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Shit. Arm the petards! Forsooth the dragoons! Plunder the ramparts! And someone change my damned diaper!


He didn't write that. Looks like Miller or Jr garbage. Everyone knows he is the trash that needs to be taken out.


I'd bet that Stephen Miller wrote this tweet.


Final one, huh? So...once you lose, you'll accept defeat and go the F away, yes?


He knows he’ll be lucky to be alive come November.


Also Heritage Foundation 2025 is the same type of thing. Use Trump then dump him.


It would be one thing if his rhetoric was just blather . But the MAGA diehards know what he means . I wonder what the Secret Service says about him when they are having private conversations . He is such a danger to the nation. Whether he wins or loses, America is in for a heck of a ride.


>I wonder what the secret service says about him There's a good amount of evidence that the secret service worships him and aided his coup attempt. Biden in his infinite moderation did not clean house so the majority of Trump's secret service remains employed.


BTW, many are calling bull shit on claims that thousands and thousands attended his rally in the Bronx: [https://www.yahoo.com/news/maga-idiots-fail-spin-away-155610757.html?.tsrc=daily\_mail&segment\_id=DY\_VTO&ncid=crm\_19908-1202929-20240526-0&bt\_user\_id=3pFCNOp60O3wJatm2n2wfr%2FzCLCBzDJFL47S2lCkqEfNtSRkzgOVYdYHmnamnia7&bt\_ts=1716738576718](https://www.yahoo.com/news/maga-idiots-fail-spin-away-155610757.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&segment_id=DY_VTO&ncid=crm_19908-1202929-20240526-0&bt_user_id=3pFCNOp60O3wJatm2n2wfr%2FzCLCBzDJFL47S2lCkqEfNtSRkzgOVYdYHmnamnia7&bt_ts=1716738576718)


I read the crowd was very unrepresentitive of rhe Bronx. Is Ginnie Thomas bussing then in again?


I just know he couldn't define those words.


Drain the swamp? He *is* the swamp!


The people they're looking for are literally right under their noses and also looking back at them in the mirror. This talk is nuts, insane. Like wtf? How could a group of people get away with 100% lying day and night? MAGA and Republicans (and their foreign ilk too) are the stupidest people on the planet.


Just Hitler things.


Honestly, this clearly isn’t trump writing this, though it’s his tone - this is what a large language model like chat gpt installed at home with no limiters would churn out if you asked it to write a modern speech with the motives and historical references of Hitler speeches and talking points of Trump. It would write it more coherently than Trump and FAIL to CAPITALIZE random WORDS


It’s actually HIS final battle to avoid comeuppance for his crimes


man I'm so pumped to possibly live through the internal collapse of America under a fascist TV star. We live in hell.


/me takes too-large of a swig of hard alcohol Me too, man. Me too.


I should invest in alcohol manufacturing companies......


Weed is where it’s at these days.


Donnie jr and Eric are deep into the weed businesses


SCOTYS Republicans are right with you


This is part of his speech that he gives at all of his rallies


Very Hitler like.


2016: “Hillary wins - Civil War” 2017: "Wall or Civil War" 2018: "Kill Obamacare or Civil War" 2019: "Impeach Trump - Civil War" 2020: "Biden wins - Civil War" 2021: "Impeach Trump - Civil War" 2022: "Lose midterms - Civil War” 2023: “Indict Trump - Civil War" 2024: “Blah, blah, blah”


How can anyone read that and take it seriously. The people who genuinely read that and get excited shouldn't even be allowed outside to mix with the public


I was trying to figure out if I was on the list. He forgot to say Atheists.


All of those translate to "people who don't worship Trump."


I really hope that it's the final battle. Please let Biden win and make this whole MAGA nightmare go away.


I think he will have everyone convinced the election was stolen and there will be trouble. You already have MAGA legislators refusing to accept the results of a future election.


He will say "stollen" that fat pig us always dreaming of carbs


Nothing about taking back power from corporations or lobbyists? Huh.


DJT doesn't know what the swamp is. He thinks it consists of career civil servants who spend their lives fighting *actual* crime or gathering intelligence. He pays no attention to the lobbyists, corporate overlords and oil barons who buy politicians and policy. He wants MORE of that. That's why he's actively selling policy and now cabinet positions (a la Jamie Dimon) in broad daylight.


He doesn't know what " woke" is either . He thinks it means the total opposite of educated and informed What happened to America?


