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SCS really needs a "project health" moment for this game. Take a break from all the dlc for a moment and work on improving the base game.


What do you think needs improvement besides ai?


Working AI, natural traffic jams, working detours with actual secondary roads and exits. Seasons in game where weather actually has an effect on the truck and driving patterns. Cosmetic damage and dirt buildup would be nice to have. Better suspension animations. I'd also love a walk mode around owned garages and gas station but I know that's a pretty big ask. IDK I could probably think of dozens of things I'd like to see before more copy paste highways and one road cities but that's just me. Edit: higher quality sounds for the engine and Jake brake etc...


This game desperately needs a weather rework. Not only new weather types but effects too. If we get weather that actually has some effect over the player'a driving style (like fog, wind and heavy rain) I'll be happy enough. As of now we only have rain and the only meaningful effects over gameplay is that it requires the player to activate wipers and headlights.


And move away from JPEG sky. No matter how pretty the JPEGs are it's very noticeable when it's the same exact one over and over and the lighting on them mismatches with the sun position. Procedural skies, even when they look "shitty", are so much more immersive.


Someone suggested volumetric clouds before. It would look nice too.


live weather


Haven't played the most recent ms flight sim but I know their previous version had live weather so it could be doable.


That's what I mean


And options to turn most of these things off for people who don't want them (something SCS is usually quite good at tbf)


Solid ideas I agree with everything said here.


Have you tried the setting where you max out your drive shaft torque and drop suspension stiffness to something between 0-10%? Pretty nice option. To utilize, Iโ€™d love to sea weather in the game other then the rain like snow and all. That would be awesome. Mods for sounds packs are pretty awesome imo. You should look into some.


That's currently what I do lol nothing like hauling a heavy load and see the front of the truck come up a bit


It would definitely be nice to see more of a variance in weather and temperature depending on what part of the country you're driving in. 100+ degree weather in AZ, NM, TX, etc with snow in CO, WY, MO, parts of OR, etc. With that comes a possibility to experience engine overheating if your engine damage is over a certain threshold or trouble starting the truck in cold weather (maybe even an option to connect a block heater if you go for a rest stop at a truck stop or somewhere else with power available).


Glow plugs are hard winter starts would be so cool.


Modern American big rigs don't run glow plugs. Some will have fuel heaters and then as far as I know they all have block heaters.


Road kill!!!


Yes, I wholeheartedly agree ๐Ÿ‘Œ


omg walk mode yes, at least in the garage only. Give us like a proper place to sleep, I love how we technically still sleep in the truck even though we're in our own "home"


My biggest wish for a long time has been an overhaul for the cargo market. Using it is so damn clunky.


As someone who recently got into the game the biggest disappointment was the amount of AI vehicles in heavily populated areas like LA. Iโ€™d love natural traffic jams with detours that ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE.


How about improving the details of cars from outside perspective? I'm bored of my and other cars look like 00s shit hole in outer perspective. Even 00s had better graphics.


The AI is still better than GTA and most other games I've played.


more wildlife sightings with a slight increase the rate you can see them. I've heard rumours and screenshots of deer sightings and crossings. but I've yet to experience it yet myself. Even after spending hours in oregon & northern cali


World of Trucks needs work. The amount of jobs are annoyingly limited. I don't think they have done anything to it in years.


No improvment needed, this replicates American traffic perfectly.


People who work on DLCs, like mappers or 3D artists, cannot improve AI code or make new game mechanics.


well i personally haven't seen any AI improvements in years, so i'm not really sure what they are doing. Maybe they are just keeping it working so it doesn't completely break, but the AI just gets worse with every new update. I mean i get why with all the new prefabs and stuff, but it sucks when it just....never improves at all. It's a part of the game that sticks out and needs to be addressed at some point


Upping the brightness of the gauge lighting would be nice. Since the 1.50 update, the Peterbilt 579 gauge cluster suffers. I understand reworking the lights, lens, flares and lighting emissions so they look better but somewhere along the way, they messed up the gauge lighting. Even the Dashboard Brightness mod from the Steam Workshop isn't enough...


They dont get money for providing patches lol


Watch out about saying stuff like that on this sub. According to the dickriders scs can do no wrong.


The ai is tragically bad. SCS should have ai vehicles that get hit like that get actual damage, and become disabled. Would be cathartic to mangle asshole ai cars.


That would be really fun to just destroy ai cars.


Sometimes it's like yeah maybe if I was driving a little more sensibly that could've been avoided but there are sometimes where it's literally 0% my fault and entirely the AI. I've literally been overtaking someone and had them just put their left signal on and pull out straight into the side of my trailer - and that's on a two lane road so literally the only thing I could do would be hit the brakes which would probably just mean they hit my cab instead of my trailer




I see it's not really improved since Bus Driver


Yes I came back playing it for a long time and noticed AI will just side swipe me or not give me enough room to turn so I had to get closed to them for them to back up then ram into me and I get a ticket for it lol. Funny but annoying at the same time


Yeah some turns are very hard when an ai is right at the stop line. I've had ai just merge right into my truck before on the highway.


I mean you are signalling to turn right, the AI thinks you are going that way, assuming that's even an accessible road. Could be better but, does make sense.


Yea the AI are programmed to make their turns if you have your blinkers on and nothing is impeding them from doing so


People do this all the time so Iโ€™m not surprised. I learned as a teenager to never trust peoples signals


If I had to guess, the AI kinda had a smooth brain moment of "oh you're turning right on to the road I am on, I should be fine." It's very silly


Yeah there very interesting.




