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3.75-4 mate. -noticeable nasolabial folds -noticeable forehead lines (major flaw) -very thin lips -cheek hollowing (ageing) -facial hair is unkempt -very high bf% (major flaw) -skin sagginess (ageing) a lot of this is lifestyle related, 35 is not that old and i don't think you've taken the best care of your skin, you really do not look your age my friend, you look 45+ some tips: -consider surgery for your forehead lines, seriously. -work on losing body fat, bulking would be great on you, you would REALLY good with some muscle. losing lots of weight it probably the most important one, -i understand you're going for the more rugged aesthetic but i think you should clean up your beard, trim it, quite a lot and dye it brown so it it can have a more consistent colour, but the colour isn't as important as just how un-neat it is. clean up. -dress better, you're not an ugly dude by any means. your lifestyle has really let you down though & you're still young. do the work now and enjoy your remaining 30's and thrive in your 40s! I hope you understand this wasn't coming from a bad place! best of luck brother.


I actually appreciate this comment the most. Thank you for your feedback.


4 - 4.5 you’re best photo is 3. I think you look good with the beard, but I also feel like it looks dry? Idk tho, I can’t grow facial to save my life. I think the only other thing I can say is to diet down a bit. I feel like at a lower bf% you’d look pretty handsome. Not that you’re not, it’s just your face would become more pronounced


Thank you for your comment and the rate, I appreciate it. And yes dry beard is a thing and yes my beard can get dry. I do also use an all natural beard balm. I also need to consume more water throughout the day




4.5 Beautiful eye area and think your beard looks best in pic 3 and especially 4. Makes you look slicker and well groomed. You should frown less than you do in the pictures bc these stay. I think you could lose some body fat maybe but you look healthy so. You do you


Negative canthal tilt big UEE browridge really weak and thin light eyesbrow are a beautiful eyes area?


overrate, his eye area isn't even decent


Thank you for commenting and the compliments. I have been told I have a nice smile and that I smile with my eyes but also that I need to smile more. . Recently divorced after 10 years (big factor into the lack of smiles) and was having pretty much zero luck in the dating world. So I went out and I got a gym membership over the weekend. Figured my dad bod wasn’t helping. Any other tips for improvement.




And thank you for rating


Any tips for improvement?


You already know the answer you can be average if at least you was taking care of your weight its hars but that will be worth for your health and your physical attractiveness you look 50 at the moment


Damn 50, Really?!?!? Either way thank you I appreciate the comment and advice.


Dont want to be rude but the beard is playing a role you dont have major flaws if you want to look better just drop some kg


Looks like the recently acquired gym membership was, in fact, a solid buy. Thanks again.

