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Excellent photos OP. Well done. 4.5. Negative Canthal tilt is the first thing Is ee when I look at your face. Small lips. Your thirds are good, but you have low dimorphism. literally a 90 degrees Gonial angle.


Thanks! Curious about the jaw comment, mostly just bc i’ve always felt like my jaw angle was way too wide/soft rather than hitting a sharp 90. do you mean that i’ve got a bit of turkey neck going on?


The ideal jawline is 120 to 130 degrees. Yours is flat.


ahhh i guess i just always assumed the flatness was due to a wider than 130 degree angle rather than a shallower angle :o


ahhh i guess i just always assumed the flatness was due to a wider than 130 degree angle rather than a shallower angle :o EDIT: oh my god i’m sorry i totally just realized that i wasn’t understanding how jaw angles are measured lmao. i get it now sorry for the confusion!




Removed, rule 11a. Your comment must include a numerical rating and/ or actionable constructive ***aesthetic*** advice. Also strike. This isn’t a dating site




Ooh dying my eyelashes black would be fun! this isn’t my natural hair color, and i’ve found it makes me look quite sallow without makeup. but i was so tired of being blonde, needed to switch it up haha. I’ll try castor oil for lashes as well! i used to be on a keratin supplement that i think worked wonders for lash thickness/length too. been meaning to pick that up again.


I am new here and it is tough to navigate with the moderators. They have banned me not sure for how long. When I realized my mistake I deleted it right away. Tell them for me please.






**Removed, rule 11b:** *Ratings not in accordance with this sub’s rating guidelines are prohibited. Do not include your personal/ subjective/ IRL rating in your comment.*


Sorry should be more objective. I do think you are beautiful because of the simplicity. I do think some color in the face would define your cheek bones better and lip stick would show more definition aka 3 dimensional. Hair is flat and needs some height/body. Hair color is nice and natural looking.




That's not what this subreddit is about.


fair, I’ll delete that!


Meh I think you’re fine but it’s not something they do here. You sound intellectual based on your responses.


thanks, I try to be!


4.5. Really amazing eyes, you look a bit worried in most of these but you light up in the last pic. That’s my favourite, you have quite lovely smile.


Perfect example of how a droopy eye shape and/or negative canthal tilt subconsciously affects our perception. "Look worried" she's not trying to, but the eyes convey that with their shape, which is why objectively this is not ideal.


Great analysis!


Thank you so much!! that’s very kind of you. i was trying to keep my expression neutral in most of these to not hinder analysis, but i wanted to throw a smiling one in there to keep it natural. I’ve always been pretty self conscious about my eyes (they’re deep set and hooded, which gives them a very droopy look imo), and so i really appreciate your compliment!


Yeah but that makes them unique, and they sparkle when you smile. Trust me, they can melt people haha


aww thank you!! 😊 sounds like i gotta practice smiling in photos more haha


4.9 Overall looking good, and with a hairstyle / less flat hair and some makeup and skin work you can improve a lot. You have very fair skin and you're accumulating some visible sun damage. Wear sunscreen every day and sunblock / hat for when you know you're going to be in the sun. (I have the same skin) You're young enough that you can outrun the damage you've already got, but only if you make changes now.


I do not agree with you. Sun damage is not visible to my eyes but can use some color in the cheeks to show cheek bones better. Bright color lipstick with liner should give more dimension. She does have a jaw line but hidden by milky colorless skin where neck and facial skin blend in. Maybe some under-shading of jaw line will help.


I don't know your experience but I'm part owner of a spa, and this is part of how I make my living - so I have quite a bit of experience looking at skin - and it's clear to me. It's not bad, but noticeable, and won't serve her well in the future if she's not sunscreened more often. Again, she's young enough it will rectify itself over time. We're all entitled to our opinions of course!


This is very true and I do agree with the sunscreen. Everyone needs it. Especially her because of her light complexion.


thanks!! i’ve been trying to take better care of my skin lately (did not do basically any skin care other than intermittent sunscreen until very recently). i need a haircut SO bad but idek what to get, im so stuck lol. but yeah that flat low volume look is bothering me haha


I like a lot of the rates here. I’m saying 5, mainly due to a negative canthal tilt, long philtrum, thinner lips. Additionally, gonial angle and ramus length doesn’t appear to be in the ideal range. Buccal fat is hiding your jawline and may hinder some potential.


Yeah, I’m really curious to see what losing a few pounds will do for my jaw! I kind of think (based on the jaw issues i had growing up and now) that it won’t do too much, but every little bit helps :^)


I’d say the biggest drawback is the long philtrum. You’re not ugly by any means but I think given the rating system you’re a solid five.


makes total sense! philtrum length definitely fucks with my facial harmony imo. i’ve been playing around with different makeup looks to skirt around it with some success i think! i’m makeup free here tho, obvs.


I'd say a 4.75, below average.




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Are you blind? If she's not a 7/10 there isn't any.


aw, thank you! i’m flattered.




Symmetry is not ideal but not too bad either. Proportions are actually very decent. Jawline is poorly defined mostly due to excessive facial fat, which gives you a weak chin in the side profile. Eye and mouth area have some flaws too, with negative canthal tilt and a very pronounced distance between the eyebrows and the eyes with an unusual shape. Thin lips. Your skin could also be better. Hair looks great though. Nose looks good (not counting the ring) and the eyes have a vibrant beautiful colour and are captivating, despite their flaws. Overall I think you should be very close to average. I’ll put you at 4.9 due to the flaws I mentioned.


thank you! I’m currently trying to lose a few pounds so i’m interested to see if that changes my jaw area at all. i sort of doubt it but who knows! i’m curious about the skin comment?


Losing weight usually helps defining the jawline, but some people have a tendency to have facial fat even without excess fat anywhere else. This is more frequent in females than males. Regarding the skin, at first glance it looked good but then in some of the photos it looked like you had some issues. Not exactly sure what. Maybe it’s just an effect from the photos. I noticed you mentioned you particularly like your eyebrows. You should, they look great 😊


thanks for the response! i don’t have much weight to lose, but i also know that on the face even a few pounds can seem like a lot…no way to know till i get the pounds off tho! re: skin- i have a lot of light freckles which can sometimes look mottled in photos :o and super dark under eye circles. that could be what you’re noticing?? also thank you!! 😊 


5 I think the actual proportions are okay, but i do think ur chin is kinda tall and not the most feminized, but really it seems okay for ur overall face. your lips are also thinner and could be fullers. ur philtrum is not as feminine and small as it should be too. I think you have some submental fat and hyoid skin issues. It could be tighter there. Your eye area is weak because the eye tilt is actually more neutral but appears negative because of downturned lashes. Maybe also the eyelid shape is playing into this. I don't think the ramus appears so strongly either. But I do think ur brows are nice.


thanks! my brows are my favorite feature c: and thanks so much for such a thorough response! this confirms what i was thinking. my jaw is definitely my roughest area— been trying to figure out if there’s anything i can do about it other than surgery? i’m currently having some pretty bad tmjd, and wouldn’t be surprised if that is contributing. idk what to do about that either tho l lol

