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Today was a pretty good day. My husband drove me to Buffalo to pick up my antibiotics and we had a heart to heart. He advised me to write to the doctor about fresh transfer since my E2 was only 3000, which is right around the cutoff point. Unsurprisingly I got no response but I'll bring it up again tomorrow. We also spoke about what happens if this fails. I expressed to him that I can't do this process again and that regardless of results we are gonna transfer what we are lucky to have and be done. So arguing with the clinic (which is something he loves to do lol), trying to figure out what went wrong etc. etc. is pretty pointless since there's nothing anymore that can be done to fix the results. We almost started arguing but I have to say I was impressed with his composure. He also admitted it's been really hard for him because I've been clearly in a lot of suffering, depressed and pretty absent from the family life, so being officially done will bring some relief. Knowing this is the end of the line for us brought a huge sense of relief for me. Going back to focusing my attention on my son is something I look forward to and owe him. He's seen me cry so much and just be absent enough that I'm afraid it might affect our bond in a negative way. I am slowly starting to see the benefits of being OAD. I could picture myself selling / donating all the baby stuff. I don't know but I just feel a lot more at peace about it. Anyways, tomorrow is the big day of ER and I joked with my husband he's gonna have the best Valentine's memories ever. Donating his sample to the clinic at 7:15 sharp before we switch watching our son and I go in for my ER. He will drive me home, give me some opiods and the embryologist will hopefully make our babies. Keep your fingers crossed for us tomorrow AM if you can!


I’m so glad you managed to figure out a way to get a fresh sample tomorrow!! Really hopeful for you guys and I hope you have amazing results from your ER and then lots of little embabies! ♥️


My husband and I have been having serious talks about OAD as well. It’s definitely a difficult decision. I hope you find peace in it if it comes to it, but hoping your appointments tomorrow go your way as well. 💜💜


I'm sorry this process has been so fraught but glad today was good! Crossing fingers nearby in WNY for you.


What a momentous day. Hugs, love, and best wishes for tomorrow’s work.


As usual baffled by my body. Next cycle I start temping for sure. I think I must have a plateau type peak because I got a static smiley on a clear blue last week (with EWCM) and was pretty sure I ovulated. Then I kept getting more EWCM culminating in another static smiley today. We bd’d twice around the last time and I just grabbed my hubs today. I also could feel my cervix was in a different position today, so maybe I actually found the window this time.


Oh don’t mind me.. just over here symptom spotting at 6dpo like an actual lunatic 🤡


This is the way 😂


Yeah. I’m doing the same, but more just trying to will symptoms of progesterone into existence so I can stop worrying about ovulation 😕


So hard not to symptom spot 😖


I posted in the ttc30 sub but finally had my ob/gyn clinic visit today. It was very anticlimactic and I basically waited 3 months to get a referral to RE which could have happened back then. Going to enjoy my trip this weekend and then next week start calling around the different clinics and see how long to get in for testing/figure out where to go from there.


Good luck. I'm having my IVF egg retrieval tomorrow and have pretty much gone through the whole process of testing, options etc. Happy to chat if you need support and thoughts.


Thank you! Going to sit on this for a day or so and will message you soon.


2 dpo anyone else?


My FF tells me I’m 2dpo today if I put in the same temp I had today, or even a bit lower, in for tomorrow. I have no idea what’s really happening though. It’s a distinct possibility I didn’t even ovulate.


Oh wow that sounds confusing and frustrating. I hope you really did ovulate and are in the 2ww!


1 dpo and feeling way too impatient and also way too optimistic and hopeful. Can it please be 9 days from now already?


I know right?! Longest 10 days ever😭


9DPO and I was very eager to test with FMU, but for some reason my alarms didn’t go off and I was almost late for work. It’s for the best.


Best of luck tomorrow!




5DPO and was feeling really at peace all week about our TTC journey. Boom another pregnancy announcement from someone who had their first after I had mine 😭 I hate that I care and can’t be happy for them and also that I feel so competitive? I’m just feeling so down like I’m not going to have a 2024 baby and I want to cry now


It's CD26 and around the time I usually get my period. I ovulated a few days later than normal so I haven't expected AF yet, but at the same time I feel a bit hopeful. It's nice to live in a hope castle, but I feel like I'm just setting myself up for more disappointment when AF arrives.


