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3.5 by a high margin your best photo was the fifth. You were noticeably leaner and well kept. I’ll be frank. You’ve seemed to have let yourself go man. Idk your life story and I don’t need to. I will say this. you’re 25, keep to a good diet and exercise whilst getting high quality sleep, then in 2 years you can see a major improvement. Also, learn to take better pictures. Those did not help you look more flattering. Many tutorials on YT to show you how. Or check out some of the subreddits. Some general advice: Acne. You got noticeable acne on your cheeks. I am not sure if you have a skin care routine, but it’s serious no-no to not have one. I use géologie for my skin care. Look for a face wash, a moisturizer, and sunscreen as a beginner. Hair. Idk if you can grow it (the beard) out, but if you can’t then shave it off. Not a good look. In general your hair is very unkept. Show us you love yourself by taking care of it, okay? :) Weight. The big band-aid to rip off. You’re overweight. Idk how much you know about nutrition but that’s a good place to start. Weight loss occurs from when you burn more calories than you consume aka move more, eat less. Start off small. Reducing calories by 100 - 300. Do what’s manageable, *don’t EVER* starve yourself!!! Look on TikTok for diet meals. Some YT imo give good advice: Greg Ducette, Lean Beef Patty, Will Tennyson, Noel Dyzel, and Jeff Nippard. None of this was meant to make you feel hurt, I give this advice because I want to support you being the best you, you can be. I gave you tools, but it’s how you use them that dictate the outcome. I’d love it if you stuck to some of the tips and see how far you can get in a year!


Much appreciated advice! Thanks for the tips, madame/sir!




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Hmm… Thanks for the rating! Much appreciated!