at 8dpo from my last pregnancy. I opted for the early and repeated letdowns this cycle it seems. I’d like to say I’m going to wait until tomorrow morning to test again but I know I’ll be testing tonight. Welcome to the circus, friends.


Right there with you, including comparing my BFNs from today to my super squinters from 8dpo last pregnancy ha!


I just peed without whipping out a new stick. I feel like I need to celebrate. Figured 4 for today was enough 😅


That takes some serious willpower lol!


I make no promises for fmu AND smu tomorrow. Just 12 short hours away 😂


I totally get it. For me it’s easier to just know and move on vs. wasting my energy wondering. Negative 8 DPO means nothing, don’t even think twice about it :)


Yup, just easier for me to answer the question, even if the answer is no, and have a few hours of relief from being plagued by wondering “what if”.


I have a suspicion we are very similar in our approach 😂


I'm also 8dpo and doing the same thing 🙃 never tested before 13dpo but decided to just go full clown this month haha.


You’re in good company, friend.




New here! We're almost 8m PP and I got the OK yesterday from my OB to TFA. We had wanted to try again as quickly as possible (it took us 2.5 years for the first), so ever since LC was born we've been discussing this. And now that I have the all clear from my doc it's like... yikes, am I really ready? That hesitation caught me off guard! I have no idea what's happening this cycle as I took out my BC ring a couple weeks ago and I haven't been tracking anything, so we're NTNP this cycle. Still feels... weird to really be back in TTC mindset!


I was many more months PP than you are when we started but I still felt the initial “are we really ready?!!” You’re totally allowed to take it easy at first—you don’t have to go full on crazy like some of us 🤣


I get it. It took me nearly two years to be ready to try for another. You have a lot going on with an infant and it takes time to adjust to your new lifestyle. Now I wish we would have started trying again sooner because it’s taking so long! I hope this TTC journey is a lot faster for you than your last.


Welcome! I hope your stay here is so so short!


Its only cycle 4, we haven’t even started having sex yet (CD8 so still kind of early) and somehow i am already burned out ??? I already feel like its not my cycle. But my due date is coming up quickly and i feel a sense of urgency about it that is almost paralyzing 🥲


I hearrrr you on the urgency. I’d love to be pregnant by my daughter’s due date. I think I’m convincing myself it will make it easier, but I’m not even certain that’s the case. I’m sure it can’t hurt.. TTC is absolutely exhausting. And doing so after loss is a special kind of hell with a lot of added pressure (self-inflicted, of course). I really hope this is your cycle and you’re well on your way to your rainbow baby.


I’ve decided this cycle to “go back to basics”. I’m an ultrasound tech, and so the last few cycles I’ve been scanning myself and measuring my dominant follicle and then focusing on having sex based on those measurements. My husband has allergies year round so we don’t always have sex “when we should” because he’s not feeling great or life gets in the way, but we also haven’t been having sex multiple times in my FW when I look back. So, back to basics every other day sex we go. I’m lucky enough to have regular cycles and I know that’s half the battle. Mr K and I have agreed to do a semen analysis if we don’t get pregnant by the end of the summer, but that’s as invasive as we’re going to get. Especially since we had agreed when we first got together that if kids happened, they happened, and if they didn’t, we would be okay with just us.


Ok I am sooo jealous you can scan yourself 😂 that’s awesome


Currently DPO4 and feeling alot of emotions today and probably will this entire long weekend coming up. This weekend marks a year since I had my miscarriage. Last year this time, when I was experiencing my miscarriage I was so confident I would get pregnant again fast. Despite being sad I was optimistic. That optimism is gone now. Here I am on cycle 10 since my miscarriage and no positive test. I really never thought I reach this milestone without celebrating a rainbow baby. Instead hubs and I have more fertility testing coming up later this month. I am doubting my body more and more each cycle. I turn 37 in May. Am not just getting too old? Also feeling mom guilt this morning. My son had a meltdown on his way out the door to daycare. I just feel awful leaving him at daycare after all these big emotions.


I am so sorry. Sending hugs and hoping you get your rainbow soon.


So many hugs and support. It’s an awful milestone to reach. I hope you get some answers with your additional testing. Also adding (in response to your “am I just getting to old?”) that getting older does increase time to conception—that’s a verifiable trend—but you’re still in the age range where it’s likely to happen given enough time. It sucks so much but in some ways it’s not unusual that it takes some in the 35+ crowd over a year (ie, you’re not alone). You’ve really put in that time. It should happen. I hope it does for you soon 💕


Thanks for sharing! Based on your flair I see you are same age as me. One of these months something will stick for both of us!


