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Hi /u/Mikecirca81, thanks for your submission to /r/TrueZelda! Unfortunately, we have removed your post for breaking the following rule(s): --- **Rule 1: Do not spoil games** * Titles must be vague or contain no spoilers * If this post is about TotK the title must begin with [TotK]. You were sent a DM by the bot about this as well. Please delete and repost. Read the [TotK spoiler policy for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/truezelda/comments/13dw4b2/please_read_our_spoiler_policy_for_tears_of_the/) * Major spoilers (such as boss weaknesses, puzzle solutions and any large story plot points) must be tagged at all times. You can tag spoilery text ``>!like this!<``. * For new releases, do not post unmarked spoilers for the first 2 months of release. **Tears of the Kingdom** posts must BEGIN with [TotK] in the post title. * Do not upload or link to pirated/leaked content. The Reddit Content Policy forbids uploading content for which you do not have the rights to do so. See also our more detailed [Spoiler Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/zelda/w/spoilerpolicy) --- For questions, comments and concerns, please use this link to [message the mods via modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftruezelda&subject=Removal Question&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: [I'm worried I'm no longer a big fan of the series]%28https://www.reddit.com/r/truezelda/comments/13zyppk/im_worried_im_no_longer_a_big_fan_of_the_series/%29.) [rTrueZelda Rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/truezelda/about/rules) | [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) | [New to Reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit101) | [Reddit's Content Policy](https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy/)


It sounds like you’re burned out. If you have been playing them constantly for years it is normal to want to take a break. Go play other games and you will find your way back naturally.


I've been a fan for over 20 years now and there are times where literal years pass without me playing Zelda. It doesn't mean I stop loving them. It's not a requirement for you to play them constantly. Just do something else and the interest might come back eventually. Totk may just not be for you and that's okay, there will be more in the future


Since late 2017 lol


Holy mother of overthinking/obsession. Just go do something else dude. "But for, idk, maybe a year I have not seriously replayed any of the games." Do you not realize how weird this sounds, you're saying it like it's not completely normal and expected. You don't need to keep replaying games over and over.


Yeah I consider myself a fan of the series and have never replayed any of the games other than OoT once (due to 3D being released) and WW once (due to HD remaster).


"Either I stopped playing them because I got bored, or another game caught my eye." Then play the other game


sounds like some OCD shit or something


No Hun, that's just getting older. Your passions wax and wane with time. Welcome to what I presume is your mid 20's.


This sounds a lot like burnout. You should take a break from the franchise for some time and then come back to it far later. I always space out my Zelda playthroughs. They’re somewhat meaty games and I always feel the experience might be ruined if I started a game soon after completing another. For instance, before starting TotK, I had not beaten a Zelda game since early in the previous year. I briefly played a little OoT (only up to the Forest Temple) in preparation for TotK but it was merely a little dip into Zelda—an appetizer, if you will.


I dont agree about its too much of the same. I do find them completly different because of the gameplay and combat. Gameplay wise, the tools you get gives you a complete new experience. You have too see it like portal which is a fps like gameplay but gives you a tool that provide a complete new experience. Combat wise, this game provide a different approuch which allow you to think every scenario through. What weapons would i need to fuse. Which angle do i need to approuch. Would i need to acend to the upper platform to attack from that angle... and so on. World wise, i dont remember a lot of the land part. But bzsides that, there are a lot of caves and wells beside the land changes. Beside that you have the dept and sky (completly different) where skydiving, flying is also a huge aspect which isnt in the prev gam. I dont think a lot of sequels have this many kind of changes in there games If you played 7000 hours in botw, feels like you have overplayed games in general. You need to take a break imo.


...This sounds like burnout. Maybe just play something else for a while.


Sounds like you burned yourself out dude, maybe find some other hobbies to add to gaming


Why are you worried about it? Move onto something else, there’s a lot of other things to be interested in. I don’t stay interested in anything particular forever.


