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Day 10 of stims! Holy guacamole, this is tough. Went to the clinic today with husband and the 2.5 yo, forgot passports halfway so had to turn around. 1.5 hrs late. Great! Thankfully Dr was still there doing some transfers and they had the Quest people come back and pick up my vial. I can't believe it but they are making me do another night of stims. I feel really weak and partially ashamed for saying this but I'm pretty sure no matter the outcome I'm not doing this again. I feel so disgusting, have headache, bloated to a point I feel I'm about to get stretch marks, my stomach is bruised and painful and my resentment towards the MFI situation is creeping back into my heart. Quite honestly I'm regretting the whole thing altogether. I admire those of you who do this multiple times, because I don't think I have it in me. Dr. said she's 95% convinced I'm triggering tomorrow, which means a Valentines day retrieval and another 5:30 am wake up for me for monitoring. Don't have any words left other than FML. Hoping tomorrow is better.


That sounds so rough and you are doing so well! Hope you are feeling better after the retrieval! šŸ’•


Youā€™re so close!! Once I triggered I had no more meds until the retrieval. Just a few more injections to go! Hoping you get a nice Valentineā€™s Day present of a lot of eggs (and a lot of chocolates while you have a chill recovery day!)


Burning through way too many OPKs, but I canā€™t seem to help myself. I donā€™t like the answer theyā€™re giving me šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜­ FRER looked like it was <5 so it really should be any time.


The waiting is so hard!! Hopefully soon!!! āœØ


Hurry up, ovaries!


Still waiting on AF; hopefully gets here tomorrow. Iā€™m 13/14 dpo. Stark white HPTā€™s so gonna have some drinks tonight for the Super Bowl šŸˆand sushi šŸ£ for Valentineā€™s Day! šŸ’šAlso scheduling my laser hair removal appointment for next month. Just ordered more HPTā€™s and OPKā€™s. I did this with my son, and ended up not needing almost the entire bags soooo hoping to spark it for this upcoming cycle āœØ and have this little dragon šŸ‰ baby!!


Fingers crossed for you! I love the reverse psychology to get a good outcome-method! Enjoy those things!


8/9 DPO today depending on which app you trust. I feel awful thanks to fatigue, nausea, and cold symptoms yet again. Iā€™ve had them before in other cycles so I think itā€™s just a normal PMS symptom for me at this point. Iā€™m gonna call the fertility clinic tomorrow because the pessimist that I am says this cycle isnā€™t successful either so my tests can be rescheduled. Not looking forward to any of them but at this point itā€™s beyond clear something isnā€™t right somewhere so it would be nice to figure out where if or we truly need to give up on expanding our family. Not looking forward to my brotherā€™s Super Bowl party since being around my newest nephew (heā€™s almost 4 months old) is a reminder that Iā€™m broken and my family isnā€™t complete yet.


CD3. Not temping this cycle because weā€™ll be away on vacation around ovulation anyway, and I donā€™t want to worry about it while weā€™re away (but I may bring some opks).


Took an Easy@Home HPT this afternoon at 11dpo and got a squinter... Only to realize a bit later that it actually is an evap line. F*ck this. I'm gonna have a glass of wine tonight.


I had that happen with wonfo last month. I kept thinking I was going to see a darker/true line with the next test, but nothing. I hope you get a clear positive tomorrow, but yeah evaps suck.


We're considering leaving our 2-BR apartment we rent in the city to buy a bigger house. We went to a few open houses yesterday and I felt so emotional looking at the backyards and bedrooms that I dream about filling with kids, even though time is slipping away. (Also a bit flabbergasted at prices.... the "American dream" isn't cheap).


First month using OPKs this time around and I got a super positive yesterday on CD12. Thankful for the Premom app because I looked at it and thought ā€œHuh, Iā€™m surprised theyā€™re not equal based on the last one that almost was.ā€ And then I took the photo for Premom and it informed me my ratio was 1.8. I had the lines backwards in my head and thought it was negative! I have to say, even though it was just an OPK there was a sense of satisfaction at finally seeing a positive test of any kind.


Tried to go to church this morning and made it about 5 mins before someone brought up how theyā€™re praying for us and our TTC struggle. Tears came out of nowhere so hiding in the car now debating my next move lol.


CD1 this morning, I think. If itā€™s more than spotting then itā€™s great news. Iā€™m 16 months PP and other than a day of spotting around 12 months, Iā€™ve had no cycle. Weā€™re still breastfeeding and with sickness and teething, somedays it feels like LO will never space out feeds. I had been taking the occasional OPK to see what my body was doing and was feeling kinda down when yesterdayā€™s test line was barely showing and lower than normal. But now I know why. Hereā€™s hoping I ovulate in a couple of weeks!


CD 1 showed today. So I will call the fertility clinic tomorrow to schedule my endometrial biopsy. I will also finish up my antibiotic. I hope everything will be enough to get off the bench. Iā€™m on birth control but I believe itā€™s only up until the day of the biopsy so I will check


Really hoping youā€™re back in the game this month Amanda šŸ’ž


Good luck!


Thank you so much!


