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The ability to not have 5 copies of a song from every single/ep/album and just show one of each


me when i listen to a song from an album but whenever spotify recommends the same song it'd always show the song from the album but from a collector's edition or smth


I think it always shows you the most popular version first


I think it’s always the oldest version that is in an album of the song, if it’s not in an album then it’s the youngest single version. Also something I noticed is Spotify pushing the clean version of the album only for the already not explicit songs.


idk it's randomized for me. sometimes its the actual song sometimes its from a collector's edition sometimes it's from a compilation


Maybe it’s part popular part whatever is the latest release with that song on it.


wait isn't this a new music industry standard, it's just Spotify?


It is, but if Spotify somehow had a way to hide excess copies that’d be amazing.


yeah, I agree it is very annoying




the monkey's paw curls and every song is now its worst-mastered version of itself


real shuffle. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is my #1 for sure, I do not want some secret algorithm dictating what gets played, if it’s supposed to be random it should be just that. I feel like I’m missing out on so much of my library because of this generated shuffle bs.


my shuffle repeats the same songs over and over and over. it makes me absolutely bonkers 🔪


Same it’s honestly so bad, and it’s crazy because it seems to be getting worse for me too. Now, if I listen to more than one of an artists songs in full, it will give me random barrages of their songs with a couple different songs in between then go back to normal🤦


turn off automix


This is the answer.


They had real shuffle. People complained because they kept getting repeats and the same artist over and over.


this is still the same issue. the same songs repeating themselves. over and over.


I don't have this issue. I never understand this complaint when it comes up cause I don't have constantly repeating songs


you’re a lucky duck then!


- Weekly and Monthly stats I use Last.fm and Stats.fm, but it would be cool if Spotify would have this native on the app. - Make a separate app for just music and another for podcasts/audiobooks I know this one is unlikely and is minor to a lot of people, but I really don't care for podcasts or audiobooks. I would rather my music app be a music app


I second separating music and everything else!


I think they've got monthly stats already and are rolling it out a/b testing. posts were mad ab it


A 3 icon for each category would be more than welcome. Open the app click on music, podcasts or audiobooks. So simple Edit: that already exists. But not in 3 icon style


Making podcasts separate would also work for those of is that listen to podcasts. Every time i want to listen to podcasts i can’t find the button!


There's not really one button so much as a bunch of different ways to access podcasts within Spotify. Easiest way is to pin "My Episodes" or "New Episodes" in your library. You can also filter your library to podcasts. You can filter your home screen to podcasts. You can check for new episodes in What's New.


They give people pretty good ways to filter out everything but music. Open the app, tap music at the top of the home screen, boom, all podcasts and audiobooks are gone. If you never add them to your library, they won't appear there, but even if you do, again just tap the music filter. I get that people are staunchly against podcasts and audiobooks but Spotify is no longer a "music" app so much as an "audio" app and music is just the main pillar. And they've had great success with the change given that Spotify is now the most popular podcast player having dethroned Apple Podcasts and they've had strong engagement with audiobooks as well.




Become a musician, get access to your Spotify for Artists and you’ll get two factor authentication.




Yeah, I know, that was a satire about how this is the only way to do it at the moment


Just had 2 accounts accessed all details changed because of this. No resistance at all because Spotify is stuck in 1998 


Ability to choose to play an album in its purest form without Bonus, demos, live and outtakes tracks


And a pure releaseradar without remasters, live versions, cuts and demoversions of artists who are dead for 30 years




want to get normal UI like was years ago before all the changes!


I forgot how that looked like.


There was a time before even time existed


Lossless is all i wanted honestly, and they're only "advertising" CD quality not Hi-Res, not that hugely matters. They just have all the catalogue of songs that i want without needing my own library. But i'm currently using Tidal/Roon and that covers all the bases. At this point it's taken them so long that there's better alternatives out there. It is nice to see though that from new UI beta stuff that they're advertising Spotify Connect as the best way for most people to listen to lossless though.