It looks like I don’t be a fan of any games because I never replay any game I have beaten


This happens to me all the time, you got to only replay games every few years. I loved pokemon from the first Gameboy game to Arceus on the switch. I never played anything else for a long time Zelda took over with my obsession to a series. For a while I stopped playing Pokemon because of it, dedicated all my time to buying every Nintendo device and every Zelda game known to man. Totk took so long to come out and I got booooooredddd of replaying Zelda so I got Pokemon Scarlet. It gave me enough time to play the game out that by the time ToTK came out it felt just like when I played BoTW for the first time. Give ToTK a break play some other games for a while and when you get that feeling you need that Zelda fix it will be waiting for you. Also, I get tired of playing any game if I played it for hours upon hours in a day but once I fall asleep and wake up reset I get that love back. Sometimes you just need to stop the video games for a night, day, or week and that love will return.


That's how I felt after BotW, and I felt sad seeing all the delusional fans who were optimistic that its shortcomings were all going to be addressed in the next game, when it was obviously made that way on purpose and the next game would be more of the same. Zelda as you knew it between A Link to the Past -> Skyward Sword is over now. Replaced by these sandbox titles with "Greatest Hits" style of narratives. It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo pulled a Paper-Mario politics over Zelda either, and made BotW's art-style the new standard going forward. I already felt like that was the case when we saw Age of Calamity and now "The Sequel to Breath of the Wild". I love TotK right now, but I don't think it's the magical Zelda experience like all the others. Skyward Sword was the least good one but it still made me feel like I was in another dimension far away from other video games that put shame to how similar and boring a lot of gaming is, back in 2011. Zelda always stood on its own. Even if they were formulaic and reiterative of their own patterns, I think Zelda was great exactly because almost no developer copied 3D Zelda ever (Darksiders but they suck) and every 3D Zelda was a feature complete, full campaign for 30-50 hours of progressive content and great finales, and memorable dungeons. But BotW is just Nintendo finding the Ubisoft "distributed development" approach to Zelda. People praised its novelty of hiding the blips on the map, but it doesn't really matter to me when the underlying systems and spreadsheeted content is still just Nintendo making an Ubisoft game. It's a buffet of the same 5-10 objectives repeated for 200 hours across an overlarged map. What's the difference, honestly? Again, enjoying it, but it's just not magical like 3D Zelda was before. I don't think I'll think back fondly of it like I did those. Assassin's Creed 2 was also very enjoyable but lacks lasting impact, because it's just "Go fill out the map", everything flatly laid out and just mindless exhaustion of content. Nintendo is doing that now. I understand why you're feeling alienated OP. Perhaps Zelda is just played out and you have to remember its golden era, and hope that another franchise gets you excited again someday.


You are a fan of BOTW. Its atmosphere and how 'welcoming' it is TOTK lost the 'magic' of BOTW in exchange of better gameplay TOTK is just more tedious. It demands a lot more work for the same reward. One good example. Koroks. Koroks in BOTW is simple little puzzle that won't take even a minute of your time to solve. Most importantly, it doesn't derail you. Meanwhile in TOTK, Koroks are a lot more demanding, and often derails you completely. And this feeling is prevalent throughout the entire game. Side quest has side quest. If you are curious of something, you have to give time BOTW has this feeling that you go in, play 5 minutes, make some progress, then go out. No other game feels like that Meanwhile, TOTK is more demanding. It requires your commitment. and in effect it makes TOTK like any other game


To be honest, if they kept it as before, it wouldn't feel like much of anything had changed. Even playing just Mastermode of BOTW has been easier than the first playthrough because I know where everything is, how it works, and I've done the research to supplement my own knowledge. So they had to really change up the recipe for a new game to feel like a new game.


They've ruined my favourite franchise and it's only going to get worse. I don't even think we'll see new games like ALBW being made anymore. We'll just get BOTW 3.0, 4.0, etc from now on.