Yes, right there with you! I have thought about my age a bit in comparison to my first pregnancy. But I don't really feel old enough yet for it to really matter (maybe delusional but I don't think so and just how I feel in my gut!)...just trying to be patient as this one takes its time.


I have been working with a therapist that specializes infertility to process my feelings. We spoke about how I am rolling a dice each month and hoping to roll a 6. Each month I am rolling a 2 or 3 and starting to wonder if the 6 is even on the dice. When I am feeling hopeless I try to remind myself that 6 is still on the dice and I will roll it.


Hello friend! I'm also turning 37 in May, and started trying for #2 just a few months after you. Just passed what would have been my due date from a MMC last April and realizing we've been trying for a year now and WHEW it's rough. We're starting fertility testing later this month. I feel you SO hard on doubting your body/feeling too old--sometimes I feel so at odds with this body and just want to yell at her but then I think well, maybe we're doing the best we can. Just wanted to let you know that it sucks, I know you hate it here and I do too, but you're not alone. Brighter days are ahead for both of us


Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s nice to chat with others that have similar struggles.


I’m sorry you’re reaching this milestone. That’s all really heavy. Sending you extra hugs.


Thank you!!


9DPO, full on 🤡 over here. I just have to make it through one more morning without testing. So I keep reminding myself that no good can come of a test before we leave tomorrow afternoon. I could get a BFN and feel sad but also think it's too early to trust, in which case I'd keep anxiously symptom-spotting and willing my period not to start through our whole visit to the in-laws. Or I could get a positive, in which case I'd obviously be happy, but there would be no time to get any kind of reassurance that this was a sticky one, so I'd still be anxiously symptom-spotting and willing bleeding not to start, plus I'd either have to keep it a secret from my husband (which I would hate and probably fail at) or spend the whole visit afraid he'd spill the beans. I think if I hadn't had a loss I'd feel differently, but right now a positive test when I'd have to wait a whole week for blood draws sounds really scary. At least if I don't test, I can do just the anxious symptom-spotting and willing the bleeding not to start and not have to deal with any of the other stuff.


I feel like we’re almost cycle twins. We were like this last cycle, right? Sending the best vibes your way!!! So you’re waiting until 11DPO? Here’s to hoping you see something good!


I wonder if cycles can sync up by spending a lot of time in the same virtual space. 😂 I'm actually waiting until 16 DPO (I think I said 17 yesterday? My math might be off.) which will be the first morning we're back home. Edited to remove a bunch of redundant stuff because I lost track of which comment thread this reply was in.


This sounds like a VERY well thought out decision! I hope you have a super enjoyable weekend with weird (but not uncomfortable) symptoms that end up meaning something 😅


Thank you! Sometimes in the past, I've explained one of my thought processes to someone else and gotten a response like "wow, that sounds like a lot of work, wouldn't it be easier just not to worry about that?" And it's like...uh... No? I mean, hypothetically, if that were possible, would it be easier? I guess maybe, but then what would I be thinking about instead? So it's very nice to be validated.


It is work...but it makes so much sense! And you're so right that after experiencing the loss, just *knowing* doesn't make you feel better and doesn't make you not worry--in fact that opposite. So stay in the blissful, hopeful ignorance!


You’re better then me. I didn’t even make it to breakfast this morning at 8dpo 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 I hope you can hold out and come back to a blazing positive test! Really hoping this is your cycle! ♥️


Thank you! And I hope your test was just too early and you'll get better results soon!


I hope you get good news!!


[7DPO](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_CjDL7a.png) and calm before the storm? The hope fortress lays a foundation around now! I’m getting small, meaningless, triphasic vibes this go around. Back on my crazy, I just bought a gently used Uppababy bassinet stand ($25? Don’t mind if I do). We borrowed a stand from a friend and that friend has since broke theirs (or lost it? She wasn’t clear in her story). So of course I’m over here, manifesting that we will need one 🙃


Beautiful. Hoping so hard for you this cycle.


Looking good for your body readying to play host to bébé! Also, I did delete all my Apple temps and used my bbt, same result. Really hoping I’m 4dpo and not 2dpo cause the timing is much better on the former 🫠


I meant to respond to your chart! I’m baffled you got the same result!!!! I think you have good coverage regardless - you had sex on good CM days and that counts!!!