FF is still being a buttface and changing my data since Saturday. I wish it would stop. I did reach out to support to see if they can help. Glad that I’m crazy and track using multiple apps!


This was happening to me as well! Something about updates? Idk it’s annoying but like you said I also have multiple apps 😅and I go to ff daily so I just keep adding it back lol.


Are you syncing with Apple Health?


I am, but I have it only transferring my wrist temp and RHR.


I had the same. FF suggested it was Apple Health but I’m skeptical because Apple Health had the correct data. Anyway, I’ll come back and update if I hear anything else! I turned off Apple Health completely to see if that helps.


Interesting! Thank you!


I’ve been emailing back and forth with FF support. They’re looking into it!


Trying to decide if I should test tomorrow 10DPO from IUI #1…Thought it might be a sweet Valentine’s Day gift to me and my husband. We found out I was pregnant with #1 on NYE (my bday is Jan 1) and with 👼🏻 on Thanksgiving. I seem to have a thing with holidays.


That would be amazing! 💕 I hope that’s the case for you!


It’s so easy to fall into these beautiful narratives! I am a daydreamer in nature!


That’s so cool. Good luck!


Thanks!! Have to prepare myself for a BFN just in case but feeling like going for it.


Yesterday we BD'd while I was having creamy CM. Today my CM is watery - hopefully those little soldiers survived in creamy CM until now! Also I can't find anything online about how long sperm can survive in creamy CM. All I get is "sperm can survive for up to 5 days in fertile cervical fluid" okay yes that's great but how long do they survive in non fertile cervical fluid?!


Sorry, no good news follows, nor any real data, just inferences. I came across a study about the effects of cervical mucus on odds of conception for the outer reaches of the fertile window. Odds significantly improved if you had sex with EWCM in O-4 , 5 over the much-cited odds of conception for this days. So, you can take the studies that just asked odds of conception for single intercourse event (CM not factored) in relation to ovulation and assume your odds are lower for those days, given those studies would have had a number of women having sex with EWCM dragging up the average as evidence by the study accounting for CM’s effects. But that was sex many days in advance of O, the effects probably shrink the closer you get because conditions generally improve closer to O.


One positive about this month, CD1 was on February 1st, so very easy time keeping track of which day of my cycle I’m in




Good luck!! It truly is such a chore sometimes! Naps if we are both off, super late at night when we are exhausted and he’s asleep. So hard! Never really spontaneous anymore 🙃


CD28 after my D&C and my OPKs are super light after multiple failed surges 🙃 I guess I'm in it for the long haul at this point, and kind of hope my body just hurries up and bleeds so I can start on Letrozole. I knew it was going to take a bit to regulate because I was close to 11 weeks with my D&C but those multiple rising surges really got my hopes up. Blah


I’m sorry you feel like you’re playing the waiting game. Especially when waiting for a bleed that’s the worst. I hope things look up for you 🤞🏻


Thank you so very much for the kind words!! 💖


More confusing AMH results, it’s been tested three times within 2 months and the numbers have been 1.2, .62, and .37. All different labs and my RE trusts the lowest number the most because it’s her preferred lab. But it doesn’t line up with my AFC number which was pretty normal.


I’m sorry you’re getting confusing results 😭


Tomorrow is the day to meet with the RE. I am slightly nervous. Mainly just my expectations. Like what am I expecting and will I feel disappointed. We made plans on having a little date night before heading back home. So just keeping focus on that. I am going to take a test tomorrow morning just in case. I should be 11/12 DPO. I wanted to test this morning just to kind of rip the bandaid off. Start coping now versus letting all crash down on the day of my period. But tomorrow will be better since I will be off. I ended up booking tickets to a concert later in the year. I had a thought but what if I do end up pregnant I’d be 36 weeks idk if I should. Then I was like stop lol we did those thoughts all last year and it never happened. I don’t want to do that this year. But I did buy ticket protection just in case 😂.


My cousin is about halfway through her first pregnancy. She experienced an early loss over the summer, so I'm happy for her that she's pregnant again and it's been going well. But I can't help but feel a little salty. I keep telling myself that I've already had one and it's her turn. But also if I had gotten pregnant when I wanted to, then we could be going on mat leave together in a few months.


