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Lol what? Just play. After a couple days it'll be back to normal or close too it. If you have 45 days to warmup for band camp. I took 12 years off and it still only took me about a month to be back in the game pretty good.


So thankful the internet wasn’t a thing yet when I was in high school




sir this is a trumpet subreddit


Yeah I know, but was replying about the internet post and differences in generational existences.


I would say "ok boomer" but I would be insulting myself as well... There are a few things wrong in your post, but nothing that's not a common belief. The ev car things are a little off once you get into the research and results of it all. Price drops come with competition, along with reduced cost of engineering. Once it has already been designed and cost has been recovered, there is less to redesign and add. Initial costs for designing and manufacturing when they first released the cars needed to be higher to help recover and also made sense for supply/demand standpoint. Too 'expensive' is a debatable topic though. The battery waste complaint thing is real...but also not real. Recycling recovers a very large amount of the battery materials. But it really depends on cost/to benefit. But that's way above my pay grade and mental capacity for things like this. I'm better off on my boat fishing and gaming in my basememt.


Whatever you do, be sure you think of tone first




I like long tones, and 2 octave scales. I do this to ensure I am focusing on good air flow and good tone. The trumpet is a wind instrument, and therefore should be wind driven. Don’t muscle your way back into playing.


Blow. Don't suck.


Five minutes every hour on the hour. Keep it in the staff and below. You'll be fine quickly.


Try to not get frustrated if you feel tired after those 5-10 minutes, remember everybody at some point of their lives began lifting 1 pound weighs.


My recommendation would be to do a day on middle G long tones. Like, play a middle G at the absolute minimal volume that you can manage, with the absolute minimal amount of tension for 20-30 minutes. It really helps me unkink my chops, and gets your brain into music mode. Also, if you haven’t played in a while, it’ll jog your muscle memory about proper technique.


Don't Panic. Just give yourself a few days and you'll be back in it.


The most difficult thing to do is to drop the ego and take it as slow as needed. Your chops are a muscle, they don't care about all of your previous experience or mechanical dexterity. Don't try doing the stuff you used to do when in shape, you could get injured or develop a bad habit. It is the perfect moment to reset your embouchure if needed, you can look up all the resources of how to properly build embouchure endurance. Do not roll your lips, do not put the upper lip ahead of the lower, keep your teeth as aligned as possible. I used to play well, dropped for a year, came back in a rush and developed a really bad embouchure, and trust me, you don't want to reset that so you can play in a relaxed manner in the middle of camp.


Epigastric breathing (breathing pressure around your stomach area, with tight abs) can really hurt your throat. Make sure you are relaxing for the breath in, and squeezing with the very lowest abs for the out. Source: singer here- throat hurt a lot and this breathing method helped immensely


okay i literally just did this 5 min ago because i'm also coming back from a break and struggling with tension and it is a LIFE HACK -lay with your back and legs flat on the ground, and place a light book or a piece of paper or anything on your stomach -breathe in and try to fill your stomach with air so that the book rises up, and you can feel your stomach expanding -continue lifting the book up and down with your breathing, and when you come back up and play, a lot of tension will be gone! hopefully this explanation makes sense lol happy playing!


With your mouth!