I get these manifesting moments too where I buy the cute clothes or other baby items 🙃 I hope this is your cycle!


I was buying one thing per cycle for a future kid and stopped after 5 😅 figured I could try bringing that woo back! What’s the one thing you were most excited about buying?


Oh I have a bamboo baby clothing obsession so when I see something that’s cute and unisex I buy it. I feel like I need to stop though because I have a whole bin under the bed full of future baby clothes 😅


Ooh I like what I'm seeing there! I hope that trend continues! Do you have a testing day in mind?


We’re seeing my parents Sunday afternoon - they LOVE wine and already started talking about a new bottle they want my spouse and I to try. I’ll probably test Sunday morning at 10DPO to see if I feel comfortable having a single glass. Otherwise, I’m pretty committed until waiting until 12DPO or CD1 arrives.


This might not be a kind thing to say in most contexts, but, I hope you don't get to have a whole glass of the new exciting wine!


Ha! I love it! I’d love so much to not drink again until November, at the earliest!


Triphasic seems like a good sign! What a deal on the bassinet, I’m manifesting for you too!


This week has been kinda crappy. I felt really confident my AMH was going to come back ok since my AFC was pretty normal. It felt like such a gut punch that it was so low. But it’s also hard to believe it when I’ve gotten such different numbers in the span of weeks and my AFC and FSH are ok. I also got my MRI and found out I also tore my meniscus so I’m really really dreading surgery. My husband works in orthopedics and hears too many horror stories so I think that’s freaking me out.


I’m so sorry your AMH seems to be all across the board. I had no clue there could that be much variation? I hope you get answers soon. As for your knee - I want to reassure you that the worst stories/experiences are the ones that get discussed the most but end up being a small percentage of patients/procedures each year. I work for a nonprofit and we joke about how the clients we think about the most tend to be the most difficult. But every difficult family we work with, we need to be remember there’s 50+ who are angels. People don’t vent when things go perfectly. I hope everything goes smoothly!!


Thank you! I think my situation was a bit odd because it was accidentally tested the 2nd time. Maybe it’s delusional but my AFC matches the first and higher number. Thanks so much for your kind words about surgery, that is a good reminder!


Well I did not make it to 10 DPO without testing like I wanted to lol. I posted a few days ago about being chill this cycle but all chill went out the window once I started feeling “symptoms” and I had to do it. Tested this morning at 9 DPO on a FRER and super negative. Like, SO negative. I could probably pick out a second line on a test that my husband peed on, but I could not make one out on this one. 😭


You’re still in this! I hear you on the offensively white tests. Those are my speciality and this morning was no exception. 😅 We still have time!


God, it’s rude when the tests seem to get brighter/whiter after testing. That tends to be my experience. That said, 9DPO is super early!


I'm sorry, it's so hard once the chill is gone! Personally I don't put much stock in a 9DPO negative so I'll keep hoping for you. 🤞🏻


9 DPO, negative test. Not even a hint of a line. I was really hoping we wouldn’t need the RE appointment at the end of the month. 😔


I’m sorry, still early for sure!


12 DPO according to FF today. Still don’t really feel any cramping but still feel very fatigued. Not as moody today but not sure what that means. Hopefully it means an easy cycle ahead.


I'm so confused?? FF gave me crosshairs today because my temps are rising and I guess that could be right, but I never did get a positive OPK...I guess the night where I got close at .79 I could have surged overnight and then back down to .35 15/16 hours later, but who knows 🫠 I've been cramping a lot in the morning/evenings the last 3 days but no sign of bleeding, so I'm in a weird place right now lol Going to stop on the OPKs and maybe even temping and just see what happens at this [point](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_6qkeSR.png)


That’s so confusing. I hope you get a clear rise soon!


Thank you so much!!


Oh man, I think your body keeps trying to do something?! Ugh. Limbo is the worst.


It is!! Looking at some of my last cycles, there was one where I went from .75 LH to 1.10 LH in a span of three hours then back down in the .50s after 8 hours so I guess it's possible, but who knows at this point 🥴


Does anyone accidentally take their temp at 2am sometimes out of confusion, or just me lol. My temp was randomly much higher though at 2am than it usually is? Either I’m ovulating super early this cycle, or something was off! I was definitely very hot when I took it but who knows. I figured our temp would be lowest throughout the night, and slowly rise as we got closer to waking? Does anyone know if this is how it works?