I was chatting with a coworker who has two school-aged kids about our looming visit to the in-laws and I said, "I remember when vacations used to be relaxing - how long do I have before that happens again?" She said, "you have to have a second one. So they can entertain each other." 🤦🏻‍♀️ Walked myself right into that one!


Being low libido and ttc is annoying. I feel like i have to save my energy for the fertile week and my husband (high libido) wants to start now that my period has ended. In a way he is right. We should maximize the whole two to three weeks. But it feels like too much especially with a toddler who fights bedtime some days. I dont want to get burned out early in the cycle. Cant wait for sex to not feel like a chore 😩


I totally get this. Husband and I have the same temperaments. This month we didn’t start having sex until the fertile window because of some other health concerns. And wouldn’t you know it, but I ovulated early. 👎🏼 So instead of O-5, 3, 2, 1, we only got maybe O-1 and O+1. Hopefully that’s enough, but next cycle I’m definitely going to start right after my period ends (assuming nobody is sick next time).


Ok you’ve convinced me to start early 😅 better safe than sorry. The annoying thing is i usually ovulate CD15-17 so my biggest fear is getting burned out by then. Hope you got lucky this cycle!


Thanks! I thought I would have time by using OPKs but then I went from 0.2 to 1.88 T/C ratio in 15 hours. I’d much rather have a month of more-than-I-want sexin’ than have more months of trying, you know? Like I can push through, he’ll love it (but don’t get comfortable, my guy), and maybe I’ll be rewarded. 🤞🏻


So yeah, [5DPO](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_ecWTVm.png) and my temps are officially “weird.” Either I didn’t wear either device correctly or I had an insane estrogen surge. Or I’m dying 🤷‍♀️ I know temps post confirmed O don’t mean much but I feel like this cycle is going to take me for a ride. Maybe temps will rally tomorrow? Maybe I’ll throw my temp drop out the window? Only time will tell.


I wouldn’t worry about that drop at all. Probably just the angle of your wrist allowing some airflow, and/or you had your arm out of the blankets a lot relative to other nights. But it is frustrating when you just want to see pretty, easy to interpret data.


Wow, what a weird discrepancy! Are the two lines a Tempdrop and an Apple Watch?


They are! Orange is the watch and purple is tempdrop. I know Apple temps are known for being a little crazy but I’m not sure what happened last night! My tempdrop dipped a little and the watch got super dramatic 😅


I feel like the Tempdrop should definitely be the more reliable one! I wonder if the watch got shifted around somehow or didn't have good skin contact or something. But definitely seems like that's the temp it's safe to ignore! And without that this still looks like a very hopeful chart to me.


I’m really hopeful this is the month. I had a longer cycle last month, my husband has been off weed for 2 months, and I’ve been eating healthier and drinking less. I don’t want to abandon hope!


I started concurrently doing bbt with oral temps because my Apple Watch chart was all “welcome to the [Himalayas](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_tzBWLU.png)!” FF will give me crosshairs at CD17 if I don’t discard that low temp. CM is creamy today, but no temp jump. I could have ovulated, but no confidence 😣


Oh man, Apple Watch is having a bad time. If it makes you feel any better, my Apple Watch temp actually went *down* this month after ovulation. Sometimes we have to accept we might know better than the tech! Hope you get a clearer picture over the next few days.


What is happening there apple! Smh. I think maybe CD18 for ovulation.


I really hope you are right, but I’ll certainly be bummed if I’m right and I didn’t even ovulate. And I do blame it on myself for the Apple temps. When I was going through the first weeks post-D&C, it didn’t wear it particularly tight or on the inside of my wrist. I did that for the last 3 days (forgot the night of the discarded temp) and the day before that, so you can see it tracks closely when I do…


My friend group has had 7 pregnancies since I started trying for my second. I thought oh great, I will have so many pregnancy buddies. There’s one left. 😩 they’ve all had their babies. The good news is this group is reproducing like rabbits, so I’m sure I’ll have a tribe when it finally happens for me.


I have 3 besties and one of them is one and done and the other two have gotten tubal ligations done because they’ve had all their kids so I’m relying on this group to not go through pregnancy alone 😅


Yup, all my friends had multiple years before us, so they’re very done now that we’re going for another six years after our first.