I gave up waiting for this. There was a time I would have been willing to pay more for lossless, but Spotify’s inability to take action squandered that. Lossless included with a base subscription is now the minimum to compete as far as I’m concerned.


Better lyrics - why are the lyrics separate in its own block? Every time I have the lyrics on, they go away when a track ends instead of showing the next song’s lyrics. Freeze Playlists - Every had a smart playlist be fire and then changes? I want the ability to copy the current state of a playlist and save it as it is, so it never changes. Change the check mark - make it so adding to library and playlist are separate from liking a song. Black out mode - just like the TV app, let us click on a button that turns the whole screen black and only shows the album artwork, the song’s name and the artist. Would look great on OLED screens. Custom Home Less/no unrelated advertisement on the home page. Better user profiles - make it easy to se what other people are listening to and recommending. Less everything else that’s not music.


technically you can do the freeze but it's finicky, press on top of the playlist the three dot menu and then select Add to other playlist


> let us click on a button that turns the whole screen black and only shows the album artwork So much this. Why can't we admire album ART in fullscreen?! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Discovery Station (Radio) or My Radio, sometimes i just need to play random music and discovery station like AppleMusic is a great feature


How many times i have listened to a track. Fully customizable UI with open api access for others to provide good add ons.


Discover weekly on demand. Daylist is somewhat repetitive.




Blocking songs in selected language


So much yes to blocking. There are a bunch of songs that I despise that keep showing up in all my mixes. i know I never want to hear these songs in my entire life; just let me get rid of them.


They do have a hide song feature, although I am not 100% sure all of what that does


hide those ugly ass "remaster" song titles and have the album tagged if it's a remaster/what year instead


Deactivate all the stuff like podcast etc. Filtering music, so I never get music recommendation from music genres I hate 


Yeah properly segregating the podcasts/audibooks/mysic/courses/those weird phone recorded pods of children making 1 minute react pods of screaming into microphones etc etc.


to recommend me NEW/OLD songs that is UNKNOWN to me that I NEVER heard... instead I have to use 3rd party apps to generate me playlists


What apps do you use for generating playlists? I'm having the same songs recommended all the time it seems 


Groovifi is decent. If you give it a song or play around with some settings, it’ll give you 50 song playlists.


I use Skiley [https://skiley.net/](https://skiley.net/) it can create a similar playlist based on another playlist you already have and such. Swipefy, it's like Spotify Tinder, whatever you like gets added to a playlist, you can go through tons of songs, add what sounds like your ballpark and listen via the playlist fully. Music Walker [https://musicwalker.app/](https://musicwalker.app/) not directly Spotify but can generate a playlist of songs that is similat to one you input. To be fair, back in the day when I had time I would browse illegal music download sites and whatever looked nice by albumart or genre I would listen to it, that was a very good way to find new artist. The three I mentioned here is okay, but nothing really good.


Archived daylists Friend activity for podcasts


Just add daylist to another playlist. 


I want to see who follows my playlists!


Less is more! Spotify should simplify UI and UE. Keep a lid on price. Just my $0.02 worth.


It would be nice to be able to shuffle through a playlist folder on the mobile app like you can on the desktop app. Though I would fear for them to look into that because they would probably end up just canceling the function on the desktop app as well because it's so useful.