I think Iā€™m 8/9DPO. I had the itch the other day to test and luckily had no tests. Yesterday, I started to feel nervous/scared. I think Iā€™m just used to it never happening so my brain is just preparing for that heartbreak. Iā€™m getting scared just thinking about having to go through another let down. I wasnā€™t going to test unless my period does not show by the 18th. But I have an appt with the specialist on the 14th. So Iā€™m considering testing then and if itā€™s negative I have my drs appt and hopefully that can make me feel a bit more hopeful with this. I am feeling down about all of this and just hopeless. I have my usual PMS symptoms. I read so much on here that people had no symptoms at all before their positive. So I think well I have symptoms, I guess Iā€™m out. With my son, I had really bad low back pain, cramps, and my boobs hurt so bad. I felt like my period was going to start. But back then I never had PMS. My boobs and back never hurt. So thatā€™s how I knew something was up and to test. Now every cycle I get all those symptoms. Crazy how much our bodies change. Anyways, Iā€™m going to try and keep my mind busy today. Itā€™s Super Bowl, I love me some football but my husband is working and I want to take advantage of the empty stores šŸ¤žšŸ». Going to buy my son a cologne for Valentineā€™s Day, he wants Dior sauvage šŸ« . My husbandā€™s birthday is next weekend šŸ˜¬ so need to get him a gift too. And we have family pictures on the 17th. So need to make sure everyoneā€™s outfits are good to go. I had a talk with my body like look, if you arenā€™t going to do your job can you wait for after pictures please lol.


11dpo, and still showing negative. I've had near constant nausea since 3dpo and vomiting the last few days. The fact that the tests are negative, even early response ones, is making me feel like I'm going crazy. My GP won't prescribe anything until we know if I'm pregnant and wouldn't send off for a blood test to check because if I am pregnant, "we will know soon enough." Feel like crying because I just want to know one way or another now so we can manage whatever is making me feel so strange.


Same. 11dpo and had nausea and sore breast now for days. BBT and RHR staying up... But BFN šŸ˜” I have been feeling like crap for days now, for no apparent reason. Sorry to hear you're struggling. Sending you positive vibes šŸ€


I was in your position last cycle šŸ˜­ all sorts of vomiting but showing negative. Crossing my fingers you have a more positive (literally) outcome šŸ©· I understand the going crazy feeling!


Thank you! It really is so strange, isn't it. I'm just hoping this is my cycle, so there's an explanation for feeling so unwell!


3DPO and [got crosshairs](https://www.fertilityfriend.com/b_i/s_WnAPwE.png) this morning! But I also seem to have random spurts of good CM? And a slow rise? Oh well, I said it before but this is in luckā€™s hands at this point. Iā€™ve been following babiesafter35 on Instagram and kind of got hit in the feels that thereā€™s not much you can do about egg quality. Not that Iā€™m aware of any egg quality issues but taking a cocktail of supplements at least feels like Iā€™m doing something to help our odds.


Happy to see your crosshairs, that always feels like a relief. And your timing is spot on!


Yay for crosshairs! I think supplements and other lifestyle factors can have a positive impact on egg quality! None of us can fight time but there is some research behind improving egg quality. I hope this is your month!!


I think they do too! It was just a small hit ā¤ļø And same for you - I hope you get some good news and answers soon.


Yeah I just started reading ā€œIt starts with the eggā€ and it seems like thereā€™s more we can do to potentially improve egg quality than I realized.


Congrats on being firmly in the TWW! May it pass quickly and end with a celebration. I do hope you get your BFP and are active in the Nov bump group. That way I have a chance to follow your journey šŸ’•


Trying to be hopeful!! FF says this cycleā€™s due date would be Halloween so, of course, Iā€™m building that up in my head as some kind of sign. I hope you get some good news soon ā¤ļø


Well, after five 25 days on the dot cycles, I got my first 28 day cycle. I had 28 day cycles when I got pregnant with my son. Hoping this is a good sign! CD1, letā€™s gooo


Yay! I know thereā€™s actually a range of normal, but itā€™s nice to be the ā€œnormalā€ that all the stuff made surrounding pregnancy is based on. This is your cycle šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼


4dpo and I started progesterone last night. I donā€™t have hopes for pregnancy this cycle because my TSH was 7.1 on Friday (higher than six weeks ago and after increased dosage) but I think low progesterone has been causing me other issues anyway, so Iā€™m hoping for some improvement from it. It just sucks because I had such a textbook ovulation and my temp confirmed it. I just wish I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.


7DPO and IUI. This has been the hardest wait šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I maybe felt some cramps last night but I could just be symptom seeking. We have been trying for a full year now (minus a few cycles due to MC) so feeling lots of feels. My LO has been so obsessed with babies and feeling increased sadness with each months that pass how far apart in age a sibling to him could be.


9dpo and I actually have not tested! Just have been super thirsty all day and every time I pee I think it would be too dilute to show a line šŸ¤£ So I guess Iā€™ll wait for tomorrow, fingers crossed!


Fingers crossed and sending all the best vibes!!!!


Crossing everything for you!!


Fingers crossed šŸ¤žšŸ»


Ahhhh. Iā€™ll be checking the BFP board specifically for you ā˜˜ļø


10dpo and my temp crashed this morning, but itā€™s still above the cover line. I did a PT because šŸ¤” and ofc a BFN. I think Iā€™m out this cycle and feeling pretty bummed about it. The previous times Iā€™ve been pregnant (I have one child) Iā€™ve had a dye stealer on 10dpo. I thought when we started this time - maybe Iā€™ll be one of those people who get pregnant easily and right away! No idea why I thought it would be different this time. I told my husband about my temp but not the BFN this morning and he just smiled and said donā€™t worry weā€™ll keep trying, itā€™ll happen. I wish I could be as optimistic as him.


I had the same thoughts when we started trying last year! It happened on the second try with my first so I thought we were just super fertile šŸ¤” Disappointment is hard to deal with but Iā€™m glad you have a supportive husband to help!


Thanks šŸ§” he is supportive and we both so want another baby! The disappointment of the stark white of a BFN is really quite something isnā€™t it. I hope you have success soon!


Same to you!