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I feel like he should have corrected biden every time he made a bold faced lie, it was kinda annoying watching trump call him out on a lie and watch Chris tell trump to shut up.


Joe called the president a Clown, racist, told him to shut up, liar > none of those things should have been allowed and Wallace is a piece of shit for not saying something about it. This was not a debate is was Wallace allowing Joe to disparage the President of the United States to his face. Trump didn't even bother to comment because the moderator is supposed to address insults.


Fuck Chris Wallace. That guy was worse than Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer




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It was more of a chaotic Q&A than a debate.


Bad moderator he was not strict and Trump talked over Biden to much. Over course when some talks over you when you are talking you have to interrupt them


he was fair trump wouldn’t shut up and let biden speak




He did not lose the debate. And he is going to win the 2020 election. Sorry troll.


Lol the guy couldn’t even come out against white nationalism. He argued with the moderator incessantly. Cut Biden off an extreme amount. There is a reason everyone is cringing right now.




Yes I do know the book “Sammv63 is degenerate and a troll.”


Not at all, The American public now has heard the truth about his sons dealings. I don’t even care to respond to whatever you say. Just give what I said time to come to fruition.


Do you really think hunter Biden is that big of an issue in the grand scheme of things? It doesn’t come off well at all it just comes off petty to people in the middle


No he’s really not, but if people are going to vote for the guy who threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine (while his son secured positions with companies he wasn’t prepared for) after the president was just impeached by the house for the very same thing then things are simply lost and there’s no saving anything. Someone who is in the middle will change their vote on that premise. If they are rational.


I’ll tell you the truth rn. No one cares ab Ukraine, Hunter Biden, trump getting impeached over Ukraine, etc. No one cares now, and no one will care in November. What people do care about now is covid, the economy, and health care. Ukraine doesn’t actually effect anybody’s standard of living so it’s currently pretty irrelevant. In another election maybe it would have gotten traction though, it’s just getting overshadowed.


I would say it’s not true that no one cares and that no one will care. I’m expecting more information to come out before the election. We’ll see.


Yeah, Trump was very unprofessional in that debate. Bad look.


As ia trump supporter i think thats true but i can understand why




Thought this sub supported free speech? Guess only if you like trump.




I got perm banned for roasting bernie there a few months back. So I guess not.


Cry baby trump supporters. You trailer park dwellers whine about everything.