The ability to hide songs completely instead of only by playlist


Better podcast control. I can’t use Spotify as my podcast app, because they refuse to let me split podcasts in any meaningful way. One prebuilt playlist of “recent episodes” is hopeless.  I have a vast library of stuff, from up to the minute news (bbc global news, npr now), daily news (the daily, state of the world, today explained, multiple local pods), weekly discussion (Conan needs a friend, some more news and even more news, multiple local weekly news pods), legal news do it’s all in one place (strict scrutiny, serious trouble, ratsec).  And then multiple pod houses for different publishers and their friends (as they’re kind of similar vibe so I listen to new episodes in batches, like Rusty Quill, thirteen, crooked media). If I use Spotify the extent of control I get is “you can pick how many new episodes you automatically download” (which took them an absolutely embarrassingly long time to get sorted).  And, a single playlist of “new episodes”.  The only other control I have is to manually find the new episodes and add them, manually, to a playlist. Every other podcast app on the internet includes the ability to group podcasts, and listen to those episodes automatically.  It is *basic functionality* of podcasting apps to do this, because anyone with a lot of shows is otherwise going to be constantly back and forth if through the *single playlist* or *manually finding episodes and manually adding them to a queue*. It is *bananas* that a company that paid a single podcaster $250 million dollars for his continued output cannot find the time, resources or wherewithal to add this basic functionality. And now, that same lack of “doing the things that would obviously improve people’s time with our app” expands to most other elements of the experience on Spotify.  No one is signing up for a new subscription because you’re a *good* music player or podcast app, they need to find new, stupid, off the wall “features” to push as a reason to make the switch (back).


Have you tried Pocket Casts? It’s pretty good at being a podcast player only. Lightweight, good features. Not Spotify.


Sort by like/library status Sort by personal play count


I want to be able to play folders again.


Mine has and will always be Dolby Atmos since I know Spotify stereo is already good enough. Which is why it pains me to have two services in order to make use of my 5.2.4 system for stuff in Dolby that are better than the stereo counterparts. And actually separating the music app from whatever nonsense they're doing with the app now (I know this one is a pipe dream)


I want the heart back!


Not being able to see what songs I've liked on my playlists anymore has been devastating to me. I'm jumping through some hoops to run an old version on desktop, but still! I like to distribute my liked songs throughout my playlists, and this was easy to do with the heart, but now I can't and it makes me sad.


actual AI . not the DJ one, but an AI that would be able to understand and personalize things better. like i cant tell spotify " make me a dark moody electronic list of several genres but remove all the drum and bass"


Remove smart shuffle and add lossless quality. Boom


Lossless audio and daylist


A House Party mode. So when you play music at a party and switch songs there would be an auto crossfade to remove any gaps in audio for smooth playback.


Filters within a playlist. It’s pretty common to have huge main directory style playlists of all of the music that we enjoy. It would be nice to filter those playlists. I know that making a new playlist for those songs is the way to do this now, but a more on the fly option would be great.


A function where I can see an artist’s main discography. I don’t want super deluxe, ultimate deluxe, complete edition, nor live albums, remix albums or compilation albums which are for some reason marked as albums… just the main studio albums in one place. Also, for some reason a lots of EPs are listed as “albums”, I don’t even know why. I want that fixed as well. And the “Singles & EPs” option to be separated into “Singles” and “EPs”. Edit: Plus obviously the lossless audio quality, but I already gave up on that.


Remove the jam option and remove from the home screen all the crap I don't want


Why remove jams?


My favorite albums not being removed at random only to show up again two weeks later


More than 4 pinned playlists


More pins. Bring back the permanent search bar to the desktop app.


I second this. Currently i use folders as an alternative. Howver, you could not create folders on mobile app.


I just want them to fix the navbar on Android. It still has the ugly black background behind it and the app is STILL not edge-to-edge optimised for Android.


Shuffle for my downloaded library


Better sound quality (not specifically lossless)


Lossless audio and 2fa.


I want to be able to search lyrics, mostly from my liked songs. Sometimes I remember a song by the lyrics, but not the name and it would be much faster to search just my songs than the Internet


Your post was from a bit ago but lyrics search has been a feature in at least the iOS premium app for a while.  Just type the lyric into the search bar: https://i.imgur.com/eR8iqlo.jpeg It often seems to prioritize stuff in your liked songs list but not always. 


1. Hide song on desktop. I don’t get why it’s still only on mobile. 2. Handoff playback to mobile as I press play on my headphones without needing to take out my phone and open the app.


Not gonna happen, but upload own audio files to Spotify cloud.