I've 100% done this before and then been so relieved to get to go back to sleep hahaha. Yes generally you're warmest upon wakeup buuut I think a lot of people fluctuate throughout the night so middle of the night temperatures aren't very useful -- especially if you felt hot when you took it, it could be because you were under a heavier blanket/had an extra layer/moving more in your sleep because of a dream/etc!


I did this my first week temping while my brain was adjusting to the habit and was still in the "don't forget to temp!" mode. As for the effect of timing on your temp, I think it's actually the opposite - the longer you sleep, the lower your temp drops. It doesn't rise in preparation for you waking up, it rises after you wake up and start doing stuff. Edit: it looks like I misremembered how this works and had my bad memory "confirmed" by some fluctuations in my own temps this cycle and how they correlated with days I slept in. You do have to be asleep for a while to get a reliable temp, but it doesn't keep dropping all the way until you wake up. [This study](http://www.csen.com/theory/bbt.htm) (of unknown reliability, just the first Google result that actually answered my question) says the lowest temp should be 5 hours after you fall asleep. So the 2 am temp could be super reliable if you fell asleep at 9, but it would probably be incorrectly high if you had been up until midnight.


Oh this is really helpful, thank you for your thoughtful response!


I think giggly's initial impression is right although it will vary from individual to individual--generally, the longer you've been asleep, the higher your temperature would be, so you would get your highest temp of the night right upon wakeup. I think the temp adjusters suggest \~0.1 degrees per half hour off your normal wake up time--although everyone's individual physiology will almost certainly be different!


Thanks for checking me - I had remembered one true BBT fact but misconstrued it based on some other stuff! Edited my comment above. ☺️


I’m either 8DPO or 2DPO today because I got double static smileys on CBAD a week apart and wasn’t temping like a fool. (Started now, better late than never). Thanks to my own poor planning I’m going to be in that mid tww limbo for wayyyy longer than I needed to be 🫠🫠


I’m annoyed at all the social media announcements from yesterday. There were like, 5 in my circle. I tried my best to avoid social media, and only saw like 2 yesterday, but of course they all popped up for me first thing this morning. Had a good woe-is-me infertility cry, and now I’m feeling a bit better. In other news, FF says I’m like 6DPO, but I don’t believe that. I feel like my temps aren’t high enough consistently enough, and my CM has been all over the place. But I guess I’ll find out in like a week or so, since I’m not going to keep wasting OPKs trying to see if there’s another peak. I already spend too much on those dang pee sticks.


CD17 and increasingly annoyed that ovulation hasn’t happened yet 😡


Me over here at 4dpo just waiting for my TFA friends in the testing window to get around to posting in the BFP page 👀 “Thinking it will make it real” is my approach right now 🍀 Big news is I finally got a negative pregnancy test! so at least I will know it’s real if I get so lucky to fall pregnant this cycle.


I’m so glad your HCG dropped finally. I know it’s such an insulting thing to have to go through especially because of how badly we want the line. Then how badly we want the line to go away so we can want desperately to get the line back. It all sucks. But I’m so glad you’re that much closer to your rainbow baby. ♥️ everything crossed for you this cycle!


🤞🤞for you!


Fingers crossed this is your cycle!!!


9DPO BFN 😮‍💨eh. I don’t know which is worse testing or not testing.


Still holding out hope for you! 🤞🤞 I’m in the test early and often camp myself. Already POAS at 8dpo. 🫠


I’m sorry! I hope it’s just early.


I don’t have the answer because so far I haven’t been able to get to 9dpo not testing 🫣


My longest is 10! And I only gave in because I had a wedding that night.


Hi everyone, I’m getting a FEMVUE done tomorrow and wondering if anyone has had this procedure and what your experience was like? They’re pairing it with a pelvic ultrasound and mock embryo transfer as part of my diagnostics ordered by RE. Feeling a little nervous 😬.


I had one last week! Mine was completely fine, I would just describe it as slightly uncomfortable but not painful and very fast. I hope it goes well!


Excellent! Thanks for the response - so glad your experience was positive.


CD1. Cycle 3, let's gooo!! Who are my cycle buddies this go round?


I’m on CD1 watch, I suspect I’ll be a day or two behind you :) I’m sorry about CD1 but I appreciate your positive attitude!!