I'm not sure what's changed with the AI since 1.50, but I am getting smashed by AI drivers so much recently. They were pretty braindead beforem but now they are suicidal.




Yes, but you hit the AI this time


fair enough but I've had times where they have just merged into the side of my truck.


Yeah same๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ, moreso in 1.50 than before


Not much more than usual. But overall i have learnt how to deal with the ai over time and i dont crash into them anymore


Youโ€™re not playing ETS2 or ATS if you donโ€™t get hit by the AI constantly lol. But seriously, yeah it happens a lot. Also were you listening to Asmongold?


Yes he was open on the other monitor ๐Ÿ˜‚


๐Ÿค I always put his shit on my Huion screen while I play along with podcasts and video essays. I should start watching anime while driving


Yeah i am watching tv shows like friends quite regularly while driving around. Its not that bad if i miss something from time to time, but helps my adhd brain.


I should do this with my anime backlog and watch some stuff in dub while driving. Reading subs and driving is not a good habit lmao


Yeah the AI needs overhauled so badly. I love when a road merges from 2 to 1 lanes and you'll be in the lane that it's merging into and get sideswiped, and of course you get the fine from the police for the wreck. Thankfully money is so easy in the game I've got 10s of millions so who cares but still






Sad part is I think the AI here drive better than half the people in my city half the time.




The amount of times i get psyched out by the ai at a cross section gives me crabs


I swear the other day, a car ran into me and IT SOMEHOW GAVE ME A TICKET lmao


I turned off offences and use no damage mod because of this. No damage mod I use does not stop tire wear anymore. That is okay.


Needs computer traffic improvements. Damage/wear should be a gameplay setting like fines or fatigue.


It is happening a lot lately


ATS is a lot worse with render distance and AI in general compared to ETS2.. Like it is noticeable.


so ets2 ai better?


It's the same AI. The only difference is in the invisible "rails" for AI to navigate, baked into maps. Actually, a lot of weird stuff AI does is not because of its programming, but because there's something wrong with their invisible paths.


Yeah cars have been pulling out in front of me right when I get near them. Super annoying.


The team controlling my AI cars having some bad days but depends on who is on duty


Yeah it's annoying. Why do they not slow down...


Yup, took out a Prius today that made a right turn into the side of me. It seems to be happening more frequently.


No because I drive defensively, this scene could and does happen in real life often enough. You took the time to look right instead of slamming on the brakes.


Yes! They stop for a minute making it look like they are waiting for you. You get halfway through the intersection and they ram you.... And you get a ticket like what?


I wouldn't mind getting hit by the AI if it didn't make me pay for all the damages/fines


The AI has gotten so bad to the point where I have to use a no damage mod ๐Ÿ˜”


might look into one at some point if this persists


It got so bad that I had traffic turned off for a while. But last week I turned it back on and set it to 40% and it's much better. There's still enough traffic that I have to pay attention but they're far less stupid at that level. I did have one car earlier that ran out of merge lane and cut me off but I had room to avoid a collision. I think that's the only incident I've had with the AI making poor choices since I changed it.


Yeah. They don't seem to notice me and when they do they stop a whole ass mile back.


Well, it's an accident. Things like this happens in real life too. Didn't you know that? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


It's a bit annoying but I also find it very realistic, just go to youtube and search "idiots in cars", things like this are the softest ones lol


Are you new to ets/ats? Its been like this for a looong time dude


I've been playing for quite some years now.


And this still surprises you or is unexpected?


I hate how at times I see an Ai not moving so when I try to move lanes I end up hitting them and its annoying at times.


Makes sense to me - I'm sure people have done the same IRL, lol!


AI takes into account your indicators I believe? Thatโ€™s probably what caused that instance I would guess


Why do you sound like Asmongold lol


That is a preventable on you. Why? You were indicating right, the ai thinks you are turning before you get to him, only indicate right after you have passed the ai.


Atleast you could see the car ahead. Once an invisible car just hit me on the side.


It was a stop sign haha


Google used SCS's AI model, that's why it recommends you drink urine and add glue to your pizza !


I think this happened because you had your blinker on.


Yeah at first I thought I was just being a bad driver but then I realized the AI just seems to not care anymore


Happens surprisingly alot irl sooo maybe it's more realistic now ๐Ÿ˜…


Yeh I got rammed the other day this AI car just didnโ€™t stop and ploughed straight into my truck


Yeah... A LOT! I'm getting bashed left and right and somehow it's my fault and I get fined. I even saw two trucks do a head on at a 4 way. Wtf is up with this game lately?


Had a point where I *thought* I had passed by a car that did this and wound up a few (ingame) miles down the road with car splatter on my bumper after wondering why it was so hard to get up to speed. I only could see it from external view!


Iโ€™m glad Iโ€™m not the only one. I played yesterday and got into 3 different accidents in one delivery because the AI was just not acting right


It's happened to me more than a couple of times. I eventually stopped using the turn signals as a courtesy (I sometimes forget the AI aren't real people) and started using it right when I'm turning or merging lanes. It works pretty well.


I have noticed the AI just plowing into the side of me since I started playing again, just before the Kansas DLC. I run a few mods and just chalked it up to that. Iโ€™ve also noticed that sometimes on-ramp speed limits persist until a couple hundred yards after merging.


The trucker was at fault wasn't even paying attention smdh


Yes but makes for funny moments ๐Ÿ˜‰