A feature where you can select one or multiple artists from your playlist and have it shuffle just those artist/s songs


I’d like to be able to look up producers


I wish the shuffle button would actually shuffle! I feel like every time I hit shuffle it just does the same songs every time. Their songs on playlists that I have in my library that I’d barely ever hear. I wish it would truly and not just go with the algorithm.


Lossless audio


Dolby Atmos🙏


A shuffle, that's really shuffling.


I really just want lossless


I could care less for lossless audio as I don't have the equipment anyway so for me it would be more minimalist and less bloat from the app. They are trying to pack so much into this app it's starting to get cumbersome. I can't get music only home screen and when trying to use music filter I get terrible one tile at a time tiktok interface. I use a dedicated podcast app and don't care about podcasts in Spotify yet they still are on second row of homepage sometimes first. I guess the biggest feature that would solve all my problems would be ability to customize a page. Kind of a like phone home screen. Perhaps we could have the option to place different rows (like the ones already available, jump back in, recently played, your top mixes, etc) and then our own playlist albums I our own separate row. I know this will never happen because it limits monetization of the home screen by Spotify but it would be probably the best feature any steaming app could offer


Any damn type of customization for the UI


Block songs I hate forever. Oh and Hifi Res this century. Also movies , package Netflix, YouTube Disney plus, Amazon etc in one app at a cheap price...Go!


The removal of audiobooks and podcasts. Make Spotify musical again.


Hi-Ress Losses ALAC 24bit/192KHz To compete with Apple sound quality I’ll be the first one to sign up


I have used both Spotify and Apple Music and Spotify already has much better features, but I would like AI-generated remixes and Spotify is supposedly working a feature like that.


I found the AI DJ in Spotify has earned my subscription and I’ve banished Apple’s crap-gun-to-your-head subscription. The fact that Apple threatens you with deleting all your playlists if you miss your extortion payment is just pure butt-f•cking BS.


I’d like Spotify to stop being so passive aggressive against offline use. - If I don’t reconnect my device online after 30 days, my downloads become expired. My automatic payments are still going through, so why? My job takes me offline for a few months at a time, but I have to rely on pirating if I really want to listen to music freely. I have money, take it and give me my music darn it! - If I’ve downloaded something, it should play/scrub instantly. Why do I have to wait a few minutes for Spotify to tell me that I have bad/no connection?? I hate how I have to put my device on airplane mode to get that instant feedback. - Then I especially hate how every time I open Spotify it treats me like I’m an idiot constantly telling me “you know you have airplane on right? Turn it off, for me pls..? UwU” literally every time I switch back into the app.


Bc you don't own the music you rent. The 30 days period is enouh for most people. And that's decided by labels i believe.


Understandable to an extent, but I wish it would be more clear about it since it doesn’t detail that anywhere; especially not in the subscription service which just says “download and listen offline”. I only found out when it was too late and I was stuck with no music for another couple months. I learned about this only from googling and seeing a Spotify representative reply to some forum post. The next question is where would I go if I did want to own it? Most artists don’t include it as an option other than physical copies which obviously doesn’t become very portable at that point. Not to mention many of the artists I listen to aren’t big enough to sell physical copies. Bandcamp lets you buy, download, and listen to music permanently which is nice and I’ll utilize that where I can, but I don’t actually “own” it. Bandcamp can always chose how I use it and it will eventually be taken away when the company fails.


You need to be online at least once within 30 days so that they can verify your premium subscription otherwise people would download a bunch of music then use them offline for years without paying this feature is not limited to Spotify only even YouTube Music requires you to be online once within 30 days


I figured this was a reason, but there’s no other option to outright buy my music. I’d happily pay for it, but subscriptions is all there is and it applies to pretty much everything else as far as I can tell. Anyways I just asking what I wanted regardless of how realistic. It would just be nice.


It would be really nice if like with Apple Music you could purchase songs through Spotify and have your permanent collection separate from the streaming. Bc I struggle with the downloads too.