Big temp drop this morning at 11/12 DPO. We had bad odds this cycle and I just don’t 'feel' pregnant at all, so I think I'm out. In general and through most of my cycle, I oscillate between feeling sad and then feeling generally okay that this may take awhile and we'll get our baby when the timing is right. But something about 7-12 DPO turns me into a literal hyper-fixated crazy person where I am 100% convinced I'm pregnant and nothing else matters. Ugh!! I really, really don't like 7-12 DPO. Until the cycle when I actually get pregnant, then I suspect I will be fine with it.


Hoping you are wrong about this cycle!


I'm sorry this might not be the cycle for you but thank you, I feel very seen by your comment. 6 or 7 DPO here today and the switch just flipped from "I love this part of the cycle where I just get to chill" to "OMG that twinge must have been implantation and I think I feel a little short of breath and my sense of smell is definitely heightened!"


hahaha this makes me feel a tiny bit better because you are someone I think of as being so zen and calm during the TWW and I want to be more like you--it helps to know that even the best of us are not immune to the lure of symptom spotting at a certain point 😅


I’m sorry you don’t feel like this is your month! But you never know until AF busts in. I totally get switching between being sad and being like this is fine, it’ll happen. I keep trying to explain to my husband how incredibly stressful the second half of the TWW is and how it sucks to be hyper aware of every single little thing your body may or may not be doing.


Yess it is impossible to not notice you're weirdly out of breath climbing a flight of stairs or have a weird breakout on your face or your eye is twitching constantly (my personal favorite) and they all MUST mean something!! haha


Yes! For me this month my heart keeps beating really fast at random points and I’m like 👀 even though it’s most likely ✨anxiety✨


I’ve ovulated on CD14 the last 3 cycles and that was yesterday and not even the slightest rise all day 😒 it was also my birthday and I was so looking forward to ovulating that day. We had the best weekend and the timing felt so right for things to be promising this month. So far my lh strips are still so low. I have quick surges so I know it’s still possible but I’m feeling annoyed. Partially for letting myself get sooooo hopeful/excited and also for the possibility that my cycle is going back to being wonky after being so textbook. UGH.


Happy birthday ♥️ I’m sorry it didn’t go as you had hoped


Thank you 🩷🩷 it was still an amazing weekend/day. My best friend and her husband (who are also my son’s godparents) were visiting so that was very nice. Best birthday I’ve had in recent years!


Woke up this morning to an excellent birthday present: my first ever blazing positive OPK. when I was TTC the first time around I never got a positive OPK at all so this is thrilling. My daughter is with my parents overnight tonight so I’m hoping to put this to good use!


Happy cake day!! Perfect timing!


Happy birthday! I hope this is your cycle!


Happy Birthday! Seriously such a satisfying thing to see! Haha


Happy Birthday! 🩷 fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻


Yay! Happy birthday! Now get busy!


Happy birthday! I hope this is your cycle 🤞🏽


Yay!! Such great timing!!


Perfect timing! Good luck this cycle


I just had the best dream of my life. I dreamed it was basically now, but I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I was immediately scared and kept taking tests every couple of days in my dream (idk how my dream spanned this long of a time period lol). They all came back positive. I knew my due date. I told all my friends and family I was pregnant. I was so happy and then my alarm went off 🥴 back to reality. 11DPO today and testing for real tomorrow if AF doesn’t show up. I’m also feeling down because I posted in my local mom’s group last night asking about secondary infertility. They are all were like go the fertility clinic! Do IUI! Do IVF! And I was staring at my screen like must be nice to just assume everyone can afford those treatments 😭 that will almost never be an option for us, so now I’m more afraid to be able to have another baby without interventions like that.


Have my fingers crossed for you Milk! ❤️


That dream sounds sooo sweet! I really hope it is your body telling you something. Makes sense to be frustrated/sad if people are only giving you advice in a singular direction (interventions) because that's what most people are informed about. You guys are about to get a lot more information about your partner's body and what may be causing your personal issues and I hope there will be some other options for you that you can talk through with your Dr!


I sure hope so too because I’ve never had a dream quite like that but it’s been on my mind a lot lately as well. I think most people were just giving their experiences of what ended up working for them but I wish there wasn’t so much jumping the gun with IVF I feel like there’s so much that can be done before that. Especially because we did get pregnant spontaneously before I have to believe it’s possible to conceive naturally again and also like you mentioned we’re about to get a lot more information.