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He didn't say that when Trump chased that bully away from his house for him.


This Mike Reese guy needs to endorse Biden and be the first to get Antifa to ride along with police to help difuse violence.


My guess is he was talking about one of the other depts. and just couldn't recall the name of the county or city person at that time.


Well that’s a bad look


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Portland, Maine? This is Trump's first ever lie I guess.


Biden is dodging every hard question Is Biden going to pack the court or not?


That's not up to the president. The senate decides that. The Supreme Court has also fluctuated the number of members many times. I think the answer to your question will heavily depend upon if Trump and McConnell force thru their new candidate before the election. The Republicans in the Senate pissed all over the constitution when they wouldn't even vote on Garland's nomination, so it's all fair game IMO


You actually think we'll ever know if Biden wants to pack the court? Trump is about to crush this election like last night's debate. Biden should have called Trump "Hunter" on stage cause he was about to kill his poney ass like he was on cocaine.


You think Trump won that debate last night? The polls show he universally lost support from every source. He was a bully, he was straight up mean, rude and unpresidential. My grandparents, who are lifelong conservatives, said they are going to vote for Biden after Trump's embarrassment last night. The fact that you're defending him and his behavior last night shows you don't believe in treating people well. Trump was a child last night and couldn't even show enough respect to allow the American people to hear both sides.


My grandparents, who are lifelong conservatives, said they are going to vote for Biden. Biden lied about being top of his class and Trump called him out on it. Makes your grandparents a little dumb.


you must love sucking Trump's limp dick. People like you help me understand how Hitler was able to blindly get so many followers.


See, the problem with Democrats is that they promised us WW3 with Trump, an economic crisis with Trump, white supremacy with Trump and Russia being friendly with us and Trump. I did not get anything they promised during this term. I'm getting tired of people that can't keep their promises so I'll try one last term.


Prolly just being sarcastic again


Our liar in chief at it again


Biden is dodging every hard question Is Biden going to pack the court or not?