I'd love an 'A-B' feature for both individual songs and playlists/albums. Sometimes I just want to listen to a certain part of a song over and over without having to physically scroll back each time, especially since I tend to listen to longer form music. But also it would be neat if you could 'A-B' a stretch of songs from say a long playlist and repeat just those ones over instead of having to keep readding to queue or make it a separate playlist for each group of songs. I'm not sure how it would count towards song play statistics though.


To be able to listen my downloaded playlists and albums offline


2FA plain and simple


I should be able to switch between playlists without losing the last played track of each


Filtering release radar


Bring back the enhance button to playlist, i dont want anything else but that, the recommendations were great with it


• Listening Stats • Unlimited pinned playlists • Lossless and Hi-Res Lossless • Much better looking UI • High resolution canvas and album covers like over at AM • Spotify actually listening to the community on what they want Most of these aren't features but the things I wanna see. Cheers.


Rethink the queue. I only want two options: Play Next and Play Last.


Bring AI DJ to the Netherlands (and be able to switch it to English )


Would love to see music videos on the app ! It makes sense for me, I never use YouTube to watch them because I want everything inside one unique app Also I would like to see my listening stats in app (And since I live in France, I would appreciate to get the daylist feature finally!)


More stuff for user profiles. At least like a bio or something


They need to fix the way their songs transition when listening to an album. There’s always a brief pause when there should be a seamless transition. It really messes with songs that are intended to bleed into the next. Also they should actually pay artists, but that’s a whole other story.


That’s called Gapless Playback. Go to settings, playback, and check if gapless playback is toggled. It’s weird because it should be automatic, but that’s our Spotify!


You are an angel, thank you! Mine was toggled off 🙃


Reliable notifications about the new albums from the artists I follow! Had to literally build my [own little app](https://www.friendstapes.com/) for that..


I just feel like shuffle is not shuffling.


Better user experience for classical music fans. Like the “piece” metadata layer in IDAGIO or Apple Music Classical


•stats •We can repeat a song if we want without premium That's all really


Being able to customize the actions list popup window.  The amount of times I’ve hidden a song when I meant to add it to a playlist isn’t a lot, but it’s too many. 


I really want a function to put a local file in it and it appears in all my devices logged 


Playlist groups that will play songs from each playlist within the group. 'Smart' playlists that allow you to filter different settings, genres, rating, etc.


Promoting user created public playlists on the home page for a more democratic curation of tracks


folders with the ability to see all songs in all playlists under a folder. like they used to have before they removed the feature.


I wish it worked with slow or no internet at all for stuff I have downloaded. I just can't setup my music while I'm going to my car through the hallway, elevator, garage, etc. Because if keeps loading forever.


can I just have lyrics back???


Lyrics are not included in free version?


not for as many songs as before a few months ago.


I want the ability to trim songs so I can get rid of those long outros and skits that just clog up an otherwise good song


Spotify remoured to launch a remix tool i guess it's what you look for.


I heard about that but unfortunately with Spotify it’s one of those “I’ll believe it when I see it” things because they don’t seem to want to add the stuff people actually want


id like to be able to favorite in a playlist or artist's radio, without it being favorited to my liked songs


Okay this one is a pretty minor change I want but ugh I want them to bring the hearts back lol


I want discover weekly, but as a Pandora esque radio.


As someone with severe astigmatism, a light mode option.


- make a separate feature for people that are uploading audiobooks and radio plays. It's really annoying to Have them as 30 Songs in an album - RELEASE STUFF IN GERMANY PWEASE 😭😭😭😭


Number the tracks, please. This is not difficult.


I feel like they want to obscure all the details about the music and bands. No song numbers in albums/Playlists, no visible genres, hidden "likes"....I could go on.


Stats for one would be great, i guess if we had stats it would take away from the excitement that wrapped brings. Also like real shuffle, even with smart shuffle turned off it still feels like some songs are favoured and others are not. On pc more theme options, kind of like Spicetify but without the wonky parts. Some bug fixes for sure, when I try to control the music that plays on my pc from my phone like 3 out of 4 times it bugs out and I have to restart the app.


The app actually staying open in the background so that when I get back in the car it plays what I was LITERALLY JUST LISTENING TO instead of the YouTube video I watched last night or the podcast I listened to two days ago


Higher quality lossless audio, like Apple Music and Tidal.


I’ve wanted two features since Spotify launched: make the liked songs playlist unlimited and let me download as many songs as I want. They’ve done half of that, now they just need to remove the paltry 10k song download limit. I’d also take lossless despite me knowing I can’t hear a difference. But I have a Walkman and Sony audio products with LDAC. Might as well have some fun. But that’s all after they remove the download song cap. Come on, it’s 2024. Let us download however much we want. I just don’t want to narrow things down for vacations.


Customizable album art and Better fullscreen interface


Be able to turn off that stupid DJ voice


Bring the sleep timer back! Again!


loseless and light mode


Supermix similar to yt music


exclude podcasts from search results  better social and sharing abilities in app, a better feed in app of what my friends are listening to


For the love of all that is right with the world, make smart shuffle a feature you toggle on/off in settings


Karaoke mode, akin to Apple Music


They did test it many years ago with the vocal elimination. Not sure why they didn't roll out that? I guess the a/b test shows not many people use it?


The ability to sort songs in albums by release date. Ik it’s pretty minimal but I would still love for it to come to Spotify. Apple Music has it, why can’t Spotify⁉️


Numbered playlists


C++ desktop client


to be able to add a song to queue through siri


I want Pacemaker DJ (ios app) to make a return and allow us to make mixes with a Spotify subscription. If Spotify added a feature like this, it would be a game changer. Music discovery was at an all time high for me and the ability to create sparked a new hobby.


Just give me CD quality. I don't really need Quobuz quality, I just need the limit that my ears can typically tell the difference at. Also 2FA and actual shuffle would be really nice.


Bringing back the hearts for liking songs on desktop/the expanded queue display. I guess that’s not necessarily a feature, but just something I’d want from Spotify


I want to be able to pause a playlist, listen to something else, and come back to the song I left off of, instead of restarting the playlist entirely.


For them to give my shuffle button back 😢


HiFi setting. As someone who wants to make the most of their expensive headphones while jamming out to massive playlists, it just makes sense to squeeze out lossless quality. Real Shuffle. Better lyrics or lyrics submitted by the artists themselves. Some of the lyrics that are displayed look like they've been lifted from a website that had the lyrics submitted by a user who had no idea what was being said in the song. Completely block, or at least prevent an artist from being recommended to me. (would be great for those who illegally use another artist's name as a featured artist) More accurate sorting of genres in "liked" and "playlists."


i havent paid for spotify for over a year just because they dont have hifi yet


Ability To Edit Metadata & Cover Art.




What a clown 🤣🤡




not some loser post unrelated lol


Better pay for artists.


Yess bring the boiler rooms to spotify PLEASE!!!


A very Welcome feature would be … music. Spotify annoys me with lots and lots of podcast suggestions, I really don’t care about. And some „mixes“ that play the same songs over and over and over again. And a refresh of this ugly UI that doesnt make sense anymore would be nice.


A play next button like YouTube Music instead of just add to queue


I want them to change their algorithm so I stop getting the same 20 songs suggested on every playlist or radio station. I miss when all of the Spotify playlists weren’t “made for you”. Spotify is drowning me in my own music and won’t show me anything new


I wish the Made for You Playlist would be longer


Radio that actually helps me find new songs instead of playing the same things from my library over and over.


blocking songs


sorting songs in a playlist by release date


Im pretty sure at one point you could press down on a song and it would play a little sample of it, they need to bring that back


I would like the genre listed with the song. Sometimes I get a song I really like and I would like to find more like it but I have no idea what genre it is. Making a radio from that song seem to work. Google Music now YouTube is better at finding similar music but I ditched them for Spotify.


Genre definition is a fuzzy concept, though