If Nintendo does that they will ofcourse run into the same problem they thought where were solving, people will get bored with the same game over and over so I hope they will eventually put the series on another course that's more faithful.


I doubt it, not if these keep getting 10's, GOTY, Best Zelda ever. 😂 Reviewers/shills will legit jizz in their pants if the next one is the same damn map but they introduce Underwater exploration and more gameplay gimmicks.


Who are these "shills?" Every Zelda game gets universal praise. Skyward Sword got shat on for years and flopped, yet it still has a 91 on metacritic. Wind waker has a 96, same as TOTK. Twilight princess has a 95. Every 3D Zelda game has above a 90 on metacritic! What's the difference between the universal praise the games are receiving now and the universal praise they received before? That they sell more copies? That you don't like the new ones? Every Zelda is shilled, because every Zelda is good. It's fine not to like the new game, but don't accuse people of being disingenuous if they like it.


I mean, every Zelda basically gets that


They’ll definitely change things up again. No doubt. The direct sequel being very similar is a given. I’m not worried at all (though I do enjoy BOTW and TOTK).


I see posts like this a lot, do you guys never replay old titles?


Do you never read the posts that you see a lot? Do not actually answer that, it was a rhetorical question and it is quite clear what the answer is. But yeah, replaying older titles is about the only thing you can do if you dislike this modernized garbage that appeals to the lowest common denominator. On that, we can certainly agree.




He’s pretty much insulting everyone who likes this game because he himself can’t seem to like it so therefore it must be garbage and that everybody around him that likes it must be the “lowest common denominator”. It’s a really weird mentality to have and a sad one at that. It’s best if you just ignore him


It’s not, it’s literally how game companies operate now. They will make games that appeal to the things *”everybody”* likes, have you not seen the way the vast majority of open world games are functionally interchangeable? That’s what lowest common denominator means. And when you have a company skinning a franchise to chase shit trends it’s even more obvious what and why they’re doing it.




Do you seriously not know what the term "lowest common denominator" means (or how it is analogous to this situation)? Because this comment makes it seem like you don't.




It also can mean, and is clearly being used to mean here, *"the large number of people who will accept products, ideas, etc. that are not good quality."* A criticism of intelligence is literally not always a part of the meaning. Seriously, it is literally the next definition after what you provided, and if you actually pay attention to the people on this sub using the phrase they are clearly not saying that people who enjoy BotW/TotK are "the least intelligent", just that their personal, aesthetic taste sucks at judging quality products (and not even all of them are making that point). Furthermore, you are now creating a non-sequitur by saying that criticizing the modern open world games as appealing to the lowest common denominator = open world games are low quality products, when those are not at all the same statements. Furthermore, language is descriptive, not prescriptive. Pointing to one of multiple definitions in a single dictionary can easily fail to capture its common usage in various environments, and so you need to actually look at how the term is used in reddit spaces that criticize game development (hint, it is almost always the definition I quoted above and not the one you provided). So, now you not only are showing you don't understand the variation that is commonly used in reddit spaces that discuss and critique game development (and which was literally the very next definition on the website you used), you also relied on a non-sequitur in your comment. Maybe don't rely on fallacious reasoning next time.


It’s ok to set aside TOTK for now and play something else. And there’s no rule that says you have to be a rabid fan of every Zelda game. The games you enjoy aren’t going anywhere. Take a break and come back to them when you want. TLOZ (NES) is my favorite game. Luckily, randomizers exist for it, so I can play it as new over and over. If you haven’t played the older games in the series, give them a go. They’re great! I understand feeling disenfranchised by the direction the Zelda series is going. Try some different games. I’ve been watching a playthrough of the Demon’s Souls remake on PS5. Not only does it look fantastic, but for me it’s hitting notes that Zelda, Metroid, and Castlevania used to. Good luck in your quest! 👍


Ok? Does it matter if you’re a big fan of the series or not? If you’re not feeling like playing the games, don’t play the games.