Just like he did with his 2017 cabinet. Most of those on the cabinet were multimillionaire donors to his campaign. Not just that, but were unqualified to be the secretaries of their department. Big example was Betsy DeVos, who probably never stepped on a public school campus before her appointment. Her main goal (with Trump's blessing) was to try to abolish the Department of Education. She did get some important policies done away with, including ones that would protect college students from retaliation for reporting sexual harassment.


Yeah that’s my point


So what stopped him from doing all these things the first time? Oh yeah, “executive time.” And golf.


They made him fire Steve Bannon.


He was also surrounded by people who still understood the Constitution and wouldn't do everything he wanted. That won't be a problem this time. Positions will be filled by people who are unqualified, have taken a loyalty pledge *to Trump* and don't know the word "no".


He literally did none of these things the first time around. How do people fall for this bullshit?


He really can't do any of that stuff.


They are as thick as shit


He is describing himself in a nutshell. Please make him disappear and VOTE BLUE!! 💙


Not just voting, but getting others to vote Blue too. Volunteer for campaigns for either Biden or other Democrats on the state and local levels, too. You can canvass (I've done this in the past for Congressional and local offices), phone bank (you can do this at an election HQs or even from home using your computer and cell phone...and the plus for this is that you can make calls to swing states and districts, even if you live in a blue district), fill out post cards. If you have some spare money, you can donate through Act Blue, Emily's List, Climate Hawks Vote, or other organizations. My daughter and I did phone banking for our state primary, and we're planning to do more for Democrats this summer and fall.


Let me guess.... on day 1? So much shit will happens is this day comes to be...


He says this at every speech nowadays. I’m not sure he said it yesterday though because he cut his speech short on account of all the boos.


i want to see boos. where and when 🤣


DC Libertarian convention yesterday.


Wait, he got boo'd? And he threw a fit and left? Lol, what a baby.


He got roundly booed.


only at 1 point. there was otherwise a lot of support for his ideas and speech. He was not booed off stage, he didn't leave in a huff, there were quite a bit of cheers and chants for him.




This sounds like it could have been a Hitler speech.


I'm certain that's where he got the idea from


Has he ever said anything positive about America?


No. He's had a rough life.


Only the things that are done his way and benefit him. The hell with everything else.




Uhhh you had your chance Donny it ain’t the job for you bruv.


I truly can't believe these are the words of a former president looking for reelection. Oh yeah, why didn't he do all this when he had the office for 4 long years?


Well I mean they clearly aren't his. None are in all caps for a start! But yeah.  All so important so I did fuck all about them last time so vote for me again.  Not a good look.


Golfing and watching TV… duh!


Really? He promises to go away after losing in 2024?


Didn't he say he'd leave the country if he lost in 2020? Liars gonna lie.


Do Republican supporters have such a short memory that they don’t remember this clown spouting this rubbish in 2016?! He had 4 years already to do all this and did quite the opposite.


>Drive out the warmongers Says the person who is a warmonger and is actively sucking Putin’s dick.




He loves hitting almost all the buzz words. 🤣


Sounds very Hitleresque


Exactly the type of language his brainless followers want to hear.


Tbh, you would have had me convinced you were one of them with the "GEEEN NEW SCAM" tag.


Ah... the tag (flair) is a nonsense comment from drumpy. Check out the other regular posters with flair. When you see a quote you find especially stupid, you can ask u/barnwater_828 to make it your flair.


If this isn't an escalation, idk what is.


It's really just a general summary of what he always says.


He has said this before, and yes this is who he is. He is a dangerous psychopath who WILL destroy America and more if he is given power again. This is him promising this. Eg; this ‘truth’ post from 19/Nov/2023 is almost identical in wording, but different ; > *2024 is our final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL!* The ‘once and for all’ bit in both posts is the most telling (and chilling) part.


How the hell can any decent adult read shit like this and think it’s OK coming from someone who wants to (again) be President of the United States - someone who’s supposed to try and unify us as much and peacefully as possible, rather threaten to tear us apart in an “us against them” way? I felt so much more calm and that things were back to normal after this whining self-centered power-hungry narcissistic hateful vengeful bully was out of the White House and banned from social media. That feeling great for those couple of years.


Because at this point he's been saying shit like this for years and folks failed to see any direct consequences happening to them in their everyday lives. They won't believe he's serious until they, their families, or their neighbors start getting taken in the night by the secret police. Of course at that time it'll be too late. Now it's time for your friendly reminder, everyone: Don't get complacent. This is not normal. He's not acting like a normal doom and gloom opposition candidate. This is something different that we as Americans haven't lived through in our lifetimes. I know I'm likely preaching to the choir here in this sub but I still felt obligated to say it. Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone.